Best Bits of Lethal Company with Matt, Ray, Chibi, Nagzz, Tina, and Cottontail Part 3

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today we're doing some lethal company it's not just with Ray chibi and nags though it is Ray chibi and nags and we're going to be playing with Tina and [Music] Cottontail Tina Tina oh yeah you owe me 10 Subs you spun the wheel I'm in the I'm in the punishment corner I drew you a picture what is it yo yo he said no a hot dog man with titties what that's what I'm going for did anybody do a penis oh dude n you were you were late you were late I'm late to the yeah we we made a way bigger penis than that I was the C it was I was the I we're not all of us can be dumb that ends up with most of us dead oh why think think we can no I mean we have to have at least like some like language skill right oh V engine W it's mine I jumped I jumped over a gap for that maybe I am dumb there there's one behind you there's one behind you just kidding you piece of [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you your [ __ ] boobies again wait what do you mean what are you talking about how do you it no no I would never do that I would never do that it's not working oh it's the other sh so stupid PE you using the right shift Dum and dum and Dumber true TW D and Tweedle dumb yeah idiot oh oh hell yeah hey what's up hell yeah dude p and see and Ray thought this was upsetting what the [ __ ] not worth it 100% worth it n it's you [ __ ] is that that's your what you that to boy yeah I mean I can still be your boy laugh dude uh she They're All Dead uh well not surprise got to get my boom box oh right of course uh where was it now it was this way I hear there she is oh R I got to get back she's about to die she's about to I got a gift she's about to die oh dude let's go hell yeah dude let's go all right let's here get back yeah we got to [ __ ] go you could do two how do you do yeah you got double fist it my favorite thing in the world is when everybody learns something and then we get to wait 15 minutes for Nags to learn it later the last I hate it it takes time to load dude boys go in the fire escape right uh boys go to I'm in hell yeah man boys go to fire escape they [ __ ] take the front door like losers they called me an [Laughter] insult you're not helping your case but I say they called me an insult yo we ins over here hell yeah boys that said I can join boys boys night yo I can't [ __ ] see [ __ ] it's so dark [ __ ] are the lights guys how do I open my eyes somebody might have tried to charge a key and we don't know where the light Swit hey hey it's over here right Matt did it yeah that was it I did it do it a third time charge no I didn't I've tried to charge my boom box was voice said so I can't stoping use the light from the electricity to find the lights I think it's like over here hold on find the lights yeah Tina keep the light please I literally can't it's right there surpr surprise I explained to Cotton about how you can get the in a bag at gas stations like what the [ __ ] is that we don't have those pickle in a bag like you got milk in a bag that doesn't sound like a real selling point by the way super salty normal a pickle in a bag or milk in a bag I'm contributing what the okay to fair when I was a kid when I go to the Nur am I right let [Laughter] go I back story there what was that well I was uh basically when I was a kid I used to lie to go to the nurse office and say I was sick to get a bag of ice so I could crunch it in the bag and eat it and I'm saying water in a bag hits different maybe milk in the bag is good and we had water fountains but I want to suck the water plastic bag I'm not I'm not surprised by what I just heard but oh my God uh we reached our CA by the way we reached our quota we're good I'm to get hungry that's smart babe oh it's not playing Christmas music anymore nah a dude [ __ ] who would still have their Christmas tree up uh I think this month is day so maybe some m music oh it just comes down I have a dream that's it it's his whole speech yeah it's the entire speech oh my God you're good at this post office is closed on Monday oh wait let me put let me put the flute in there all right play play the flute there something what I don't know don't worry are you putting the something the what wait play like she said what she said what yeah what all right I got to go this side okay okay had a couple A's though okay I'm I'm not going to look I don't I got it let's go I I can't Matt no don't do it thank you wait nice nice you know what to put you know what to put oh oh God Ma you know what to put what are you putting nothing these nuts in your mouth oh oh hell yeah thank you thank you hey yeah Al let me go grab green hey how long does it take you to how long does it take you to Ty coal [Music] like I don't know how to spell Michigan but do you still have Flint what the [ __ ] there go clean water where do I go follow me [Laughter] nice a classic I was going to S when I played this with my mom they lagged on top of each other doing the gritty and they couldn't move and it full on looked like they were having gay sex and it was really funny I need to I used to I used to work for online children's game that was animals and they would make the animals like jump on each other to try and mate and then we'd have to B them R came out of the vent oh I told you watch out what does it do what does it don't touch it don't touch it it suck you up what's wrong it's just like what my cat's been fearing for forever oh no I'm leaving I'm