BEST Beginner Paint Set?!

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hi my name is Scott the miniature maniac hey that ain't maniac this is fake news all right you got me guilty this isn't Scott this is John the figure fanatic [Music] what up mini family so by now you're probably asking yourself self where is my beloved Scott and why am i stuck with this cheap American knockoff I'm glad you asked you see Scott got himself in a bit of a bind doing his best Adam Savage impression spending over 540 hours with the GD coffee table and so in order to get that primo content out to you guys he asked my assistants Oh John you have to save me I need someone to get my video release schedule back on track and only someone is talented hard-working creative boyishly handsome and modest as you can possibly accomplish such an arduous task alright I'll do it well before we accomplish John's wet dream we need to first pay some bills the case at the end of the tunnel do you see it I think so is it made out of beautifully stated wood yes that's it you found it but also it's really cool youtubers a logo and laser engraved on it well that's debatable well you can get whatever you want laser engraved on it you know it's I'm like check over space no doubt no now what else can I find inside it has a bunch of laser cncd compartments perfect for holding all your bits and bobs such as a tray with individual manager holders shelves for a completed and work-in-progress minis and a box for self-defense weapons Hey what are you doing here don't you think me extracting your own personal miniature painting cases a little bit below my pay grade nonsense I think it's priceless and also apparently bulletproof whether you're going to a con your local game store or a friend's house the frontier wargaming paint case has got you covered this case is made of premium quality Baltic birch plywood with a glossy stained finish and it features three paint racks that can hold it to ninety-six phileo or 54 Citadel paints five bits and supply boxes one box for your brushes and tools a tray with six miniature holders removable bright LED lighting and an adjustable shoulder strap you can find a link to the Payne case in the description below thanks for sponsoring this video frontier wargaming and also thank you for going along with this somewhat crazy idea okay back to the video we've all been there new to the mini painting hobby and overwhelmed by all the decisions required often times one of the first decisions revolves around paint which brand to use which colors it can be overwhelming and often times is a big barrier to our entry to the Hobby so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna take five of the top heavy weights in a mini painting realm we're gonna put them in a no-holds-barred steel cage match who's gonna come out victorious brother before we get started there are a few things I want to mention as the title of this video suggests we're comparing paint sets not paint ranges and to distinguish the difference a paint set is something that has been prepackaged by the manufacturer for you to purchase and consumed as a starter that said there are many things to learn from this experience even if you're not a beginner maybe you're looking to add new tools to your toolbox maybe you want to test out a range you've never heard of before or maybe you're just a little bit scale color curious regardless there are good points to be learned here and in fact towards the end of the video I'm gonna share something that surprised me is really I feel made me a better mini painter I use two experiments to run these paints through the gauntlet first I painted a sexy cultists in just a few hours using the speed paint system described in this video geppu that Jam there needs to be charts and to Scott asked that I create a chart to compare the primary colors on an opacity test for consistency's sake I kept three things the same across all tests first I use the same synthetic cheap brush from a hobby store for every mini second the only shade or wash that I used for every mini was army painter strong tone some of these sets include OSHA aid and wash and some don't and that's really not an apples to oranges comparison so for this we all use the same wash and finally I brought the same viscosity across every paint when testing for opacity you may notice that we didn't test P three in this comparison and believe me I wanted to see Privateer Press puts together sets based on factions in their games and there have a nice cohesion to them but they don't have a nice full range of colors so for this test I wanted to bring a couple of those sets together and test them although I came into a problem most of those sets were all sold out online so I couldn't pull together a full range of p3 paints that I felt would give us an apples-to-apples comparison for this video come on Dallas oh and if you like the look of these sexy evil cultists they can be yours stay to the end of the video and find out how you can win them first up is the Games Workshop Citadel's essential kit for Age of sigmar comes in at 33 bucks and you get 13 pots of paint as well as some fancy tools like a brush a Clippers and some plastic glue but you know we have all seen the fancy GW Clippers and brushes that they're way overpriced these aren't those versions these are some kind of crappy knockoffs and you may say to yourself 13 pots of GW paint for 33 bucks hell's to the yeah and you'd be wrong because these are three milliliter bottles that's right three the average paint is 15 Vallejo is 17 mills and the GW standard paint pot is twelve Mills so you are getting 1/4 of a pot for each of these in here womp Wow in terms of flow and opacity GW brought their a-game on this front their paints are high in pigment and they show really well in our testing they didn't skimp when it comes to the quality of making it in that regard where I do struggle to agree with some of the decisions is is on ease of use first of all in this set none of the paint pots actually have the name of the paint on the outside of