Best Bits of Achievement Hunter | Resident Evil 4 Randomizer

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we still got the jacket I have an egg looks like you do have an egg that seems to be your starting oh they they oh no oh that's a dynamite man I would run that's okay he'll blow himself up they also uh were falling out of the trees yeah yeah yeah I saw that saw one already blowed up one another one blow up this is great I'm so excited Matt this rules I'm not happy with what you've gotten what do you mean you you got like three people that blew themselves up I just got 20 bullets and a spa CH first time I played this women okay great so when I started this a bunch of women with chain saws fell out of those trees uh and uh that seems way harder than what I it was way harder than what you just I feel like that's real nice to come back to after the whole sword nonsense in Wind Waker but you handled the sword nonsense so well I know but I handled that very well too and also you've had like literally a year of time to get over it yeah you should be and I did just like that just now when you went what the [ __ ] everyone fell out of the tree and died Trevor wasn't lying the right trigger does stick oh did he give you a sticky controller yeah all that's not great why can't we never have a good I probably won't use the right trigger much will I yeah that's not that's not a valuable part of 30 bulls and I still wouldn't Sho I know what the [ __ ] is that oh he's replaced a crow yeah yeah yeah don't we don't go for his feet can't get down there [ __ ] rules man there rules I think I'm really going to enjoy this yeah I have a feeling you'd like coming back to this one I wanted to do this with you for a while you got something for me hang on let me oh oh yeah look at this you're having a much much easier time than I expected he he outlasted most of them you mean you should going yeah I'm G let me see okay yeah no you're good you're good it's just I can't believe we came back and we still have a controller problem I can cuz Trevor mentioned it the other day we were playing Barbie dream housee um a game or just you know like in the it was a video game but we were playing it as we were playing it you know but just in case save it down here yeah I don't overwrite your old we don't know I might need that later for 36 hours what's funny Matt this shirt I'm wearing mhm I bought this shirt like 3 years ago to play this game and it did not fit like I've owned this shirt because it was the first time I streamed me playing this game so was like 2020 2021 or something and and it was sitting in my chair and it was riding up like over my belly you couldn't see it on the camera yeah I almost was like it's the same shirt I was when you walked in I was like I don't know if he is trying to look like or that's why I I forgot the jacket I'm glad cuz it's just it's just too hot I wish you told me I would try to look like AA you know well I'm kind of glad I didn't we're not going to get we're not going yeah it's true yeah and I can't look like Ashley I've tried I've seen it this could be anything right oh uh she's just got TNT he light it up lady how are you getting the you're dead you shot her in the face you just died dude this rules you are getting ridiculously lucky my only hope is that this is like the easiest no let's keep it going let's keep it it's random it's crazy why you got such an easy pole here they died they died like right away my God you better send in this whoever I don't know what they're going to look like like I don't know who the chainsaw person is I'm pretty sure it's the woman in blue oh is it she's the one throwing dynamite oh so she's technically a different enemy but I see her yeah her oh well she's got she dead now dead now let's find out is there another one down there oh my God nope that was her mat that was her mat the rich get richer hang on Dynamite there is dynamite yeah but she just killed all her friends how fast you think he's going to die probably fairly quickly no [ __ ] I mean I've again I've watched you murder this guy before you watched me kill this guy with just a with just a knife yeah you gave me a machine gun you dropped nothing cheap skate I'm big on cheap skate now you cheap skate the chickens didn't like they were vanilla for you and that that's what infuriates me what do you mean oh there should have been enemies they could have been enemies oh and they were just chicken they were just chickens but there was that chainsaw guy who was dead that you immediately eviscerated this is like oh man this is like I feel in some cartoon villain way I was supposed to be falling into traps and your villain boss is calling like why isn't he in the Trap yet you're going I'm working on just he's too tough there'll never be chickens on the next screen just let them get to the farm more chickens I I will on the upside we'll we'll burn through it yeah you you'll get who hello another man oh okay he's dead you saw me pick normal I did I did see you pick normal there another one maybe you should have picked hard but we oh he dodged it that guy almost got it I kind of wish he you know tried to kill you I did thank I did hear him coming and he probably would have killed me if I didn't hear his footsteps I'm still half listening he was a thump in for me none of them dropped anything this is so unfair yeah you you are in a a state of just overpowered right now I'm getting no I mean it's unfair to me what to you they didn't drop anything for oh well that's fine that's hateful you've got you've got so much you might want to kill them you kill if you kill them now they might not you know be randomized later that canot happen I don't know just want me to Mur I just want you to kill the chicken so there's something sorry Matt made me do it so you're wasting ammo oh see bunch of men lot of men there were a lot of men there and I yep I forgot you had so many of those just going to [ __ ] rule the the guy closest survived gentlemen we got plenty of survivors yeah you got you got a DEC amount I could throw another wow they actually had a lot of Health then they survived a grenade yeah I'm glad I did that just oh Boulders in my way is it the bowler or the the wheelbarrow all my bullets oh no you got some Boulder in the way yeah how do you get around that I don't know that I do man that sucks um is that random enough that's that be random enough for me not the game figured out how to get [Music] me I thought that was a door you were going to shoot it's he's still got a wheelbarrow pushing a wheelbarrow in there going to get the uh okay I mean I don't even know why I said it I knew you knew ready yeah I know where it goes you sicking this is one of the games I feel like you it's a very it's a very short list of games for me but it's this one for sure [ __ ] um it's okay what's going on in [Music] there [ __ ] already coming at me yeah they're they're already here on just like sucked into it weird Oh I thought you were just like clicking the buy button or whatever the hell no I just turned the corner all right let's see what you got see what you can buy buying hey it's good you're still in the village rifle that's a better rifle than the one you should get there that's the best one there's only two I'm not supposed to have that for a long time that's so awesome look how much money it is too it's so [ __ ] cheap cheap as [ __ ] bro chicken eggs brown chicken eggs gold chicken eggs we got it all how often did you sell things in your like full health and stuff uh well I sold it a lotu oh God so no head all right they made it they got they got to they breached yeah and I you can't go back oh God you're yelling you got you got TNT over there man oh no it's just fire never mind yeah I thought it was oh that's a chainsaw stay up there hey what are you what are you doing down there don't make me come down there I I will not she just it go is this your friend that's my sister if you kill her I get all the inheritance technically she burned oh God she blew up why did she blow up I don't know why she blew up she Mt there was TT inside of her that's why she was smoking is that a thing apparently there TNT inside the woman's chest cabin I don't know why that happened oh I don't even know how you kill them quite frankly I'm sure you do but yeah are they taking damage well I hope so oh my God hope there's not another one uh I got bad news for you oh is there more there's there's like the enemy type now that's like the me here okay well that was our one flash grenade oh you can probably shoot him though no I mean I can it's just a freebie I didn't even know that was a [ __ ] oh hey those are here too [ __ ] thank you frames eye frames baby yeah oh man you keeps on giving that was like a an evade I don't block I evade that was awesome dude they're all dropping ammo every one of them damn it