BEST BAITS for Beach Fishing ( COMPLETE GUIDE ) How to put them on your hook!

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Gidday my name's Roger Osborne In this video I'm going to show you the best baits for fishing off the beach and I'm going to show you exactly how to put each of those baits on your hook I'll be showing you the baits for all the popular species bream, whiting, flathead tailor, mulloway, trevally all the different things you can catch off the beach and if you're struggling catching beach worms which are an amazing bait check out my website where I have my master class speech worm series that will get you catching beach worms so I'm going to head home in a few minutes and I'm going to show you exactly how to put on each bait An excellent bait for beach fishing is the humble pilchard pilchards are great because so many fish like pilchards Fish like bream, flathead, salmon, tailor, trevally, even the mighty mulloway and the other awesome thing about pilchards is that they're so readily available you can get them at most service stations and even if you didn't have time to catch your own bait and you just went down to the beach with pilchards that's a really good thing when you put a pilchard on a ganged hook the top hook needs to go through the eye of the pilchard once you've done this hundreds of times you just do it without thinking but initially if you haven't done it very much you need to line up your ganged hooks like so so that you know where the first hook will enter the pilchard so if we do that let's do it this way or put it around this way, sorry Okay so line that up like so so that means my first hook is going to enter the pilchard about here so you put the hook in pin it like that swing that up around and turn that second hook goes in and through and then the third hook goes through the eye of the pilchard as such and so that is your pilchard bait on set of three ganged hooks I like to trim the tail off the pilchard and I'm going to cut it in half about there like that then I'm getting my hook putting my hook here pulling the hook all the way through then pinning the hook like so putting a half hitch around the end of the bait like so which holds the bait in place holds it more firmly on the hook so we're the other half of the pilchard I just put the hook through the eye socket and then pin it through the middle of the body this way you get two baits out of every pilchard which is awesome I also use pilchards as my hand bait when I'm beach worming so if you're interested in learning more about beach worming check out some of my other videos now I'm going to show you how I put a beach worm on a hook when I'm fishing off the beach I use a fairly large long shank hook in the range of size 1 or 1-0 because I like to use a large worm bait so essentially what I do is I put the hook in his mouth can you see that I've actually put the hook in the worms mouth and I'm threading it straight down his middle or his throat so what I'm doing is I put the worm in the hook in the worms mouth and I'm threading it up the hook like so Just keeping the hook in the centre of the worm then what I actually like to do is I like to pull the worms head up above the hook and onto the line by about two or three centimeters so the end of my hook is about there and then I chop it off at about there so essentially that is size of my worm bait when you catch your own worms you can be generous because you catch them in abundance you don't have to be too concerned about how much you use I'm just putting another worm bait on, the bait I put on just a second ago we used his head this one it's the same thing I'm just sliding the worm on the hook up the middle I like to leave some sand on the worm because it just makes it easier to hold the worms so you just give them a bit of a crumb like a crumb cutlet and what I'm doing is well I'm having a bit of a worm here I've just caught a couple of worms I'm gonna throw a line out and just leave it set on the beach while I'm worming you can see that when you get fresh bait then you just catch it fresh and throw it in the water how easy it is to catch fish look at that, we're not even really seriously trying to fish we're trying to catch worms but we keep catching fish, anyway now we're going to move on to some slab baits I'm going to show you two ways of doing a slab bait I'm going to do one for a mulloway which will be a larger slab bait and then a smaller slab bait which I would use for fishing for bream here I've got a piece of mullet that I caught recently and I've salted and frozen first I'm going to cut a large piece that I would use for as a mulloway bait so I'm just gonna cut this piece here I might just trim the side a little bit this is the size bait that I'd use off the beach fishing for a mullaway I may use a slightly larger piece but this is a pretty good example and I've got my hooks here that I use I've got my 9-O hook and my 5-O hook so what I'm going to do here is I like to go through the flesh side and coming out the skin side first and then I'm going to unpin this hook about in the middle like so so there's my first hook and you can see that the barb is nicely exposed then the same way I'm going to go through the flesh side with the large keeper hook and then pin that through there as well so basically you can see here I have my slab bait with the barbs nicely exposed then what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a half hitch just so that this hook doesn't slip I've done a half