leaving oh hey cotton oh hey hey buddy oh I can jump guys there dogs outside there's dos outside there's dos door St I don't want to [Music] die happy puppy thank you note that you uh proudly saved chibi's body but you didn't even go look for mine Oh I thought you were in a pit no you guys were pretty far by the door I thought you were shadow look at this ready yeah I'm ready see I know how to jump be like where you going with this hey can you uh [ __ ] live and then you know wow I mean to be fair you have to know how to jump to jump into a pit making years wait it's good there's an FBI agent on Survivor well shouldn't he win he has a gun look at us real quick oh that's not great be that's going to be hard for them to get on the ship that's going to be watch out giant come on loser let me let me in you're in you're in you're you're fine fine stuck door stuck let's go where's Chi where's where's no you stay out there come come come in come in open the door top the jimm just get on the roof just get us out of here you chibi I got you open the door open the door open it oh [ __ ] what was do we all live yeah we did I don't know all alive chibi that was the funniest [ __ ] thing stop Alliance Alliance okay okay okay okay okay okay go go got got it yeah read this together actually together a ciper it's a ciper okay ciper I don't know kind of hits he gets it I'm going to lose my crap I'll hope you find it I don't know if I spelled this right I'm going to go check make sure we grab everything he got it he got it clap it up I have a qu I don't know if I can ask you guys this I mean why not um yeah I don't know if I can never mind I'm going to ask chat if I can ask you well it's about balls it's about balls okay you do they dunk in the poow like an Oreo and milk when you're like 90 yeah 90 is nuts [ __ ] this just got from the worst and what I know I'm going to take her back I don't oh wait we telor I forgot we have a teleporter I'll still walk her back what happened to her I she exploded I don't know what happened that's a likely story yeah I'm sorry I didn't mean to depress you bro this is now I'm depressed and I'm sorry sorry C we we got to pray sorry C oh yeah let's let's let us pray thank you oh sh that's a good way to start a prayer oh sorry oh oh [ __ ] that's the last time I went to church oh [Laughter] [ __ ] Tina uh-oh oh robba clean someone else oh God oh God oh God oh God I'm out [ __ ] that take me home oh oh ow he got you he swung through but I'm good I'm good M do you have a key uh no I don't sorry guys man of all the places I could have gone wait you can go through here what coming I teleported to here oh we're locked in here uh M they patched this m I know oh [Music] a I think uh oh take me home tonight I don't want to go back in but a the T give me that oh my God oh my God I knew going to Champ on shh let him in he want what oh my God it's the please chibi please the [ __ ] you I thought I have on the door wow wow she did she got it all that's awesome we love to see [Music] it MTV Welcome to My Crib K Manion here kind cool rare why is there flashlight over seem to know how to grab one yeah I do well no trust me this is how you I I have a cat for years okay trust me this is f the stairc be careful this this is what they love they love that he's getting motion sick he's going to start vomiting they they love an aggressive pet to the back of the neck so much that they jolt and then then they like to take a nap for a few days you think you're so F yeah you can you want to pet the cat you're holding a [ __ ] leg you're a nightmare you you got to draw it the other way you got to draw the okay okay okay okay classic mistake I did it too don't worry oh I was stupid a wood the cotton or the CT head the cotton head the the cotton head oh yeah good family picture I'm taking Mimi I'm going to go back to the ship stop trying to suck off a coil head I'm teething teething on his little nail his little nipple nail I'm getting out of here I can't leave my girlfriend like that why why why are you out bro [ __ ] you yeah [ __ ] you good luck getting up the [ __ ] ladder idiot four [ __ ] feet how did you get outg there's dog there's dogs there's dogs that's fine I'm going to test your theory oh you got PR hey I'm going to try to get back to the ship I'm going to buy something to try and aggro it away [ __ ] [Laughter] cat what the [ __ ] this is flexible D I'm going on top sure youing I'm not talking about the fan fiction by the way me once a year has a little treat is this connected to anything what is it's just you see this is connected to nothing right the valve yeah yeah don't worry about okay his own thing uh it's connected to Left 4 Dead 3 actually oh my God that was St it hurts me every time I think it what what did he do oh he uh let's play yeah he went C hey what's up did you change again are you an orange Uh Oh no you're she hates the color green so I changed it he's the annoying actually love the color green okay so con says she hates the color green once and you change I had to tell you I hate the hippo shirt for four years before you got rid of it pickles what is [Music] the what's the hippo Shir in our health class we would get like no cards and you had to write something on it but you could also write a question but everybody had to write something so people didn't know if you're writing a question or not and this one kid on his just wrote girls panties question mark was like I don't know what you're asking oh yeah I thought you got pregnant from Air did I move it hold