Best 512gb Raspberry Pi 5 Retro Gaming Image Ever Created.

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game over continue we're back at it with a Raspberry Pi five yes you've heard it the pi five is now out more powerful than ever price went up a little bit but the performance also went up as well so wolf of no coming out with his updated 512 gbyte Raspberry Pi 5 image recently downloaded this want to check it out want to show all of you it is definitely a work of art over 18,500 games on here everything from Atari and then it goes all the way up to about Wii and GameCube and that is where you're going to find the performance start to drop on this Raspberry Pi 5 it is a small little computer so you know you can only expect so much out of it I think there might be a little bit more you can push out of this with a little bit of optimization but really that's about it but uh I've had a few days now to check this thing out and I can tell you right now it's a work of art for anybody wanting to get into Retro Gaming you can build your own you know all you want or there's this one right here which is super clean it has all the artwork done for you it has all the game collections even a lot the thing I like about these images from wuf noos Wolf noos is that you can find some really obscure games and games that are a little trickier to find that aren't part of your typical ROM sets um and so the games like for example uh Salamander salamander 2 some of these uh really nice arcade sets you know m games games that you can find in the arcade um but even just really complete like MS DOS or or uh scum VM you know some of these more obscure systems where they actually had some pretty cool titles and sometimes are not as complete as you might think and then as far as graphically this whole front end is just beautiful all the there's no duplicates all the artwork is there you know so it's really nice in those um for those particular reasons so let's go ahead and jump into it we'll go ahead and check out each system the games that are included included for each system and then we'll actually show you some performance and then um also share with you some things about batt s and then uh my final thoughts on the [Music] build so as you turn it on first thing you get a nice little intro video and then you're at this all game screen in the lower right hand corner there you see 18554 games you can hit start on your controller anytime especially if this is your first boot you can go over to um controller and Bluetooth and you can map your controls here by clicking controller mapping um he does recommend an Xbox 360 controller and that is what I'm using as well um and then you have all these other cool settings as well you can change game settings emulator settings uh you can launch Cod you can download more themes uh speaking of themes let's go ahead and see what other themes are on this this particular um so he's got um about four total artflix cka book um arcade planet and carbon but remember you can hook this thing to the internet and download more oh accidentally changed the theme um or did I I think I just changed one setting on there but um you could go on the network whether that be Wi-Fi or wired and then you have all these updates and downloads you can download bezel project themes but as far as bezels those are all set up for you as well so not really much to do there unless you want to remove them now let's get started a A is for apple now A is for arcade in this case you got 2623 arcade games and you'll notice there is an arcade vertical games subcategory there's also a Mame subcategory with 3754 games and there's also a final fin final burn Neo with 1919 I believe this arcade set right here should have all of that all in one particular spot but as you see as I scroll through there's just so many games right now I'm hitting the trigger the upper right trigger on my um XBox controller and that'll move you down a whole page of games uh remember you can always hit select on your controller and filter game by text or jump to a particular letter so something I really like about this image is yes it does have Killer Instinct so you go down to k i l almost there and it say Killer Instinct one and Killer Instinct 2 and this is the first Raspberry Pi that can actually play 3D arcade games so that is one of the cool things about this image is yes you can play that old school Killer Instinct one and two and I know there's people out there that are going to buy this just because they can play that and uh I don't blame you it's a great game and um you know that's pretty cool so uh back to Arcade you have the big large arcade set first which is going to have all your arcade games and there's tons to go through like I said this is one of the strengths of the image being a really um you know obscure games as well as games you just don't typically find in a um arcade set it's a really nice arcade set I know he's gone out and actually handpicked some games so that's really cool to see favorites you can add your own favorites light gun it's always good to see an light gun category for those of you want to check this out you know there's are lots of new light guns on the market and so this would allow you to do it you can always go and install your light gun drivers and then here's all your light gun games in one easy location am Strat CPC you got 753 games I'm going to skip some of these I'm not going to go into the actual I'm not going to go through each exact um you know system but GX 426 Apple 2 you got 663 Daphne so another area nice Daphne