Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Superheroes (Triple Episodes) | Cartoons For Kids

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hi everyone hi Ben I'm not Ben yes you are Ben is my usual name but when I put on my superhero costume I become Elfman what does elf boy do Elfman he can run and jump and fly that's not flying this is flying uh but I can fly in the elf mobile but that's just Gaston no it's the elf mobile the elf mobile can go on land sea or air Oo we can be superheroes too yes I'll be fair girl I'll be captain crazy I'll be the strongest boy in the world and we can all do nice things and help help people hang on we can't all be goodies someone has to be the baddy the what you know a super villain ooh can I be the super villain okay strawberry do I help people too no you have to try and take over the world the whole world well maybe we should just start with the little kingdom and I'll try and stop you okay I will be the ice queen strong Strawberry Ice Queen strawberry ice cream ice queen not cream I super villains always have a gang we'll be the gang so it will be Elfman and fairy girl against strawberry ice queen and her gang the goodies will win the baddies will win no the goodies will win to the almobile come on fairy girl do your worst ice queen okay fairy girl bye I'm the ice queen so maybe I should make it a bit [Music] cold it's chilly yes that's because I'm the ice queen sorry my goodness it's cold yes and in the middle of summer very odd very odd indeed it's gone all cold I bet the ice queen has something to do with that yes let's go to the elf C this is just Gaston's house well today it's the elf cave here's the elf computer I invented it myself but it's a cardboard box ah as I thought strawberry ice queen has made it cold on purpose but how do you know that there's nothing on the screen it's pretend remember Holly Oh yes the computer doesn't really work that would be crazy wo it's me the ice queen how are you elf boy Elf man and how did you do that this computer's just a cardboard box I can do anything I'm the one who made it cold ha I wouldn't say it's that cold no we're not even wearing gloves ha oh yes I can make it colder if you like do your worst you'll never stop Elfman and fairy girl we'll see about that M Ben lunch time oh I've got to go I'm having pizza for lunch Pizza can we all come too can we please okay you can all come for pizza there you are I was getting worried what with this mad weather mom my friends have come for lunch too is that okay yes of course we're superheroes and super villains that's nice who wants Pizza yes please We Can't Stop long I've got to take over the world and Ben and I have to save the world oh good so you'll need to keep your strength up then hm what's the best way of taking over the world you are the ice queen you could make it snow yes maybe I will thanks fairy girl come on let's get on with the game we're off to our secret hideout us too bye bye okay I'm going to make it snow snow snow snow snow snow now as well in July why oh this is ridiculous why is old elf why is old elf there's something you have to see eh what's that come with me I'll show you is it much further I'm freezing we're here look what on Earth where are we the very edge of the little kingdom and the snow stops here snow no snow snow no snow snow yes thank you Mrs elf we get the idea no snow but what is causing this strange snow it's magic magic and I'll bet my beard that Nanny palum has done [Music] it whatever you're doing stop it what the washing no the snow it's not my fault oh come on Nanny it's always your fault no it's normally my fault but not today then who on Earth is doing it maybe it's a super villain oh don't be ridiculous daddy Plum why is that ridiculous because super villains don't exist what about superheroes they don't exist either it's a lot of nonsense then what's that it's a super hero symbol in the sky oh let's find out where it's coming from now when the people of the world need help they'll knowwhere to find the elf cave really will people really ask us for help well no it's just a game no one is actually going to knock on the door huh hello is anyone there that's my dad anyone home isn't this where Gaston lives maybe a superhero lives here too that's the silliest thing I've heard in all my life hello this is Elman and fairy girl we are superheroes see told you Elfman who's Elfman can we come in no our secret identities have to remain uh uh secret can you help us the whole of the little kingdom is covered in snow yes that's the work of the Ice Queen she is a super villain you see a super villain all right all right leave your problem with elf man and fairy girl we'll take care of it thank you elf boy Elf man we have to find Strawberry secret hideout and tell her to stop the snow the whole of the little kingdom is freezing cold even in here yes my bottom is getting cold sitting on the ice Throne couldn't you be the sunshine Queen instead it's too late now I'm strawberry ice queen strawberry's Hideout must be around here somewhere we need to look out for a sort of place that a super villain ice queen might live in uh like that wow a giant Palace of ir nice this is better than the elf cave any day no it's not it's just showing [Music] off not so fast strawberry ice queen what brings you here elf boy Elf man I've come to stop you but you can't stop me I'm the ice [Music] cream that's cold strawberry the grownups are a bit cross about all the freezing snow oops are they yes are we in trouble I don't think we're in trouble as long as the game is over okay do I win no the goodies win that's not fair you're stuck in the ice oh okay you win hoay finally I can get rid of the ice Throne my bot is [Music] freezing oh good the sun is out the little kingdom is saved all thanks to Elfman and fairy girl if only we knew their secret identities but we never [Music] will big people big people coming hello it's me Lucy oh panic over everyone it's Lucy we thought it might be someone dangerous big people have