Best Bacon Wrapped Shrimp | How To Make Bacon Wrapped Shrimp In The Oven

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[Music] [Music] what's up guys welcome back to all wings everything i am your cook spinelli i am the self-proclaimed wing king and the prince and ruler of all lemon pepper wings guys and if you want to learn how to make the best lemon pepper wings on the planet click that link above and i'm going to show you just how to do it now in today's video i got an easy recipe for you guys and it is delicious i'm gonna show you guys how to make bacon wrapped shrimp but stuffed with jalapeno and cheese it doesn't get any better than this guys so i hope you're in your kitchen i'm already in mine so let's go [Music] alright guys so here are the ingredients we're going to use for today's recipe right here we have some jumbo shrimp and guys you really want to use jumbo shrimp and i'm going to tell you why in just a bit why you won't jumbo shrimp rather i'm going to show you why um right here we have some bacon we have some uh pepper jack cheese snacks here so you want to get the pepper jack or you can use regular cheddar that's up to you uh we have creole seasoning we have three jalapeno peppers you may not use all three jalapeno peppers but i'm i just got three out here i'll tell you how many we're gonna use i have one lime some cilantro we have some spicy ranch dressing you can use regular ranch dressing if you want to that's okay and we have some blackened seasonings so these are the ingredients we're going to use so let's go ahead and get everything set up all right guys so here are the ingredients all measured out right here i have about 12 jumbo shrimp here about 12 strips of jalapeno we have about 12 strips of our pepper jack cheese here tablespoon of creole season a tablespoon of blackened seasoning one fresh lime squeezed i have two tablespoons of cilantro i have one cup of that spicy ranch remember you can use substitute with regular ranch if you want to that's fine and i have right here i have 12 strips of bacon so these are the ingredients so let's move on all right so before we move into the next step i'm going to show you guys exactly what i did to the shrimp and also the hollow also to the jalapeno and also to the cheese to make sure you're cutting it right that way you can stuff your shrimp properly that way it comes out exactly how it is intended to all right so i'll see you guys in a bit all right guys so here's what i have here i have my shrimp here and i have my pepper jack cheese stick here and then we have our uh jalapeno so i'm gonna show you what i did with the um the shrimp so all i did was of course you're gonna take the shell off the shrimp and then you're going to cut it down the back removing all the veins out of it and what i did was sometimes i mean when i clean it i don't cut it all the way you know to the bottom here to the you know through it i you know cut a little bit just to devein it but you want to butterfly as much as you can without cutting through the back of or the bottom of the shrimp so you want it to look exactly like this okay so butterfly as much as you can go as deep as you can without going through the shrimp because you're gonna wanna you're gonna need to stuff all the inside of this all right so that's what i did with the shrimp now with the um the cheese what i did is i took this cheese this uh this stick and i just cut it in half and once you cut it in half what you're going to do is you're going to cut it again in half that way and this way so what you have here you have about four slices now i have big shrimp so maybe i can put that in there in this in the back of the shrimp like this if you have a smaller shrimp what you can do is you can just cut another um in half again and you can and you can do it this way with this one if you got big shrimp you want to use a size by like dave you got a smaller shrimp you want to do it um this way all right now in terms of the jalapeno pepper what i did of course you know everybody knows how to clean a jalapeno or you should and what i did was i cleaned it out already and i'm just going to take that little piece off here you don't really need that and you know just cut it down the middle here and what you do is you know you just get your nice you know thin slice like that cut your nice thin slice like that you know like that you know extinguish it as thin as you need yeah something like that all right so you can do it that way and it gives you these nice little thin slices like this and so because basically what you're going to want to do is you're going to take this and you're going to dump this and inside of here like that see what i'm saying guys so you want to make sure that you have them pretty um sliced pretty um the size of your actually the size of your shrimp so it's that's why it's best to use jumbo shrimp that way you don't have these little bitty pieces you're trying to stuff into these small medium-sized shrimp all right guys so let's move on to the next step all right guys so what we're going to do now is before we start wrapping and stuff in our shrimp what we're going to do is we're going to put our bacon into the oven i've already preheated the oven to 425 degrees we're going to let this cook for three to five minutes we don't want to get it we don't want to cook it thoroughly because of course it gets too crispy to wrap around the uh shrimp but we as you know shrimp cooks fast that way it cooks evenly with the shrimp so once the shrimp is done we're ready to take these bad babies off okay so what i did i just lined it with uh some aluminum foil i just put my bacon on the uh rack and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna stick it in the oven for three to five minutes and once i do that i'm gonna pull it out and we'll continue with the recipe all right i'll be right back all right guys so this is what we have five minutes uh out of the oven so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna let this cool off just a bit before we start wrapping them of course you definitely want to do that you don't touch this hot bacon grease or this hot bacon so we're gonna let this cool for about i guess about five to ten minutes and then we're gonna continue with the recipe all right be right back all right so while we're waiting on that to cool let's go ahead and start preparing our um ranch sauce a ranch dip so what we're going to do is we're just going to add our lime juice to the ranch dressing and our cilantro it's just that simple and we're just going to give it a mix that's simple guys and what we're going to do is we're just going to um reserve this until the shrimp are done all right see you in a bit all right so now let's go ahead and start seasoning our shrimp so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take our uh tablespoon of our creole seasoning and we're just gonna sprinkle it over our shrimp like this and i'm gonna get it over all of it so i'm just gonna move it around a little bit take the rest of it sprinkle it over there move it around a little bit like that and that's sufficient enough right there gives you a little that creole kick to it and right now all right so this is what we have all right and i'll see you guys in a bit seems