every one of them well most of it's pistol ammo so it's okay yeah but it's just one tmb at 30 well earlier on obiously I got a 50 you did I didn't even want to mention it to you thank you thank you for doing that for me so o hello that was 50 again yeah yeah I know we're back I know we're back bro I keep thinking I'm going to have to get that handgun and I keep being wrong I got a little excited but I got you I'm actually kind of floored with you another 50 too when okay I don't want to go into it tell me of your hardships Matt it's my my hardships yeah now we're going to lose the 30 we're going to lose the for the 50 look at it all look at it all you don't even have a gun I'm rans sacking the place I'll take everything except your worthless books we don't want them in America give me your key they serve no purpose to me well they serve a purpose all right it's to indoctrinate with knowledge this is a bonus cut scene if you don't walk back in here you don't see this he could kill you yeah he probably should have he should he should have killed us many times over now much like this game this is like you trying to kill me for some reason I just won't die it doesn't make any sense and there's like the game coming to my rescue aah is the is the game and it just keeps giving and giving and then Matt you chase the game out the window I'm fine and I go ooh more ammo ooh 50 sir sir there's monsters in the house sir where are you sir oh you're no sir you're no sir there's times like do I want to kill for gain or do I want to uh do I want to just kill them with as little bullets as possible yeah free kicks are hard to pass up that's true like a one bullet kill take honestly the close quarter stuff here is just really good yeah I can't do anything with this eg it you think he'd be able to flip it and he'd hold the chicken egg for you know but then one way yeah well yeah it shouldn't have to be in the case it's in his hand he probably squish it by accident I guess that's true let's go see what I'm not going to be able to get I don't know that seems like a crisp move I don't think Leon would crush the egg Leon seems like he has like enough damn it mental capacity to not right well I mean it's just a lot going on that also sounds like something like a school like a school project like don't crush the egg I have an egg for one week don't crush it Chris is just over there like I already broke it what do you do I get to play again or five minutes later welcome hi got some [Music] rare oh no I have to take it you have to take it from I think there a large fish oh there just one it's just one one oh maybe maybe it's like a tuneup what are you buying he no I don't know no you didn't did you just get one thing I think you only get one thing oh okay well it was a fish it was a fish it was a large Fish Man unless it's money I can't pick anything up yes oh [ __ ] hell yeah oh [ __ ] those are supposed to be crows they are supposed to be gross that's a good spot that's pretty cool that's I like that let see what happens when I do this I mean I could just try and get past them I'm not going to I cuz they probably despawn when the fight starts okay no no they don't they don't okay how did you hear me just let him come yeah I mean yeah there's not what you can do about that you know I swear I saw at least four yeah no there's at least four in there oh yeah I think there might be oh there might be oh oh there's a [ __ ] bear trap oh [ __ ] they're everywhere oh the rest of the crows are bear traps the rest of the crows are bear traps that's a very good combo where the [ __ ] did where did they come from those weren't there those were not there two seconds [Laughter] ago yo that's the best combo you could have right there you run into a bear trap and they slash your head you going to give me rifle bullets right yeah you better hope got to use them no I'm saying I already got I guess it's true yeah they they oh [ __ ] I saw him at the last second oh God now going to miss like crazy this could be the end you're you're fine you're fine don't worry I'm not but I won't heal oh I I can't believe I didn't die Matt it got so bad so fast we were doing so well you really were I oh I dude [ __ ] itam oh we were doing so well fell apart it fell apart you would think it would do damage sniper rfle you would also think that guy would have heard that oh yeah that guy I think he heard the screams of agony oh that was close maybe he couldn't decide if the screams were you being hurt and he's like I don't need to go check up oh my friend's killing that guy chasing my friend's killing that guy and then he heard the gunshot he was like he must have gotten a gun my friend I don't know I don't know when he picked it up but he's not going to make it through here right Matt he made it through Matt he made it right through look I'd be mad too uhoh uhoh [Music] uhoh all right we're going to skip it now now we're going to skip it I didn't know that could happen know it could happen I don't know if I've ever seen that if I have it's been a long time that was an instant kill yeah I didn't know he could do that he I mean he should have always done that for sure but all right yeah no I mean just just skip him for now I can't afford that oh God uh he followed me into the house good luck can you go out the window can I offer you can I offer you a handgun bullet in these trying times you're coming with me occasionally you'll get a bush in there was that guy tending to the I think he oh yeah know yeah thear traps I assume I assume a bush George W yeah I I like that guy he's got he's got crops he's just this guy or George W the this guy yeah so the cut scene is going to be the same which is igon oh he's just no no no that was he's invisible he doesn't come that way he's invisible all right let's see ready boom no it will s like show gante there okay yeah it's awesome no it's every time it's this Medallion thing no dude that rules good thing it came back and I think it's the next size it is the next size so I don't have to worry it can't go down after this at least right cuz it's the smallest no yeah it it can go up he could potentially give you the biggest one great but yeah that rules we did not need that no they're slow as [ __ ] I remember when this uh game originally came out on the GameCube I could not couldn't handle I was just uh well that was me not that slow that was me as a kid I was getting no damn I had such a good kill on that first guy you did dud it again dead right off the bat hey you know what I'm happy with it also didn't we know this guy already didn't we know before he came here like that it was his cult like didn't we have his name already we knew it but I mean he'd never introduced no no no no but I'm just he comes out and goes if you must no and Leon's like read the dossier like I know everything about you he do know that though I'm going to skip it I mean you would assume he knows that actually I would assume but who the [ __ ] knows I guess if we I imagine Leon's the type of guy that like here's the report you you go I don't need your report need that [ __ ] that I want I'm just going to go to Spain and find her it's [ __ ] snakes there're snakes instead of men that's awesome stand back I'll kill these snakes I got him I got him we got those [ __ ] we got those slithery [ __ ] uhoh yeah I was about to say the number of times I've killed Ashley doing exactly what you just did she she can have an egg here suck an egg here eat this can I offer you an egg in these trying times eat this egg it's a verduga it's a Verdugo it's a ver oh it's like and and an explosion I don't know where the explosion came from holy [ __ ] did one of them blow up uh I don't think so I'm going to guess they didn't all right well know over there is oh this is the unluckiest you've gotten so far that's okay though fortunately I don't have to fight her yeah I mean you can get away ashy can't though that hard cut where it's let him finish climbing the ladder [ __ ] dead like yam yeah on the ground Run come on [ __ ] oh my God that was dark so [ __ ] was [ __ ] combo did you oh my God I didn't think I'd see trip he must had chicken like a strong gust of wind chicken he there there's just a lot of [ __ ] like that in Resident Evil where they commit fully just like destroy my body like turn me into a shark thing I'm going to jump in the what kind of life is that living a shark thing afterward great you beat Chris congratulations you're now a [ __ ] shark monster you're like a blob thing yeah what are you going to do now you can't get a job going die anyway going to sustain life in this form it's childish thinking the shark thing I guess you could be like put in an ocean or something I guess fish is one of the very few options even if you're a monster the ocean is just nothing but breeding ground for Monsters yeah like no one would like hunt you