Making a 1918 Outfit – During the Pandemic

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hello I'm Bellamy today I'm embarking on a kind of fun spur-of-the-moment project and it has to do kind of with what's happening in the world right now with this pandemic and the reason I decided to do this random project is because I'm in the middle of making my replica of Christine's masquerade dress from the Phantom of the Opera movie and I'm about halfway through kind of ish and I'm kind of getting to the point where I need something to distract me a little bit so that I can come back to that project and have fresh perspective and kind of just fresh energy because that's kind of how I am with projects I get about halfway through and then I kind of like my a and your gene level so I need something to pick me back up and often that's just another random project so I am planning to make an outfit inspired by this photo here scratch that this photo is actually from 1913 and is apparently introducing the new veiled fashion of that year this information is courtesy of Carolina Nebraska and I am very glad that I saw this information on her Instagram before I edited this video because well obvious reasons I've been seeing a lot of photos circulating on Instagram and such about the 1918 pandemic and it kind of helped me have a perspective change as far as what we're dealing with today because when you think about what they were dealing with in 1918 they were dealing with a pandemic as we are today but that was just after World War one I mean you survived over one and then you go through a pandemic and that generation endured a lot I mean first learn more the 1918 pandemic Great Depression and then world war two I mean that's in like 30 to 40 years all that happened and for me seeing these pictures kind of helped like bring everything into perspective and I just found it helpful for me I'm not saying that today's circumstances aren't bad or whatever I'm just saying it helped me gain some perspective and also when you think about the gorgeous clothes they wore back then it was kind of an inspiration for me like maybe I can make a outfit based on 1918 and because it relates to the pandemic so that's what I'm gonna do on this spur-of-the-moment project that I probably shouldn't be doing but I found some fabric in my fabric sash that I actually got for free for my grandma and I was like this is would be perfect for this outfit and so I decided to do it and also on top of this I actually decided to buy patterns if you watch my channel before you know that I pretty much don't use patterns I actually find them confusing a lot of time much prefer just draping fabric on a dress form and playing around with it and putting it together I mean literally that's how my brain works and a pattern sometimes fries my brain so I'm gonna do my best to figure out this pattern so I decided to purchase my patterns from wearing history and I purchased a blouse pattern this is her LC blouse and I'm gonna be making this out of just a basic linen and I might add some insertion lace in it yeah I probably shouldn't but I probably will and then I also purchased her 1910 souped pattern for right now I'm just going to make the skirt because I probably don't have time to get the jacket done and time to release this video when it's still relevant so this is my social distancing project and then I also bought scripts gorilla corset pattern with shipping and stuff I just decided to purchase all PDF because that's easier even though it was a bunch of paper so good thing we don't have a shortage of paper which also comes question the treatment that's my plan first things first the corset this is groups corset pattern and after I got it all assembled I went on and made the draft here's Geoff number one and it's really good I don't have the boning in it so that'll take care of the wrinkles it was really long so I'm gonna trim it quite a bit to make it a little more reasonable and then the lacing is quite far apart so I am going to add some to the whole pattern just so that little icing comes in a little bit closer but other than that it's pretty good and yes I'm wearing my pants or anything so that's affecting the hips a little bit but not too bad once I made the adjustments to the draft the next part was to cut out the quarter layer and the fashion fabric I got this fashion fabric from the bargain basement at costume College when I went in 2018 I think this fabric is perfect for this corset I absolutely love the color alright I'm done for the day I've got quite a few hours in maybe about four I got the corset drafted and then I got cut out of the cotile and the outer fashion layer and I have that all beat stood together [Music] so yesterday I only spent about a half an hour on the project because I just had other things going on but I did manage to get the bust inserted to the front and then I also prepped the back section for the grommets so now I'm just gonna spend an hour or so before I move on to my other projects planned for the day and I'm just gonna get as much as I can done with it hopefully I can get it all assembled and ready for boning we'll see doing the grommets is probably my least favorite part I think I let out a little scream each time I tap that hammer and it cuts a hole because holes in something you just spent time on always a scary thought I constructed this corset with the wealth method at least that's what I believe it's called I did do it with this seems being on the outside which means that the boning channels are on the outside of the corset versus on the inside of the corset if that makes sense I did this just to reduce some bulk that would be against my skin I felt like the outside boning channels seemed just a little more practical anyways that was