on what I thought like if like I when I was a kid I would hold my breath because I thought if I breathed in boy a I get pregnant and I thought kissing made you pregnant too so and I thought birth control was chapstick cuz it would like protect your lips oh my God see on the other side uh oh that's not great I found a toy Cube oh [ __ ] this place sucks uh I believe TNN no no don't oh hey free stuff oh [ __ ] stop it go go we're taking off now right since you screamed what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ow get here you hit me it's smart tried to kill me that was smart to lock them out there just it's just catch up yeah we had a hind accident herec Planet okay did you is this eclipse okay seems like sign you yeah it's pretty dark I signed yours you hear the pen Ray why did you bring us to a [ __ ] eclipse moon are you serious I [ __ ] saw you you [ __ ] dude are you serious Ray you brought us to an eclipsed Moon you're sick don't blame Ray he doesn't have a driver's license he doesn't know what he's doing he doesn't have a driver's license SpongeBob looking [Music] at oh [ __ ] that's water well I'm drowning now hey bro you you you really want to do this think about it there's there's like five other what oh you oh God are you alive were you the giant Whisperer yeah well I was talking to him for a little bit and then I kind of jumped in the puddle or Pond or whatever and he can't swim [ __ ] loser dude so tall can't swim for [ __ ] 5 minutes later hey bro like I mean look we can be here all day literally all day it doesn't [ __ ] matter to me I'll hey I'll put a light on the fact that you can't swim huh huh you think you're [ __ ] [ __ ] big [ __ ] yeah you're a big piece of [ __ ] it's more like it oh my God uh hey uh T Tina I don't know if you're if you can hear but uh I I can only keep him here for so long um um bro [Laughter] I wait wait is that another one no there's not another one right yeah I got I am I just am I meant to suffer now oh thank God hey how's it going it's uh I was like is Matt trapped again it's uh the same exact spot as it turns out got my flashlight back though perfect I think nags is what uh what happened to Cotton uh I I don't uh she drowned oh yeah I think they probably both fell into that water that I was in that uh am I right yeah there was a [ __ ] right in front of me [ __ ] dumbass giant Matt you got this okay I'm not going to be an embarrassment come on come on Mr peut well see you don't got to be embarrassed see you got this K yeah but I didn't get hurt though an achievement hunter no I'm not that doesn't exist anymore are you are you hunting are you hunting the the the loser ones I don't want to wait 20 seconds my money yes I can do it 15 14 I can do this I believe in you cotton no all right this is our this is our Bal Jesus oh hell yeah Ray up farting yeah I was beefing sorry too much Dairy beefing it up same dude same it's okay I got you this have you ever done yoga and just start queefing in hot yoga class is really embarrassing yeah it's really embarrassing oh CH he can't hear you yeah I don't know why it's not even a lie that's exactly what we're talking about oh my God Jesus he take that back only sometimes only sometimes I don't think it's just cotton drink it twice all right we are losing so much money so no head you promise I die good I think if you chug it all the way you'd die it should be out I'll keep it for later I'm not ready yet oh the cat they're aggro to the cat mhm that's bad yeah they're aggro to the cat you alive yeah what do you mean am I alive of course I'm alive oh my bador you stupid my hey buddy hey how do we how do we leave we're safe up here we're safe up here they're going to take off ship if mat can get up here we'll be good come on buddy get it up get up hey it's kind of hard sometimes all right I don't want to hear it nice hey look at me I'm a [ __ ] up here dude everyone look at me I'm the let's play guy anybody he said it he said it play guy follow me over here play guy not by the lad oh my gosh made it I well done shout to Baby the Cat come in here making our ship a lot more dangerous but uh ultimately I survive on danger no seriously shout that cat I [ __ ] love that cat is that GFF mat the dogs the horse is here I'm going to distract the dogs and you're going to get back in okay well how the [ __ ] I'm going to you take that and that'll distract the dogs all right God speed you're you will you were the chosen one God speed okay okay you just run for it all [Music] right hello why does everyone avoid me they're [Music] farting wow what the heck happened to Stewie oh my [ __ ] god what they're hitting the [ __ ] the whooping [Laughter] cushion oh can I even get I don't think anyone got anything nothing got out of that the cat is still attracting them yeah I can't go inside am I the only one I'm definitely the only one oh god dude they've eaten some [ __ ] they are not having a good one in there yeah the Giant's nearby too but I don't think he can get me right how long until we take off and leave please okay thank you thank God see you guys later oh I look around here dude oh my God you can [ __ ] jump we got to get out of here he can jump r ray can jump he's scary r ray ray evil think Ray no it's actually tuxedo Mas H got a visual on you operate uh got a visual on you big head careful over oh my God we need to oh [ __ ] uh big head we got a problem here in the main PR over we did it you killed cotton by the wayon operation LP was successful let's go buddy that was okay what what are you