this is what the ocean is like you could exist forever you don't have to worry about like people but other but still do you want that were you ready to be a fish man can you imagine a world where like you the the fish monster kills Chris and then Wesker like airlifts him to the ocean like free willly whatever okay well this is your life now cuz you're a [ __ ] giant fish guy yeah I'm just IM thank you for your service I'm just imagining Wesker like yeah as like the fish monster jumps over oh that's true that's his end goal that was all he ever wanted he wanted to be the kid from free Willie yeah he wanted to be the kid from free Willie so he made his own whale and then when people wouldn't let him do it he decided that he needed Glo complete Global saturation yeah he was like that's the only way let's see what you got oh my God it's Crower oh my God it's Crower what drop a rock on him I'm never going to he's too fast he's too fast he's quite fast I mean knife him look at the Rock I [ __ ] got him asley should be dead I'm fighting Crower that's what I O stay ducking Ashley get the [ __ ] out of the way oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh my God Ashley that's amazing that's great that is so [ __ ] cool you fighting that [ __ ] dude and her in the middle of the night fight is which is insane because she'll die from a single hit like if I hit her once she dies from a knife she does not have eye frames oh that that's the box I'm talking about Matt I saw her running again sometimes you can't see what's happening but my brain is already processing it in my mind I was taking out my knife to swing and she was just running at that's why I just started backing away he's mad at the world M he's mad at the world I hate this place it sucks have you seen what they did to me look at that you can see the merchant through the window I never saw that oh hello kill him all right all right take take the shot all right good hold on bulletproof window he's smart bulletproof window he looked directly at you to he thinks he's going to kill me dude he knew it idiot damn idiot I'm going to assume that you can't do what you're trying to do oh am I trying to do this you can do that going to do this well no cuz the bulletproof would and the bulletproof air got I shot him in the [ __ ] glute I left my ass open man there is a man he didn't fall what the [ __ ] they have crossbow oh you got to be kidding me they're not falling oh um well you might want to turn around and look at him God wait ooh uh he's flying what is happening yeah that's what I was going to say you might want to turn around look at them because they uh don't always really map super well to the gondolas if they're not the correct enemy I mean well they are mostly the correct enemies are they well I mean like they're humanoids well yeah they're humanoids but I'm just saying Ashley is doing a very good job dodging and so are you I I don't know how you're doing that I applaud you oh yeah see he's he's just [ __ ] you right in the back of my head really going after his heart though no he can't fall in love now that's the most like [ __ ] Rambo thing I think I've seen him do just shoot him in the head jump over there I'm going to slam him this guy's [ __ ] tough yeah dude he got a lot of that Health Jesus wow yeah he really where's he going what are you doing he's going to go shoot Ashley what the [ __ ] is he doing what the [ __ ] was that that guy took a million bullets all right at least you gave me 10 backs he just wanted to shoot that was [ __ ] insane and then he let and then the fight wasn't even over he like all right I'm leaving I'm out of here [ __ ] this dude I told you to wait yeah didn't listen no I didn't register what the [ __ ] arrows they're still shooting they're shooting through the they can come through these little slits but I can't shoot the merchant through a [ __ ] open hole it's outrageous you understand how thin arrows are Lady Bullets are huge you're going to get stabbed well it's cuz she's being shot at I think she dodged your kick though get over there sometimes do you ever remember on like old Forensic Files they'll be talking about like specifically I just remember episodes like making bombs which is crazy now cuz like you could find out how to do anything on the internet not that you will be able to or you won't blow yourself up but the point is just it being a broadcast on TV they were like we will not tell you how to what ingredients were used in this program I'm like they're they're not even going to tell you well now I'm going to look it up and they're like but trust us this guy had bomb [ __ ] maybe offenheim is like that where there's just going to be one scene where it's like look they went in there they cut something we don't know what got spliced or split it probably wasn't Ur don't even know it's it's okay you're fine to be fair they could give you like everything you need to make that and I'm I'm pretty certain that no one would be able to do I don't think you're going to accomplish it um well not no one do you think we're going to fight him uh you definitely will fight him a little bit all right let's see what that means hey you mentioned there's in Spanish they finally put some in there that the only thing you know how to say and also that had something yeah why did that because it wasn't in English that's one phrase that's not even like that much it's you saw it though no I know it everything else though is just not there because he speaking English I yeah I understand I I understand English so oh [ __ ] dude this thing's [ __ ] strong it's [ __ ] it's very strong you've you've already gotten it like pretty upgraded yeah there you go done yeah he he still exists oh God there's two there's two of them wait that one's fake uh no he not no he's not no he's real oh God he's real he's a real boy that is a very rare occurrence that I died yeah that's super rare that it would spawn two of them cuz what the ship was that that's the only place that guy could like effectively spawn there you go I mean still kicking there we go I dipped it yeah yeah yeah it's funny to see one of him eek out of him right the the last time I did this uh verduga popped out of him and it had like roughly the verduga help pool you well done uh can you get the [ __ ] in here before you leave yeah okay wait there's he's yeah one of them mattered the other was I could technically leave then you technically could leave now and you are no no no I got go jump out he's just floating around here I'm just running around collecting [ __ ] and this man's just going he has no idea we're not going to fight and I'm just leaving he has no idea God I love going to the merchant and going I'm going hey hey there's gold bars back here did you know there's gold bars in the very clear Treasure Chest did you did you look out this [ __ ] window bro there's gold bars you're trying to make money right holy [ __ ] it's right here I'm just taking it is that [ __ ] is that cool do you mind this isn't someone you knows right like I always like the that thing where they poured the oil down the wall and they lit the whole wall on fire that that's always seem pretty cool right that's a good way to keep it safe dude hard to fight a firewall that's true that's why they put them in computers wait man how we've [Laughter] evolved died I was looking for my phone I I thought I lived on the Shelf oh man guess not that he was the closest guy to you I I thought she got grabbed somehow no she's being [ __ ] dramatic oh piece of [ __ ] that's why I wanted to leave her the dump her drama yeah sorry honey high school's over we're in the real world you're really going to die Spain Spain it's ESP pain over here oh my God she almost got shot in almost her she just got [ __ ] chopped up okay that guy probably would get fired if he killed her right like that ruins I accidentally reloaded there that ruins their entire plan yeah it doesn't make any sense can you come over here well maybe he would just get reprimanded you know like I'm sure they still would have another plan they have like a backup president's other daughter yeah thank God he had two he at her I forgot I forgot when they get plag us they'll just kill yeah hey they wouldn't blame that guy cuz broke it I broke it God damn it wasn't anger who shocked yeah I guess here's Here's the the nice part though I got to take it out of the controler and we are running low on these and I just broke one now [Music] Cameron I I do love that every time you get a knife now it's a weight oh I'll do it constantly you have no idea she's she's dumb she's dumb as hell oh well there's no no she's why is she so stupid she she goes down where the bullets are the bullets are down there the knives are down there everything's down there may she just doesn't want to walk to like her destination so these guys will take