Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | The Tour To Witch's House | 1Hour | HD Cartoons for Kids

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it could make tasty cakes or get some new clothes makeup I'm sorry I had to free his nanny plum she was very rude to me I don't think mommy meant to be rude mrs. which maybe not but she was are you going to keep nanny frozen forever know if nanny says sorry she can go nanny say sorry to missus which I will not say sorry I was only trying to help you out your grumpy old witch oh so you won't let mommy go nope we should get help is it all right if we go mrs. which of course you have both been delightful company what's your plan we have to get the king yes Daddy can tell the wait jar then she'll let Manny go bye-bye thank you very much yes thank you mrs. rich goodbye bye bye [Music] my missus which really angry and now none he's frozen like a statue oh dear daddy if we don't do something the nanny was they frozen forever hmm we'll never see nanny again Oh sad I'm happy no more lovely dinners no dinners what is that you easy now oh no way [Music] now we just have to get Ben turn back into Ben again I've got a very good idea if we both do spell together yes that would be fun [Music] now here hop off somewhere and you'll have to find him all over again huh we're not having a good day what about sport band goodness me Holly I've been looking everywhere for you sorry nanny but Ben kept wandering off and we had to keep finding him I see so where's this frog that needs to be turned back into Ben here that's a Robert Ben was a frog then a bird and now he's turned himself into our rabbit we've tried everything well it just shows that you both need a lot more spell practice yes fairies of your age really should be able to get a simple spell right yes watch and learn when you turned Ben into a frog abracadabra you should not have turned him into a bird double disease and certainly not into a rabbit at the start you should have made him Bennigan's africa's TT TT be afraid we have to march out bugs oh dear tomato bugs like to eat the tomato plants go away Joe Joe Joe Joe yes if only we could find a way to get rid of them you should be our chief pest controller now we can harvest a Tamar to carry on right Oh tomato it is that's why we wear these hard hats but there's another job that's really dangerous whoa what's that can I see it can be quite scary I'm not afraid it is possibly the most dangerous job in the world for an elf what is it collecting eh what's so dangerous about collecting eggs chickens wow they're big aren't they yes that's why we have this high fence and why it's very important to lock this game we princess Holly it's collecting eggs that's dangerous further ado I judge that the winner is [Music] [Applause] [Music] perhaps the tomato daddy thank you using magic yes this happens every time why don't we just see which one tastes the best what a good idea let's taste them he it could be our lunch first the main course the tomato [Music] delicious the strawberry scrumptious yo yo they're both so very tasty they both win so where's the trophy [Music] hope I'm not too late your majesty no you're just in time well done jolly good show hi dad hi ollie bye ollie that was delicious now I'd like a little nap I'm sorry Your Majesty there's no time for that but I'm tired nanny you must make another speech at the festival of elf and fairy dancing oh I don't know anything about dancing how can I make a speech about it daddy I can do a speech I've been watching you do it all day excellent you can make the speech Holly princess Holly and King thistle hi Holly that was the last delivery now we can play you might have finished Ben but I'm still working I have better things to do with my time good hiding place hey Holly it was okay I suppose elves always hide well and I'm an elf I can't hide remember play fair a no flying or anything no flying I promise [Music] find anywhere good to hide in time dan said no flying but he's inside no magic what do you think wand shall we do a teeny bit of magic no one I'm sure Ben won't minds make me invisible coming ready or not hmm very very very ice-cold hmm I see you might as well give up you'll never find me I wonder where Holly can be maybe she's not in the meadow at all that's not fair fairies can do lots of things about flying all magic like what I can dance like a ballerina okay but we don't have dancing at the elf games [Music] I really doesn't looking pretty we don't have dancing gymnastics all looking pretty at the elf games why not we're elves we have serious things like jumping running and princess Holly time for your lessons oh hello nanny plum Ben's going to be in the elf games can we go to won't it be boring for you princess Holly watching on some sweaty little elves running about we don't just run we jump and we lift things look I won this trophy for the high jump last year Wow if you