Bendy and the Wolf - Recording with MATPAT!

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huh these lights don't seem to be working oh there they go that was perfect perfect by the way your voice is excellent still i i know you talked about game theory making you drop your your register significantly but it's really good up here too thanks man i appreciate that that's really sweet we haven't gotten to the singing yet though you know the same thing it's right here in front of us it's staring us down now here we go first on our famous tour this broken board we're driving toward i swore this paint had dried feel free to see our sewer it's flimsy great can't hold much weight but seals the eels inside don't let this wet and slimy net of cobweb attach onto your face [Music] beware these stairs are terribly tilted and built in the wrong place [Music] cool aw shucks the engine's dead i guess today this will have to be a walking tour okay we'll pause it there sorry didn't mean to okay okay jump in on your right no no totally that's that's totally a good breaking point so okay all right so uh just general note i would say a little bit lighter if you can okay um and a little bit more uh pondering to yourself about some of the lines for example i swore this paint had dried is much more to just bendy thinking to himself than actually like he didn't mean to say it out loud maybe okay great anything else maybe put a little bit more emphasis on terribly tilted and built in the wrong place to be like uh that's not right uh oh this isn't good first on our famous tour this broken board we're driving toward ice swore this paint had dried feel free to see our sewer it's flimsy great can't hold much weight but seals the eels inside don't let this wet and slimy nets of cobwebs attach onto your face beware these stairs are terribly tilted and built in the wrong place [Music] that was really good let's try that i swore this paint had dried a little higher to yourself that uh kind of like i swore this paint had dried that kind of uh okay i was going to give you a note about the wet and slimy net but i actually liked how you did that a lot last note for the section is the beware maybe a little less dreadful a little bit more like like a you just read on a sign that you're going by or something so it's not really uh it's not you trying to put fear into anybody it just happens to be like it's like a warning like oh this contains a chemical that might cause cancer in the state of california yeah it's it's it's uh it's an informative tour guide exactly first on our famous tour this broken board we're driving toward i swore this paints had dried feel free to see our sewer it's flimsy gray can't hold much weight but seals the eels inside let this wet and slimy net of cobweb attach onto your face beware these stairs are terribly tilted and built in the wrong place that was really good good do you uh feel good with those couple takes or would you like another safety if you can give me one more i want to actually try the feel free to see our sewer part one more time and just add a little bit more uh as a tour guide a little enthusiasm for the sewer because i don't know why he shows people the sewer in the middle of his tour but apparently it's exciting enough that he thinks it's important to like demonstrate to everybody first on our famous tour this broken board we're driving toward i swore this paint had dried feel free to see our sewer it's flimsy gray can't hold much weight but seals the eels inside don't let this wet and slimy net of cobweb attach unto your face beware these stairs are terribly tilted and built in the wrong place oh shucks the engine's dead i guess today this will have to be a walking tour beautiful you're beautiful oh thank you thank you you're beautiful too i'm gonna sit here in a snowy room freezing off my balls stay close and watch your feet cause something might attempt to bite them off it's awfully rare try not to breathe too deep cause something stinky black and inky's fogging up the air our old commodes known to explode i think all the sinks are prone to leak and so you know our ceo was murdered here last week i'm just messing with you he got killed ages ago that was really good give him give me like a day to warm up and i'm like okay i can find this voice again we're good i honestly i wasn't sure i'm like i know how high this is but i clearly i haven't heard you sing enough it's uh it's nice to remember sometimes that i started off as a tenor yeah i i write for instrument more than for human voice i'm afraid i mean don't feel bad nothing will compare to that time i was in high school musical and literally the guys were singing the girl notes and the girls were singing the guy notes like the guys were higher than the girls for like the entire musical and everyone was getting nodes because they're like i can't i can't sustain high seas the entire show i forgot i meant to ask so when you were trending for uh being sexy in your um theater show what show was that oh that was a it was a stage performance of dracula that i did in uh virginia i think it was specifically west virginia and it was in this big like amphitheater uh it was it was the most state of the art it was a gorgeous gorgeous theater most state of the art place i've ever