Berghaus Air 4 tent | Unpack & Set up | Carpet & Footprint | Tent unboxing
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Kara's Geeky Adventures
Views: 35,019
Rating: 4.2790699 out of 5
Keywords: Berghaus Air 4 tent | Unpack & Set up | Carpet & Footprint, Berghaus Air 4, Berghaus tent, carpet for berghaus air 4, footprint for berghaus air 4, big tent, perfect tent for berghaus, uk outdoor accessories, must have tent, 2 bedroom tent, perfect family tent, branded tent, berghaus best tent, outdoor adventures, outdoor leasure tent, cozy tent, tent for couples, spacious tent, air tent, berghaus air tent, best air tent, unboxing video, tent carpet, tent footprint
Id: E2cmOVTc6Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 27sec (2187 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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