big feet yes and we don't like being stepped on ah oops sorry for stepping on you Mr may I didn't see you there it's fine glad it's just you but it's not just me my teacher Miss is bringing my whole class here today on the nature trail lots of big children and a big teacher they mustn't see us fairies or us elves or Mrs witch or the dwarves or red bid the elf pirate yes yes yes the whole of the little kingdom is meant to be secret that's my class here they come quick into the houses close the windows and doors oh did I just see little windows in the toad STS all right gather around children yes Miss cookie here are some toad stools take toad stools off on your lists toad STS Miss cookie the toad STS have little windows in them uh Noy that was close yes but I think we got away with it next on the list is an oak tree let's go and find one oh no they're heading towards the great elf tree we have to get there first big people big people coming this way yeah big people big people everyone into the tree here they come close the shutters good it looks like a normal tree oh look a little person here we are you can tell an oak tree by the shape of the leaves do oak trees have little people living in them what of course not tick Oak Tree on your lists everyone oak [Music] tree pH that was close you're telling me right next on the list is insects this way children uh-oh they're heading straight for the little castle we have to get there first wait for [Music] me Daddy Daddy big people are coming big people quick close the [Music] shutters good now we're completely hidden hidden but what about the castle perhaps they won't notice it well notice it won't notice it a little fairy castle with a flag on top I know I'll just magic the castle invisible brilliant Nanny invisible invisible Castle disappear invisible invisible Castle disappear a castle this field is a perfect place for insects to live I think I just saw a castle then it went invisible oh what fantastic imaginations you children have what there does seem to be something here I can feel a tower with a flag on top uh Miss cookie maybe there are some insects over here uh oh oh yes insects that's what we're looking for Miss cookie I found an insect lovely now does anyone know what this insect is called Gaston what oh uh I mean a ladybird all right ch children tick insect on your lists insect and now onto the lake I think it's this way thank goodness they're moving away from the little castle but they're going right towards Mrs Witch's House no time to lose how can we hide Mrs Witch she's huge maybe she could pretend she's not a witch good idea Ben hello hello Mrs witch listen there's no time to explain but you have to pretend you're not a witch okay who am I then you're just a nice old lady okay here they come remember you're just a nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly okay hello I'm not a witch I'm just a nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly well I'm uh pleased to hear it my name is Miss cookie I'm Miss witch your name is Mrs witch yes but I'm not a witch I'm just a nice old lady who wouldn't eat a fly uh that's good can you tell us the way to the lake yes straight down the path and through the trees you can't miss it is that a witch's hat you're wearing yes but I'm not a witch but you are called Mrs witch yes and you're called Miss cookie but you're not a biscuit talking of cookies if anyone would like a snack take a roof tile they're gingerbread you know thanks Mrs witch bye [Music] bye they never suspected a thing but now they're going to the lake and that's where Redbeard the pirate sails his boat we have to warn him hello Redbeard the elf pirate speaking listen carefully big people are coming your way I hear them and I've have no time to hide pretend to be a toy oky dokie I'm a toy here's the lake I found a toy boat there's a doll on it oh that's red beard who's Red Beard I mean uh the doll's got a red beard some poor child must have lost it let's put it here where they'll find it Miss cookie I found a tadle lovely tick tadpoles off your list tadp and that's the end of today's nature trail come on children back to school yes Miss cookie well done Red Beard they never suspected a thing it was a close call and no mistake they've been all over the little kingdom now but we haven't been discovered yes well done everyone the big people have no idea us little people live here they didn't see the great elf tree or the little castle and they didn't find out Mrs Witch is a witch all I can say is it's a good thing they didn't bump into the gnome dump dump the G dump dump hello evening all hello are you going to a fancy dress party party is there party food there I like food uh we're just on a nature trail oh yes what have you seen on this nature trail we've seen toad stools and insects and Tad PES toad stools insects Tad balls but there's loads more stuff really there's the Elves and the fairies the what that blabber mouth is giving everything away how can we stop him I know come on Gaston yes the elves live in a tree an oak tree yes it's got tiny windows in it I thought I saw a castle you saw it all right because it's there the H fairies live in a little castle made of tiny brick cities is there a witch of course she's called Mrs witch and do fairies live in these toad STS yes this is a secret fairy Village sh hey what's that Mr gnome big people must never know about the little kingdom oh yes of course leave this to me now then you know how I was talking about toll stools insects and tadpoles yes right everything I talked about after that forget it forget it yes and there's no magic dwarves dragons or goblins in these Woods neither okay come on class let's go home bye good boy I think we just about got away with it bye everyone bye Lucy that was close close you told them everything but I also told them to forget it all anyway the little kingdom is safe again yes and it's all thanks to me good morning your majesties good morning NY Plum Princess Holly would like to show you how well she is