collection um it's going to have your space a it's going to have your Don kote it's going to have your Cliffhanger and your dragon layers and a lot it's all going to be set up for you ready to go um with the control roller so a lot of people ask me that does it have Daphne yes this one does so M I'm not going to go in here and go through each one but these are going to be your m games probably a lot of the ones you see in arcades and things like that um same with final burn Neo um you're going to see a lot of games that you'll recognize a lot of shoot them ups and uh beat them UPS all that stuff um that's also where your CPS system CPS one 2 and three should be as well Capcom play System should be all in there um let's see does they actually have a CP yeah so they're probably in there as well okay Atari 2600 you got 659 800 you got 577 5281 St 303 and then 758 and then a portable Atari 76 and then Atari Jaguar you got 56 Astro Cade you got 21 games sufami turbo you got eight games uh wonders Swan and wond Swan color about 200 games total Ki Co you got all of them com 64 686 it's pretty good I mean again he's not you know you there's a lot of commodor 64 games and um it's going to have more of the best of the best and so that's good that it's just not a huge collection Commodore omga 1200 1600 Channel f30 scum VM 84 games um another really cool collection all in English all this fun stuff every whether you want to play the Dig or Sam Max hit the road is really good um the day of the tentacle Maniac mansion uh Leisure Leisure Suit Larry and all that fun stuff in television 137 vetri 24 Ms do 151 so this is a really fun one for those of you who grew up on PCS growing up and there was all those really fun games you even got the original Warcraft and you have Ultima U I like to spend a lot of time in here the Oregon Trail incredible machine such a great game there's really fun games in this MS DOS uh area and um you know it's it's not all of them but there are going to be your big games that you uh grew up on the original Sim City so much stuff railroad Tycoon goes on and on and on but that's somewhere where I'd spend some time msx1 msx2 uh 437 and 83 turbog graphic 16 339 that's a big collection right there so big turbog Graphics collection turbog graphic CD 116 another pretty big one compared to many other images out there um um so if you're into that super Graphics is five and Game and Watch 59 and NES 864 so I guess there's probably some home brews in here or maybe some um International uh titles as well but um look at that artw look at that all the artwork it's all there it's beautiful yeah you can see there's one so Alter Ego um so maybe some home brews and things like that you can check with the flag here on the bottom uh where it was made Family computer disc system 488 and Isn't that cool with the steam you just wait and then it load this does that goes automatically what's happening to my screen right here goes to any system tells you about it that's the theme at work Game Boy 860 and something I'll say about Game Boy and all these portable systems is he has a nice I'm just jumping in really quick he has a nice little bezel so that they fit perfectly on your screen uh you know whether it's a vertical arcade game or a portable game he has it set up really well so um okay so the SNES is going to also mix in your super famicom as well and kind of one big collection which is totally cool it's just way easier that way you don't have all these different categories so they're all there your Japanese titles your your and your uh us titles all in one Virtual Boy 23 I think there's like 30 games but maybe a few of them I never play them anyways but um that's that's over 2third of them Nintendo 64 303 that's every single Nintendo 64 game and something right off the bat what's cool here is that they finally run without lag I will go ahead and be playing golden ey later golden ey tends to be one of the laggier games for Nintendo 64 and so we can finally say that it is running on the pi five without any issue Game Boy Color 535 just go ahead and load up a game really quick but 535 okay just wanted to check out the bezels here and isn't that crazy every single game has their own U their own photo for the game so or the bezel for the game with their own custom bezel so here you go he did include some game view games how many total 36 and this is where I think you know I'm what I read was that he already overclocks this image and so I already have my pie with a nice little heat sink on it I think I could probably overclock mine a lot more in this video I won't be overclock blocking it additionally but I can tell you right now that these games are still laggy the the the audio is laggy the gameplay is is a little laggy it they're playable but for those of you out there that want to play without lag you know I would we're not quite there yet um but again maybe with messing around with the emulator Chang messing around with the the um resolution maybe some of the um video you know the the different uh options you have within the video options and then uh over clocking as well I think that's where we're going to be pushing the GameCube and the Wii for that matter Game Boy Advance again I wanted to to launch a game so you can check it out every game has its own custom bezel as you see here it's a little more wide screen here on the Game Boy advanced um so you can see uh more there and you can always change that if you want to be a little smaller Pokemon mini you got 22 Nintendo DS you got 79 games so this is cool that he you know there's