them how dumb is that next we're talking about pots right and this conversation is as old as time itself when it comes to mini painting pots versus dropper bottles and I'm gonna say as a new painter if I feel I can go from pop to mini and not thin my paints that's what I should be doing and I'm gonna get frustrated as a new painter not cool for thickness of paint strictly out of the pot it's all over the place some of the paints are relatively thin I would call a medium thickness and some are no kidding like cement for instance look at this white yeah that's not doctored that's what the pot looks like when it comes to the finish of this paint that would be how dull too glossy it is GW was the shiniest that I tested and I would call it a mid-range satin and sometimes that's fine but specifically if you look at the blue pants of my Mini I have highlights there but because that pain is so shiny it's hard to determine what are the highlights and what's just from the light from your room for range of colors there's no green in this set which is kind of a bummer but it's not the end of the world but there's two Browns why and also one of the pots of paint is actually a texture paint and again leaning back to no names on the bottles you could be putting the crackle paint on your dudes shoulder pads and not realize it until the paint's dry not exactly good I will say that their reds and yellows are very very strong so final recommendation you're getting very low milliliters per dollar on this set as well as you have a bunch of extra tools that come with it that you can get higher quality elsewhere for a lot cheaper and it does come with two shades but their a skin tone and a blue and they don't give you a brown shade a dark shade the a Gratzer shade which is what they should have freakin given you and I'm not saying don't buy GW I own a lot of GW but don't buy this set just the fast announcement in the spirit of Black Friday I am selling two new t-shirts on my store one is this metal album style t-shirt and the other is just a normal one with my logo on it and we're thinking is there cheap shipping to international countries and this time there is so go check it out pick up a shirt in addition to that all the old products on my site the cutting mat the patch and the coffee mug are all 20% off and they also have cheaper shipping as well so go check it out a mini AK Big Cartel calm okay back to the video so next up is the army painter wargames hobby starter set for $30 e-news now in this set you get a brush and it's a sable brush surprisingly but it's frickin tiny like if you want to have a 45-minute eyepatch to paint you go ahead and use that brush it also comes with nine paints plus the army painter strong tone I know hold your applause and it also comes with this cool little hand out a pamphlet really about starting mini painting with some step-by-step pictures in it and honestly that would be really nice when I was starting I would feel like I was gaining confidence by following the steps there so army painters off to a good start and that's when we hit flow and opacity from a flow standpoint I really struggled to have this paint go smoothly across the surface of the mini sure it was doable but I felt like I was fighting an uphill battle compared to other brands in terms of opacity it actually gives pretty good coverage at a layer consistency but when it's thinned down it loses its vibrancy very quickly and the paint tends to separate pretty quickly as well so for the finish of this paint I would call it a low satin meaning that it's not super shiny but it's also not super matte I'd say it's industry-standard good job solid thickness so for the thickness of this paint by-and-large it'll come out of the tube moderately thick not super thick but moderately thick which is good so you could use it for techniques like wet blending - brush blending even feathering down but it thins down to a layer consistency pretty well you want to go further than that though you're gonna get into some trouble so like I said this set comes with nine paints plus army painter strong tone it doesn't have gold it doesn't have purple it doesn't have orange so those are missing and especially as a new painter you just need an orange you don't want to mix the yellow and red I get that so we're missing some stuff there so my final recommendation for army painter is that it's a great all-in-one box set you get the brush you get the strong tone but the quality of the pane honestly left a little something to be desired I felt like I was fighting it more than I should have so mmm next up is the Vallejo basic USA model color paint sets I love you been coming why do you name your product something so boring please Vallejo you're killing me your white and black labels are one thing green boxing is another but name your products something that actually says yeah I want to paint today so this set costs 40 bucks yeah it's kind of spendy but in it you get 16 bottles of paint really for price per milliliter it is the best value that we're testing today and the wide range of colors are impressive you get metallics including a super strong silver a super strong gold you get every primary and secondary color and a couple of Browns in there just for funsies in terms of flow it's fairly thick coming out of the bottle which is a good thing you want to be able to do wet blending - brush blending loaded brush with this kind of paint and it does it well it also fins down incredibly well even down to use for glazing so everywhere in between it does a solid job so the finish of this paint is on the edge between satin and matte it's pretty strong in that regard I didn't have any issues a lot of painters use this paint and it doesn't cause a lot of reflections so solid there's two colors in here that are kind of weird though first one is called Azur which is kind of a really light bluish purple which is an odd thing and a starter set it's kind of a niche color and then there's a color called buff now buff isn't exactly a skin tone and it isn't exactly a tan so I can only assume