doing with her magic yes I would that's lovely sweetie she will now cast a spell for you it's not magic jelly is it no no not magic jelly you can choose what would you like best in the whole wide world could you make me something pretty okay AB Bob boo what is it it seems to be a box of burps your majesty oh that's disgusting sorry Daddy I think it's about time Holly had some proper magic lessons very good your majesty I'll just fetch my wand no NY Plum I mean proper lessons at a proper school school yes Holly is old enough to go to Mrs Fig's Magic School ooh Mrs Fig's magic school I went there when I was little it sounds fun can my friends come as well of course Violet Rosie strawberry and Flur can go to magic school cool too can Ben come along oh remember Ben is an elf and elves don't like magic Ben will most likely be at elf's school today good morning children good morning Wise Old elf this morning's lesson is called why elves don't do magic who can tell me why elves don't do magic because we're elves yes Ben but can anyone tell me why we don't do magic because we're elves yes yes I know but why don't we is it because magic always leads to trouble yes Jake magic always leads to trouble this way girls and talking of trouble hello Wise Old elf hi Ben hi Holly we're going to Magic School oo can we go to the magic school too Wise Old elf no I forbid it oh please Wise Old elf please please oh very well today's lesson will be to see how magic always leads to trouble this way to the Magic School magic school I suppose it'll all be pink and fluffy and covered in glitter that sounds nice here we are Mrs Fig's magic school oh what a sensible building it could have been built by an elf I know it's a bit ugly isn't it it's very sensible now girls and boys you'll soon be meeting Mrs fig she taught me everything I know Mrs fig liked me I used to call her old figgy good morning children morning my name name is Mrs fig morning Mrs fig that's better hello figgy remember me ah Nanny Plum how could I forget I told you I was her best pupil and all my years of teaching Nanny Plum I never had another pupil like you thank you and I I'm the wise old elf elves at Magic School yes we're here to see the magic all go wrong nothing will go wrong at Mrs F's magic school now who do we have here I'm Princess Holly Princess Holly what do you and your little friends know about magic oh I've taught them lots of things let's say you know nothing now what's the most important rule of magic don't do magic correct what but where's the fun in that magic is not meant to be fun I like this lesson magic is only meant to be used for sensible things by sensible people now pretend you are in the kitchen doing the washing up are you going to wash the dirty dishes using magic yes stop that's just the sort of thing you can do by hand what that's just plain wrong but if you come across a particularly stubborn stain on a saucein then perhaps you could use magic leave it to soak overnight why not just magic the whole lot clean and get on with something fun I am the teacher nenny Plum sorry figgy and now for the magic lesson hooray first we have to warm up up let's start with a little jog no not the jogging outside Chop Chop run around everyone what does running have to do with magic nothing it builds character I don't need any more character thank you are you all having fun yes right stop jogging is not meant to be fun now who would like to show me their favorite spell me anyone else I can do a growing spell very good show us your growing spell please okay ba Popp bow grow grow grow not me she's just growing and growing stop it stop it I know how to do growing but not stopping that's easy stop figgy stop and who taught you that growing spell me I might have known well it did work you grew a lot I know a spell to make things smaller which don't small small [Music] small Mrs fig is still shrinking help help she's getting teenier and teenier she's never going to stop shrinking help help oh I'd better grow her again figgy figgy fig back too big how are you feeling I am very very very angry so as you see children magic always leads to trouble they were two very silly spells can anyone think of a useful spell magic jelly magic jelly yes that's very useful well I suppose magic jelly has its uses like at a children's party or a picnic or as a yummy pudding okay magic jelly but let's get someone sensible to wave the wand maybe who is the most sensible person here the Wise Old elf then Wise Old elf shall wave the W me but I'm not a fairy I don't do magic exactly the perfect person oh I don't think so no it wouldn't be right nonsense we just need a bit of fairy dust you are now magical my body is all tingly I don't like it don't worry you won't be magical for very long just wave the wand and say jelly jelly but not a lot uh jelly jelly but not a lot oh it worked can I turn Nanny Plum into a frog P I'd like to see you try I say this is fun what happened why old elf what are you doing having fun magic is not meant to be fun what would happen if I asked for a lot of jelly try it and see jelly jelly jelly and lots of it no stop we don't want a jelly [Music] PL a jelly FL NY Plum it wasn't me it was him that's ridiculous elves don't do magic actually your majesty it was the wise old elf even old figgy telling Tales now it's true the wise old elf did it oh dear I believe I did do the spell fancy that the wise old elf doing magic you have been naughty yes it just goes to show that magic always leads to
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 154,996
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Keywords: #benandholly, #benandhollycartoon, #littlekingdom, ben, ben and holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben holly, ben holly little kingdom, cartoon, holly, holly and ben, little kingdom, nanny plum, princess holly
Id: DHyvy4dw7E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 37sec (1777 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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