doing huh huh all right all right I twe whatever you're not even American I what are you talking about what are you talking about you're a first [ __ ] love you oh my god yipp eat my banana my banana it's okay take your time take your time oh I didn't see you hey yo chicken I thought you guys left oh uh Cloud Master Cloud Master for the ra CL chick thank you o that was very close dude next all right C oh I should go on the boat ship whatever apparently you trying to kill my [ __ ] wife I tried to kill you pleas just trying to eat my banana just trying to eat a banana man leave her all right we're leaving we're leaving favorite of all time all it's good [ __ ] dude good [ __ ] is there a turret am I tripping hey hey hey hey hey [Laughter] he let's get it let's get it oh is this what scissoring is like Drop That Thing get in your back get in your back let's do it go go wait wait wa how do you there we go there we go sing should sound like that right what was that oh it's you y we need the colors of the lesbian plug let's freaking go hell yeah let's go dude let's go having a good time dude they're going to they're going to be so [Laughter] pissed this is good it I like to think that we're clapping our feet every time we kick up to it's like a perfect [Laughter] clap he what if comes out and we're just yeah we're just doing this for yeah we can make a train yeah let's go wooho this is a nice let's go let's go I know trust me I'm coming wait there's something there there's something there over there oh God is it a tur it's a turret is it a turrets can't move it's the light of the turret you think you're so funny you think you're I was going to say the light of a turret doesn't do that join in what do we do I just [ __ ] kicked her [Music] boo did I scare you hope your day's been well I've been really enjoying these streams always fun and entertaining woof woof damn it no how about you get to oh I was so close I don't know if Ray will know all the stuff I had is that everything oh [ __ ] give me it oh no you don't no don't drink that that's bad for you that's bad for you drop it drop it drop it in my mouth though like Drop It In My Mouth wait till we get to the no don't at least wait till we get there is he stuck in there wow we have a lot of I think he might be compromised I repeat has been compromised over what happened to him oh cotton I don't know what happened no not not cotton r ray wait huh he said be cool wait what's happening wait he's back there wait Ray R sir you're broken on the map like look whoa something weird is happening Ray he's in Ray we can see him here but there he just took a [ __ ] I got you a toy he just pooped on the floor oh Jesus what what [ __ ] Christ he glitched I think he's in the maps can I get a [ __ ] teleport we got stupid Buffalo now now now now I'll bring it back go go go back we back let's get a [ __ ] teleport oh my God I'm okay careful I'm going to run okay go for it great okay thanks you're [Music] jumi I don't know if I can do it with this metal thing all right I'm going grab chibi to the paradise city the grass the girls are pret this is my we're get dmca who they they got me are you good they got me oh god oh my god oh they got they got me I got to put on a bandage no no you no no no no no we don't need to put that on okay uh I'll just I'll I'll trust you I'll let the sepsis have at it wait turn around what's up okay thank God okay let's do it you ready let's go what the they were over here what they teleported me to nothing some is there [Laughter] like they could be one voice out you think I'm dumb you I don't think you're dumb I did I love you my wife nice knowing you oh that was so cute that's actually so sweet that's like a all hello just slurping your way down the hall may we find slurping your way downtown slurping fast faces passes I go [Music] [Laughter] by penis time to go penis penis pis penis pis it sounds like that's where I'm hitting him he's just screaming what I [ __ ] H hey Lois diara hey buddy did it get me I didn't see it yeah it sure did oh [ __ ] hey penis it's last day hey yo what up oh he didn't know pis he had no idea still playing the penis game yeah with like a hord of people that are [Laughter] AIS oh they despawn wow what oh no I thought they are you real operation LP we did it it finally happened it finally happened get in there I'll drag him to me and then I'll come in there right they're not getting dragged to him all right I'll be in there in a second yeah they don't care [ __ ] bit about him all right the wow dude look they're Cosmo and Wanda they are they are Cosmo and wand please Timmy's [ __ ] dude you guys see my signers it's still [ __ ] it's F it's [ __ ] Al you're wearing a different smile everyone's typing all right didn't ask sick uh single signless Andy I love you I had fun that's what I said Thank you thank you for letting me play you're very welcome he said [Laughter] said all right Matt's got the final say before oh [ __ ] it's not Andy with these pants grab great asset great great ass oh my God lot of fun great asset great7 07 in the chat great great asset all right well done everyone let's play again soon have a for playing let's play again that was a lot of fun dude I'm leaving forever goodbye bye for forever
Channel: MassacreMan101
Views: 5,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AxialMatt, Chibidoki, Nagzz21, RayNarvaezJr, Twitch, Lethal Company, Best Bits, Best of, Compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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