my thought at least it's been a couple days since I've been able to really put some work in on this 19:18 project but today I'm gonna focus a little more on it and hopefully hoping that I'll be able to get the corset complete and then maybe draft the blouse that's a lot probably a bit ambitious but we're gonna try there is a lot of hand sewing that I did with this corset I tacked down the facing on the corset and then I also did all the binding hand-sewn because I thought the look would be nicer and I always like hidden seams and attachments and things like that so as you can see the corset is wearable but I didn't completely finish it and I definitely didn't get around to drafting the blouse I mean what was I thinking everything takes longer than you think it's gonna take at least for me what to do is a bunch hand sewing or no not a bunch just hand sewing I'm gonna get that done tonight while I watch something thought basically the things that I need to do is tack down the bottom binding edge floss the ends of the boning because I'm kind of addicted to flossing now and I want to do it on all my corsets and also I'm gonna place the lace along this edge but other than that it's completely done so I'm very happy about that and I'm gonna get it done today so I'll meet that goal but I won't be drafting the blouse but I'm happy I'm happy with this how this turned out I think it's really comfortable I wasn't really sure what to think about the very long over the hips corsets I never had more one before and I really wasn't sure what it was gonna feel like personally I think it's really comfortable the one thing I would say is my bus is a little long for this style it's a little bit hard to sit not too bad but I didn't have one in stock that was a little bit shorter so I kind of just did it and I live with it and it's fine it's still comfortable to sit and such but next time I would use a little shorter bus and now we can move on to the rest of the open [Music] so believe it or not this is the draft blouse draft bus I decided to kind of add the finishing touches to first of all practice what I will do on the real blouse but also I plan to finish this up and kind of keep it as a blouse that I can just use wear whatever and then on my next boss I'm gonna make the neckline slightly larger so that I can close this all the way up as you can see now would it go right now I want to have that capability to close it all the way up and put like a tie or something look like that but really overall it fits really well I will say I think I'm gonna go one size up from what I cut this blouse at it fits well but I just feel like I could use a little extra room a little bit looser a little more blousy style and then I did figure out how to do this lap here I don't think it's exactly the way that we're in history's pattern tells you how to do it and the patterns they use I adjusted it slightly and I found a really helpful article as far as how to do this and man it was very helpful and that's how I did it so I'm gonna link that down below if you want to try that technique because I could not figure out how hers was done [Music] I look to my book also and it's all this style in there so I knew that it'd be okay to use this style so I did practice it on both sides and I really like how they look I put a drawstring in instead of a stationary one I figured that'd be smarter because if I ever want to wear it as with a larger corset just not a cinched waist or whatever I could have that and just have that flexibility this one only took me a couple of hours to make so I was pretty happy about that knowing that with my next one yeah I'm gonna add a couple extra hours because I'm gonna make it more detailed so that of course lots of time but overall it was very easy to assemble even though there's no instructions anyways and yes of course it is completely done and I'm very happy with it I love the flossing and lace it just pulls it all together anyways let's move on I used a linen for this blouse and I am absolutely thrilled with this fabric it is literally the best fabric I have ever worked with yeah maybe a little slippery but I just I'm really in love with it introducing the most amazing trick for turning points that are smaller than squares there's a better way to say that and I actually have a blog post about this which I will link down below but it is absolutely the best with the bluffs I have all the pieces cut out of the linen and I made the adjustments that I wanted to make and then I also got the collar and cuffs started and so I have the color done and here the insertion lace is all hand sewn in place and it took me about an evening and a half but I like the result and I decided to add this little dip at the center back I don't know if that's period-accurate or not I just as I was playing with it it looked really good and so I decided to do it so we'll add that and I'm really excited about how that is turning out and then I also have the cuffs started very weird-looking right now as you can see it's not done yet but the really nice thing about my width of my insertion lace is I just cut a slit where I wanted the lace to lie and then I have an eighth inch seam allowance to work with when applying the lace because my lace insertion is about a quarter inch wide so I just cut that slit and then eighth inch on each side opens the cloth up enough for this lace to go in so I was pretty happy about that and yeah I just have a couple more evenings of doing this before I can attach them to the blouse but hopefully the boss will be all ready for these once they're done so there's a little update as I mentioned earlier I found an excellent blog post about the sleeve lapse which I will link down below this is a method that I was very happy to find and I think the