it has one purpose a final recommendation you can't go wrong buying this box of paint the best thing that I can say about this paint is that it will grow with you so as you improve as a painter this paint won't be holding you back and next up is Reaper who brings in the Reaper master series starter sets for a mere 35 bucks you get a sweet-ass case oh yeah and there's paint in as well all right within the case r-13 paints 15 milliliters each so here's the weird thing there are three different types of paints there's the core colors the HD maximum coverage colors and the bones Ultra colors we're gonna break those down in a little bit so for this paint set in terms of ease of use most of the paint's right out of the bottle come what I call pre thinned like the formula of the paint was set that you drop them out in boom you have instant base coat and for a new painter that is awesome until you hit the HD paints in this set they are thicker they use some weird hybrid gel medium it's not like the gel medium from war colors or scale 75 but it's closer to that than standard mediums and they're thicker which is fine but they don't thin down and they don't cover at all now the yellow HD color was bad like really really bad but yellows tend to struggle historically for all paint ranges but my problem was with the green green is a color that typically covers very very well now with their green in this set if you see this portion of my cultist here with the green I stopped counting at eight teen coats to get that coverage and I can still see through it in some points so in terms of flow overall it's incredibly good in this paint again until you hit the HD paints same with opacity it actually is really strong especially considered how thin the paint comes out of the bottle again they manufactured this paint to be optimal at this thickness which happens to be your average layering thickness so really really strong there again when they tried to reinvent the wheel and create this gel medium HD paint there were some big big issues in terms of finish the paint finish is strong I would say it's a mid satin / Matt kind of industry standard this is a good thing nothing really to remark about there in terms of thickness of the paint I talked about the benefits of this thin paint especially for a beginner or just wanting to knock out some base coats but there becomes an issue when you're wanting to learn other techniques such as - brush blending wet blending loaded brush and even feathering for these techniques you need a thicker paint but with feathering what you're doing is actually putting paint on the miniature quickly voiding your brush and then putting your clean brush over that surface in peeling it off slowly this paint dries so incredibly fast that you cannot effectively use that technique for the range of colors on this set overall I was quite impressed especially with their addition of the bone color that was a great addition way to go Reaper there's a gray in here and I kind of wish it was an orange cuz there's no orange but I'm just kind of nitpicking there but the metallics and this is not so much an issue with the fact that there are metallics in this set it's that they were so bad I had so much trouble if I were to say the single thing that I had the most trouble with shooting this entire video and painting those five minis were those two metallics their coverage is terrible the pigment count is so low I just struggled and I think the average painter would be like oh my gosh all my swords and armor look like garbage what am I doing wrong you're not doing anything wrong it's just bad paint the final recommendation I love this carrying case that this paint comes in plastic it's got sweet foam on the inside it can fit up to like 40 some paints really really handy for mobile painting but that's where the fun ends half of the paints in this set I kind of love like they're great yeah you can't they're kind of thin but most of the time that's fine it's the other half that half I would love to crucify light the cross on fire and piss on the ashes so whereas I can't recommend this specific set I really only can't recommend it because of the HD colors I think they have other sets that don't include the HD colors and just have like the Reaper bones or your standard Reaper paints and I would recommend those not having tested them but based on my experience with Reaper and the testing of this set I think that it's a great deal those HD colors I just feel it's gonna be a big problem for a new painter last but not least we have scale 75 and there smog writers starter set coming in at $51 this set includes 10 paints one ink a fairly decent brush and a mini now you may be saying I don't want to spend this extra money for a mini because it's a chibi but note that due to the cost of scale 75 paints in general you're not actually paying extra for the mini in this set it's kind of just thrown in there to practice on so it's up to you if you think it's worth it so for ease of use undoubtedly you've heard of this paint brand before and that it is some magical potion used by all the pigment wizards of our generation but I caution ye not to be foolhardy for deep within the depths of the ocean you will find monsters when searching for this buried treasure you see scale 75 uses a gel medium it's incredibly incredibly thick in an axe almost gooey and sticky directly out of the pot now it can be thinned down immensely in fact it breaks at such an incomprehensible level that you can have your paint almost pigment free and still not see the actual separation between pigment and medium it's very very impressive but learning the scale between thickest and finist takes a lot of practice a lot of time and a lot of really learning the feel of paint and that is something that comes with a lot of experience so for a new painter this paint will be an incredible uphill battle just to accomplish your basic task of getting paint on many for flow once you get your thinning down with this paint its flow is amazing if you don't thin it down enough it's a blobby mess