Ben Shapiro torches the 'left's' opinion of American history

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pretty shocking poll in the Wall Street Journal today that says that a majority of Americans 56% say that the United States is a racist society only 40% believe the opposite so how did we get here that's where we start tonight with Ben Shapiro editor-in-chief of The Daily wire calm and the author of the new book just out today how to destroy America in three easy steps which Ben thinks is quite possibly underway Ben good to see ya thank you for being here tonight and thanks for having me so what's your reaction to that number when you see that fifty six percent believe that America is an overall racist society not that there is racism that exists in the country but that the overall society is racist I mean it's shocking and devastating because it means one of two things either a majority of Americans believe that their family friends and neighbors are actually racist because American society is racist or they believe that the institutions of American society are so deeply corrupt and systematically racist that they have to be razed to the ground that of course is the argument of the folks over at the 16:19 project which is that America was not founded in liberty and freedom America was instead founded in slavery and bigotry the only solution if you believe that the society society at this moment in 2020 is systemically racist or inherently racist is complete destruction of the system and this of course is the case that's overtly being made by people ranging from Robyn D'Angelo to Abram Kenzi in their quote/unquote quest against anti racism this anti racism amounts to tearing down the system from within yeah I mean you can see how these ideas take hold they're sort of hammered over and over and I think in some ways people are indoctrinated beyond what you know that the data may tell them or their own understanding of America might tell them we know one of the things that we've seen is an increase in the acceptance of black lives matter now I always say you know there's a lot of different ways to look at black lives matter I mean for some kids and you know have a t-shirt or a sign they they're looking for equality and unity in the country but the roots of it as we well know the people who founded it our Marxist so that's increasing you've also got an increase in people who say that they think it's it's acceptable and understandable for athletes to kneel for the national anthem what do you think you know I wonder how much of this is just a certain amount of cultural pressure to hey to a particular narrative pushed by the media you're not gonna get called out or canceled if you say that you believe America is systemically racist and that you are all in favor of people kneeling for the national anthem or for the American flag you won't get canceled if you if you say the opposite right so the fact is that I don't know that a majority of Americans believe this the fact that a majority of Americans believe they they either have to say it or that they believe it overtly is obviously really bad for the future of the country you cannot have a nation that is successful without any sort of shared philosophy history or culture and what we are watching right now is the American philosophy being reduced to racism and bigotry we're seeing the American culture reduced to reinstallation of hierarchies of power we're watching American history be reduced to a story of exploitation and brutality how exactly are we supposed to live together in that society when we don't really share anything in common other than what hatred of the system so that's what you talk about in your book the difference between unionism which is the basic fundamentals that the country was founded on which I think you know the education system has failed us in many ways that people don't have a clear understanding of what those things are in terms of the achievements you know against Nazism against communism as you have talked about and then the other side is disintegration ISM which is basically a rebellion that insists on tearing all of those structures down right absolutely I mean the basic idea is that the American system because it results in inequality has to be torn down in favor of something new that all inequalities can be attributed to the system that all evils all sins can be attributed to the system if we just get rid of the system then a new sort of human being will flourish well we've seen that sort of utopianism before in other societies it doesn't go particularly well to tear down the most successful free prosperous and in fact tolerant country in the history of the world on behalf of a sort of utopian vision is not only bizarre at this point of time it's it's pretty terrifying and pretty terrible and the fact that so many Americans have gone along to get along is really a tragedy and as you're right it's a failure of our educational system it's a failure of conservatives to get involved in the cultural fight rather than getting involved in the political fight Republicans it turns out are very good at electing republicans they're not very good at winning cultural battles and that's a huge problem so you know I I'm asking you know to win that battle right you really have to have leaders who articulate the difference between the two things that you're talking about in a clearer way so that Americans and voters hey I want to go that way or I want to go that way and you know you look at these polls president Trump's handling of race relations sixty-three percent disapprove so we're four months now from an election and both Biden and Trump will try to articulate a vision for America how do you think they're doing on that front I mean I think that Joe Biden is basically alighting the question I think Joe Biden has run a very smart campaign where he doesn't give honest answers to a lot of questions but he will give answers that he thinks most Americans agree with so when it comes to tearing down statues they'll say yes get rid of the Confederate statues but keep Columbus and keep Washington and keep Jefferson now he's never been asked by anybody on the Left why he would keep those folks and I'd love to hear his answer President Trump has defended the statues but then he's also tweeted about Bubba Wallace five seconds later so that's not exactly the best way of representing the unionist viewpoint I do think that it is still a majority proposition a vast majority proposition for Americans that they believe in the basic principles of the Declaration of Independence of natural rights of Liberty of rights that pre-exists government and a limited government instituted to protect those rights I still think most Americans believe in equality before the law but I think that there's a very powerful push against those things and unless you clearly and effectively explain why those things continue to be good and important and why the opposite is terrible then you're gonna lose the culture yeah before I let you go and it's just a quick answer to this if you can do you think we're gonna see a big increase in home schooling post Cove a because I I was never a big proponent of that idea but the combination of what we're talking about you know how lacking certain things are being being taught and you know what we've been through with this virus and the way school looks when kids go back if you're sitting in a box you know that's sitting on top of your table it's not really an engaging experience do you think we're gonna see a big climb in homeschooling absolutely and not only that I think the next step in the culture war is going to be an attempt by certain politicians to shut down home schooling because they recognize so many people are opting out of the system I think you're right Ben thank you very much great to have you here today how to destroy America in three easy steps ben shapiro available today always great to see you
Channel: Fox News
Views: 499,961
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Keywords: Ben Shapiro, Fox News Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro Book, Ben Shapiro racism, Ben Shapiro american history, wall street journal poll, martha maccallum, fox news martha maccallum, ben shapiro martha maccallum, joe biden campaign, the story, the story with martha maccallum, air force one, fox news, fox news channel, fox news live, fox news media, fox news network, ben shapiro interview, ben shapiro book, fox news ben shapiro election, 2020 election, trump reelection
Id: n7rD6GQ27Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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