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in the filmmaking process not everything you film is gonna be absolute gold or maybe it just doesn't really fit in the film or doesn't contribute enough and later on in the editing room you might decide to take some stuff out such as the case for example with the mcu films where for each one there's at least two or three scenes that may have been interesting but had to be cut for one reason or another so today i'm going through every mcu movie and talking about some of their deleted scenes not all of them because some of these are pretty basic but there's some stuff in here that as a big fan of these films is entertaining to either see or read about so let's get into this first up iron man in this one we have some more of tony stark in the casino during which he plays roulette and loses 3 million dollars given how tony is in the first film somehow doesn't surprise me there's an alternate scene where that one guy from the 10 rings yeah you know the one actually starts to bond a bit with tony and ho jensen over this board game they're playing but then that other guy from the 10 rings yeah that one comes in and kills him for doing this would have been kind of an interesting moment in the film but the direction they ended up taking that character works quite well and has quite a satisfying ending he's all yours there's a scene where tony has a party in dubai and is about to have a nice and respectful conversation with three women but he leaves roadie helps out tony a bit in the final battle by driving his car into stain and there's an alternate version of the final fight where tony actually tries to save stain but then stain tries to kill both of them and in the end stain meets the same fate that he makes in the original cut it's cool to see tony's character progression but for the pacing of that final fight i think it's fine that it was cut since his character growth is also shown in other ways next up arguably the most forgettable mcu film the incredible hulk the main one that everyone knows here is an alternate opening which is later discussed by a suspiciously different looking banner in the avengers where bruce banner tries to shoot himself in the arctic but turns into the hulk and therefore doesn't die also in that scene captain america is seen in the ice which is kind of a crazy coincidence but if this had stayed in the film in 2008 i think would have been a really cool easter egg for fans before people even really knew cap would be in this universe there's also another deleted scene where banner is delivering pizzas on campus and when some girls don't pay him he tells them they wouldn't like him when he's angry but they just call him a pervert thought it sounded kind of funny but also get why it was cut since the movie already got a different joke out of the hole you wouldn't like me when i'm angry [ __ ] all right iron man 2 alternate opening tony is throwing up because of the arc reactor poisoning though having seen this screenshot many times before i assumed it was because of the more usual tony stark things like consuming an insane amount of alcohol pepper also kisses his helmet instead of him and then throws it out of the plane very cute phil coulson is seen in the senate scene and deleted scene try to say that three times fast on the mcu wiki where i'm looking through these i just find it amusing that there are multiple deleted scenes where it's just tony and pepper arguing on top of all the scenes of that that made it into the film it kind of highlights what kind of character tony is in iron man 2. speaking of which there's some more deleted escapades from tony's drunk birthday party including this shot of him showing natasha how to fire a repulsor blast and finally there's an alternate piece of the big finale in which ivan vanko holds pepper hostage enjoy these great unfinished special effects but ultimately tony triumphs as usual thor there's this moment right before thor's coronation which i actually think is really good and adds some more to thor and loki's relationship and personally i think should have been kept in later on the film hank pym is mentioned by eric selvig in a deleted scene again would have been a fun little easter egg at the time there's a scene where thor takes his mug to the cafe whereas is famous another moment to replace the one he broke that's actually a pretty funny payoff that maybe they could have left in potentially would have been more meaningful than hawkeye's i'm gonna shoot him but actually i don't end up shooting him cameo but i don't know i guess for pacing reasons they cut it now if you recall in the actual film thor stands up for his new friends and gets [ __ ] slapped to death and thus proves himself worthy of the powers of thor but in an alternate version selvig is actually mortally wounded in that battle and thor working to heal him proves his worthiness of the powers of thor i prefer the original and then interestingly in an alternate ending jane and darcy and eric are working to get some communication going with thor which involves working on making a wormhole which eric instructs his team to use data from sword as well as from shield sword hasn't been mentioned in the mcu since this deleted scene but it was considered to have it be part of agents of shield and it will be appearing in the upcoming one division show with monica rambo as a member of it apparently it's a division of shield that deals with alien stuff at least in the comics we'll see if that's what ends up happening here also i'm 99 sure i've seen this sword division mentioned in relation to the far from home post-credits scene where fury's out in space people said maybe he's with sword out on a space mission anyway we'll see but it was first mentioned in a thor deleted alternate scene if that means anything next up one of my personal favorites captain america the first avenger not a lot here there's a scene where bucky is fighting in the war and discovers that hydra has super laser weapons and in that scene it also shows that hydra has moved past the nazis