really want a trophy you can have one I presume abra concern for princess Holly a fancy cut you can't just magic up a trophy you have to work for it I did work for it I didn't get this good at doing spells without lots of practice well I've got to go and practice my running and jumping good luck then bye Holly see you later [Music] welcome to the elf games please remember the elf rules no cheating princess coming it's only a toy spider dad gets it out every year oh happy elf joke day mr. elf I'm terribly sorry princess Holly I hope we didn't startle you it's okay it's funny Holly are you having a merry elf joke day I wish many promise here she loves jokes oh I didn't know nanny plum like such things yes nanny's got a really good sense of humor really then maybe we should go and show her some jokes to the elf strap [Music] princess Holly a joke should be a surprise it'll be fun oh I'm really busy who can that be hello what do you want hello what do you want what what why are you copying everything I say why are you copying everything I say I have just decided that Ben does not have to go to school today it's the law well this is most unusual in fact there'll be no school for anyone today no school for anyone yes it's the law because I am queen honey as you wish Polly oh yeah the children will be most upset when they hear the news children I'm afraid Queen Holly has informed me there will be no school today [Music] [Music] even the wise old Oh [Music] but what shall we do all day right mr. elf next on the list a delivery of food for the little castle right ho mrs. elf gosh water busy day is it dinner time already not really could you get me a bucket of custard and a big jar of pickles please oh and some plastic flowers you're going to eat plastic flowers no that would be silly they go with the windmill ah good work boys old elf thank you goodbye finally or you will need a little bridge what a plastic well and a little picket fence so he wants a bucket of custard and a big jar of pickles yes they make everyone else were well they just eaten sleep grumbling again Danny I say are we going on a picnic mr9 what are we going to eat for dinner nanny there's no food left your majesty the name is eaten it all mani remember that mr. Nam needs plastic flowers two plastic flowers they go with the windmill windmill I'd better see what this gnome is up to Thank You wise old elf I couldn't have done a better job myself oh I can see you've certainly been working hard no yes your kingliness so when would it be safe for you to leave don't worry I'll just give it a little help nanny plum have you been doing magic just a teeny tiny little bit to help things along you are a very naughty fairy sorry wise old elf we'll say no more about it now Holly let's see what your owl can do it doesn't hmmm maybe too much magic went into its making I can fix it I'm very good at mending things [Music] [Applause] I did try to do it the elf way yes Holly I know you did but it's not easy to make toys without using magic it's easy for us because now Holly here's your wand back thank you and remember no magic until you have left the classroom yes wise old elf and that goes for you too Nana pal um yes wise old owl first we need something to turn into shoes lemons no there needs to be shoe shaped oh now we need something round and juicy for the jacket oh no it's a martyr hmm what can we use for the crown ah Holly you remember king and queen marigold hello and this is my best friend then elf hello Ben I must say your skills are quite um charming yes nice and sensible oh is it the country look I think the way one dresses is very important my husband won't be a moment he's just changing into his new clothes new clothes that sounds interesting well it is an experiment sorry outstanding oh really well the jacket feels a bit soggy actually it looks wonderful feel fresh and exciting nope we were just saying how important it is to think carefully about what you wear oh I don't think I think it's all what's that yes I was worried that might happen tricky things magic clothes this is nothing to do with me my wife chose it that yes amazing awesome I've never seen anything like it absolute genius next stop level 99 Oh time [Music] level 99 the elf Factory I'm the clip machine the watts the glyph machine this way princess Holly please feel free to ask any question I pull this lever princess what else do you do I pull this lever and the loop comes out then you get bored he'll never get bored but I'm an elf thank you now moving on I press this button yes all day you must be very patient elves are very patient a diamond else next is the paint room this is where the toys are painting every has their bit one takes the ties another mouse and another the hair amazing I thought it would be all done by machine oh we do it all by hand it looks such hard work elves work hard work now let's mix all the ingredients sugar black lime finally frogburt