results are stunning to add extra time because you know that's what we all do I decided to hand sew the lap in place just so I wouldn't have any visible machine stitches here at least and again the point turning that I absolutely love it is so soothing yes I'm weird [Music] I'm so glad I decided to do a drawstring on this blouse I really like how it looks and just having the tie at the waist is just an extra little touch and yes I did hand sew the bottom edge of the blouse again why not spend extra time on a project that you're trying to finish quickly so it finished the boss is finally finished so it's been about a week and a half since I've really been able to work on this project I basically got the buttonholes and buttons attached in that week in half and the rest of my time was spent making masks for our community so I'm still doing that part-time making masks but I'll be able to devote a little more time to this project hopefully and get it done in time for my timeline that I want it done by which is not a hard deadline but it's been a crazy weekend half and I'm damn glad I went up that exercise because I just felt like the other one just a little bit tight I think overall it's good so we can finally go on to skirt and the one not purchased pattern on this outfit is the pay coat I'm basing it off of this at here and I've already drafted the petticoat yes I just dragged the camera good thing it did fall so this is the draft petticoat and I messed up on the calculations for these bottom two foxes so I had to make some adjustments but oh they're not the draft it turned out really great so I can now go and cut out a petticoat at this fabric which is not really historically accurate but it's gonna work and I think it's gonna look good and also since I'm replicating this petticoat and it's ad over here it was drained so it's like that works so I will have this pattern that I'm drafting right now petticoat pattern I'm selling it I am hoping to turn it into a PDF printable and you can actually the link down below to pre-order it is down below so if you want that you can click down there and read that information of course if you're watching like and past May 2020 I'll give you released and you won't have to preorder it you can just order it so anyways this is the one pattern that I didn't buy for this project and I made my own pattern and I'm gonna try to sell it so if you're interested in a world war one ERA in 1910s petticoat you can check out that link down below anyways we're gonna start working on this video and then the our skirt and we'll see how long that takes because I'm planning to make about 10 to 20 masks a day to keep up with the demand it's a lot to keep up on but it's good cause and we can all blend a helping hand during this time of crisis so I am fine putting this aside and then also as I was making masks and had to set this project side it was just a really good reminder for why I'm making this project because I started this project out because 1918 pandemic and really just to think that's what they had to do during that era they had to set aside their everyday activities as disrupted as they were already by the war they had to disrupt it even more so for this pandemic and really us in today's culture or we have to stay home and yes there's disappointments to that and there's job loss and all that but it was really just a good reminder for me to set those aside and work on something for this crisis and be okay with it because that's what we do you know we help others and my life just went out in ways he was good reminder so I am looking forward to filling this perspective video because that's the whole point of the video as a reminder and perceptive so anyways let's get to work coaster section for the petticoat I am drafting the pattern myself this is the one pattern I decided not to purchase I based it off of that ad photo that I mentioned earlier and I do have this pattern available to purchase and there will be a full length YouTube video about the construction of this petticoat that I will link down below when it gets posted please give it a view and that is why I'm not doing much of a voiceover for the section because all of that will be in the video so that shall pop up and will be in the description when it's posted and also my favorite part about this whole petticoat is the vast amount of frills or flounces whichever you want to call them I decided to cut these actually as bounces I decided to add a little extra dimension that way and the way that I hemmed the edges made it much easier than trying one of my circle hem techniques because these are basically cut on a circle and that probably didn't make too much sense so when I have that video posted you can go view that and it will make more sense [Music] [Music] [Music] so as you can see the petticoat is finally finished and I really like it it's very twirly and definitely enjoying twirling in this thing and as I mentioned a little bit earlier I have turned this into a printable pdf pattern it's a pattern of this petticoat it's in my size what I made you can purchase that and support small businesses but also get a nice World War One era 1910 era whatever you want to call it petticoat and I did base it off this ad so if you are interested in making one like that feel free to purchase that pattern anyways not the petticoat enjoy the rest of making this 1918 outfit and you know for the suit pattern I am again using a wearing history pattern this is her 1910s suit pattern but I do make some adjustments to it hey guys so quick update and it's quick to update because I did not have time to do my hair or really put on anything presentable but hey I'm reppin Italy so anyways that's my look today so quick update I drafted the skirt and I used wearing history's