like the bacon is cooling down so give it about three to five more minutes and we'll be ready to go all right guys so here comes the fun part it's time for us to stuff our uh shrimp with our uh ingredients so what we're gonna do we're gonna start off grabbing our shrimp of course like that and i'm gonna start off with putting the cheese inside along with the jalapeno now guys keep in mind it's not going to stuff that all the way inside that's why you use the but use the bait the bacon to hold it in and you got something like that so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to stick this over here on our uh cooking rack i use the same wreck that i did with the bacon now guys one thing you can do if your shrimps are small you can cut your bacon in half but again my shrimp or jumbo shrimp so i'm not going i'm not gonna cut my um my bacon i'm gonna use a whole piece of bacon again i'm gonna put the jalapeno on top of the cheese because i want that cheese to melt directly on top of that shrimp and we're just going to turn it over like this guys just like that and guys you already know this can get tedious and the bacon is coarse greasy but who cares man who cares about all that don't be in my comments talking about the bacon grease and all that man when you eat this thing you're gonna forget all about all that crazy stuff you talking about this stuff is great man and i love bacon grease i love cooking with bacon grease so i'm gonna do one more guys and then i'm gonna speed through it because there's no need to watch me do all this it's really time to get to the eating all right so that one now and do it this way and you want to just start wrapping it around your just like that guys this is simple very simple and easy all right so i'm gonna go ahead and finish that out and i'll see you guys in a bit all right guys so this is what we have guys take a look at this this is what you wanted to look like all right so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to take um blackened season and i'm just going to sprinkle it like this over the shrimp like that sprinkle a little that black and season over like that and you can flip it over uh if you want to and do the other side i'm just going to do it like that i want to aggravate what of all my creation that i've already created um but also once it comes out of the oven if you want to sprinkle a little bit more blackened seasoning you can do that so that's what we have all right so what we're going to do now is we're going to throw it back in the oven on 400 degrees and we're going to let it cook for 15 minutes we're going to keep our eye on again guys i don't know how hot your stove gets so i can't tell you uh if you need to keep it in there for 20 minutes or 10 minutes but we're going to do it for about 15 minutes keeping our eye on it the shrimp is cooked thoroughly and also the bacon is starting to brown now once that 15 minutes up we're going to take a look at if we feel that the bacon's making this cook thoroughly what we're going to do is we're going to throw it under the broiler for about maybe about two to three minutes to let that bacon kind of crisp up just a little bit not much you don't want it too crispy kind of crisp up and darken a little bit okay guys i'm gonna show you guys what what we're gonna do all right i'll be right back all right guys so this is what we have after 15 minutes so now what i'm gonna do see that's that's cooked thoroughly if you can take a look at that what i'm doing is i'm gonna set the broiler and i'm gonna sit it in here for about three to five minutes keeping my eye on it making sure we don't get it burn it but i want it a little bit darker than that and i want the bacon to be just a little bit crispier than that all right now you can take it out like this if you want to but this um the bacon is still kind of i want to say yes i would just say use words soft but you want a little bit crispier than that that's if you like your bacon a little bit crispier i don't like it too crisp but just a little bit crispier than that guys so i'm gonna stick it back in and i'll be right back with the final product and guys this is what we have here fresh at the oven uh we did about three we did about four minutes on broil let's take a look at this show you what we got look at this guys take a look at that oh man let me show you another one look at this oh my goodness this is what we want this is what we want all right so i'm gonna go ahead and get these bad babies plated up and i'll see you guys in the next step and there you have it guys bacon wrap stuffed jalapeno and cheese shrimp that is a mouthful let me tell you that is a mouthful shrimp cheese bacon and jalapeno i mean that's a that's like um that that combination can't even lose it's not even a losing combination it's a winning combination guys take a look at this yes this is delicious and i did did add our um our ranch uh sauce here with it so guys if you need the ingredients it's in the video description below also guys if you're looking for the uh measurements it's also in the video description below and don't forget to hit that like button guys and if you like this video and you're watching it on your desktop you should see a um a button under the video that says applaud man click applaud and applaud my video guys go ahead this is amazing you guys already know this is what you want as an appetizer the nba has started back the playoffs you want this at your kitchen table or either on your uh coffee table while you're watching the game i'm telling you this is delicious also you see the all wings everything merch below the video go ahead guys click on that and before i get out of here man i'm going to try one of these things for you because i know you guys are wanting to know what it tastes like so i'ma grab this one here let's take a look at that oh my goodness all right so before i dip it in the sauce i'm gonna go ahead and just take a bite of it right now let's see what it is look at that it's good cook well mmm that's good now let's dip it in some of this a spicy red sauce like that see what it tastes like all right you don't even know what y'all missing man i love this all right so that's all i have for today guys hey and if it's your first time here and you like easy appetizers and you love good wing recipes consider subscribing you already gonna love the channel you see what i got right here guys i know you love it don't act like you don't because i know you do so hit the subscribe button like the video and until then you're here cooking with spinelli and i am out [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: All Wings Everything
Views: 24,620
Rating: 4.9407067 out of 5
Keywords: bacon wrapped shrimp with cheese and jalapeno, easy to make appetizer ideas, bacon wrapped shrimp in the oven, shrimp wrapped in bacon, bacon wrapped shrimp recipe, how to make bacon wrapped shrimp, bacon wrapped shrimp appetizers, bacon wrapped stuffed shrimp, how to make bacon wrapped shrimp in oven, how to make bacon wrapped shrimp with cheese, how to make bacon wrapped shrimp on the stove, how to make bacon wrapped shrimp with jalapenos
Id: cVCuF1vd4EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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