and onto their own motives as they kill some german troops as well there's a scene where colonel phillips gives steve the medal of honor and there's an extended version of the scene where steve has come out of the ice where nick fury tells him that their side ended up winning the war what about the war do you win hell yes unconditional surrender and then my number one personal favorite the avengers most of these are actually captain america related ones which i think the avengers is pretty perfect the way it is adding some of this stuff in maybe would have made him more relatable in the film and not the lamest version of his character that we've seen in the mcu films i mean that costume doesn't really help either anyway steve looks into world war ii stuff to catch up on life since he got defrosted including reading files on his former friends where he finds out peggy is still alive he thinks about calling her but ends up not doing it there's also an extra moment in the battle of new york where steve helps a family in a car that's being attacked by some chitari there's also a bunch of deleted stuff with beth the waitress steve is eating at a cafe and drawing and taking in the modern world and he talks a little bit to beth that scene also includes a stanley cameo as for her number you [ __ ] and then later on they also see each other during the battle of new york to be honest maybe the best stuff should have been cut but i don't know i think the world war ii research stuff is interesting to his character although in a film with so many moving pieces i do understand why it was cut plus it's explored in more depth in future films also there's an extended version of the scene where bruce talks to harry dean stanton iron man 3. rhodey is talking about tony having supposedly died but rhodey's pretty chill about it saying he's died on me before which i like because it seems like tony is presumed dead in a lot of the movies he appears in at a certain point you just stop believing it there's also a bit of a plot line that was cut in that little tennessee town involving harley's bully who harley and tony actually end up saving good moral lesson right there there are apparently many alternate takes of when that huge tony fan meets tony i kind of love that scene so that stood out to me during the air force one scene that one henchman disguised as iron patriot knocks out some guy after distracting him by saying hey is that thor which to be honest if you're gullible enough to assume that thor would just appear on air force one you probably have this coming there's an extended version of maya hansen's death involving an explosive extremist plant which kills hanson after she helps tony a bit more trevor slattery's acting is put to use by rhodey and tony including alternate versions where he's asked to use different accents by rhodey and in the chinese version of the film there are more scenes involving dr wu from the start of the film including a scene where he calls tony and tells jarvis to tell tony that he will have the support of china after he's threatened the mandarin at the very least that's what it says here i don't speak mandarin so i can't translate directly but you can find this clip on youtube if you want to see it for yourself moving on to thor the dark world a pretty well known deleted scene for mcu fans here where loki creates an illusion of himself being crowned as the ruler of asgard and then having a conversation with his mother pretty solid scene i definitely think it should have been kept in there's also an alternate version of frigga's death where odin actually lets malikith kill friega because he refuses to give up the ether now i wasn't able to find the scene but on the wiki it says and i quote frigga begs odin to kill malekith knowing he has the power to do so but he chooses otherwise and she is killed which if that's reflective of what the scene actually is like that's pretty dark but also stays in line with the mcu's continued thread of odin generally being a massive prick oh this is better oh the costume's a bit much so tight but the confidence i can feel the righteousness surging in captain america 2 it's also pretty well known amongst mcu fans that steve's famous list changes based on the country you're in looking over these i like that rocky and rocky 2 stay on every list there's a lot of football soccer related stuff on a lot of these lists like lots of world cups presumably ones in which the country in question did very well in i don't really watch football shakira is on the list for latin american countries steve irwin and skippy the bush kangaroo for australia new zealand daft punk for france oktoberfest for germany it's kind of interesting to look at if you've got some spare time also want to take this chance to say this is always what i say when someone suggests i watch a show that i fully know i have no intention of watching i'll put it on the list if anyone i know in my real life who have said this to is watching this just a joke there's also an extended version of peggy's interview in the smithsonian where she talks about her relationship with steve decently emotional scene there's a scene of fury giving natasha the mission impossible mask which i think is a good call that they cut it out since it ruins a pretty fun reveal later pierce mentions budapest along with some other aspects of black widow's past life when he's asking her if she's ready for the world to see her as she truly is and finally at the end the film when sam and steve have this interaction you're going after him you don't have to come with me i know when do we start and then it cuts originally steve was gonna say we just did as he does in some of the trailers when do we start we just did which to be honest i think works in the trailer but cutting it makes for a much better smoother and cooler ending to the film guardians of the galaxy there were some more additions to the awesome mix vol 1 that had their scenes cut such as magic by pilot and live and thing by electric light orchestra the second of which involved this scene that was