pattern I just made a couple adjustments to make it this Center front opening thing based on a little poll I did on Instagram which one I should do either face it on this picture or the where in history pattern and it was 70% said this option and I was kind of leaning towards that way anyways so the Desmond's I made is so for the run history pattern she has two pieces that come up and meet in the center front and buttons go along with that center front seam and so basically what I did I just made the those two pattern pieces shorter so they ended more here and then I took that mount and created a center front piece which is this piece I did add a little more flair to the bottom just just a little bit to help with what I took off and such I also along these seams here it's not gonna be the regular like seam allowance right here I'm gonna make a regular seam allowance up to here then I'm gonna jet over like this and that will give me the ability to fold this under and have a nice thick piece right here for all the attachments of buttons and such to be attached to that's my goal so we shall see what actually happens and then also I'm gonna create a basically I'm gonna cut another piece that kind of stops right here and this will just so it'll be double thick wool right here and the reason for that at least my reasoning it will help this from wrinkling too much and then also just again more sturdy miss because there's more fabric for the buttonholes and such so those are the basic adjustments to the pattern that I made to wear in history's pattern and now I'm gonna go cut it out and see how quickly I can make this skirt because I really would like to have the skirt finished by tonight yes I actually said that so we shall see once I had my draft cut apart so I could take the pattern from it I then went on to cut out the skirt from this lovely blue wool fabric that I was given by my grandma so it's actually a little bit extra-special having that part of this outfit it really is a lovely blue the camera did tend to pick it up kind of weirdly some shots are different than others and I will try my best to color edit it but it is really in person a lovely blue color and also it was free so makes me double [Music] I decided to finish off the skirt seams with twill tape instead of doing conventional scene finishes I decided to do twill tape because well I just decided to no reason really whatsoever for the waistband I decided to add a piece of silk organza in it just adds a little bit of stability to the area and maybe keep it from wrinkling too much I don't know if I did it correctly but I decided to give it though and again this is another very handy point turning point for you [Music] oh look at here's another point turning point [Music] more twill tape twill tape twill tape and more twill tape [Music] [Music] and of course I am hand sewing this twill tape down because again no visible stitches on this skirt well except for the top stitching which is the purpose of top stitching [Music] [Music] we we went on a little ride [Music] I'm kind of in love with the inside of the skirt I really like the contrast of the blue and the black twill tape just a little touch here you can see I that I chose to use hooks and eyes instead of actual buttons and buttonholes one of the main reasons for this choice was because well I'm just not the greatest at buttonholes and I really did not feel like cutting holes in a very lovely skirt and attach hideous bundles so yeah [Music] and a last-minute decision of some top stitching I used a buttonhole thread for this part and I'm very happy that I decided to do that because I think it adds a little extra dimension to the waistband you [Music] you [Music] so it's finished finally and I quite like it it is pretty much exactly as I imagined it which is always a good thing and overall I am yeah just really happy with how it turned out of course I did not get the coat done yet that will come later and will be in another video the making of that coat so the blouse definitely took longer than I was expecting with but what did I expect I mean I was choosing to put insertion lights in it so of course it was gonna take a while and since I did hand sew all that lace in of course it took longer but I'm very happy that I did because the result is just it makes me happy this whole 1918 project definitely took a bit longer than I was hoping about a month yeah a month late I guess you could call it but in that meantime I made a lot of masks and that's okay because I'm helping my community out and that's way more important than my sewing project at least for my case in this situation but I'm very happy to finally have it finished and I can't go though my video now that basically wraps up this video I do hope you watch my prospective video on the 1918 pandemic that I will link thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video be sure to comment down below maybe your favorite part of the project or whatever you feel like commenting and be sure to give this video a thumbs up and now go out into your own sewing area and learn create and inspire [Music] you
Channel: Bella Maes Designs
Views: 78,171
Rating: 4.9654675 out of 5
Keywords: 1918, Pandemic, 1918 outfit, WW1, World War one, WW1 era, WW1 outfit, 1918 clothing, blouse, Wool Skirt, Petticoat, Perspective, spanish flu, influenza, 1918 pandemic, 2020 pandemic, positivity, hope, future, great war, global pandemic, history, historical clothing, 1910's, sewcial distancing, first world war, pandemic of 1918, Sewing project, Historical Sewing, Hand sewing, Sewing vlog, what they wore during the 1918 pandemic, wearing history, Elsie Blouse, 1910's Suit, Corset
Id: f9UvhezBD-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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