hitch on that hook so there you have a nice slab bait that you can throw off the beach to fish for mulloway you catch big tailor on that slab bait as well okay so now I'm going to do a small slab bait targeting bream or your other species like flat head or trevally so I'm gonna cut a piece of this slab this fillet like so when I'm using smaller hooks I don't like the slab to be too thick because I want to make sure that the barb or the hook is protruding so I'm actually gonna shave a bit off this because I don't want it to be too thick so here I've got a lovely beautiful look at that how awesome is that fish is gonna love that so what I'm gonna do here this is how you set up for bream I'm going to take my main hook I'm going to put it through the flesh side and out this side and pull it through then I'm going to pin it down here towards the end of the slab like that so there you can see I've got my main hook in there and then in this case I'll have my stinger or my keeper hook so here is my stinger hook you can see that my nice stinger and I'm just going to actually put that through the end of the slab like so so that's my slab bait with a stinger hook in the end and that's a perfect bait for bream, snapper, flathead etc so now we're going to show you how to put squid on your hook and use squid for bait I'm going to show you two ways to do that I'm gonna do a small squid bait which is good for bream and fish like that and then I'm also going to do a larger squid bait which would be good for mulloway or kingfish so let's get started all right we might do a small squid bait first so we don't need a big strip so I'm actually gonna cut this bit of squid like so then if I'm doing a small squid bait we might make it about that big and then I like to sort of taper it a bit at the top so if I can I can put a half hitch on if I want okay so I have my size 3 suicide hook here with a size 3-O and a size 4 stinger so what I'm going to do here is I'm just going to put this hook through the squid here pull it all the way through like that and then towards the end of the little slab of squid I'm going to put the hook through so it's like that then I'm going to do I think right with my stinger hook actually I might start on this side and then put that through like so so that I've got my my stinger hook in there and then I'm going to put a half hitch around the top of the stinger I'm just gonna go like that and put a half-hitch around there just to hold it in place so essentially that that's my small squid bait that I would use for a bream if I was fishing off the beach or if I'm fishing off the rocks onto a sand bottom that's how I'd rig that up so now we're going to do a larger bait which is more suitable to a fish like a mullaway so and we're cutting it a little bit wider and I'm gonna go to a bit of a point with that as well so you can see I've got quite a a decent-sized strip bait there and this time I'm actually using two 6-O hooks here so I have two 6-O suicides you know for some baits if you're using a standalone hook you'd use a bigger hook than a 6-O you'd use like a 9-O or a 10-O hook okay so now I'm going to put this larger bait on for a mulloway so I'm going to put this hook through the squid here squids nice and soft so it's easy to get it through then I'm going to hook it there so I've got that hook pinned in position okay so then I'm gonna put the second hook in actually I'll do it about there and pull that through that second hook in like so, my two hooks then I'm going to do a half hitch around the top of the bait to hold it in place so essentially there you have my slab bait with a half hitch that bait there is about fourteen centimeters long I'm just going to put this other small bait next to it to contrast so you can see there you've got my small bream size bait which would be about five centimeters in length and then you've got the bigger bait which is going to be for a mullaway and if you are fishing off a rock platform onto sand bottom you also might catch a snapper on this bait as well our next amazing bait for Beach fishing is live poddy mullet live mullet are an epic bait for mulloway and for big flathead and some other species that may be their big salmon or if they happen to be some kingfish cruising along the beach so I'm going to show you how to put a live mullet on your hook so you can see here I've got a live mullet this guy's probably about 15 centimeters long now when you're putting on a live mullet you don't want to put the hook through his backbone his backbone runs about down the center of the fish if I was to put the hook in about here I'd kill the fish and it wouldn't be alive for bait I need to hook it along the back here but in between where the backbone is and the top of the fish so generally about this far down is where I'd hook it I like to hook it between these two fins here you can hook it higher up the fish probably doesn't matter too much but in this case here I'm going to pin the hook through there like that so you can see this mullet you can see where I've got the hook in between those two sets of fins towards the back and up above the backbone so that I don't kill the mullet I'm actually fishing down by a lake while I'm doing this demonstration on baiting the mullet my live mullet but they do catch mulloway in this lake and there's some certainly some very big flathead so that's what I'm really targeting with this mullet while I'm down here by the lake but these are an absolutely first-class bait off the beach a little