part of quite a few of the trailers there was another scene to convey what gamora nebula's not so great relationship was as they battle and talk competitively with each other at the same time stan lee had a different cameo where he was in the collector's lair during which he flipped screwed the bird an extended version of the 12 percent scene jax explaining what his tattoos mean to rocket and groot and then them getting into an argument the citizens of zandar helping the guardians after their big battle including broker from earlier in the film and finally after the big final battle not only do you see nebula walking away although we already knew she survived but also there's a quick shot of peter cole's grandpa on present-day earth with a picture of peter and his mom which i believe would have been the only time we revisit earth in that film although we do see peter's grandpa again briefly in guardians 2. now before we get on to the rest of the movies this video is sponsored now wait i know people tend to skip over the sponsored parts of the videos but come on this is my first ever sponsor this is kind of a big deal right plus it's a great sponsor it is in fact loot crate loot crate were cool enough to send me this marvel themed box let's open this sucker up let's look at what we got in here first off there's this sentinel tiki mug how great is that then we got this gambit towel mat we got this thing that initially i thought was a straw but turns out it's a swizzle stick plus it's got psylocke on there and then we've got a scented candle smells delightful and it comes with a lockheed candle holder who famously appeared in the beloved new mutants film and presumably and hopefully better things than that we got some magneto pins right here and we got this awesome t-shirt with a sentinel on it that for some reason when filming this i decided to put over my current t-shirt instead of just taking that shirt off and then putting on the new one anyway fits perfectly great shirt so thank you so much lootcrate click the link in the description to get your own loot crate and use code bhl15 to get 15 off your purchase it's not only a great product but it helps me out so bhl15 also this loot crate specifically is from last month because this video is taking me way too long to make so you won't get this one you'll get a whole new one and it can be a whole subscription service type thing so anyway link down below bhl15 thank you lootcrate all right back to the video next avengers 2 a film where it seems a lot of stuff was cut and moved around because the whole production of this film seems like it was a bit messier than other ones there's a scene with pietro and wander right before they talk to ultron where pietro is giving stolen clothes and food and such to the people of sokovia and he and wanda have a little conversation about that plus why wanda didn't kill tony there's a scene showing when von strucker is killed although ultron is off-screen hulk destroys an african village during his rampage there was some more conversation between banner natasha an extended version of vision's birth a different version of thorin selvig going to the mystical pool of sacred movie setups where they encounter a norn that possesses thor in order to tell selvik about the infinity stones the norns are apparently the norse mythology equivalent to the fates loki also was supposed to have a little cameo in thor's vision about which joss whedon also said quote we even had a little reference to the fact that he's taken the throne which was tom doing his anthony hopkins impression when thor says oh what would father say then tom does his hopkins impression and thor's like that is uncanny it's sort of like his subconscious is telling him that loki was imitating his father but he would never make that connection there's this scene where the avengers arrive in sokovia and cap decides not to wear his helmet to battle after seeing himself being portrayed as a fascist and some graffiti still feel like the helmet would provide good protection in a battle to save the world but oh well symbolism and all that i suppose quicksilver flirts with a girl as he's telling everyone to evacuate the city very characteristic of quicksilver or not i don't really know much about this quicksilver actually come to think of it and speaking of him scenes were apparently shot not only showing quicksilver surviving the dozens of bullet wounds he got but also showing him at avengers hq at the end in a new costume just in case disney decided that they didn't like the fact that joss whedon had killed him off and speaking of that scene captain marvel portrayed by a random stand-in actress until they figured out who they actually wanted for the role was also going to be in that scene i feel like that would have been kind of a weird way to introduce her like she's just in this little moment at the end with no introduction or context i don't know it feels a bit more forced and fan-service-y than some of the other great mcu future setups so i think it's good it was ultimately cut there's a pretty big deleted scene from this film involving a heist from hank pym ant-man in the 80s could have been cool to see there's some more cassian scott stuff pretty cute although i get why it was cut i think they developed that quite well in the rest of the film and then went on to do even more of that in the second one after his first ant-man experience scott apparently keeps the suit on and tries to steal a diamond from a pawn shop but some more of hank pyms and stop him from doing that after which he decides it's a good idea to return the suit also there's apparently a scene where scott uses the suit and his aunt friends to get lots of money from casinos along with luis and dave not really sure where this would have fit in the film but it sounds kind of fun and shows even though scott becomes more of a hero he still has a bit of a scoundrel inside him given that it's a comedy film there were also lots of jokes that were cut quite a few of them appearing in the trailers for example where scott asks if it's