Best 5 Side Hustles To Make $500/day

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so look i'm gonna say something that is a little bit harsh but why are you not making an extra two thousand three thousand four thousand dollars a month online with all of the side hustles that are available right now ladies and gentlemen there is so much opportunity out there right now in today's video i'm gonna give you five side hustles that could easily make you a hundred thousand dollars in the next year but even if it doesn't just give you a spare two thousand three thousand dollars a month in your pocket now the best part is it takes absolutely zero money to get started with any of these five side hustles and with a lot of these side hustles you're actually gonna have the opportunity to make upwards of ten thousand twenty thousand hell even over fifty thousand dollars a month if you continue your journey with it and take it more seriously this is gonna be an action-packed video you're gonna leave here with some very clear instructions and i guarantee you're gonna be a hell of a lot richer after watching this video so let's get into it okay so the first side hustle i recommend this year is actually becoming a tick tock editor or youtube video editor any sort of editor for high impact content ladies and gentlemen you'll be shocked how many big time you know content creators that are on youtube that either edit their own videos or just have very very sloppy video editing you can take me for example i was in 2018 and 2019 i was still editing my own videos which is ridiculous now looking back because i was making over seven figures a year and yet i would just put the camera down and i would just the other thing is i would just record all videos in one really long you know 30 40 minute take or 20 minute take or 15 minute take because i was like ah i don't have an editor to sort of chop things up you know some of the spaces so that way the whole video just flows better and this was done because i was genuinely probably losing out on hundreds of thousands a year in terms of business at that point because my videos weren't ranking as well as they could have because my retention wasn't as high as it could have been if i had a good editor in place and plus i just shouldn't have been doing it myself so even someone for example who's creating youtube content and they're making ten thousand dollars a month they very easily and very happily will pay for an editor who will edit you know four videos a month for them for you know eight hundred dollars a thousand dollars 1200 bucks even 1500 bucks if there is a clear roi and if it saves them time so for example you can go ahead and become a youtube video editor for you know current youtube creators uh the other thing is you can go ahead and create tick tock content like you know so i actually recently hired a junior editor so i've got tristan who's been working the company for two years and he's actually in the other side of the villa right now uh just doing some work and you know his workload is getting crazy so i hired a junior editor now that junior editor is gonna do all of my tick tock but if three months ago someone you know reached out to me in the correct way and gave me some good tangible examples and said hey man i'm going to do 21 tick tocks a month for you and you can expect to see a growth of 5 000 or 10 000 tick tock followers a month and i'm gonna do that for 1200 look for me an extra 10 000 tick tock like real genuine tick tock followers um of course that's worth like 1200 bucks as i said i've had a tick tock profile that's just been sitting for two years you know there's been like one month stints here and there where we you know attempted to repurpose some content we've never taken it seriously i've got a tick tock which already had like you know uh tens of thousands of followers was verified which i find funny i don't even have the app on my phone uh so it's like verified had tens of thousands of followers so that was like a gold mine sitting there it's just no one reached out to me properly i guess they said now it doesn't matter because i have a second editor just you know and part of his role is to take care of that but that right there is a golden opportunity i'd very you know honestly i would have been comfortable paying even you know fifteen hundred two thousand dollars if the pitch was correct and uh if you know someone had a track record of doing this for other people successfully so ladies and gentlemen there are so many incredible skillshare courses there's so many incredible youtube videos out there that you can learn very basic editing and when you learn basic editing it's very easy to edit tick-tock videos you know honestly in the space of one week you can get very proficient and very good at just editing tick tock videos or for example youtube shorts that's another very powerful medium and a lot of people are growing a lot right now through youtube shorts so if you can edit tick tocks for people if you can edit youtube shorts for people that is an absolute you know super easy win and to acquire that skill set is free and will take you only a week now if you want to edit someone's youtube videos like for example like sit down videos like this for example to the quality that tristan edits to um it would probably only take you you know six weeks eight weeks to get to you know 75 a proficient level because the thing is sit down videos like this or even most vlogs are pretty easy to edit and the best part is your ideal customer you know people who upload youtube videos they're on socials all the time so you know if you uh dm them on instagram if you dm them on even twitter if you find their email which is very easy to do it's very easy to actually go ahead and pitch these people and the great part is they have a massive content bank so you can just rip videos you know rip their videos from online repurpose it and show them how you would edit it so you know with just a few clients like that it is very easy to make you know three thousand four thousand even five thousand dollars a month with being a remote editor from anywhere in the world working with a couple clients so ladies and gentlemen the next side hustle is