🇮🇹 Aggressive Scammers At The Collseum and How to Deal With Them

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and what are you doing in Nairobi I'm a hockey player wow really yeah [Music] good morning kids it's your Canada on the scene here in Rome Italy we are at the Colosseum as you can tell behind me are we gonna go inside today you know I have no interest in going in there I've had the privilege of being inside before today we're gonna harass some scammers we're gonna harass some people trying to sell tours maybe I'll bait them into think that I'm gonna get some tours we're gonna maybe walk through some people's pictures today I enjoy that stuff so today we're not Jer Canada we're Jerris Canada let's see what we can find here you're supposed to be on this side of the fence it's trouble trouble trouble how much - okay no no I'm just asking just so I know how more expensive you charge yeah now you're on YouTube now don't worry you're good yeah thanks queues are ridiculous in this city now look you wanna see a few ruins oh there you go done hey how long you guys been waiting in line 15 that's it oh that's not bad I knew with you were way the hell back there originally so it moves quick yeah it just looks big but it's really that small yeah that's what she said my scammers Oh what is this what are you from Kenya Wow and what do you speak English is Swahili and English okay I'm hanging from vanished okay yes your name friendly we asked for the signature against drug abuse okay but what they do though why take a look the name is for me I stopped use I ruined if you wish you can help us with a voluntary donation a donation I'm an actor I'm three years clean and this oh your axe your way I live inside in earlier validation Center the program is free doesn't cost add laughs moral support you can sign we don't ask for information the last one is your decision we try to collect a charity da charity because Italian government doesn't support our yeah I was a bartender I'm a hockey player yeah yeah no I know yeah we're good we're good unfortunately have nothing I have no money my friend the one is possible buy the card what card oh yeah yeah no I can go and get a few of my friends here and they'll they've got lots of cash I'll bring them over and we'll bring lots of euros yeah oh yeah I've got lots of euros no no but no no just cigarette alright we've baited in our first one because they just want signatures and they just want money but that whole thing is so don't sign this stupid thing back there he isn't in no program that's a fake company I'll bet you we can Google whatever it was the name it doesn't exist or there's other people online that'll say yeah these guys just fleece yeah and if not he's actually recovering junkie then I'm just an which I'm completely kosher way okay because I don't mind so just don't sign the thing because look you want you to sign he gives you the option to pays like oh you don't have to donate if you want but then as soon as you sign just please anything and they take credit cards I don't know how he takes a credit card what the Machine does he have that's a bit troubling and as you saw my name was what I say Fred Lee and I was the Kenyan hockey player let's go Kenya hockey jumbo ah Kenya ah Mimi siku Baba Tali oh yeah yeah all right man you respect yeah Hakuna Matata Asante hey Asante no I don't want that man Asante no I don't want that okay hakuna matata Asante Hey Asante no I don't want that man no well Asante Nibbana Asante all right like I said me me see you tally me me see boo boo boo boo tally you know I mean Oh see they push them off artsy so you got the guards on them right away sorry go ahead guys you got the guards on them right away so there's not as much anymore years ago they were everywhere here it was it was fun it's aren't gonna make you break holdin hands they'll just direct them away no um there is think I gotta make sure that the scammers don't scam and I can appreciate that and that's good when they throw you the bracelet you see what I did I don't want that I don't want your bracelet come on dia on to you scam you catch the bracelet and then it's yours they won't take it back and then they'll want some euros they pretend to be super friendly at first but then they'll actually get quite aggressive towards you but not with me because I'll put my cigarette out in this eyeball if I have to they're not they're not gonna scam me they'll scam a lot of people though there's a lot of naive people I see around here and they'll just give them money they'll sign up for things and you know whatever it's their first rodeo and I guess that's the reason that these guys are still here making because there's all sorts of lollipops showing up every day here grape strawberry cherry even lime is here so now I woke up as I was saying came down here said a couple cigarettes for breakfast so that's probably not the healthiest and we may as well keep the trend going and find ourselves nice cold drink nice refreshing breakfast drink you know what I mean it's not Italian but it's the only thing cold now or wanna drink a warm beer right now I also took for you guys you do now reach further to the back I hope enough to tell you that because they do not rotate their stalk that's for sure they don't fight foe so you have to reach to the back to get that cool cold crisp beer in this case a Becks and we've done grocery store tours before so we're just gonna kind of skip through this one cause that really a lineup to get out I cannot be right oh yeah oh that's horrible that's pathetic sorry excuse me hello can I please not wait in this long line up can I just give you this for this this guy works in his security place thank you Thanks so the pushy tourist pays off again because he saw that lineup like I'm not gonna do that so let's enjoy this harder and beard summer well oh wow it's like my insides are getting a hug huh just across from the Coliseum if you bring a water bottle with you I told you this before water in Rome is free this is totally drinkable water it's fresh if it wasn't drinking a beer right now I would drink some water so don't pay for $2.00 for bottled water when this is clean pure drinking water save money don't be stupid bring a bottle fill it up it's very easy right beside the Colosseum this guy's our agent safely got wrote it oh yeah yes that's a great great footage yeah it's beautiful but oh they're stopping they're stopping Wow we went it all man can I get him through the they go it's the two bands they just went around the bend that was super exciting that was great see that was that was already better than what this is in my opinion because see we're not so different after all
Channel: A Stupid Tourist
Views: 82,470
Rating: 4.01018 out of 5
Keywords: italy, rome, travel, scams, scammer, colosseum, food, food tour, crime, jair canada, a stupid tourist, stupid, tourist, earthquake, safe, covid 19, coronavirus, bracelet, faje
Id: wxjM2fcHmS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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