too late to change the name ant-man and telling falcon that iron man was already taken and finally originally the post-credits scene would have been scott catching this hydra guy and getting some of cross's pin particles from him but it was replaced with this one scene from civil war which even though it felt a bit out of place was arguably a more interesting setup as opposed to something that the audience really just would have assumed happened anyway by the next film next up captain america civil war originally hawkeye was going to be helping transport bucky and would talk to him about how he was brainwashed by loki and so could relate to bucky's hydra brainwashing actually a pretty decent connection between these two characters that could have been explored a little in an early draft of the film it was also implied that pepper was pregnant with tony telling steve that he missed his lamas classes but i guess they decided they wanted to save that for later on there was a longer version of nas conversation with steve where she tells him about how she searched for her parents in russia and eventually visited their graves i would have loved to see this in the film i think nat and steve's relationship from winter soldier is one of the most interesting in the mcu and i kind of wish we'd seen him explored more and also during the airport battle there's this moment that i'll just let play out [Music] nice save i gotta give me one of those doctor strange there really is not a lot of stuff here i guess they had a pretty tight script to the final product journey originally strange's sister donna was going to appear although she couldn't have been that important to the plot since her scenes being cut wasn't noticeable at all a couple of scenes involving kaiselius killing one of his minions and a priest because they either fail him or disagree with him or something pretty standard villain stuff strange helps a dog with a broken leg man yeah there's not a lot from this movie guardians 2 again being a comedy film some more jokes for cut tracks hugging an unwilling star-lord nebula mistakenly calling them the guardians of the galaxy rocket asking yondu if he's heard of flossing and similar kind of stuff there's a line where peter tells drax that he has multiple copies of the awesome mix which helps to explain how he would have it after all these years of space adventures where presumably it would have gotten damaged or destroyed at some point there's an extended version of the teenage groot scene there's this scene where ego shows the guardians a monument to the battle of xandar where peter is saving the day on his own while the others are either not present or not accurately depicted pretty funny stuff that's you when was i that tiny you were never that tiny what are you talking about i'm looking at me and the watch informant had some extra dialogue about being a world war ii veteran confirming again the joke of the scene that all the stanley cameos have in fact been the watcher informant in spider-man homecoming it seems like there's a lot of leftover footage here the whole opening vlog had a bunch more stuff in it including peter spidey going to a german nightclub and also somehow saving the chancellor seems like a pretty big deal but i guess not there's some more aaron davis stuff including where he calls his nephew miles personally i think just the subtle little mention was good enough as an easter egg they didn't need more there are some more funny happy hogan moments including where he calls his mom to tell her he finally did something for tony stark without any problems and then sees the cargo plane crashing the school news station reports that the shocker was found webbed up and a bunch of students took selfies with him including one student who took the shocker's shocker device thing they also interview mr harrington ned and michelle on who they think spider-man really is to which they have the responses you'd probably expect up next on under the mask who is spider-man who is spider-man i don't know who he is but i have my suspicions it's a mystery it always will be and there were lots of scenes of mr harrington talking about his ex-wife which can be found in a compilation on youtube and presumably on the dvd if that's still a thing called mr harrington's lessons in love oh and also they're all these captain america psas but those are really more extras than deleted scenes then again so are some of these other ones you know what i think it's interesting so i'm putting it in and who really keeps track of the rules for these videos i make the video so i make the very loosely defined rules thor ragnarok originally the whole first encounter with hella and odin's death and all that was going to be in new york city a more urban gray environment than what we ended up getting ednowden was also not going to be in this prestigious exile but he would be like a crazy hobo there were a lot of differences in that part of the film it sounds like it could have been kind of fun to see but i guess they wanted odin to have a more regal death and not just turn him into a joke but yeah some of the green screening and editing they did to change that scene is a bit apparent especially after you've seen the original originally doctor strange also trapped loki in a porta potty via magic instead of sending him falling for 30 minutes there are some deleted grandmaster moments which are pretty delightful as most of the grandmaster's moments were there's some more hulk and thor banter a scene where him and bruce are traveling to asgard and bruce compares thor to dumbo since thor believes he needs his hammer and dumbo believed he needed a feather to fly hulk chases thor to stop him from leaving sicar at one point and the people cheer him on even though he destroys a lot of the marketplace kind of symbolic of how superheroes save the day but often destroyed the entire city in the process and finally i don't really know if this is actually a scene that would have been in the film at some point or it's just like a funny bit for the gag reel who knows with the