been in um and it was this massive massive arena stage uh and every year they did like a massive halloween show and so uh yeah i was jonathan harker in that and the uh the the local women who were playing like the vampirisses i guess uh were really into that scene because that was their big scene and so it's always a little bit uncomfortable but i'm like all right we're doing it this theater this is my job we're fine excellent didn't think that was gonna come back to haunt you probably this many years later again without making too much of a warning about things he really is just kind of like these the dangers are all just cool exciting events for him to show off so he's supposed to tell people to do these things but he doesn't realize that that's a bad thing i think okay so don't don't make things too menacing it's it's more still like tour guiding matter yeah i think so stay close and watch your feet cause something might attempt to bite them off it's awfully rare try not to breathe too deep cause something stinky black and inky's fogging up the air our old commodes known to explode i think all the links maybe a little bit more uh helpful with some of them definitely on it's awfully rare that's kind of that like bottom on the back like it's okay that's probably not going to happen and then i think all the sinks are prone to leak that one probably again is more of uh you kind of remembering back and being like oh yeah we didn't fix that did we stay close and watch your feet because something might attempt to bite them off it's awfully rare try not to breathe too deep cause something stinky black and inky's fogging up the air our old commodes known to explode i think all the sinks are prone to lake oh the sink's got to say it and so you know r-c-e-o hey say the sink line right matt huh how about that how do you say the sink line right stay close and watch your feet cause something might attempt to bite them off it's awfully rare try not to breathe too deep cause something stinky black and inky's fogging up the air are old commodes known to explode i think all the sinks are prone to leak and so you know our ceo was murdered here last week [Music] i'm just messing with you he got killed ages ago um maybe if we can do the just halfway through to the end again from the old commodity absolutely um just so we can make sure we get uh a strictly sung version of i think all the sinks are prone to leak yep okay and when we get to the dialogue he got killed ages ago um try making the he got killed ages ago was almost like part of the tour like here's an informational fact you didn't know about him try not to breathe too deep cause something stinky black and inky's fogging up the air are old commodes known to explode i think all the sinks are prone to leak and so you know our ceo was murdered here last week i'm just messing with you he got killed ages ago huh that's weird the elevator is out of order looks like we'll have to take the dark creepy long way around ready to move on to the next verse great let's do it look to the left and see the broken beam our legal team demands be banned from view steer clear of loose debris the wood's so old it's mostly moldy and cold it holds like new don't sweat the threats of traps we've set for man eating vermin in our halls excuse the ooze that's fused to the rafters and plaster to the walls be careful as you pass this mound of broken glass don't meddle with this pedal it'll expel toxic gas i'm legally required to warn you that missile wire can hold 3 000 volts and light your private parts on fire i'm sure you're all aware don't stick your face in there the ratchet may just catch it and then tear out all your hair that's why we had you sign this line here to decline all rights to litigation and or damages and fines that's text i took uh straight out of all my legal documents here by the way right i was going to say i feel like this one is a very personal read the fine print when i send you a thing to sign about this recording later so you were actually dancing really effectively between being like informational and also uh staying light and like you're enjoying giving the tour so i'd say just keep leaning to that um maybe the ooze on excuse the ooze um again the ooze is just a feature it's not so much that you're gonna make it gross it just happens to be ooze like that's just what it is doesn't know what it is let's ooze look to the left and see the broken beam are legal team demands be banned from view steer clear of loose debris the wood's so old it's mostly mold i'm told it holds like new don't sweat the threat of traps we've set for man eating vermin in our halls excuse the ooze that's fused to the rafters and plaster to the walls be careful as you pass this mound of broken glass don't meddle with this pedal it'll expel toxic gas i'm legally required to warn you that this wire can hold 3 000 volts and light your private parts on fire i'm sure you're all aware don't stick your face in there the ratchet may just catch it and then tear out all your hair that's why we had you sign this line here to decline all rights to litigation and or damages and fines i love him just citing legalese i think i think just a song dedicated to legalese is what the music musical theater community needs more of honestly i'm