even easier and takes even less beginner know-how than last one and that is becoming a discord moderator now there is a massive massive demand for discord moderators out there whether that be um you know just people wanting to build communities on discord whether that be nft projects that are launching whatever it is there are people out there who really really need discord moderators and as a discord moderator you know you're not really most the time doing too much technical know-how all you're doing is making sure that there isn't junk in someone's discord and the other thing is just making sure that the community is very upbeat and you're keeping up the tempo and keeping up the vibe of the community you know really just you know just even things like good morning messages or for example checking with people in the discord or posing questions to the people in the discord you know this isn't something where you need any expert knowledge in any specific sector but it is something where especially if you speak good english or for example you could be a moderator for a italian discord or a french discord if you speak good english you can very easily make you know upwards of a thousand dollars two thousand dollars a month you know fifteen hundred dollars a month you know maybe even sometimes as low as 500 a month so i will say this isn't something where you're gonna make you know the big bucks you know if you're helping manage a few different discords like let's say you manage uh three different discords you can do that you know all day and get paid you know a thousand dollars a pop per month for each discord server that you're managing and there we go there's three thousand dollars a month side hustle money now what you can do if your appetite for income grows and you decide you won't you know you get a point where you basically want to make more money what you can do is you can actually then hire people under you as i said it's a pretty easy role to fulfill you can hire people under you and you can actually start a discord agency like discord management agency you know let's say for example someone needs you know has a large discord and they need uh moderators managing 24 7 so in different time zones and they need multiple of them then in that case uh you know what you can do is you can say hey here's my monthly retainer here's how much it is to hire my team so let's say you're paying three discord moderators you know eight hours each so you know three of them that's 24 hours a day and you're paying them you know all three of them you're paying them let's say 800 a month so between the three of them they are getting paid 2 400 a month and let's say you sell that as a retainer to a business to a person whatever it may be for 5 000 a month okay so for 5 dollars a month what you're giving them what you're giving these clients is you know uh vip 24 7 discord concierge service where like literally around the clock all different time zones their discord is being managed and overseen now if you're listening to this and you're going wait 800 doesn't sound like a lot of money trust me 800 is a lot of money in places for example like south africa or brazil or not i wouldn't say crazy amounts of money but it's like a very very respect a respectable sort of thing you would normally have to go into office for so 800 a month you know because just the purchasing power in these countries is so much stronger when you're paying in usd so as i said places like south africa where everyone speaks you know pretty much impeccable english uh you know places like you know in eastern europe a lot of places in south america et cetera et cetera you know you can actually hire these people so ladies and gentlemen that is side hustle idea number two you know being a discord moderator and then if you want to take a little bit further actually having a discord moderating agency now the next side hustle i'm gonna recommend will either be an absolute hit or miss you know you guys listening to this will either you know do it for the next year and make you know very easily a hundred thousand dollars or you will just be way way too shy to even get started now online there are a bunch of people who have audiences and sell stuff you know take myself for an example i have an online e-learning platform called and in that business we have two sides to first of all we help everyday people quickly start an online business and scale up to ten thousand dollars a month and they do that by building an online boutique agency and actually outsourcing all the delivery by using something called contractor arbitrage so that's one side of the business and other side of the business is we take existing agency owners that are making you know five ten thousand fifteen twenty thousand a month and help them hit 100k months profit with their agency we're basically the agency experts that the agency experts go to learn from anyways reason i say is because i have two sales reps and both of them made between 10 and 15 000 last month in pure commissions we have one rep who really just holds people's hands and you know answers any final questions they have before getting into the program that helps people go from zero to 10k a month and then for the program that helps you go from you know 10 15k a month up to 100k a month that program is application only we actually have to accept you so you know i need someone who's not even really so much like well i guess neither are really sales reps you know they're just people who you speak to in order to get into the program you know on this side it's really just people who have any final questions and this person helps clear up any of the questions they have uh and kind of gives them a bit of coaching so that way they fully understand what it is that gradiency does and on this side basically he's not a sales rep all he does is basically just speak to you know uh prospects who want to join and decide hey do we let them in or not so as i said reason i say this is because there are a bunch of people out there who have incredible uh programs they have coaching they have masterminds whatever it may be and you know they need all their time in order to make their product as good as possible to make their