kind of absurd and self-worth comedy that taika ytd uses in his films but in that scene where carl urban is told to execute an asgardian yondu shows up wearing sunglasses and asks if anyone knows where kevin and lu's office is referencing kevin feige and lou despacito the producers of the mcu films i mean continuity wise this makes little to no sense but yeah again it works with tykas and this movie's sense of humor and i'm assuming this was just meant as a little funny gag for the extras then there's black panther there's a flashback scene where t'challa and nikia as kids find t'chaka troubled because of a tough choice he had to make and he talks to t'challa about this pretty interesting fits with the themes of the film there's an argument between okoye and wakabe after t'challa loses to killmonger there's also reference to how t'chaka gave t'challa the black panther responsibilities even though he was still king which i've realized has confused some people how t'challa was black panther even though his dad was still alive and still king but at some point yeah i mean it makes sense that you get too old to be doing this stuff according to zory t'chaka started saying that he was getting too fat for the black panther suit and finally there's an extended version of that post-credit scene where martin freeman shows up at the un before t'challa's speech and tries to convince him to not reveal wakanda to the world but t'challa is like don't worry i got this this is the right thing to do and then martin freeman tries to tell him good luck in kosa but bruce banner style it doesn't go so well amatam sanjua nancy kalelo up next avengers infinity war there's more to tony and pepper's conversation at the start of the film including an appearance by happy hogan which is always nice to see and another cameo by joe russo who made cameos in the winter soldier civil war and end game as well there's a little more to the scotland fight with one envision not that much though there's this scene with the guardians after losing gamora on nowhere which i absolutely think should have been kept in the film not only because it contains a great song [Music] and it's pretty funny but it also shows that peter gets a message from nebula saying gamora is alive which makes his big meltdown later a bit more understandable as not only is he distraught that gamora is dead but he specifically had been told that she wasn't and then a pretty major scene in quite a few ways thanos uses the soul stone on titan to separate star-lord drax and nebulous souls from their bodies which i guess was changed to this moment in the final film before throwing that moon at them all firstly nice to finally see the soul stone in action since beyond the messed up way that you have to obtain it it was never clear what was so special about the stone like what does it do specifically in an offensive scenario because all the other stones have all of these powers like i know it's linked to the soul world that you go to after you snap but the fact that every other stone has some combat power and this one never did was always a little odd to me so interesting to see that then in the same scene spidey is saving their bodies and doctor strange's astral form helps him with it telling him mantis is the one who can bring their souls back into their bodies which she then does and there's a little interaction between spidey and quill yeah you may have hit a couple things on the way down not actually my fault you're just super heavy a lot of crazy stuff here i get why it was cut maybe for time there was never a part of me watching that final battle being like hmm this feels incomplete this needed more stuff but it's still cool to hear about and again something that i love about the russo movies is using the hero's different powers in unique ways and crossing them over in ways that really fit them like yeah if the souls were removed from their bodies by the soul stone then dr strange's astral form could probably help them and mantis's powers probably would be the ones to bring them back it's so specific to the different characters that i feel some writers and directors would avoid that because some people might not get it and would just go for a more broad general approach but the russo seemed happy to zoom in on specific characters powers and trust that the audience is familiar enough with the mcu to get it and if they aren't it isn't like movie breaking they'll be able to accept it and that's something that i think really makes endgame and infinity war special especially for mcu fans ant-man and the wasp ghost's dad's death scene was originally different hank and janet went on a mission to catch him and during the mission the quantum tunnel he had built became unstable due to it being shot at and it killed ghost's dad and there was a bit more 80s dh tank and janet ant-man of the wasp action later on the film when janet is rescued from the quantum realm she tells hank that there are tons of worlds and even civilizations down there which i think could be fascinating to explore in future ant-man films if they choose to go down that route it might be a bit too much like what it seems doctor strange 2 is going to be but a trip through the quantum realm to different worlds sounds honestly more interesting and more unique to me than what the previous two ant-man films have been next up captain marvel not a ton of crazy stuff here originally as seen from the trailers and promo images this scene was going to have ronin in it but that didn't end up happening there's a scene where jude law talks to the supreme intelligence and it takes the form of jude law to talk to him there's this scene at the start where carol and jude law teach some kids about cree life and all that and give some exposition and then finally there's this scene where this guy asks carol to smile and hits on her and then she hurts him and terminator style takes his jacket and his bike and you know what this scene is so controversial that i'm not even gonna talk about it more cause otherwise all the comments will be about that and at