Believe - Lesson 5

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hi everyone i'm reverend geron and i'm so excited to be back with you for an awesome talk about people in the bible that believed in god with all their hearts yes these people trusted god and believe that what he says is true and you know that god promises also to be with you but before we jump into our new lesson let's start our special time together with worship worship is the time that we have set aside to focus on god to think about his goodness and even to express our love to him and words and songs movement and dance and anything we do to let god know that we love and appreciate him you know god will never stop chasing after us he is faithful in everything he does the promises he makes he keeps his word is everlasting let's worship the lord together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we will not be shaken we will not be moved we are holding on to you jesus forever [Music] no matter what make on my way i'm holding on to what you say [Music] i'm resting in your perfect [Music] we will not be shaken we will not be moved we are holding on to you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] we will not be shaken [Music] jesus [Music] never let go never let go [Music] let go [Music] oh [Music] never let go never let go of [Music] let oh [Music] [Music] i love that song it really encourages me to have big faith in god but even with great faith it can be difficult to understand how god can really do something especially when things seem impossible but we can't believe anything is possible because god is good and that is a true statement with that let's jump right into our memory verse 12 3 verses 5 and 6 it says trust in the lord with all of your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight let's sing our memory reverse song together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in all your ways [Music] [Applause] [Music] says [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] trust in the lord with all your heart [Music] says [Music] says [Music] [Applause] [Music] with all your heart just in the lord says [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now i was just thinking about that last part seek his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take have you ever wondered what god's will is well god's will is the good things god wants for your life he's able to show us the right path because he is with us but what do you do when things just don't seem good and it seems that bad things are always happening well i remember that god is good and i believe that god is with me and that reminds me about joseph in the bible there is a lot that seemed to really go bad for joseph but god took all those bad things and well let's just watch our bible story together and see how god worked it all out ready let's watch [Music] stories of the bible joseph forgives [Music] this is joseph hey who was the son of israel and rachel but he had 11 brothers who hated him and sold him into slavery after being put in jail joseph told of the future of egypt when he interpreted pharaoh's dreams and joseph found favor with the pharaoh the pharaoh made joseph a leader in his kingdom just as joseph had told the pharaoh egypt had seven years of abundance then the seven years of abundance came to an end and the seven years of famine began just as joseph had said but the egyptians had food to eat because joseph had planned for the famine there was famine in all the other lands and many came to joseph to buy food there was even a famine in the land that joseph came from so when israel heard that there was grain in egypt he sent his sons to buy some yeah but israel did not send benjamin with the others because he was afraid that harm might come to him [Music] when joseph's brothers came to him joseph recognized him but he pretended to be a stranger so joseph decided to test his brothers he had his interpreter tell them to send for benjamin who had stayed home him and then he threw his brothers in jail for three days on the third day joseph let all but one of the brothers take grain to their starving households with the instruction to bring benjamin back but joseph provided for his brother's journey and gave them grain and silver the brothers did exactly as joseph instructed as they were scared that god was punishing them for what they had done to joseph so many years before they traveled home to their father's house then back to egypt now that he had seen that they brought benjamin joseph was overwhelmed so he released the brother who was still in prison but joseph decided to play one more trick on his brothers he sent the brothers away but told his servant to hide his silver cup in benjamin's bag then joseph told the servant to go after the brothers and retrieve the cup the brothers hadn't traveled far before the servants stopped them and accused him of stealing the cup [Music] joseph could no longer control himself before his attendance he made them leave so he could be alone with his brothers and he told his brothers who he really was he told them of his life and all he had experienced and he forgave them for what they had done god was with joseph and took care of him and showed him favor [Music] wow joseph went through a lot and even though bad things seemed to keep happening to joseph he always believed in god and god was with him god was with joseph giving him wisdom and courage in the hard times and things all worked out so that joseph would be in a position to save an entire nation but what does that mean for us well the good news is that we have this next episode of jerry's reviews where jerry is going to review another lego set just for us and he'll share more about what it looks like to believe that god is with us let's join jerry now hey how's it going welcome to jerry reviews i'm jerry and i'll be doing the reviewing this time around i'm focusing on one of my all-time favorite toys lego i've assembled a team of master builders to help me assemble these lego sets together we'll build a new set each week and give you the lowdown on how good i think it is sound good great let's get going welcome back to jerry reviews over the last few weeks i've been reviewing lego sets and i have one more