me it's fine I mean if that's her yeah that's her goal it's working she's going for the the Uber what the [ __ ] was that they'll never they'll never see me coming from this angle oh no they're on to [Laughter] me me go for her damn it they have one objective dude and I don't even know if they can pick her up so their objective might be to Ram her with a shield yep why would you do that that's that's what their objective they can't pick her up their hands are full is [ __ ] hammered her well I guess I can pick her up a murderer hey good news you shot the shield so now he can pick her up that's true I didn't even shoot the shield I kicked him Dro F out of his hands yeah you want to walk away she just standing there looking at him as he was on the ground and at the last second I'm like oh you want to get over here and then I almost got a [ __ ] he almost uh kidnapped her I like that you can't chase him through that room oh it's impossible you know who knows what's back there who it could be anything Treasures Untold and Horrors Horrors abound uh yeah Mr President I I had her and then he walked through a door and well what happened sir he walked through the door through the door what do you want listen to what I'm saying to you do you not understand how doors work he's I was only trained for six years before this Mission look look how poorly set up we are we have one slot we can still fill what the [ __ ] Ashley's injured she's limping she's winding you could you could heal her at any time oh I don't know if I well I got nothing to use on her take my dick key I mean yeah my hidden dick key oh they're here yeah that guy is here though yeah he he found a way what a sturdy door a prison perhaps stdy this I don't know why he wanted to get to you so badly please please just stop this ah did he fell the stairs and then fell down the stairs that's cool as [ __ ] this guy's like [ __ ] I just work here he's got relative Health to that prisoner too he's just taking hits this is [ __ ] terrible it's it's brutal to him oh God on the stairs again he's like at least get me on a [ __ ] flat surface that guy was worth 15,000 let me [ __ ] die here's another easy missed item oh yeah that went up here shotgun shells yeah hope put them there some [ __ ] [ __ ] some absolute [ __ ] I imagine it's it was two guards that were just bored as [ __ ] oh God chains and nothing smell turn around I smelled you out kill the girl Leon it's just like I shouldn't have worn my cologne today [ __ ] he smelled me bye some appropriate Health that guy was not supposed to be there which's funny is he was supposed to be down there yeah just the [ __ ] quick turn whoa well he didn't want to bother you after like the other if we can get to the next safe spot that' be pretty good wait this is my favorite wall in the castle bumpy I'm about to make him part of it I died doing what I loved become one with the wall I'm one with the wall now look you get to heal yay make sure you tell your father about this tell what I did for you I want a promotion tell them what I did for you a nice tip here even actually before when I cleared the first room out before you go down for the switch you can do it but also especially before you lower the staircase you can run out that door and it'll make like a checkpoint for you oh so if you die now you have to redo the whole goddamn room over but if you leave and come back it'll count all that [ __ ] you did as done already I did not know that so you can just like re checkpoint yourself to be fair I never I never killed all those enemies down there mhm in in my like reality Ashley is the one that turns the crank and I just shoot people every once in a while yeah I mean you can do that yeah I mean you can just slay everyone definitely doable now I got as I was as I was shooting too I was like and here's the thing I did hit her you did I didn't miss but I was like oh man I hope the bullt doesn't go through him and hit her and then I just shot her and now I have to do that whole thing over again I'm pretty sure now I'm going to run past it all oh my god oh no they did checkpoint me Christ thank Christ okay so oh my god dude that was seriously like a 20 minute set 15 was it could have been terrible we're about to go through this room and then save on the other side and I just [ __ ] shot her in the leg I have like 400 rifle bullets I'm like I can hit her though the pistol's like this like shaking okay she's like broke her [ __ ] neck she was like she just fell so hard I'm just like carrying her on her shoulder she she would not recover is that the same [ __ ] guy yeah who is this man [ __ ] die I'm still imagining her kicking her legs and then she gets hits a straight bullet like in her toe be unfortunate and she kill her yeah we kill her Leon my toe can you finish up so we can [ __ ] go there's another one well here's the other thing too these enemies normally don't run they normally don't they it takes a while it's Tak [ __ ] forever you have to kill that guy too cuz he's now like blocking her path out finally ow hey [ __ ] [ __ ] let's [Laughter] go you know we could have just [ __ ] slam it's just water true there's no reason just [ __ ] swim she doesn't want to get wet dude there's no [ __ ] crocodiles swimming around that's five what are you looking at don't sh you know what you know what before we go let's get her out of out of the way I'm been skipping cut scenes but just in case you're unfamiliar watch this gem so we've saved her this she's been with us thus far Magic Spike trap could have killed her by the way could have impaled her death keep running keep running let me flat up against the wall with holes lady there's holes I know why she would do that no Ashley look around and that's best case scenario there could six dicks coming out of the wall it's a six dick glory hole system she's lucky it was a [ __ ] trap going on here this is not good what this is great oh okay I you went another way with it you're so set we're good I mean I don't did you peek you know what's coming I have no idea what's coming Matt back up watch out oh [ __ ] that reveal might have been the best thing I've seen for a long time holy [ __ ] smooth I have no idea what's [ __ ] chicken they all going to be chickens they're all going to be chickens are you serious you you have got the easiest seed I think I could ever imagine chicken chickens this is amazing watch out be trap I saw it hello hello the bear traps are really only good when you're running from something that they give you a bear trap and chickens like they give me bear traps and chickens this place is a [ __ ] Ghost Town it really is you've got the like this is insan peaceful Castle they not even they're not even dropping there was one chicken two there was two chickens in this area two chickens and that was it get it suspicious nice oh now the final now there yeah there should be more people now right oh oh oh they practiced the safety that's what it was they were like throw it 20 ft away that's them at least not at our feet and wait till he opens the door it's true they were coordinated organized oh God okay that was that was good that's true they they know their stuff I applaud them hey they're not crows they are not cro there's a chicken is one invisible guy it's that's the soul of all chickens have invisible bug people that was actually pretty like weird to see the outline of the [ __ ] demon thing behind the chicken man this is not the gun to useing this guys apparently not oh here comes the chicken he's watch out watch out they used to be Raptors you know oh he gave me the bullets back at least he he literally took 29 bullets to kill and he gave me exactly 30 hey got a refund watch out chicken are they all chicken I think all your crows became chickens that kind of they became a shittier bird Matt is that a you're [ __ ] with me you're [ __ ] with me man oh it disappeared it disappeared the chicken won't have this it disappeared right before I got here I didn't get it oh my God Matt won't have this that was crazy what did what this series of events now these are interesting because yeah they can't break out locked in a cage sure oh can break out Matt you lied I did lie I'm sorry I didn't realize he could do that with telekinesis he did not move his [ __ ] hands he did just kind of think it open oh oh well at least I can eat you no you got it I like I like when it goes like Oh a bunch of it blows up but you also see a good portion of it just shrink like a scrotum this also would be such a pain to upkeep I have my three guards in the oh my [ __ ] that was cool that's a good time for for one of those yeah he [ __ ] dehe headed all of them that was crazy there's Knights and dogs in here yeah there's the dog wonder if I can kill the dog through the door probably bye well I'm going die oh who oh they came behind you they came behind you that