coaching as good as possible to make their mastermind as good as possible so they basically can't be on you know doing sales or on calls with potential prospects so this is where you can come in as a remote sales closer you can work anywhere in the world and you can get a commission because you know these people are very happy to give 10 15 sometimes even 20 to sales reps because technically there is a very low cost to deliver it you know most of the time so long story short there are businesses out there and especially there are a lot of people in the education space mastermind coaching space that need good sales reps now i will say this isn't anywhere near as easy as uh you know definitely not as easy as becoming a discord mod uh and you know definitely not as easy as being a video editor uh this does take a bit of practice and it does take a bit of time not only can you make 10k a month you can get a point where you're making 15 20 30k a month and the best part is if sales is fun for you and if you genuinely just enjoy speaking to people on zoom and you know just that you like that right and you don't want to worry too much about service delivery or building a product or you know kind of being the business owner with all the stress and all the risk and everything else that comes with it then the benefit of being a sales rep is they said you don't have to deal with any of that stress and all you can do is sell and you still you know there's still that excitement of you get paid based on what you bring in for the company so there's still the you know the potential to make more and more every single month so as i said this will take a few months of training to get to a point where you're you know decently good and by the way during those few months you know you can work for an organization for free and just be a sales rep that takes no commission or you can take you know you can tell them hey i'll take half the commission or a third of the commission as you would normally pay someone just while i'm training up and once i get to this point or once i work for you for three months or once i get to this closing percentage then i want to be moved to uh you know the commission that everyone else is getting paid so as i said i know for a lot of you guys that model will be very scary so it's really hit or miss the next side hustle is by far my absolute favorite and that is starting an online boutique marketing agency that is what i did five years ago while i was still in high school i built up my agency ig media and by the age of 17 i was making 20 25 000 a month profit from my agency now you might be wondering what's the difference between for example an agency or for example being a video editor or a sales rep well the thing is an agency you are the organization above the person who delivers it so i'll kind of explain what i mean by that as an agency you are actually outsourcing the service delivery okay and you're doing that through something that i call contractor arbitrage so this is really cool because this means that you don't actually have to deliver the services at all here's what you're gonna do you are gonna find a contractor that you pay per month per client so every single month they get paid this amount uh and they get paid this amount for every single client that they manage for you so you're gonna find someone in romania south africa uh brazil or columbia you know the list kind of goes on and on and you're gonna pay them 500 a month per client and this is massive massive for them especially if you know they're measuring three or four of your clients and you're gonna pay them that 500 a month in order to you know do ads for your clients in order to do email marketing for your clients in order to seo for your clients in order to do content for your clients like whatever it is like guys you can get as creative as you want with it you know it's crazy there's uh nft marketing agencies out there you can do uh uh marketing for solar companies you can even be a sales marketing agency where you have sales reps underneath you and then you know you're the ones training them and then you go ahead and sell those services to businesses so really the sky is the limit when it comes to stuff but let's just go with an example of you know i said you have a seo email marketing ads agency something in that realm well you are paying the contractor 500 per month per client let's say they're managing three clients with you so you're paying them 500 and you're charging the client let's say 1500 2500 a month because what you're doing is you're doing this cool arbitrage thing you are going you know you're using the global market to go to places where their 500 a month is the same as someone in the u.s getting paid 2 500 a month for that exact service because of the purchasing power so you're going to these you know these different global uh economies and stuff like that you are paying them and then you're selling to western clients that's the key here you salt western clans you sell the clans in uh us uk canada australia uh germany italy you name it right and that arbitrage right there means money in your pocket and if this sounds like almost too good to be true no it's the exact same reason why most stuff is built in china it's built in china because it is cheaper there labor is cheaper there um materials raw materials are cheaper there and then it sold for a massive massive premium in the west where the purchasing power of that same amount is a lot less and it's arbitrage and that's really all it is it's and honestly it's not really rocket science but it just works really really really really well so ladies and gentlemen if you want to find out the exact process a to z on exactly how to execute this the first link in the description is going to take you to a youtube video don't worry it's no like webinar or no opt-in you don't have to provide your email anything like that it's literally just going to take you to another one of my youtube videos where i showed step by step by step exactly how to execute this and i actually gave you ideas for other business models and explain you know their benefits their downsides and you know exactly kind of where they weigh up in the whole sphere of