now the magic words sugar and spice glug glug glug burp of a frog lime of a slab that's going to taste horrible no baby remember it's a potion to rub on the field not to drink nobody would drink this oh my that is bad it tastes disgusting daddy you shouldn't have drunk it you should have rubbed it on your feet what I wonder what will happen now let's see what the book says blah blah blah oh dear what is it silly me it's not a recipe for cold medicine after all it's a cure for baldness but I must say your majesty long hair really does suit you nanny plum I think oh I seem to have caught the Kings cold oh poor nanny plum now I'm going to take personal charge of getting you better of course you can the more the merrier please that's not necessary your majesty oh but it is true if the mummy were here she would build a nest and sit on the egg to keep it warm your bottom is too small we need a bigger bottom hello everybody hello King thistle daddy can you help us help you with what your majesty if you could sit on this egg until we build a nest that would be most kind very well silly I say this is jolly uncomfortable it won't be long for you will be as quick as we can we just need to build a nest okay we'll collect these tips will collect thistledown and now the magic words sticks moss and thistledown makes me a nest all cozy and round lovely can I get off now of course your majesty [Applause] Oh daddy you've broken my egg no the egg is cracking on its own goods now The Mummy will hear the chick call and come to collect it we weren't supposed to touch it well we know can you fix it with magic I'll try well that didn't work Oh nanny will no spell let's ask our no we can't tell anyone what can we do then then odd elves good at mending things yes and you're an elf Ben can you help me mend it please you're my very best friend and you're my only hope okay I've got stuff for mending things at home but what if someone sees us I can make us invisible I know that spell I father my invisible spell has worn off that's alright we're nearly there no one will see us now hello Ben hello princess Holly hello magic I've heard them into a hat gosh what a big heart it's Ben I accidentally turned him into a hat princess Holly that's exactly why you need to practice your magic more I was practicing but it all went a bit wrong I expect you waved your wand all over the place I tried waving it right this wand is no good now now a good fairy never blames her wand yes nanny plum I have a good mind to leave Ben as a hat just to teach you a lesson nanny I don't think he likes being a hat oh very well watch and learn dingdong then cut to fence what happened things went a bit wrong but nanny plum came to the rescue Thank You nanny plum you're welcome Ben now Holly next time shake the wand gently yes mommy sorry Ben were you scared I'm an elf elves are never scared good in that case can I try again maybe later see you Peedee damsel needs to eat lots of lots of leaves why you'll see first gather up the leaves okay let's see you could get the most leaves okay you're on [Music] yes he's a tiny bit fat there's no way she will ever fly that's better she's a good weight now Oh daddy how can this help Betty fly oh you'll see [Music] and that's my dad see you tomorrow see you tomorrow then good night Betty [Music] daddy told us to feed Betty but now she's so big she'll never fly daddy must be wrong Holley daddy's never wrong he's a king and he's very uh wise that's how our Betty fly wait and see good night Holly good night mummy well she won't exactly be a caterpillar anymore ah I don't get it you will tomorrow oh it's very clever is it really clever no it's stupid but funny here we are squeak uh why is the wise old elf dressed there's a squirrel because squirrels copy other squirrels now if I move an acorn all the other squirrels will copy me and move their acorns too but don't the squirrels need to store their icons for the winter ha ha yes that's why I'll lead them to the dry hollow log on the top of the big hill your costume looks very heavy yes but it's perfectly balanced by the tail ready for checks ready tail check icon check squirrels watching check go go go squeak squeak we'll see you at the hollow log wise old elf [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a pity I missed a corn day I see an acorn how charming your majesty how do you change yourself into a mouse I put these years on this nose that I was it's a good idea putting the toddlers in the library what it's the same room you put all the walls in ah don't worry the great wizard Oh will sort this out I'll show them my mouse trick that will surprise them they'll be surprised how bad it is so might work look children I've turned myself into a costume the toddlers have magic two wise old elf into a real Mouse squeak can someone please magic me back into an elf no we can't do any magic because somebody put all the ones in the library actually the