was down the hallway that was down the hallway that was down the hallway the egg he disintegrated he [ __ ] disintegrated that was insane it's like he was just made of dust waiting made sand that was insane he was just waiting for you to finally do something oh oh God there's all our [ __ ] that's vanilla well yeah that stays well we're never getting that rocket launcher yeah you you got literally can't even pick it up I don't know what you would do with it anyway I would pick it up to shoot the guy in front of me that's what I would do just that I don't even think I can manage it I think it's like it's like it's huge it's it's probably the entire like probably the shotgun or longer I think it's long as the shotgun I would have to use so much [ __ ] it's well I mean to be fair you're not using the pistol ammo and you don't have a magnum that's true so you can get rid of all of that the Magnum I could sell eh you could sell all of it but yeah but the Magnum is probably worth a couple box probably enough there's no way that's enough no it's not it's not I when you go pick it up you can find out but also yeah if you use three shots of this yeah now we could probably pick it up I think you have to remove that shotgun ammo and even then it's still a maybe you have a very small case what oh [Music] oh can you I mean it's one shotgun show yeah I was going to reload it that's why I shot and I just did it's fine it's okay are you just G oh my god oh what oh he went back he went back to one oh [Music] god oh that's that's bad oh my God oh crap is is now time for the egg it's the egg are they weren't transformed yet so way down doesn't matter we got what we wanted the dog is dead the dog is dead the immediate threat is over I used a rocket launcher to take out that dog woo oh okay wa oh my God I don't remember that happening that was cool he went for the [ __ ] Source holy [ __ ] they don't do that usually no they do not normally do that we did it though oh oh he's back man The Big Cheese the big cheese well uh good luck I'm going to save it well I mean yeah with him right beside you that's crazy yeah I still hear him stomping oh he's behind me for sure oh he's here man oh he got me on that he got me on the back oh God did you kick that off how she WR strong go under go under you almost threw chicken chicken you have one why are there so many chickens why so many [ __ ] chickens for you Chicken Chaser chicken lad chickens for me they just gave you a [ __ ] ton of money they did it also it seems dangerous to come back here but it really isn't it's like 2 feet yeah and if you don't this is really your only chance to do it mhm it's missable forever I don't know why they would well I just wanted you have to backtrack in like one section right well tell her to hurry up she didn't she didn't follow you no she's following is she why did you stay back there I why would you not be following from the time you unlock the door lady her brain stopped existing after you I will await your orders here she comes she's not the brightest here she comes no but she's like a blood hound though yes true she does know exactly where you are oh what is he doing he's pulling he's a [ __ ] magician pulling nothing there's something in my wallet I promise I got something for you don't worry oh [ __ ] me that guy almost he presented his brain I almost feel bad for this guy like he he's really trying to get whatever he has in his pocket out wait wait hang on let's see what he's got hey okay I'm going to leave him for a second this is like this like a some sort of like Humane act like you can't attack someone who poses no threat in war or something yeah like that sort of thing you're you're not going to violate the Geneva that guy's basically a medic his friends your com he's he's trying so bad I have a pamphlet I want to tell you about our cult hang on it's it's somewhere in here I promise I like how it animates like I actually shot the guy I didn't I didn't but that's what happens if you kill the man right I think if you kill the man it also falls like that I think see that's what I knew you could do I KN you could shoot the man because you had to you have to get this part yeah that's the trick I didn't know you could like the the things on top though dude why would they put those one weak Parts on the Chain all the other parts of the chain so strong they're like indestructible yeah they messed up big time with that it's just like this guy who can't get the [ __ ] out of his pocket he dude that guy rules pocket guy is a hero people going to talk about pocket guy if he could get it out of his pocket you'd be [ __ ] you don't even understand that you could take thatly the one way directly if he could take it out of his pocket you'd be [ __ ] [ __ ] look at him pocket man The Legend Continues that's awesome that's awesome I like how you were like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait goas stop let him cook awesome I love that thank God the middle thing doesn't spin how come they didn't figure this out in Banjo kazui every platform Le Leon's not running on it as it's turning Spider-Man and ceiling spikes go hand in hand yeah there's the woman that was like trying to kill you for forever heart attack it was a delayed reaction did you see that I shot her in the leg the legs like she didn't react at all I walked forward and she died the last time I walked in this room three three Gyarados ran through the wall so I just [ __ ] ran down here with Ashley and ran all the way through here I see I see yeah oh bugs bugs they're they're carrying are smart what they could they always do that they don't seem smart Matt they have no body left Matt there's no body left ghost I guess I'll just take this I mean I guess you Ashley hang out that's [ __ ] hilarious it's kicking off I don't know what you're going to do about that that'll what am I going to do about that bye guys dude hey hey 10 bullets 10 bullets let's go get our free ammo let's go get our 140 free bullets the first time you went through that room very different very different different still exciting though it's true I liked the first time the first time gave me hope that it would be a lot rougher the second hang on wait hang on I still don't I knew I sensed this yeah he doesn't give you the free ammo thank you I don't remember I see I couldn't remember if I don't remember I don't think what's crazy is I remember when the Dead Space remake came out since I got to play it like I was like you know on the creative Council I got to play a little bit before the game came out and in the version I played it no longer gave you free ammo when you upgraded and I was like oh they took it out and then the game came out and I was like telling I was like streaming I'm like yeah they don't give you free ammo anymore and then they did and it was like oh must have put that back in they they heard you that just wasn't or or like a normal human it probably was so far down in the list of like making a video game with like make sure you put the free ammo thing look I don't know all I know is I got to play it in beta before it happened you played it without the free ammo yeah yeah um you know I really thought we'd use those because I forgot it's not the real guys yeah I was like we'll use these flashes up ahead well back to overload it again man this is stinks man yeah I wonder what your crows were I guess you like chicken didn't spawn them they might have been chickens chickens in the ceiling they fell they fell off the window they were found him found him whoa the The Hive is gooping all right ready oh my God oh my God oh my what the hell oh they're flying men oh Jesus Christ [ __ ] fireing oh my God it's fire and brimstone oh yeah if you if you haven't seen that before Ashley got kidnapped in case you were wondering yep yep oh my God good thing we're just going to run past these guys they can hit you up [Music] here bch he did not he did not I think you wait wait wait hang on what happened to it was going I was it was trying to check the boards yeah nope we're out of there that's damn I was just curious I thought you might have blown off his legs you should go check oh my God I thought for a minute you were going to do it oh yeah I just want to make sure they died oh yeah I got you they're still there they're still there they're still there they're still there well yeah I figured they'd still they're still there Matt Matt they're still here Matt why didn't you send me back they're still here man they're still here I thought you broke his leg got it you got out I actually thought when you hit him with a grenade he his legs fell off that's the only reason I I'm not sure I was just it went so well and I was like let's get out of there and he sent me back to my grave I did okay well that's nice normally this is the two uh what are they called Gyarados uh yeah it's