pretty sure i have a fourth or fifth stanza i guess that was an alternate that had more legalese in it and then i was like there's too much we only need one of these the private parts are too important fill it fill it with more boilerplate language it's great let's try um taking the word uh the words man eating vermin and uh make it a little bit more like scientific like man eating vermin like that kind of like oh these are classified as man eating vermin okay great obviously a feature you have to show it on the tour right oh yeah absolutely of course that's the best that's my favorite species ever exactly maybe uh when we get to let your private parts on fire let's try one that's like um like that's not such a good thing so it's a little bit like maybe i shouldn't have told them that part try something like that okay look to the left and see the broken beam our legal team demands be banned from view steer clear of loose debris the wood's so old it's mostly mold i'm told it holds like new don't sweat the threat of traps we've set for man eating vermin in our halls excuse the ooze that's fused to the rafters and plastered to the walls be careful as you pass this mound of broken glass don't meddle with this petal it'll expel toxic gas i'm legally required to warn you that this wire can hold 3 000 volts and light your private parts on fire i'm sure you're all aware don't stick your face in there that ratchet may just catch it and then tear out all your hair that's why we had you sign this line here to decline all rights to litigation and or damages and fines cool okay that was good great moving on next section they're all good but that one was that one was pistol resistance this here is the lost and found where gloves and hats and giant bats are kept except the bats don't mind the grinding sound the soup cans crashed our trash compactor and it's jammed with rats ignore this poorly programmed door the gift shop awaits us just inside i'll admit a bit of doubt that we'd make it cause every group i've had has died excellent cold thank you uh so this one i had a question for you actually i'm glad i'm glad we hit it so um the the video you sent and the original recording you had was um lunch meat and it has soup cans so which do you prefer soup cans i think i don't know why i didn't think of soup cans at first like that should have been an obvious bendy thing uh but i remember we we workshopped like what's a lunch related thing that like we'll get that like the cafeteria might serve there and somehow we right here lunch meat it's gross it's weird it's kind of funny but yeah it wasn't until like sending you the files more recently i was like why is lunch meat in here should that be soup cans maybe make the except the bats just a little more awkward this time yeah so okay the where uh gloves and hats and giant pants are kept except the bat okay so i'm a little bit unsure about that one okay yeah like i don't think that's where the bats are supposed to be oh hey i hey bean hi hi ollie hey ollie it is a time to go swimming are we i'm sorry i might have to finish this one offline with you aj i have a i have an excitable two-year-old here i'm good with that any any notes that i should have for when i finalize this one i can email you a couple if you want yeah that would be great i'll do that but hey thank you for making time for this and maybe oh maybe uh ollie will actually have fun watching it when it's done cool all right well thank thanks for hopping on and thanks for letting me reprise my role of that of course thank you for making time for it again i appreciate it dude all right later that night it is cold down here it's midnight baby's asleep juan division is watched lots of pickups for episodes that are coming out next week to record here we go life of a youtuber one in the morning let's finish this recording get back into it yeah i'm bendy wow okay this here is the lost and found where gloves and hats and giant bats are kept except the bats don't mind the grinding sound the soup cans crashed our trash compactor and it's jammed with rats ignore this poorly programmed door the gift shop awaits us just inside i'll admit a bit of doubt that we'd make it cause every group i've had has died this here's the lost and found where gloves and hats and giant bats are kept except the bats don't mind the grinding sound the scoop scoop cans it's jammed with rats there you go nothing like being a little devil darling where's the new bendy game this here's the lost and found where gloves and hats and giant bats are kept except the bats don't mind the grinding sound the soup cans crashed our trash compactor and it's jammed with rats ignore this poorly programmed door the gift shop awaits us just inside i'll admit a bit of doubt that we'd make it cause every group i've had has died that one felt good i liked that one that was good i think that captured all your notes alright i think that's it i think it's now time for me to go to sleep huzzah
Channel: Random Encounters
Views: 540,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendy, matpat, game theory, random encounters, recording, rextra, xtra, behind the scenes, bonus, wolf, batim
Id: 7qDUDforvXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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