pot is not quite over yet no the toddlers are in the library with the dangerous spell books they've got all the magic wands and they've magic the wise old elf into a mouse squeak sounds like a fun party whoo no it's gone quiet they're up to something let's take a look oh good to have you back again nanny now you have your wand again would you mind of course oh great with our dough silly old elf yourself somewhere be the poor little toddlers I was afraid of this Daisy and poppy have found the secret passageway where does the secret passageway go to the secret room that's right you can't just find the treasure with one clue why not that wouldn't be fun me Little Mermaid oh the X is marked on gaston's K hello Gaston well we think there might be some pirate treasure in your cave ah I used to live here meself many moons ago probably before you were even born Gaston I like what you've done with the place Gaston mr. what does the riddle say I do I'm easily spotted and where I lay you'll find the clue to show you the way easily spotted what's that Gaston has spots on his bat and gasps Don's bed is way it's another the X shows the little castle impossible I've dusted every nook and cranny of the little castle I would have found it maybe it's well hidden be sweetheart [Music] hello everybody oh goodness me daddy we're searching for pirate treasure my uncle is red beard the elf pirates your Majesties Oh posh unless is the blotto horn delightful y'all sound silly ah that's because you don't have sensitive elf hearing [Applause] princess Holly could you remind us what your tune sounded like please I don't suppose you la can read music well I haven't seen this particular piece before played that perfectly' perfect for you maybe but it's not elf music elf music has oompah oompah like this just remember you are playing for king and queen marigold and they are very snooty we like all power music but king and queen my regards don't quite so play Holly's tune please Holly do the elf band sound any better Oh die okay let's hear them play [Music] we're and you've got my horn and there's my one there's the Kings piano and our TV and my magic picnic basket Gaston ask if we can have our stuff back I think that means no why won't you let us have our stuff back nanny oh goodness knows what do you want all this stuff for she says it's for eating even though it tastes horrible why is she eating it if it tastes horrible this isn't food you know queen aunt says they used to collect food left over from big people's picnics but the big people haven't had a picnic for ages well so the ants have to eat any old rubbish they can find that's not rubbish it's a fine musical instrument I'm delivering it to the king it's not good to eat musical instruments yes ban she's obviously very stupid don't translate that when I said you were very stupid I made you a very clever she doesn't seem very pleased if you want food I can make some with my magic ain't make basket she likes sweet things what kind of sweet things well Julie oh I can do jelly careful nanny plum we don't want a jelly flood don't worry I know what I'm doing magic basket please jelly jelly but [Music] there are lots of things you need to be careful of when you're flying at night like cobwebs for instance good evening madam spider sorry for damaging your web but the young very experienced at night flying well done honey you found a little girl's house and that's the little girl she doesn't look very little Wow look at that big girl shush she's also got big ears to hear us with so be very quiet follow me beep your wings as I said we must be very careful this is the tricky bit I have to get the tooth from under the pillow without waking the little girl [Music] gently pillow oh wow very tease right stock one two three oh thanks Ben that's what I call a big baby tooth what about the coin nanny here it is Oh No what's wrong yeah the little girls witness and letter what a nuisance Gaston says that this TV program is a bit boring how about this one this programs too noisy this program is just bright so no Gaston was better maybe he can go home daddy Gaston can't go home until his home is manager he might catch another cold and then he'll be sad yes we wouldn't want Gaston to be sad Gaston says you are the nicest King in the whole world Thank You Gaston up maybe I'll go and see how the elves are getting on at your pain hello wise old elf how much longer is this going to take as we builders say there's no point in rushing things well maybe a little rushing wouldn't do any harm I'm afraid we have a lot of problems to deal with your majesty it's probably a silly idea but have you tried moving that pebble over the hole you're right that is a silly idea maybe it's still worth a try with respect Your Majesty we each have our jobs to do you're the king and I'm the Builder of course it's been a long day I think I'll go to bed earlier your majesty that might be a problem what