normally two Gyarados but yeah the chainsaw guys aren't a bad replacement well they're not replacement for them because the Gyarados are in the back that was just a weak guy oh well that exp why he died so sure does just regular man huh I killed them all before the gate closed I mean I know more enemies are going to spawn but first a [Music] sprad he almost got me he almost clipped me dude what a slow Dodge we're out of bullets now these are my last F 145 I'm serious don't laugh that's you I know now you might have to use your shotgun oh my God it's so much not that much it's most of your case I really hope that this does end up being a chicken only because the fact there's like a predator Vision thing chasing you the chicken hunting me Matt let me tell you though have you m with any of the uh have you played 7 Days Alpha 21 I have not no there's twitch integration I played it the other day and and someone sent a pack of chickens at me and they kept [ __ ] killing me every time dude if you see chickens coming Run Okay chickens are violent if those chickens were well the chickens that you can send through twitch integration are violent if those chickens were in this game we'd be in trouble do you think's going to happen oh [ __ ] we forgot to turn the light on again I was going to do it too you were over there I thought you did you were looking I wanted to do I wanted to do it on the video you were looking at my thoughts happening I was staring at it going yeah yeah yeah I'll turn it on at the start I'll make it happen yeah oh hell yeah okay for a brief second last time we were out of bullets and then I got 80 uhoh so yeah that thing just is there that guy is not normal that guy's CR that guy is that guy is guy is Crower yeah I mean it would be interesting if it froze him I don't know you know oh yeah you're going to take some more Health good Lord we have six now holy crap all happened so fast at least he killed you he killed me a lot he killed you like a decent like I I can feel a little bit better about the fact you di you should that was enjoyable now we're about to go meet krower I think that's where we're getting close to You' killed him like twice now he's been all over the place yeah you you've seen him several times what are you buying he just keeps giving you upgrades thank you you've got so many 14.5 Matt from 9.4 to 140 five or0 five five that is a lot also I've got eight shots and give me what what are you buying 20 what the [ __ ] I should just take it is that old stranger dude this game just oh sorry sorry for the mic there this game [ __ ] loves you that was it I I just murdered Cameron the game loves me I also didn't reload it's like over there like oh God yeah sorry look look that's ridiculous is that man at this point it's like I turned on the new game plus weapons for you like that's the type Rider right there oh holy [ __ ] we were staring at this fire but that's J oh [ __ ] yeah that's not great though I feel like you won't have a problem problem solved you blinded all of them he's like I can't see but JJ will protect us we know this they are normally bear traps here right yes okay there's normally a chainsaw guy up here bye uh is the build on fire should I is there something I should know that was it though that was yeah was he the CH that was the chainsaw guy who normally is there to startle you you walk in there and he revs the chainsaw and then there's a bunch of people outside that that spawn like after the chainsaw that guy just he didn't want to well it's because he wasn't a chainsaw guy he was like I got to get out of here I don't want to disappoint him right yeah like oh [ __ ] he's going to be so pissed there's a lot to live up to here and I just this seems all right let's oh all right they don't give a [ __ ] yeah they don't give a [ __ ] they're they're living statues that's all they do I don't know if they're even living they might just be statu statu that sucked is like the most damage I've took in the entire area did he give you like $15,000 I think it was five do you think anybody's smart enough to use the barrels uh I think someone will probably figure it out I actually think it's just an enemy nearby them sure will do it apparently not apparently no one smart enough to use the barrels yeah I will they they just didn't die this dude is like these men are like the same exact color of the floor look they are Blended in well it's also every time we record cuz we have to be lit up you know oh yeah it's bright as [ __ ] it's like I I feel like it just become [Laughter] I just want to see what this next Merchant's got for me yeah no I got you oh my God got more Health too much good stuff if only you had a golden egg still that would have taken that slot perfect thank God yeah you need that you don't even have that and they're just randomly giving it to you now that you needed desperately yeah you were almost out still more [ __ ] oh my God 100 reload yeah but still man if he gives me free ammo it could be like 250 I could be set for life okay for life I have to know at least the next Merchant he's right around the corner I also just want to throw out you could have thrown away the handgun ammo oh yeah I didn't think about that you're right you're right that's that's okay though no case give me a [ __ ] case no TMP upgrade what are you buying ion upgrade my God IAD you did long damn it man that is I have 19 bullets he's about to give me 200 231 three bullets is that all for the L exclusive okay increase doesn't tell me though I really don't know what it would do to be quite honest I'll just save it yeah I I have no idea what he'll do to you was it at 3.9 yeah that's where it's been oh okay I didn't remember blacking out I'm going to save I'm going to save it see what he's going to do to me this is so exciting what an exciting end I me it's going to like obliterate it's going to make it so much better 3.9 okay is that old and he just gave me 230 bullets for it Matt [ __ ] god Matt Matt Matt we're going to finish this too you can't you can't be St 12.5 12.5 15 15 on the shotgun we got a 15 shotgun fcking [ __ ] you're you're just a a god at this point who oh hey I'm a God back up God can be snuck up on though Superman was a god dude why did he even bother popping his head it's so strong now I I don't even know what you it's so godamn powerful this thing I'm trying to think think what could stop you if like an area like this spawns verdas maybe it it's going to have to be really something I T oh that was the JJ that that's the JJ well whoever I just dropped that gold they were already dead are you JJ hey you know JJ said hello most of them have crowth he threw that and it hit the ceiling or the wall in front of them I don't know are all these things supposed to be sitting on the ground like that you think there'd be a barrel there yeah that's what I thought like that which that's cool I get you that might have been the closest to death you were in this whole section it was yeah it was what's up oh I didn't know if he was there let's see what you got got got some he's got something else finally the game gives me something finally finally you have something now you can hold go back for that Health oh Rocket Launcher for 45050 bucks Matt what the [ __ ] are you doing what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] have you done here get the stock hey maybe you should hey we just got more space What are you this guy loves you you got some feet steps H and I'm curious as to what's going to happen cuz I know those feed steps huh yeah he can't get out that would have been intimidating if he was not stuck in a small Supply Closet God how many these guys are there now he he died oh di okay he faded away he faded away he absolutely just faded away he stopped moving and just disappeared and now I become like a Jedi he just kind of faded away he's watching you from like behind the corner like a yes young Leon he'll get to be a forc ghost soon I wonder if he'll look like he does in the prequels oh oh uh who's in there ow anyway I think he died he that one went to hell he didn't become a Force ghost that was [ __ ] crazy yo come get your village Chief okay he's he's out of control he's been drinking again they're just everywhere they're just everywhere oh God all right you know I was so excited about shotgun town I mean I oh God is there yeah it's a different one hitting me are they below you one downstairs yeah he's like hit me through the floor oh [ __ ] he almost could have gotten through the area cuz you shot him so he did like a limbo yeah yeah he should have holy [ __ ] there he is holy [ __ ] [ __ ] T got floor monsters we got [ __ ] floor monsters we got to get the hell out of here I'm I'm pushing him I'm running into him hey yell did did another one spawn yeah sure did oh right there's like two more that spawn up there holy [ __ ] I went