Belle Dress Replica - How to Make Belle's Bodice - Beauty and the Beast 2017 - Tutorial

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[Music] you [Music] hello my name is Bellamy welcome to my sewing corner in today's video we're gonna go behind the scenes of my replica of Belle's bodice this Belle dress that I replicate is from the 2017 live-action movie I made this dress in 2017 and I've recently sold the whole outfit to a wonderful customer but the one thing is I'm making a new bodice for her dress the skirts already made and so unfortunately I will not have a video of replicating the skirts but I do have a very informational blog post about replicating the skirts I've linked to it below in the description so be sure to check that out if you're interested so in today's video we're just going to talk about the bodice now the bodice is really interesting it has a lot of different techniques to it and it's also just a really unique construction it's something that you want to mention is that I do not show any photos of the original Belle dress on this video due to copyright and just not wanting to deal with that I do have a link below that shows some of the pictures that I'm referring to when I say up close photo or something like that [Music] so first of all let's talk about supplies one of the main fabrics in this whole dress including the skirts is silk organza for the petticoat its silk organza but for the outer skirt it's satin faced silk organza so the difference is between the two this is the silk organza as you can see it's very sheer it's it's a lovely crisp finish I really love silk organza I've used it on my Cinderella ball gown my Alice in Wonderland down the hall dress it's just it's a fabric that I always tend to use on replicas so love this fabric and there's 54 yards of it in the petticoat so there's a lot of time to practice working with it when you make a dress like that and then on the outer this is the satin faced silk organza so it's still slightly sheer but it's definitely more opaque and the reason for that is the satin finish and it just has one side that's really silky smooth so this is on the outer skirt and the bodice and this is just used for the petticoat at least in my replica the designer of the 2017 belle dress did mention in one of her comments that they did use a silk organza that had a satin finish so when I found out there was such a thing called satin faced silk organza I assumed that's what she was referring to so I do believe this is the fabric that was used in the movie dress now of course I can't be sure if the exact color but this website that I get this fabric has a hundred and forty-four colors so there is a lot of shades of yellow and gold that I was able to experiment with and I finally landed on this one so I have actually linked to the fabric that I use this is a first I've never shared this link before so be sure to check it out the one thing I don't mention is the color I used they offer free swatches so be sure to order some free swatches and you'll probably be able to figure it out just for now I've shared the website for the bodice I just used the satin-faced organza no silk organza that's just used for the petticoat one of the main things with the bodice is these strips on the bodice and the way the designer described it is feather-light and she mentions netting so what I ended up coming up with is bias cut strips of satin-faced organza and I've hand applied gold leaf to these strips and I do have a tutorial all about that so be sure to check that out I'll have it in the description and also pop-up so that is a whole separate tutorial be sure to check that out this technique is also used on the skirts so that's genuine gold leaf applied to the silk organza and is cut on a bias so you got some stretch to it but you also notice the wavy edge this is cut with a rotary cutter with a blade I've also linked those in the description in between layers of it on the bodice I use glittered netting so this is actually my least favorite material of HO bodice it sticks to pretty much anything such as just earlier I was looking for all these cut strips I was looking everywhere I turned around and they were stuck to my sweater so they kind of are annoying to work with but they really do the trick so it's worth it this is also cut on the bias and it has the same way the edge and so what the bodice has is a layer of silk a layer of Nettie and then a layer of silk and a layer of netting and so forth and so on so that's the reason for all the strips based on up-close photos of the Belle dress I do believe a similar technique was used for the original we've got this satin faced silk organza this is all scraps from cutting out the skirts the skirts are circle starts and so there's a lot of extra fabric that can be used for the bodice and then we have just a basic cotton muslin this will be the interlining of the bodice and then a bridal side this is the base of the fashion fabrics I'll talk about that in just a minute and then Boeing I use both steel boning and spiraled steel boning the spiral I use on just some different curvy parts of the bodice and then the steel is just a long besides to give a nice definition to the waist and bodice the next thing I've already talked a little bit about this but this is the glittered neti so I've cut some of it on a bias for the strips of the bodice but this also gets used as one of the fashion fabrics and I'll talk about that right now so with the bodice there's a base layer of the cotton muslin this is where I saw all my bowing cases and then it gets interlined with all the other layers well of course the lining goes at the very end and just inside to cover up all the seams and then we have the SAG so the satin as I mentioned is the base of the fashion fabric and then I put a layer of the satin face silk organza