the end of the day it's a deleted scene from a movie and it doesn't really matter that much either way then the big one avengers endgame potentially the mcu movie with the most significant deleted scenes which makes sense given that it's the biggest mcu movie the first few aren't that significant tony and pepper talk about their pet alpaca gerald seems like something peaceful lakeside cabin dad tony stark would have hulk helps save some people from a burning building an extremely pivotal scene that was definitely worth waiting for through the credits of the re-release 100 no i'm definitely not bitter road and steve have this interaction which is pretty funny yeah i've been meaning to ask why did you have to crash the plane his bombs on board bombs and you couldn't have jumped out of the plane before you crashed it as well as rocket and the other avengers having this interaction the chittari the suckiest army in the galaxy why don't you just blow up the mothership we didn't know that was a thing you didn't know that was a thing which is a fun way of showing the difference in space experience between the guardians and the avengers there's some more fat thor and rocket on asgard stuff including thor pissing off of a balcony then there was an entirely different version of the vormir scene where thanos in his army actually turns up and starts firing at blackwidow and hawkeye which results in black widow being shot as she's running for the edge and having to crawl her way over the cliff personally i agree with joe russo's reasoning for this being cut because it distracts from the powerful personal character aspect of the scene and instead turns it into more of a flashy action scene during the final battle a bunch of the avengers gather up and start planning their next moves just a cool scene to see a bunch of these characters together and interacting but admittedly not super necessary to the story there was also a previous version of the script where thanos would have time traveled killed a version of captain america in the past then at the start of the final battle he would show up in front of steve tony and thor and throw that captain america's decapitated head in front of them i believe the version from the avengers pretty badass although i imagine it was cut for being a bit too brutal for this kind of film although you know these movies do have their decently brutal moments occasionally then a pretty major one that involved catherine langford's entire role being cut from the mcu after he snaps tony wakes up in the soul world like thanos did and meets his daughter morgan only an older version for some reason it is interesting to see but it's kind of a weird scene that feels a bit awkward and out of place and i think the more i guess simple or blunt ending for tony they went with is much more effective after tony's death there's this scene where all the avengers take a knee for him except for 2014 gamora who doesn't know what any of this really means to be honest again this is a pretty cool scene to see as a deleted scene as a little extra after you've watched the movie a bunch of times but the more i've seen this moment i feel again the way the film handled the death in a relatively more subtle way i think makes that moment more impactful so i agree with this being cut the most recent mcu film which came out over a year ago which feels weird to say spider-man far from home some decently significant deleted footage was actually compiled into a short film that came with the dvd for this film again if dvds are still thinking that exist called peter's to-do list which includes peter selling his toys in order to have enough money to get mj the black dahlia necklace and also him fighting the goons of the man freddy crime family in a restaurant using the iron spider suit and then having a bit of banter with some policemen a lot of this can be seen in the trailer anyway but i'm sure you can find this stuff on youtube at this point there's this moment where the there in the film peter sleeps with his head on mj's shoulder jim and pam style but more relevantly it was mentioned earlier in the film i think this should have been kept in it's a sweet little moment and finally after he gets back peter asks aunt may what she thinks of tony stark's glasses and she gives an appropriate response to the worst looking sunglasses that tony stark has ever worn uh i think a little obvious it doesn't mean they're terrible but of all the ones tony starks had on his face these are the worst i'm sorry if any of you out there own these they're tony so oh you're gonna grow into them thanks and there you go not all but some of the mcu deleted scenes the ones that i think are interesting if you want a comprehensive list of absolutely all of them you can check out the mcu wiki page that helped me put this video together so what did you think of these and do you wish some of these have been kept in the films and have i missed any really fascinating ones let me know that and all of your thoughts down below in the comments while you're at it be sure to like this video check out my instagram and twitter at bhl underscore hudson check out this podcast about movies and tv and whatnot i do with a friend of mine called the poorly planned podcast and subscribe for more videos like the one you just watched thanks for watching and i'll see you next time [Applause] you
Channel: BHL Hudson
Views: 1,857,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bhl, hudson, BEST AND WORST MCU DELETED SCENES, mcu deleted scenes, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, deleted scenes, marvel cinematic universe deleted scenes, endgame deleted scenes, infinity war deleted scenes, thor ragnarok deleted scenes, age of ultron deleted scenes, avengers, thor the dark world deleted scenes, guardians of the galaxy deleted scenes, captain marvel deleted scenes, spider-man far from home deleted scenes, captain america civil war deleted scenes, thor, iron man
Id: sR0Skrn0550
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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