to crouch and I reloaded but that's fine are they they're above you right I assume don't know oh my God oh my God he's he's ghosting they're both ghosting yeah oh God I thought it was like a mine on a stick I didn't even think I didn't think about a flail or whatever the hell uh oh hey red herb wow you're almost ready to be used think about that green herb you just threw away yeah you know you could have had it could have been that could have been it if only you knew that you oh wait never mind never mind yeah there's there's nothing there you have so many full healths I do is this room that's where the uh regenerator originally is right right he might be vanilla because he's like something that spawns falling off of a right yeah yeah I mean it's definitely just like a butcher's Meat Locker yeah what are you near eating these guys there might have been some eating a little snacking well at the same time they regenerate right yeah you know I guess yeah I mean that's in that's you just solved the world hunger these guys if you make a jerky person you know you might as well have a little bit here and there if they grow back I forget what I was talking about when I did this one but starfish grow back right like their part of their Stars part like yeah whenever you like cut off a starfish leg it grows back you know could it's been a while since I went out cutting them off I guess I feel like we could have sustainable like food just with animals that regrow I mean if if we could be out here e living off starfish guts yeah yeah like lizards do the same thing with their tails right just cut them off eat the tail everything about this is gross but we'd have food I mean is it would we would it be gross if like cows were growing back you know what I mean like ate that cow next day ate the same cow it grew back depends how first of all how well you know the cow and second of all if you're like hanging out with it while it's growing back I think that's when it's gross okay but if you put it in like a special regrow spot maybe you can get over it so you don't want this to be like I don't want to know you don't want this to be like a regular you you don't want a cow with a regular life but he happens to also regrow so you keep eating him you this is like you are the regrow cow you're going to be in your own little section just regrowing and I'm not going to I'm not going to like have any personable relationship yeah he had to be that yeah well I don't want to have any R relationship with the cow he just exploded you were brutal to him but I didn't have the scope see would you want to have a relationship with that you want to know about no but that's not a cow I guess that's fair yet what what if he regrow something different every time he's truly just in pain until he finds one he likes like I just kill me he becomes a person he like please God don't eat me not this time let me let me get old then then do it there's definitely more in the remake oh really yeah they just kind of add him through I think a couple like extra sections or they put a little bit what the [ __ ] still doing this huh You're Dead well he's not doing it for very long holy [Laughter] [ __ ] that guy was just as alarmed by you as you were he's been waiting here freezing his ass off like yo he comes in I'm going to scare I'm going to jump out scare the [ __ ] out of the guy sh Now's the Time all right here we never expect me check just start opening [ __ ] I don't know gu why would they keep that dude this is a [Laughter] lab if we refrigerate the rifle bullets let's see what happens that's true we could have just [ __ ] up an experiment it was like there's $3 million research putting that thing in the refrigerator hey do you need this [ __ ] oh sorry oh that was going to cure cancer I was just seeing if there was like a bullet in there or something I I also love the fact it's like yeah look at all these like weird parasite things we put an emerald next to this one we're going to see if it grows wealthy is that old that's what it did that was a decent amount too seconds yeah I wonder cuz there's got to be some limitations to the weapons as far as what you can get like for a rate of fire especially like imagine the rate of fire of this being like under a second right you're just like Six Bullets are coming out at once which even then look at it now and it it already annihilates people in like one second like what what would it do would you even notice yeah I don't would you even notice anything different if you increase the rate of it would just be basically that laser actually kills people right oh that's a laser site no it's a laser it's a laser oh [ __ ] I thought there was something on the ground dude every single time I ever play this game you think that also every single time I ever play this game I run past that like you come out this door and you keep running and running and running you realize oh [ __ ] it was back she right there yep you're like all the way back to the the garbage shoot and you're going what the [ __ ] is going on but now she's not standing here anymore yeah she was screaming at you for screaming and hollering well she's probably like he he didn't even say hi to me he came over looked at me laugh what a dick oh this is where the uh paper airplane come yeah yes the the most floats on in perfect way to deliver a message it's literally like that that uh Disney short paper man yeah like she she threw she what you didn't see is she threw 30,000 of them before One landed that's just a b Ashley's like oh yeah I've been watching them hit the wall I don't know I don't know what this is about hey hey lady send an email she' be tracked then she kissed all that paper dude everyone every oh holy [ __ ] owow bad dog run lady does that mean the crows were infected too you kill them with a Flash no flashes always kill crows I don't know why but they're just they're just weak creatures I think cuz is The Game's logic trying to flashlight on a crow it'll die there's no explanation for why they die just weak yeah weak stupid birds I don't feel like her strength would really contribute much to this I mean not for what we're looking at yeah no that was quite heavy like I'm not saying that if I was in that situation I would help either you know I would I really you wouldn't even try yeah no I be Leon I got to be honest I died eight rooms ago like it's not I don't even know how it here probably because of your God gun but Follow Me Maybe it can help you push this I could probably shoot it out of the way eventually shoot it out of the way ashle understand this has six [Laughter] power Ashley use this hold it down ow right my neck what is he shooting through the wrecking P it sure did go right threw it ow oh where the hell he's like where we jumped down oh well yeah but I I couldn't see him up there there he is oh he I think a stray like shell hit him by man Oher oh he kicked me my ass crowers oh oh you got him not that one got that one you got that [Applause] one did you do it yeah quit [ __ ] around back there there is that weird section over the pit did you sell the yellow one yeah it's worth 10 grand 10 grand is worth more than whatever Health she has she can have the future ones that are just attached to a green herb she's not getting my 10 gay Beauty you think Mr Beast got rich giving away [ __ ] like that no then he gave away then he gave away like eyes and [ __ ] yeah yeah he gave away just straight up human eyes who would have that door dude one what happened is one lucky contractor got the job for Sadler and he's just like this guy's [ __ ] nuts he just sh I was like do you want a like a Death Pit hole or put spikes in it $2 million he just everything you come up with an idea bring it D he loves it he loves ity what if we had two people open the door with levers do it that'd be inconvenient for regular humans much less zombie people there's still a chunk I guess it depends on what kind of enemies they they give us this no problem send in the ladies send them the angry village women oh they can jump look at this this is [ __ ] up really it's the man the it's kind of it's like sadders like I have my Army of deadly village women at my disposal fear them Leon they do nothing but practice jumping [Applause] hello now run them over that one had Dynamite that was close huh I think the only reason you saved that is because it ran over one with dynamite and blew up that's helpful if that's true hey she jumped from the ceiling look got of ammo down there look at all that handgun ammo I could have picked up and thrown away when I needed space drive over the whon again God Sadler you're [ __ ] up man uh uh oh yeah I think it defin you what made like a rift everything just stopped bye who's going to clean that up the fact most of these can kind of become that that's pretty rough you got fire dude hey I like how also