like a thousand Nintendo DS games and so just picking kind of the best of the best um your Pokémons Sonics zeldas Etc um nice little collection there we you got nine games so I played Donkey Kong and I had a little bit of lag there um super maros we we I love this game the problem with this game though is you need to shake the controller to use your propeller suit and some other things so you know emulating this game is not the easiest you can always mess with those controls and stuff but know that's been my experience but like a game like Super Smash Bros is easy to play on Xbox 360 controller while emulating and so fun times could be had there Philip Phillips video pack 110 beats of Rage 92 let's see what you got for ports all right Brutal Doom Duke Nukem Mr Boom bunch of Quake ports nice little uh set there so atomas wave again this is something that I was impressed by was all the atomas wave seems to run really good I played dolphin blue on the Raspberry Pi 4 we were just about there we were at like 99 to 95% performance and now I feel like with this Pi five we are at 100% performance zero lag runs really great so um if you're a Thomas wave fan look no further all these games run very solid sg1 68 Sega Master 344 Sega Genesis 900 Game Gear you got uh 332 Sega CD 114 that's a pretty good big set there Sega Saturn you're still going to get a little bit of lag here you know I played um what did I play I played the Die Hard arcade uh but like a game like second rally runs really well and most of these games will run just fine but um still um you know maybe a little bit tweaking that needs to be done um and maybe even that little bit of O extra overclocking might make the difference but um some of the games still have a little little bit but um you know running running pretty good Sega 32x 31 Sega model 3 25 games these again are a little little on the laggy side in my opinion but uh definitely playable um Star Wars ARC tril great these are both good light gun games right here um you know setting those up on the pie not the easiest thing but it is possible Dreamcast you have uh what did it say there 125 and these are all going to run just fine remember this is only 500 gabt of space on this whole image uh it's my understanding he did leave about two or three gigabytes available for saving your game and SA your different files um and then if you want to add a Romer too you could like add a game that's not on here you can absolutely do that um you know you can also put it on a bigger hard drive and just make the whole thing way bigger and add more games as well but I bring this up because with the Dreamcast you know each game is fairly large just like Naomi 126 here um and so with that for those reasons um you know you can't just put the whole you can't put all the Dreamcast games or all the Naomi games as well you can't do the all of them you have to make decisions and make some cuts um for doll to fit sharp 6800 zon clear 291 Neo Geo 141 Neo Geo Pocket color and regular 49 between the two Solaris you got these nice little home brews oh this's a cool little view too that's a cool room if you see the room is a little different here PlayStation 128 games something you should know about the PlayStation collection is they all are the full games they'll have the music on there and everything so that is something nice you know some other images out there will skimp on the PlayStation games and give you um the kind of compressed versions that don't have the soundtrack still on them and so this is going to have it all and so I'm just skipping down to throw you the entire set here but again PlayStation games are are not that small but uh this little raspber Pi 5 makes a great PlayStation classic if you ask me so PSP running great another Pi five yay another Pi five celebration another praise to the pi five you know you're going to get that extra little oomph here on the PSP games where in the past you might have had a little lag it also opens up a lot of options for you to try different emulators try different frame skipping as well as different um upscaling on the actual emulation for those of you like what the heck is he talking about long story short is you know you can make these games look crisper cleaner but the higher you know the make the more you make them crisper cleaner higher res the more you know processing power both on the GPU CPU so you will need to um kind of find a find a balance there but I played God of War and I had no issues whatsoever where the pi4 would absolutely lag there aell you have eight games there look at that7 James Bond oh yeah amazing Graphics supervision 44 and then we're back to two last collections two player games if you have a friend over and four player games if you have three other friends over maybe potentially but don't lie to yourself you're never going to be in here no I'm just kidding I don't know what you're going to be doing all right so like I said something that's so great about this image is you can and play Killer Instinct one arcade and Killer Instinct 2 and there's zero lag and it runs flawlessly that is a huge improvement over the Raspberry Pi 4 so I'm already loving it something I don't love is you know obviously the pi keeps going up in price because you know the more RAM you put on there the more processing power you know it requires more money so keep in mind you know the Raspberry Pi 5 is not for everyone and there are other options out there mini PCS getting a hard drive for your own computer building it yourself on your own own computer or a or even an Nvidia Shield or