to talk about today over the years lego has worked with a bunch of other companies to create builds for all kinds of interests there are space lego sports lego superhero lego but i don't think there has ever been a more successful pairing of two icons than lego and star wars which is of course what we're going to talk about today this set is the luke skywalker x-wing from the lego star wars series there's 474 pieces in this set i'm so excited just from the box art alone i know this is going to be a classic it even comes with a couple extra figurines in addition to luke and r2d2 so you have more to play with guys this thing looks awesome i could talk about star wars and lego all day but that wouldn't be very fun let's throw it over to the master builders in the lego assembly room the lar and get to work thanks jerry welcome to the lego assembly room here's the lego master builder fun fact did you know that the most epic lego set ever built with the x-wing starfighter it had over 5 million pieces but the one today we have 500 should be easy let's build [Music] [Music] [Music] red five coming in for landing oh okay i know i was pretty positive about last week's nasa lego set but for sentimental reasons i think this is one of my favorite in the entire series star wars is so great because it shows us worlds that we have never seen before and lego are all about creativity and imagination putting these two together lets you connect with the imagination of star wars while bringing your own creativity into the mix so let's talk about the score first things first appearance five out of five that's easy the x-wing design is iconic and it's been really lovingly recreated here with lego pieces it's a really good size too you can even close the wings and open them up just like this oh so awesome i think this is probably a two out of 5 for difficulty but there are some small pieces but it's a pretty simple setup and the instruction manual is easy to follow for overall score though i have to give it a 5 out of 5. no matter what age you are this is a must-have lego set if i had one complaint it's that it didn't include notable characters like obi-wan or yoda we got luke r2 we got leia and general dodonna it's nice to have a few but come on you want the classics that's one of my favorite parts about star wars the fact that luke is never alone in his journey even when he separated from his friends in the empire strikes back after obi-wan's death his spirit still visits luke offering him wisdom it reminds me of how god is always with us no matter what we're going through last week we talked about how god gave a son to abraham and sarah in their old age that son's name was isaac and isaac's son jacob ended up having 12 sons of his own of all the sons his favorite was joseph jacob made no secret of his favoritism which made the other sons jealous of their brother this led to all kinds of problems for joseph he was thrown in a pit sold as a slave to strangers from a far away land and even thrown into jail but god didn't abandon joseph when he was sold into slavery and he didn't abandon joseph when he was imprisoned instead god worked through all the things in joseph's life good and bad to bring about his plan eventually joseph was freed from jail and placed in a position of great power with that power joseph was ultimately able to save his family and the whole nation from a terrible famine that had come across the land this brought healing and forgiveness to joseph's family in a way that no one could have expected while most of our lives are less eventful than joseph's we can still trust that god will be with us through it all it's easy to trust god when things are going good but in our low moments when we don't know where to go or what to do it isn't as easy joseph likely had times of doubt but he ultimately chose to trust god through the good and the bad no matter what is happening in our life we can always go to god in prayer we can share our fears our frustrations and hurts with god in these moments god is glad when we take those things to him because it shows that we believe in him so if you're ever feeling alone or confused remember that god is with you that's all i have for today thanks so much for watching this series has been a lot of fun i'm sure i'll be back soon enough with more toys and pop culture to review but until then i hope you have a great weekend see you guys around [Music] wasn't that cool i totally agree with the five out of five scores lego space and star wars now that's a combo that cannot be beat and what's even more amazing is reality that god that we read about that was with joseph is the same god that we can believe in that is with us today just like he helped joseph on the path he even helped him during hard times remember no matter what happens god is always there and you can talk to him we can tell god if we're confused or upset or excited we can ask him our questions but through it all god is with you just like he was with joseph and i can choose to believe that god is with me and so can you well friends i'm so glad you joined us for church at home today it was so awesome to read the bible and to get to know people and to get to know god through the lives of people like joseph let's pray together dear god we thank you lord for being with us and that you will always be with us lord we are so grateful that we can read stories of people in the bible that you showed your faithfulness to that you directed their steps but lord we thank you for their example of how they believed and trusted in you so i pray that you help me and help the boys and girls that are watching to believe and to trust in you help us not to lean to our own understanding help us lord to trust you and to believe you because we know that you want what's best for us bless our families we thank you for them we thank you for all the good gifts that you continually give us in jesus name amen amen well god bless you all i will see you next week bye
Channel: Friendship Baptist Church
Views: 18
Rating: 0 out of 5
Keywords: FBC, Friendship baptist church, chidrens worship, jaron singley, kids worship, spirituallybuff
Id: kV6dxBsv-kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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