if you thin it down too much you've just created a 4-week base coat project so it's tough to get there but in the right zone it is amazing in terms of opacity this paint covers extremely well in few coats once you get the dilution correct and it holds its vibrancy incredibly well so now onto finish in this is the other main difference of this paint this paint is incredibly matte with this paint you have full control over lights even under a very very vibrant light this paint will hold its ground and said not today sooner not today because you are the master of your highlights and your shadows this is a good thing if you're good at that but as a new painter this paint will show your every flaw and that matte paint can make highlights look very chalky if you're not experienced in terms of thickness as the great freddie mercury once sink sang sung fat bottomed girls you make the rockin world go round and this paint is as thick as the muse of that song it is a wet blenders dream and can be thinned down to the most subtle of feathering x' for range of colors they really do a good job of giving us a solid range in this set vibrant tones all across the board they don't include a purple which is a bit of a bummer but I did mix the red and blue together to get a nice vibrant purple quite easily so that can be forgiving they don't include the metallics from scale 75 which I must say are my favorite metallics across all brands so I would have wished that they would have given a new painter experience with those metallics so a final recommendation on scale 75 this one's a hard one and I put a lot of thought into whether I would recommend this set for a beginner or not and there's two sides of this fence on one side when you're a beginning painter the most important thing is to build some momentum build some pride by showing a final product and wanting to keep at it that consistency is what keeps us in this hobby and this paint could really break your spirit it damn near broke mine and that was after having been painting for a while but on the other hand what have you started with this paint what if you knew no different and you learned how to manipulate this paint maybe it would take away all that rough time because you had nothing to compare it to it was simply all you knew so at the end of the day I can't tell which is right for each person all I can say is be warned it may be a little bit steeper hill to climb so before I share my winner for this paint set competition I want to go over a couple things that I learned number one many painting companies still cannot create a decent human flesh tone and to more importantly that working with a limited paint palette was liberating oftentimes six seven eight colors was plenty I didn't find myself sucked into looking through hundreds of paints or wishing I had a color that I didn't I made it work and I was able to freely make better choices so who wins I'll say it's not such a simple question to answer really each of these paint sets have their pros and cons and if you own any of them or plan on buying one tomorrow or get one for Christmas it's not a bad purchase as long as you use them on a regular basis you enjoy them and you feel like you're getting better each time you paint it's a sound investment but yeah the winner is totally Vallejo I mean it's not even close the amount of paint you get for the money the great range of colors including high quality metallics the fact that they're easy to use for beginners incapable of the most difficult mini painting techniques they can be thinned down and they don't get grainy or seperated and that they offer great coverage are some of the major reasons why they are leaving today with the belt oh and they make you buff thanks shopping produce a video on my channel John I know it's quite labor-intensive to have to meet all my chart requirements but I'm glad that you did it if you guys want to purchase one of the paint sets that Jon reviewed in the course of this video including the one that he recommends which is the Vallejo set you can find affiliate links to them in the description below when you purchase using these links I get a little extra support and no extra cost to you and it mean a lot to receive your support in this way as John mentioned if you want to win one of his cultists that he painted all you got to do is comment below about which set that you like the most and I'll send one of those cultists off to one person each if you guys like videos like this where I pit products head-to-head in a comparison I have two more videos that you can check out about primers and also paintbrushes and to round out the rest of November we're gonna do air brushes next to me you can find those things links in the top right hand corner in a playlist if you like the channel and you want to support it I have a patreon account with a bunch of fun rewards I have a merchandise store where I'll say things like cutting maths and patches and also coffee mugs you can also find link down in the description subscriber die and most importantly don't forget to hey that ain't mini AK this afaik news as long as you spend time with them spend time with them just sounds so stupid as long as you spend time I'd purchase if I just have it in my head now spend time with them as long as you spend time with them for me just like my brain just completely just goes earn the Cross on fire that's right burn it on fire there's 75 full scares
Channel: Miniac
Views: 560,441
Rating: 4.772028 out of 5
Keywords: miniac, sdub, miniature, painting, miniature paint set, miniature paint review, best miniature paints, best miniature paint sets, best miniature paint sets 2018, best miniature paint sets 2019, vallejo, scale 75, reaper MSP, reaper, citadel, vallejo paint review, scale 75 paint review, citadel paint review, games workshop paint review, reaper msp paint review, reaper paint review, vallejo paint set, reaper msp paints, reaper paint sets, scale75 vs vallejo
Id: jrJ1Yb2QI1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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