something like that um I just want to take this time to say the Raspberry Pi 5 is super cool if you already have a Raspberry Pi 4 though you know keep that in mind about the performance increase you might be fine with Raspberry Pi 4 if you're not going to be playing any 3D arcade games or anything like that um so overall though I mean it's always cool to get a new product but the pi5 plus a new power supply cost me around $90 and then the have to get storage and an Xbox 360 controller so this whole thing is going to probably run you around 120 bucks or so unless you have some of the stuff already so keep that in mind that there are other devices out there like mini PCS that might actually or even other single board computers that can outperform this but what makes the pi five so great is the community like wolfa knows here being part of the community and sharing this work of art with you it's just super well put together um I mean I would totally jam on this for a long long time now if you want to play you know Wii U and and Dreamcast and some additional systems you are going to need a much more powerful machine to run this so here we are playing God of War on PSP and as you see it's running flawlessly um but if you didn't if you missed what I said earlier in the video um if you want to upscale it more you might run into some lag and find the limitations now here we go Sega model 3 um Sega Rally Championship 2 too and it's playable but as you see here it's got a considerable amount of lag the next three systems are where the lag came in for me again I I think if I overclock and if I played with the settings a little bit more I can get these to run much better I had a really nice heat sink uh and fan on my Pie as is and so it's not throttling that for that particular reason so I really just think it you know kind of messing around with the emulator cores and things so Sega Saturn Die Hard arcade paid is what we're watching now and again a little bit of lag here and so um some of the other Sega Saturn games though played no problem so it depends on the game and sometimes you change the emulator that also just totally fixes a lot of this stuff so 1080 um for dream U not Dreamcast for GameCube um you can see it absolutely had lag as well so don't think you're going to get Flawless Dreamcast but now back to the positives um Nintendo 64 it looks great it's got The Right emulator core there's no tearing on as far as the visuals um no audio issues it's running great it's it's Flawless it's really good for emulation it's great so that's really good so let me summarize that you know atomas wave Nintendo 64 uh 3D arcade games like Killer Instinct um some of the Sega Saturn collection those are where going to see the the big improvements from the Raspberry Pi five over the four as far as wolfen know himself and building this image and everything it is beautiful it's plug-and playay I have it on a 512 GB micro SD card um you can get it at backups. me I'll post a video link in the bottom as far as how can go ahead and get it I also saw that it was on Arcade punks as well um so you have a couple option there but I know that he initially posted it on back up so that is where he resides in probably his preferred uh places now um if you this is a great time to get Raspberry Pi 5 um people are doing like PlayStation 2 videos and things like that to see if you can get even more performance out of them and I have been seeing people get some way better performance than I'm getting right now and so I think you're going to have there's more room to go as far as on that performance Spectrum like I think there's more to pull out of this from what you're seeing but I want to shoot this video from just a stock pie you know with a really basic setup just so you could see what you'll probably be getting cuz I know a lot of people just kind of they they just want to play and so this is the kind of experience you can expect and um as far as future videos you know I'm thinking about playing around with the overclocking a little bit more um but uh you burn the image you put it in your raspber 55 you boot it up Xbox 360 controller and your gaming Kudos and shout out to wolfos and all the people that you know help him out um this image you know like I said not missing a single artwork great all the metadata is there looking really good bezel project installed on pretty much all the systems all the bezels and um shaders and everything looking really good and U the arcade sets and all the sets of ROMs and things are well kind of put together in a way that's very organized one and two um no duplicates all you know a lot of testing have gone in so you're going to be able to run most of the games you see so for those things it's pretty kickass so that's what I think let me know what you all think don't forget to like subscribe and we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: DrewTalks
Views: 20,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drewtalks, arcade, retropie, raspberry pi 3, 128gb, recalbox, playstation, retrogames, game gear, snes, raspberry pi, raspberry, mame, super nintendo, recalbox 4.1, atari, sega genesis, image, gameboy, lynx, attract mode, hyperspin, nes, pi 3, nintendo 64, emulationstation, microsd, pc engine, oldgames, emulation, ps1, psx, emulator, emulation station, retroarch, how to raspberry pi, gaming, games, how to rasp pi 4, raspberry pi 5, Best 512gb Raspberry Pi 5 Retro Gaming Image Ever Created.
Id: 9SdN8ekg8vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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