this part like is the only part in the game where there're too stupid to understand what's going on so they're like we just [ __ ] kill her yeah the people who' have been trying to capture her the whole game care she's it's fine oh [ __ ] don't throw Dynamite at her don't do [Laughter] that oh G too far oh they're bad at throwing Dynamite what the [ __ ] are they I have no idea they went for you that time that's fine I think that time I killed Ashley accidentally oh no now we're running over the women the woman is running over the women no I don't care I'm prettier anyway kill them well watch out boxes oh God slowly she had knife just entered the frame she was just standing right beside you now was the time I was like oh my quick reflexes oh there was some bombs or something I'm fine did you just walk through him anyway yeah I guess I I guess oh more bombs okay so we got bombs in this section the enemies just became explosives all for umbrella's sake umbrella almost let it I was talking out loud about umbrella again comade almost let it not something you'd say to your comrade no it just you really wouldn't kick what if what if he was about to stab you instead a paper airplane hit his hand he's like paper cut Just Like a Knife looks like we have the upper hand why don't you just keep shooting him yeah I mean not that CL and why didn't he do that during the fight lasers from the movie all right they put this in like a movie way later right like again or what do you mean it was in the very first film was it in the first film okay I couldn't remember I thought it was in like a they might have done it again later or something because there was the movie where all the people from the first movie got brought back to life oh yeah remember that they were like clones or some [ __ ] and they brought back Michelle Rodriguez and the guy that got melted by the lasers M well he didn't get melted he got cubed really but yeah and then they brought the lasers back to Cube and this is why and this is why you did the training with krower [ __ ] like this yeah so you could jump off of a wall or whatever unlocking more lasers kill me they just threw that in the game yeah I don't know why it's here it seems strange that Sadler would have that and Sadler likees sitting in this chair just looking at this thing he's like ah my elegant headdress right where I want you and no one will ever find you you're free I'm free and then and then this descends automatically I guess part of the safety procedure and then part of the safety procedure is this is you jump off I don't know well oh never to be seen again 1 minute 37 seconds later I imagine he's not going to be much of a problem for you though I don't think so yeah I thought he was dead there to be honest I was I didn't know if you could skip the phace or not now he's dead now he's dead yeah I remember that being one of the few times I was like I'm just going to use a rocket launcher and I'm just going to have that be done was yours also like $300 uh it was not $300 it was uh I think 10,000 what's the normal price 20 uh maybe 20 I'm not oh I didn't mean in the randomizer I'm talking about the first time oh I meant the randomizer yeah no randomizer yeah that guy got killed gotcha I would never I'm talk like anytime I use a rocket launcher that's that's me as a kid playing the game going okay [ __ ] this I don't want to do this yet or in Resident Evil 5 where I had unlocked the rocket launcher and that was just like everyone dies the end it's a good story yeah it's great go to bed this room actually broke the first time I did it uh because like chicken [ __ ] [ __ ] man oh I had dogs AO chicken chicken just a bunch of feathers I I thought you were being looked at through like a telescope there he is there he is find him the Pirates are looking at me from the sea oh chicken egg whoa and then he supermanned away he just jumped up there to prove he could do it come out and fight I'll respond I'm not falling for that one I'm not falling for that one what a fight it's DBZ he he [ __ ] missed you every time he did on my back come on [ __ ] do you know how strong these bullets are the lock is ignoring the rules of law all right we only have 165 left with this thing you know chill chill activated use one of your other hundreds of bullets yep he's going to crossbow and using the machine gun dude there are [ __ ] crossbows everywhere man this was another section where uh that hallway was just like an hour of me going an hour I don't know oh I see I don't know with the regenerators yeah well now it's this woman it's just this woman and that was that maybe she'll regenerate maybe she didn't she ,000 you think she stole that five grand that's why she was in jail oh [ __ ] yeah they they they were like we're going to incarcerate you but we'll let you keep it you stole well she has to know she has it so she knows like this is what put me here this is what did it this will remind you yeah it's a constant reminder another full health gone we call those emergency heals it's like if eating $100 saved your life like you don't want to do it but it's like you you have to eat it eat this 100 I don't know where it's been who cares just knocked him the [ __ ] over you didn't kill that man but he wants to be dead he was just like whoa what the [ __ ] just happened oh bye bye bye that dude was like walking did you are you okay oh God why they have so much [ __ ] with key cards it's just it's so elaborate well that was kind of like high technology at the time right yeah I just don't think these guys are going to be using it oh no you know they're not utilizing it I'm just coming here and taking it from them and then I'm doing it you you bring the technology back to America key card he's not going to believe what they have over there this cult was amazing they had elevators going up and down by themselves this crazy this is it this is the climactic battle did you shoot him once yeah I think so that thing is so [ __ ] overpowered I mean to be fair it's firing like magnum bullets at rapid fire yeah let me let me take out my Magnum it's t let me just let me just squeak under you real quick just sorry why is he just charging me it's like he's got 18 full Hells in his case something wrong with this guy why isn't he scared I don't understand does he not see I have an eyeball in my mouth use but Matt told me to sell it I I'm just wondering I mean if you could I've never actually left here without using it let's find out ow oh actually nice I know this is when you don't even really have to aim you just kind of fire it and he goes into a cut Scene It really you pull the trigger and it shoots a cut scene that's actually hard cut what's that it's a cut scene gun oh God I hope he gives you like nothing for or he says he can't buy it but come on come on it'd be nice to know if you could get some extra money at the end you know for your next play through yeah you killed him and his life was directly connected to the island exploding mhm yeah it was like a dead man switch ex it you know his heart we have to get off this island now there's only one thing we can [Laughter] do let's go healthier than ever wait and one for me oh of course let's go wait did you already leave no it just takes you right out there oh it does yeah that's why I was like I don't think you see that Merchant again thought you did never mind catch dude that'd be cool if if that was like a button prompt and if you didn't hit it she [ __ ] hit the ground or like you caught her and accidentally broke her spine like on your knee like she was like she just fell her back well Matt yeah you're another randomizer in the in the bag done you've done it oh that was close uh if you died there that would have been the the perfect time being cool this game was so kind to me it was a game that's always kind to me yeah yeah it it's fitting that it was very nice it really is like I cannot think of maybe if every single enemy was chickens that would have been like an easier that would be they start you with like the Chicago Typewriter and all chickens where are you where are you I'm over here imagine if that's what killed her she just she can't swim you know she can swim I mean she can't go down a ladder by herself let's go home and then for no reason at all right at the end of the game she's like want to get dinner and he's like no no I want to be very very far away from you dude I never beat this game before you believe that you're crazy you got the achievement right there
Channel: MassacreMan101
Views: 20,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, Rooster Teeth, Let's Play, Resident Evil 4, RE4, Randomizer, Compilation, Best Bits, Best of
Id: OUyhw33ceDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 46sec (5566 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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