do you mean well with Gaston yes nanny magic this basket for Gaston to sleep in well all three if it's windy like today fairy should be careful about flying as long as I fly no I'll be fine but on a day like today no one should fly above the castle walls it's very windy up here yes nanny plum so what have we learned fairies should always look nice fairies must never ever be without their one fairies mustn't fly in strong wings very good you see even I find it difficult when the web Oh mommy plums gone was that meant to happen I don't think so behind and a fairy without her wand is like a ladybird without his spots Pournami what can we do I've got a simple plan we find nanny we rescue her then we give nanny her wand but we don't know how to find her and we don't know how to rescue her and we're not allowed to touch many plans want then it's a good thing I'm here I can do all those things because I'm an elf [Music] [Music] Stage one completed hello how did you find me so quickly Gaston followed your smell my smile for your information I do not smell no when I was a baby the first way that I said was bang that's not a good word for a magical baby to know bang mummy your wand [Music] my friends are coming round supply ah yes Holly mommy and I were thinking it would be fun if you and your friends played with Daisy and poppy today but daddy it would be a chance for the twins to learn your games mummy hi olli hi Ben coming out to play Holly sorry Fleur I can't come out to play why not Daisy and pop here with me so we have to play in the courtyard they're not ah I see your friends have brought a little kitten along oh that's Fleur he gave Daisy her wand I see runaway kitten come back flower and which poor friend was turned into this insect no mummy that's Gaston the ladybird he's meant to be like that well ah yes of course hello Gaston now children the twins are only little so please play gently yes little and the twins must stay in the courtyard wake gasp storms coming we don't like it when you're sad we're really sorry about rolling you over and riding on your back what's he saying many gaston says he likes it when you roll him over and ride on his back Oh Gaston is not sad in fact he's very happy well you're going to be even happier now take a look at your cave as I said lady birds are never happy done what's wrong oh dear nanny what did he say he said he loved his home just as it was all messy and smelly oh sorry Gaston don't worry we'll make it just the way you like it yes we're very good at making things messy sexy distance bed nice and mucky [Music] now just a final layer of dance and we're done well done everybody that smells just as bad as it did before what a fuss over such a little creature your tadpoles have turned into frogs princess Holly tadpoles frogs what an earth is going on daddy I did tell you I had some homework hide-and-seek one two three four five six seven eight nine ten coming ready or not [Music] again say hello to my friends fluffy Tiddles Mopsy and hello good night doggies morning are you coming out to play Holi I'm a bit busy band I'm playing with my frogs frogs this one's very good at running and jumping I've called him Oh see you later okay Wow they've made Kings this all really smooth Daisy poppy that wasn't funny or clever magic ass back to normal size I just need my wand maybe we should call Nam da da da doo da da da oh I wonder what they want typical they ring for me and then they wander off somewhere hey why are you so tiny honestly it's not hard to look after Daisy and poppy you just have to play with them but what Daisy like most is their baby now where is it where have you put your baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no space you have to wear a spacesuit we can just use magic to breathe no magic is not allowed aboard the elf rocket you will have to leave your ones behind ah okay [Music] Queen Cecil would you please come with me to the mission control room Oh Systems check in since ready computers ready fuel system ready start the countdown I want to wish you all the best of luck you are going where no else has gone before or ferry Oh surely you are going where no elf or ferry has gone before is everyone ready already okay blast [Applause] where did it go where did it go where did it go into space it actually worked I wasn't expecting that [Music] we are now I'll talk Goods atmosphere we can take off our seatbelt I'm flying that's because there's no gravity in space I'm flapping my wings but they don't do anything yes your wings won't work in zero gravity oh are you sure there isn't a toilet what's through this door [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 1,773,755
Rating: 3.7842164 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: Yj4j7rjtvGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 54sec (3894 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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