CWE - In The Beginning - Lesson 1

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hi everyone my name is essence and i'm reverend and we are so excited to be back with you as we begin this new series called in the beginning yeah in this series we're going back to the beginning and looking at some of the key stories from the beginning of the bible but before we get to our new lesson let's start with our special time of worship worship is time is set aside to get us to focus on god to think about his goodness and even express our love to him in words songs movement and dance in fact anything we do as we express our hearts and love appreciation to god and essence is a dancer so maybe we'll get her to show us some of those moves later on but it is so true in fact our whole lives should be an act of worship as we should continually be showing god how much we love him and appreciate his love for us but it is good to have dedicated moments in our days that we quiet everything else around us and try to give god our all so let's do that now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we will not be shaken we will not be moved we are holding on to you jesus foreign [Music] i'm holding on to what you say [Music] we are holding on to you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm resting in your perfect [Music] we will not be [Music] jesus we will not be shaken [Music] jesus [Music] never let go never let go [Music] oh [Music] never let go never let go [Music] [Applause] [Music] never [Music] [Music] wow i love that song but worship is not about us it's about god sometimes a worship song might not be one that we just love but worship is often a sacrifice not doing what we want but doing what god would love so true guess what new series means a new memory verse this one comes from the book of isaiah it's chapter 40 and verse 28. it says have you never heard have you never understood the lord is the everlasting god the creator of all the earth he never grows weak for weary no one can measure the depths of them his understanding yes and our favorite helmeted dancer is back to show us some new dance moves for this song so dance if you want but let's learn our memory verse together [Music] have you ever [Music] is [Music] me [Music] okay [Music] the love is [Music] [Music] [Music] have heard [Music] [Music] no one can measure [Music] [Music] that was great i just love that verse because it helps us to know who god is and how amazing god is he is the creator of all the earth now we have a new quiz game where dj robo sloth will see what you remember let's check it in the world out sloths can dance one sloth rose above them all to become cj roboclaw hold on to your headphones people the time of the song has come that time is right now lightning reflexes amazing dance moves and the ability to drop a beat so hard it hurts [Music] have you never seen blamed heard understood listen acknowledged [Music] oh that's right have you never heard have you never understood next question where is that bible verse bound luke genesis isaiah that's right [Music] or blank weird [Music] and remember there ain't no party without dj robo flaw until next time keep spinning yeah yeah come on nice job everyone now it's time for our bible story that talks about god as a creator as we watch the bible study check out all the things god made stories of the bible creation in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth the earth was empty formless and dark but the spirit of god was there on the first day god said let there be light and god saw that the light was good then he separated the light from the darkness god called the light day and the darkness night on the second day god said let there be a space to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth god called the space sky on the third day god said let the waters beneath the sky flow together into one place so dry ground may appear god called the dry ground land and the waters seize and god saw that it was good then god said let the land sprout with every sort of plant and tree and god saw that it was good on the fourth day god said let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night god made two great lights the sun for the day and the moon for the night he also made the stars god set these lights in the sky to light the earth and god saw that it was good on the fifth day god said let the water swarm with fish and other life let the skies be filled with birds of every kind and god saw that it was good on the sixth day god said let the earth make every sort of animal god made all sorts of wild animals livestock and small animals each able to have babies of the same kind and god saw that it was good then god said let us make man in our image to be like us so god created man in his own image he formed man from the dust of the ground he breathed the breath of life into man and a man became alive then he saw that the man needed a helper so god put man into a deep sleep and while he slept god took one of the man's ribs then god made a woman from the rib and brought her to the man [Music] then god blessed them and said be fruitful and multiply fill the earth and rule over it rule over the fish in the sea the birds in the sky and all the animals that scurry along the ground then god said look i have given you every plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food and i have given you every green plant as food for all the animals then god looked over all he had made and he saw that it was very good so the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was done so on the seventh day god rested from all his work and god blessed the seventh day and said it was holy [Music] i am so amazed by god only he can create and when god created everything he said that it was good what's really cool is that god put the man and woman in charge of all creation and he wants us to help take care of creation too let's find out more about god and his creation for watching a new episode of reptile hunter we will follow greg and his cameraman dan as they go around the world discovering reptiles hey how's it going greg here professionally trained officially certified and fda approved reptile hunter now we go on the search for reptiles that are in danger we bring them back to safety in our reptile reserve so come along with me and my cameraman dan as we go on the hunt for reptiles [Music] [Music] reptile hunter saving reptiles since 2019. all right we made it to the sahara desert and we have a really exciting discovery today we're in search for the african spurified tortoise now i know ah it sounds a little scary but i promise you there's nothing to fear the african spur side tortoise is an herbivore which means it loves these guys vegetables and you should eat them too now