Ben Barnes Reads Thirst Tweets

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i would let ben barnes spit in my mouth and i would use it as mouthwash i need i need a set of i needed 70 here oh okay that's better now it's going to be fine hello i am ben barnes and i am here with buzzfeed to read my first tweet i have no idea why [Music] as much as i want it ben barnes is not doing that first tweets video we all saw his reaction to the calm heda t thing i know what that was during that instagram game so i cannot imagine him reading the word [ __ ] bossy [ __ ] i'm not cool enough to know what [ __ ] means out loud i'd pay him a thousand dollars if he could do it and read everything fully well autumn you owe me one thousand of your american dollars because i just read that out loud without knowing what [ __ ] means i could be saying anything it sounds rude but i don't quite know how to react because i don't know what i'm saying someone from buzzfeed has just come in and told me what messy means and that's why my face is going red ben barnes are you free february 14th because i'm free february 14th and i would like to hang out with you on february the 14th when i am free so please let me know if you're free to hang out on february the 14th because i would like to hang out on february the 14th when i am free that is excellent and very very sweet i i actually would love to do that so um valentine's day sorted that ben barnes is the type of man i'd let eat spaghettios on my new bohemian white bed set that's how absolutely fine this man is slurp slurp baby it's fine here you've got some sauce on your chin whip these are real things that people are really typed with their real thumbs i'll eat cereal in bed spaghettios is that's quite a compliment to let me do that so thank you ben barnes making everyone have dirty thoughts every time he posted the pictures of himself i bet his leo ass is enjoying this a lot i am a leo so that's nice that you know that but i i yes i i enjoy i enjoyed her to comment underneath the picture as much as the next man i would let ben barnes pour hot soup into my lap then i would apologize to him no i'm british if i poured hot soup into your lap i would apolo i would be apologizing profusely to you there's a thing here with soup and spaghettios and there's a lot of sort of foodie i'm sure there's a word for people right i swear god is my witness i would give my eternal soul to like lick a ben barnes's toe just one i would renege on that deal because toes are not my best quality i broke one of them doing a stunt on the punisher and it's still not quite right feet is not my thing but um i love that it's your thing listen i'd never call a man daddy but for ben barnes i might let out a part [Laughter] i have a friend who was called daddy and he was okay with it and then the next time she said dad which he was absolutely not okay with and i totally get that i don't know where where i stand on par now i do know where i stand on it please don't they're getting i can feel them getting steadily and there's quite a lot yeah yeah i would let ben barnes spit in my mouth and i would use it as mouthwash my saliva has dried up just reading that ben barnes could literally snap me in half and [ __ ] me into the next century and i would fully let him well i wouldn't want to do that without consent so thank you for the consent whose feet do i need to be to hug ben barnes and smell him just for once tell me this is confusing because if i meet you i'm very willing to hug you so that's fine you don't need to keep anyone's beep for that don't give away more of yourself than you need to the way i'm not even flexible but i'd let ben barnes turn me into a pretzel if he wanted to i love a pretzel a snack then barnes hold my hand in public and my neck in private challenge that is the way round i would do it the other way around would be somewhat inappropriate rust alive ben barnes i love how everyone's using my full name ben barnes in case you were wondering all my holes are free real estate bus yo children in my [ __ ] sir bust your children in my [ __ ] sir bust your children in my book plus your children and i don't know how to stress this um buzzfeed has interjected again to tell me bus reminds me that bus your children are in my bossy sir ben barnes expand the fold in my bossy challenge i'm just going to leave it alone where it is this is the last one that i'm going to reveal and i'm incredibly um worried about some of you ben barnes no you've got parents spend ons let me eat that ass like a sausage mcgriddle with extra maple syrup i'd tear that [ __ ] up i'd say slam on that you feel me your knees could be the apple pie on the side i'd munch munch munch that and wash it down with a cold glass of my tears oh that took a turn that had everything that was a bit sexy and then very very weird and then went back into the whole food thing we've all got going on then slump in capital letters just knocked me back a bit then you called me a [ __ ] which i wasn't sure how to feel about apple pie i love and then ending it with the cold glass of your tears please don't cry now i might go and have a little cry now but please don't you cry thank you everyone for these um compliments i'm honoured and i will see you with a can of spaghettios on february the 14th when i am free [Music] you
Channel: BuzzFeed Celeb
Views: 1,970,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ben Barnes, Buzzfeed, Buzzfeed Celeb, ben barnes interview, ben barnes singing, ben barnes song, buzzfeed thirst tweets, celebs reading thirst tweets, ben barnes thirst tweets, ben barnes celeb
Id: pjs33FRZfNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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