and then there is a layer of the gold medal I have a three piece fashion fabric so I have the base satin which it does show through a little bit through the organza because it's slightly sheer that's why I just have a similar color but it's not perfect as you can see it's more gold than yellow it works so it's similar color I have then the silk organza satin faced silk organza and then a layer of netting and up-close photos of the original dress do show a netting across the whole bodice not just in the strips so that is what I do sometimes you just need to combine fabrics to achieve the correct result so links for some of this fabric is down below some of it I purchased at my local fabric store so not all of it can be linked now that we've talked about supplies we can move on to assembly so first of all I do usually get all my strips of organza applied with gold leaf before I start that's just some prep work I do be sure again to check out that video if you'd like to learn how to apply genuine gold leaf to silk fabric you [Music] you now that we have the other three fabrics cut out I'm now going to cut out my satin face silk organza and being glittered of netting so with the satin faced silk organza there is one side but that's more satiny and the other side is little you can feel it it's a little rougher you can slightly see that difference in Sheen so I'm actually gonna cut it out with the good side facing down and then I put my Bridal satin on top and I'm actually just I'm gonna pin it along the edges and cut it out and then I will baste it down but I actually don't baste it until I've also cut out the netting so I pin the silk on to it cut it out pin the netting on to it cut it out and then I go and baste it so that's just the way that I work best and I am going to actually cut it out this way and especially on the silk because it has that shine I want to make sure I cut everything in the same direction the grain line is all lined up and not all wavy because you don't want that I'm happy with that and now I'm gonna just pin it in place and there we have it so now the good side is on the outside I'm gonna flip it around on top of the netting repin these places into the netting cut it out and then I'll have my three layered fashion layer and now we get onto the glittered netting let me just tell you this glitter gets everywhere it makes the bodice look so great so I look past its in favourable qualities so we will deal with this with patience oh yes you look at all that glitter that gets everywhere and here's the finished result of course a little wrinkly but I'll get that ironed out and so we have a layer of Bridal satin and then satin face silk organza and then the Nettie and it really just gives a really unique finish to this bodice and a lint roller comes to the rescue all right I now have all pieces of my bodice cut we have the cotton muslin this is where I'll attach all my boning channels and I actually do that before I assemble the bodice and then we have the lining all pieces cut out with that and then I have my three layered fashion fabric this is the one piece that doesn't get the two pieces of fashion fabric the silk and the netting the reason for this is it gets completely covered up with the silk and netting strips so there's no need to fuss about those extra layers because they're just gonna be hidden so then I have my other pieces cut and pinned and I'm just gonna go around and hand base them together so that I can treat them as one fabric and without the worry that they're gonna slip and such now I did allow a little ease on the netting because of the wrinkles that's called laziness I didn't iron my netting before I cut it out and so when I earned it it gave a little extra tease so when I baste I'm just gonna slowly take that out now I have tried machine basting this before but the netting tends to catch on the foot and stretch it and makes it go all wonky so I tend not to want to do that and I highly recommend hand basting it's a really quick stitch does it take too much longer than machine basting and you get a much better result [Music] so the time has come to start attaching the strips of gold-leafed silk organza and the netting so on the center section the lines are horizontal and I'm basically going to fill this whole area that I marked out it's just a triangle and that's the shape that I want for the strips to make I stopped around the waistline the reason for this is I have longer strips that will go vertically along the bodice and they kind of crisscross at this point start up here and we're just gonna go until he stopped around there and now since the next layer of silk is gonna go just overlapping the end of the gold leaf it's just gonna go there I'm going to sew about a quarter inch away from the end of the gold leaf because this will give plenty of room for that seem to be hidden by the next strip now I'm gonna go sew this all right I've got that first strip zone before I go on to the next silk I actually put a piece of netting this netting lays just about a quarter inch below the edge of the silk so it slightly covers up the gold leaf so you get about a quarter inch of silk and then you've got the netting and then another layer of the silk so it's about an even amount of soap netting silk netting so you could sew this layer on at the same time as the silk but since the silk is kind of slippery and the netting is also that way I tend to just do it separately and I think it just achieves a better result sewing them separately [Music] so I have all the strips sewn on and now what I'm gonna do is just sew a line to tack all these layers so that they don't lock so I'm gonna sew it upside down which is a little weird but I'm just gonna sew about a half inch from my life [Music] all right so I'm just gonna trim some of this away to get rid of some bulk but I