this birthside tortoise that we're looking for is hurt and in danger now follow dan and i as i blur it back into safety and bring it to our reptile reserve now come on dan all right so we're still on the hunt we still have our trusty vegetables here and hopefully that tortoise will smell but in the meantime we got to start tracking in different ways we're looking for footprints now now in the sahara there's lots of different animals birds lizards giraffes you name it but luckily we have our trusty tracker beam 3000 the tracker beam 3000 cost 3 000 purpose tracking things now the tracker beam 3000 will point out the tortoise's footprint so we got to know if we were a tortoise where would we go come on let's look now the sahara desert is one of the hottest places on earth it gets less than one inch of rain per year which means this tortoise has got to find a place to get water so it gets it sometimes from eating little pieces of grass like this just this little piece of grass will give the tortoise enough water to survive now here's the deal come look at this we really got to test the dirt to see if we can read some of those footprints because the tortoise right now could be on the run from predators small tortoise they're running from things like vultures and jackals but the tortoise we're looking for is going to be way bigger which means bigger predators like a lion now we really gotta make sure we're being careful dan dan are you getting that i'm getting it dan we got a tortoise come on get the lettuce all right let's go all right dan we're really getting a lot of strong readings here now it's picking up a lot of different footprints but [Music] oh goodness damn an african square-side tortoise the tracker beam 3000 worked and it brought us right to this guy maybe 60 75 years old and it looks like he's hungry so we really got to get him back to the reptile reserve and see if we can get him some food now this guy's probably maybe 50 or 60 pounds so i might need some help with him oh look at this guy dan can you see him let's go all right guys we made it back to the reptile reserve and look at this we got the africans birth eyed tortoise into the reserve i got some water dan got some water and most of all we got him some food and he's loving it after he ate some lettuce we put him on the scale and he weighs 75 pounds that's huge but we also learned that he can grow up to 200 pounds like some of his friends out there in the wild but he's still a kid so he still has more growing to do but check this out they can grow up to 200 years old that is unbelievable stuff it got me thinking god is really big he created me and he created george he created everything damn we got to learn more about it come help me move george all right dan we gotta learn more i'm gonna take george back to the reserve [Music] all right so we got george back and we got our field notes and check it out i actually have a verse from the bible in genesis 1 right here in my field notes so god created human beings in his own image in the image of god he created them then god blessed them and said be fruitful and multiply fill the earth and govern it reign over the fish in the sea the birds in the sky and all the animals that scurry along the ground as humans sometimes we look at this enormous world of ours and we feel small and unimportant other times we treat the world like it's our own personal playground as if everything revolves around us the truth is neither of these things are true god created this incredible planet and all the cosmos but he also created you and me and he loves you and me we are created in the image of god we're just as important to him as the rest of his creation at the same time though he's given us an important responsibility we have to take care of this world as best we can now i might not be big or strong or smart enough to help every single animal on earth but it's still important that i can help the ones that i can we're called by god to be good stewards of his earth and we can do that by protecting animals in their homes conserving resources and throwing away our trash now george might be from the heart of the sahara desert and i might be from southern california just like you but as different as we are we share a creator who loves us both so if you ever feel small or unimportant remember you have a father in heaven who loves you but in order to take care of his creation we first need to take care of ourselves that means doing things like eating healthy eating our veggies exercising and growing in our relationship with god remember we need to take care of all god's creation and that means taking care of ourselves so if you ever see a person or an animal in need try to share the love with them by helping in any way you can that's all i've got for you guys today but keep on coming back because here at the reptile reserve we'll always have cool animals and we'll be helping out in the two dan okay we have an emergency let's go guys there's an albino burmese python in burma we gotta go come on dan [Music] reptile hunter saving reptiles since 2019. what a great video just like greg said god created this incredible planet and the entire universe and he also created you and me we are all created in the image of god and that's pretty special and god has given us the important responsibility to take care of the world some of the ways we can do that is by conserving resources and throwing away our trash we can even take care of ourselves by eating right exercising and growing in our relationship with god remember god loves all of his creation and he wants us to do our best taking care of it well kids it was so good to be with you this week as we kicked off our new series let's pray together to wrap up our time today dear god we thank you lord for this wonderful lesson that we've had going back to the beginning lord in the beginning we read how you created everything and you said that it is good and lord we thank you that you created the man and the woman you created us and you know everything about us so lord we pray that you help us to be good stewards taking care of this world that you created and we know that in doing so that will bring you glory and honor and also lord help us to take care of ourselves couples to eat well help us to exercise help us to spend time getting to know you better and we know that as we do that you will continually guide and order our steps i pray lord that you will continue to bless our families keep us safe we thank you for all the wonderful things that you are doing in our lives in jesus name amen amen well god bless you all we'll see you all next week bye
Channel: Friendship Baptist Church
Views: 32
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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