bit of work in catching them but certainly worth it I'm just gonna berley up a bit throw a small amount of bread in the water the mullet will all come around and start attacking it and then I just put a tiny little piece of bread on my size-12 hook and throw it in the midst of the mullet so I just chucked my bit of bread out there and you'll watch in just a second the mullet will all you can see them already starting to chop the surface and eat the bread and now that's where I'm going to throw my bait when you're catching small mullet with a line rather than using a mullet trap you don't use any sinker and you use a really small hook the brand of hook is Daiichi it's a Japanese brand size-12 Daiichi hook the bread must be fresh I only take one slice at a time out of the loaf I leave it in the plastic bag so they keep all the bread nice and fresh and you take a bit out of the middle of the bread I just take a tiny little amount and I don't squeeze it tight you don't want to form it into a hard ball and I just poke the hook into the center of the bread like that that's all I do I don't squeeze it or anything because also you want the bread to float I don't actually wind my reel or use my reel I'm just using it like a little flick rod I only leave about three meters of line out from the end of the rod the mighty yabbie really is a top bait for fishing for whiting off the beach and I'm going to show you now how to put a yabbie on your hook I like to use a long shank hook and you get the yabbie he may bite you but don't let that bother you too much and you put the end of your hook unfortunately in the yabbies rear end right about there and then you thread the hook he doesn't like it obviously you thread the hook up the length of the yabbie somewhat like a worm you thread him onto your hook like so and you keep going until the barb of your hook actually goes into the the yabbies head so you can see there I've got the yabbie on the hook and the body of the yabbies down the shank of the hook you got the head there I also like to put a little half hitch around the top of the yabbie like that just to hold him in position so you can see there that is the yabbie on the hook ready to go yabbies are not the most robust bait and you have to be a little bit gentle when you're casting them they're not that weak that they would fall off but usually you don't have to cast very far off the beach when you're fishing for whiting and using yabbies most of the time the fish just love them and swallow them and you catch the fish anyway even though they're not as hardy as other types of bait but certainly very highly recommended and not too difficult to catch so we're here down in Burill lake on the south coast and we're going to pump some yabbies, I'll show you how to pump yabbies there are a few tricks to it I've observed a lot of people over the years doing things and they're struggling so I want to show you how to do it properly, so let's go when you're pumping for yabbies most of the yabbies you're gonna get are going to be in your second and third drawing of the pump or sucking if you like I've seen a lot of people pumping for yabbies and one of the mistakes that they make is they push the pump into the sand and pull at the same time but really what you want to do when you're coming for yabbies is your first pump is really getting you into the zone I stick my my pump into the sand maybe this far in my first pump and sometimes you get yabbies in your first pump but it's just getting you down into the zone which is about this far under the surface then on my second pump I pushed my pump right down to the bottom of the hole and I don't push the pump further into the sand I do a full you want to actually come fill this whole thing up with water and sand you want to get as much suction and draw up as much as you can if you pull and push at the same time you're not actually going to completely fill your pump you're really only getting half a pump and I'm not sure when you start pumping a yabbie hole if the yabbies freak out and they start to try and go deeper but I like to try and get in there quickly and efficiently get my first pump out of the way and then my second third and fourth pumps are my money pumps where I'm really getting the yabbies so there you have it my video on the best baits for beach fishing the baits that I've shown you in this video all work really well for a variety of species if this video has been helpful give it a big thumbs up and subscribe if you've got any questions I'd love to know so please put them in the comments don't forget if you're struggling to catch beach worms and would like to learn, check out my beach worming master class on my website I spent months creating the best possible training to teach you how to catch beach worms so make sure you check it out happy fishing I look forward to seeing you soon
Channel: Roger Osborne
Views: 52,451
Rating: 4.9504952 out of 5
Keywords: Best baits for fishing, Best baits for beach fishing, Best Baits, Beach fishing, Beach fishing Australia, Surf fishing Australia, Best baits for saltwater fishing, Best bait for fishing, Best bait for Jewfish, Best bait for Flathead, Best bait for Bream, Best bait for Whiting, Best bait for surf fishing, Best bait for salmon, best bait for Snapper, Best bait for Kingfish, Fishing Australia, Fishing Victoria, Fishing California, Fishing South Africa
Id: 4ic2McqSamk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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