did leave these loose because I'm gonna pin them back like this when I sew the side front pieces to this piece and then I can release them and sew them under the strip's that are gonna go vertically so that's it for this front piece it did take quite some time to get all that layered and sewn but it's now done and I can start assembling the bodice oh and another favorite part is the back there's something about all these symmetrical lines that I just really enjoy looking at even though it gets covered up it's just the front is pretty good too here's some of the boning placements this is the center front the side front this piece here will be spiral steel boning that's the only section on the bodice that spiral and then we have the back so we've got one right along the edge of the back that's how much seam allowance I added for the center back and another side one I've got the layers of the fashion fabric and the muslin with the boning strips sewn together and I did a machine basting around the whole edge and because I did that I'm going to now take out the red thread and here we have that front piece I've pinned this extra strip over so I don't sew into it when I sew everything together so let's get penny so I have my bodice all assembled and now I'm going to press open seams so with most of my bodice is I press the seams open and then I do a herringbone stitch to secure them in place give some steam this is my industrial iron it's only less than $100 and I love it if you have the room for it I highly recommend getting one um the link to it is in the description but once you get the fabric hot you want to make sure that heat and steam stays in the fabric as long as possible and that will keep the pressing so if I let go of it it would pop kind of back up because it's only had some heat and pressure but if you keep that heat and steam inside the fabric for longer it's gonna stay more like how you want it to [Music] you [Music] so when I get the strips pinned on I put this pressing ham underneath so that I just have a nice curved area to place the strip and my bodice I'm gonna grab one of the long strips of silk here at the point there's four strips on each side both of silk and netting and at the point they overlap every other one this time for the strip's I'm going to sew both the silk and the netting at the same time so I'm going to go ahead and pin this netting in place and then I'll go and machine sew it [Music] so once I have everything pinned in place I'm ready to sew but I have these tails here that I will leave because these freely hang off the bodice and onto the skirt so I just stopped sewing at this point but to keep them out of the way while I worked with the rest of the bodice I wind them up like this and then just put a clip one of these sewing clips on here and it just keeps it all contained because eventually there's gonna be four on each side and they just get all tangled up all right so I have the first three strips all sewn on and then on the fourth strip since it's gonna be visible I will be hand sewing this on I use a thin silk thread and I just do really miniscule stitches all along here to secure it in place and then I'll put the netting on and I'll use a metallic thread and do again tiny stitches just secure that in place here you can see my three and then this one which I'll be sewing on and here I have some looseness going on with these and you can look down and see the stitches so I'll be going over this all and tacking some of these areas down with the silk thread and just using small stitches again to secure them in place I'll also do this along this edge you can see an interesting detail about this bodice is in the original you see this same pattern where it widens at this dart area and then goes very small down here [Music] I now have the strip of netting pinned in place and now I'm going to go with this metallic thread and do the same thing as I did with the silk just tiny stitches along it the one thing I'll really make sure to do is to securely tack this edge I don't want it to catch and I kind of want it just to blend into the bodice so I'll be doing that and then I also have these places pinned here and I'll also be going with the metallic thread and doing tiny tucks just to keep them laying the way I want them to because they kind of just open up a little and I don't want that look [Music] after I have all the strips sewn in place the outside of the bodice is a hundred percent complete and now I have the lining already attached I just got it laid out smooth pinned it in place and then I used a felt stitch along the edge to secure it in place so now the inside is almost done the last step is to attach the hooks and eyes so on the right side of the bodice is the hooks and around the edge of them I do a buttonhole stitch so I'm just going to do some of those now that we have the hooks attached it's time to make the bars and I do thread bars and I make a thread bar and cover it with buttonhole stitches [Music] I really like the look of thread bars overusing the metal bars and they're much easier to sew than the middle [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bella Maes Designs
Views: 19,353
Rating: 4.9516129 out of 5
Keywords: Belle Cosplay Tutorial, Belle Costume Tutorial, Belle Gown, Belle Dress Tutorial, Belle Dress DIY, Sewing, Cosplay Tutorial, Belle Cosplay, Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and the Beast Cosplay, Beauty and the Beast Cosplay Tutorial, Belle Gold Gown Tutorial, Disney, Disney Costume, Disney Cosplay, Princess Dress, Princess Belle, Emma Watson, Yellow Dress, Gold Dress, Ballgown, Live-Action, Iconic Dress, Designer, Making a Belle Dress, How To, Creating, Tutorial, Making, Replica, DIY
Id: P_0-wu3O-LA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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