Gemini: Google's Final Answer to OpenAI's ChatGPT Supremacy

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all right we're about to dive into an intriguing topic here Google's latest AI Project Gemini this one said to Eclipse chat GPT and performance which let's be honest is quite the statement given the prowess of chat GPT now you might be asking how could Google even make such a bold claim in this video we'll demystify everything about Gemini highlight its groundbreaking nature and compare it with chat GPT alright let's get started announced recently at the Google I O conference this new project from Google is nothing less than a leap forward in the AI realm standing for generative enhanced multimodal intelligent network interface Gemini in essence is an AI system capable of generating and interpreting various data types via text images audio video and cleverly interact with humans and other systems you might ask don't we already have something like chat gpt4 well yes we do chat gpt4 a versatile AI system can produce multimodal content depending on the input or prompt if you ask it to write a love poem sketch a cat donning sunglasses or even compose a pizza song it will deliver although maybe skip listening to the song however its versatility is also its Achilles heel it's a jack of all trades but a master of none that's where Gemini changes the game it's a specialized tool with an intense focus on text processing here's why Google thinks text is the ai's Holy Grail because it's rich with information and knowledge think about it almost everything we do online involves text searching reading communicating and providing feedback making it vital for understanding our world that's why Google aspires to create Gemini an AI That's unparalleled in text processing it is designed to generate top quality text for any purpose or domain need a blog post headline that pops a persuasive speech a humorous social media post or a gripping novel storyline Gemini's got it all it goes beyond generating text content and can understand and interpret text from others however it doesn't stop at being a generator or consumer of text content it is also an active collaborator and Communicator it can interact with you or other systems as if it were human offering assistance whether you want to chat seek advice or learn something new Gemini is not merely another language model it's a revolution in AI text interaction the cherry on top it's still being honed by Google deepmind the masterminds behind many pioneering AI projects now how Google deepmind engineered Gemini and what sets it apart so Google deepmind a branch of Google focusing on AI research was founded in 2010 by x-chess Prodigy neuroscientist and game designer Denise hassabis hasabis the CEO envisions an AI that can learn and reach if not exceed human level intelligence deepmind is renowned for creating alphago an AI that defeated a go world champion in 2016. a feat thought impossible due to the game's complexity and demand for intuition and strategy alphago used a method called reinforcement learning to adjust its strategy based on feedback from millions of games it played despite alphago's success hasabis wanted more he aimed to develop an AI system that could not only play games but also comprehend and generate natural language this led to the creation of Gemini an AI model that applies alphago's problem-solving techniques to language processing in a wired interview hasabi stated that Gemini would incorporate exciting new Innovations but didn't disclose specifics so what exactly is Gemini's unique approach to Ai and how does it work Gemini is a versatile AI model mostly focusing on text processing but can also handle data types like images audio and video it learns from its experiences and web data using information from different sources to enhance its capabilities for instance it can create image captions by using visual details from from the picture and textual data from the web it can answer questions using web text and audio from podcasts or videos If writing a poem Gemini uses text from the web and emotional cues from music or art and it uses feedback to improve if it makes a mistake it learns not to repeat it but if it does well it reinforces that behavior this model can also set its own goals based on its curiosity creating its own questions or challenges to learn more and expand its skills with reinforcement learning Gemini becomes more independent and adaptable in text processing it also gets more creative and communicative in generating and understanding text so what does all this mean for us well it could revolutionize AI especially generative AI set to be worth over 80 billion dollars by 2030 generative AI makes new stuff text pictures sounds videos and more what can it do lots it can make fake data for AI training improve existing data create new new content like music or stories design products or Services even simulate complex situations like weather or economics Gemini could be one of the most powerful generative AI tools yet imagine creating top-notch text understanding any content chatting with Gemini like it's a person making new things together or just having fun and discovering new possibilities I believe Gemini could transform Ai and our world it brings new opportunities and challenges but is it better than chat GPT the current AI leader let's find out chat GPT made by openai is an advanced AI language model updated many times since its 2022 launch the latest version chat gpt4 can create varied content from prompts using data from the internet chat gpt4 can do many things like answer questions write essays and compose songs making it sound like a real person talking yet it has some flaws it's not always accurate or clear about how it makes decisions it doesn't always create new content and it can't have in-depth conversations or learn from past experiences now Gemini wants to do better it's built to be more reliable clear original and engaging Gemini uses past experiences to improve itself gives clear reasons for its decisions creates more diverse content and can have deeper interactions but chat GPT still has advantages it can create varied content and perform many tasks is free for anyone to use and has been tested more widely Gemini isn't meant to replace chat GPT but to offer a different choice so Gemini and chat GPT are both amazing AI systems with their own strengths and weaknesses they are changing the AI landscape and the world Google has been a key player in the AI industry heavily investing in AI research and development and launching products like Google assistant and Google translate however it has faced challenges including the controversial launch of Bard an AI chatbot in 2022 Bard produced in a appropriate responses and had to be shut down soon after its introduction Google has also grappled with ethical issues including privacy breaches and employee conflicts despite these setbacks it has learned from its mistakes and improved its AI practices by introducing new principles for responsible AI development Google is now preparing for the next stage in its AI Journey with Gemini its future AI model Gemini still being developed at Google deepmind promises to advance the AI industry even further though its specific future impacts are uncertain it's anticipated that Gemini will surpass chat GPT and text processing and content generation capabilities that wraps up our video we're just as excited as you are to see how this revolutionary AI model evolves and how it'll shape the future of AI text processing and so much more we're certain that the AI landscape is in for some fascinating Transformations don't forget if you found this information valuable please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel to stay updated on on all things AI we've got a lot more exciting content coming your way and of course we'd love to hear your thoughts on Gemini how do you think it'll stack up against chat GPT share your thoughts in the comments section below thanks for joining us today and see you in the next one
Channel: AI Revolution
Views: 251,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google, Gemini, OpenAI, ChatGPT, GPT-4, AI revolution, Google DeepMind, AI technology, language model, text processing, AI advancements, AI interaction, Gemini vs ChatGPT, AI industry, AI research, AI capabilities, Gemini AI, Google I/O, Google's AI, DeepMind AI, future of AI, generative AI, AI breakthroughs, AI comparison, AI development, Google Assistant, Google Translate, AI evolution, machine learning, reinforcement learning, ai revolution, ai, google ai, gemini ai
Id: s0paX0gUws0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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