the best best way to make 100 000 online this year so kind of going back to building an online boutique agency this is also the one that has the highest ability to scale you know five years on i make anywhere from 100 to 150 000 a month profit with my agency and just being very honest with you i work 45 hours a week now that is not common actually after five years it is common but that might sound too good to be true the reason is is because i have an incredible team so you know this whole contractor arbitrage thing i was talking about where you know the contractor charges you 500 per month per client and then you try you know that works because really what that is it's just a it's a framework like it's a money-making framework that will work very well for you if you want to get to 10 15 even 20 000 a month if you want to get to a point where you're making 50 100 000 a month a profit with your agency you need a real company and by that i don't mean offices i've never had offices in the five years of existence um what i mean by that is a really really good team who are there for you and my cmo danny actually i used to pay 600 per month per client and then i sold those services on for you know thousands and thousands and thousands well he's been working for uh for me for four years now and now he is my cmo of my company and he basically manages everything and also has a small percentage of the profits outside of his salary uh in the form of profit share so that means that i can kind of sit back you know i have to take a couple sales calls a week after they've already spoken to danny on a demo call and that's pretty much about it so ladies and gentlemen building an online boutique agency is number one the fastest way to get to ten thousand dollars a month it's the one that is the most scalable and then you can very easily reach 50 75 100k a month profit with it and it's also the most hands-off after you know you've been doing it for a year two years three years and you have a really good right hand man woman whatever the case may be to really kind of take over the range for you now the next side hustle we're gonna talk about it kind of has the longest tail tip which means that you are you know you're not gonna see the results of your work for a long time but when you see them they're gonna come in pretty quickly and that is building a youtube channel the most important thing when starting a youtube channel is asking yourself how am i gonna monetize this later down the line now your youtube channel might be a way to get clients for your business whatever business that is it might be a way for you to in future sell you know coaching courses uh mastermind whatever maybe it might be a way for you to sell a subscription service maybe you even have a software that you started you know you bootstrapped a software company and your youtube is a way to feed leads to that software company whatever it may be you know it could even be a patreon if you want whatever it is just start to think before you start your youtube channel of how am i actually going to monetize this not short term but mid to long term you know a youtube channel will really pay you dividends for the long run you know building a youtube channel really is one of the biggest blessings that anyone could ever have bestowed upon them so start today you won't see results for the next three months six months but when it comes in especially if you have a good monetization strategy in place and also you don't need to reinvent the wheel at all you know you can really just you can follow those similar frameworks to a lot of different youtubers that are already out there but just add your own spice spicy meat add your own flavor you don't care yeah boy add your own things that people know you you know distinctly and specifically for you know with me although i run a business youtube i talk so much about watches you know people know me for some cigar stuff fashion stuff uh some of my lifestyle stuff and outside of that some of my very like heavy hitting deep uh very intense videos on spirituality god um geopolitics you know i'm very outspoken on all these things as i said you don't need to reinvent the wheel but just add your own spice and your own flavor to it so ladies and gentlemen i'm gonna repeat the exact same thing that i said at the beginning of the video which is there is literally no reason why you shouldn't be making at least an extra few thousand dollars a month online with a side hustle considering how much opportunities out there in 2022. now i've laid out five side hustles in this video but there are plenty more you know just get creative there's so much opportunity out there when you look for it as i said the easiest place to start is click the first link in the description to take you to another youtube video which i already recorded which shows you exactly the best online business to start this year in 2022 and i lay out like five or six different options we run through everything and i show you exactly how to implement it and scale to 10k a month as quick as humanly possible so i hope you guys enjoyed this video do me a favor leave a comment down below and let me know other five side hustles that i presented today which one is most interesting to you and why in the first hour of this video going up i will make sure to be responding to comments so i hope you guys enjoyed this video go ahead and make use of all the opportunity out there and as i said i'm going to leave that other video right here go ahead check it out i'll catch you guys the next one
Channel: Iman Gadzhi
Views: 3,978,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 Side Hustles Students Can Start In 2024, The 7 Very Difficult Side Hustles to AVOID (choose wisely), Want to be Rich? DON'T Start a Side Hustle., ai side hustles, iman gadzhi side hustles, side hustle, side hustle for teens, side hustle ideas, side hustle ideas 2023, side hustle ideas 2024, side hustles ai, side hustles for college students, side hustles for students, side hustles for teenagers, side hustles for teens, side hustles online, side hustles online 2024
Id: Jvkt5UhmxHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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