If you keep your mind in a certain way the
amount of extra energy that you have is enormous. Within three days we can teach you
a simple form of meditation which will bring down your metabolism
by approximately twenty-four percent. If you sit here, you have no sense of body. It is from this that a yogi is sitting. Superscript: How Yogis Live Without Food and Water Questioner: Sadhguru, we have heard many stories
of people who enter into a deep state of meditation and they forego basic human necessities like
thirst and hunger for several months together. But science says that a person can die
within ten days of not drinking water. So can you please explain us how such
a state of metabolism can be attained? Sadhguru: For this you'll have to bend your mind
a little bit because it's not in your textbook like this. Just day before yesterday, somebody sent me
a message from the yoga center. There is something called as Dhyanalinga. This happens very often. But this happened to a foreign national so
the message came to me, little concerned. So this person went and sat in Dhyanalinga
at seven o'clock in the morning. Because everybody gets only a fifteen-minute
slot to sit there because of the number of people. She sat there at seven o'clock in the morning. She did not move till 3:00 PM. How many hours is that? Three plus eight hours she just sat there unmoving. She didn't realize that she is sitting that long. She thought she's going to sit for a 15 minute slot. So they sent a message to me, “Sadhguru…
like this she’s not moved. Should we disturb her?” I said, “Leave her alone. It's okay.” Like this, it happens. Once it happened. I sat down, way back. I thought ... This was new to me also at that time. I thought I'm going to… you know,
I sat there for twenty-five, thirty minutes. When I opened my eyes, there huge
crowd in front of me in a village. Garlands around my neck. They're all trying to pull my legs. You know, India being what it is. And the moment I opened my eyes
somebody wants to know about his business; somebody wants to know when his
daughters will get married; all kinds of things. Then I said, “Where did all you idiots come from”? They said, “You've been sitting here for
thirteen days and…”. (Applause) So, what happens in the system? That's what you're asking. See right now, I'm speaking. If you check my pulse, it's somewhere around fifty-five, fifty-eight,
in that region. If I simply sit quietly, it will drop below forty. If I simply sit down and I'm doing something
without interaction, talking, moving, if I simply sit, it'll drop below forty. Now this is at ease. This will not build any unnecessary friction inside. So, the amount of energy it consumes is very low. All of you are medical students, you know this. Twenty percent of the energy in the body
is consumed by our brain, though it is hardly a pound-and-a-half at the most. So, this much body is consuming
twenty percent of the energy, this much body is consuming only eighty percent. If you compare this and this in weight,
what it’s fifty times more, much more. So, you must understand if you keep your mind in a certain way the
amount of extra energy that you have is enormous. Because unnecessarily wasteful
usage of energy is not happening. This is true with every system. Whether it's a car; whether it's a machine;
whether it's anything, how friction-free it is running, that much energy will come down, isn't it? Anything that's happening with big friction
will consume enormous amount of energy. So physiologically, psychologically, energy-wise,
if you bring friction-free function of your system, metabolism will drop and
you will function very efficiently. Because when you want to pitch it up,
you have a whole range to pitch it up. When you want to lower it, it's there. Right now the range that most people
are carrying is very, very small. If you push them into activity,
they will get totally tired out. If they have nothing to do, they will freak. If you have nothing to do, you freak, isn't it? So in this condition, it will not go down. Now everything that you consume is higher
simply because you're at a higher RPM, that’s all. Within three days we can teach you
a simple form of meditation which will bring down your metabolism
by approximately twenty-four percent. This is the highest drop that you can have
in conscious states of meditativeness. If metabolism drops beyond that,
you will not have any sense of body. If you sit here, you have no sense of body. It is from this that a yogi is sitting. See, if you sit down here, even if you don't have a watch your legs, your back, your bottom,
everything is keeping time, isn't it? Hello? Participants: Yes. Sadhguru: You don't need a watch. If you sit here for three hours
you know you need to get up. Body knows. So someone is sitting for hours or days
because there is no sense of body. Why there is no sense of body is not only
because of drop in metabolism, it is also the intensity of your energy
which is not biological energy. Another dimension of energy is fully intense. Once it pervades the entire body,
you have no sense of body. If I go into a program – ten hours, twelve hours,
I'm the only one continuously drinking water but I am the only one who will not go to the restroom. I'm the only one who will not take a break. Everybody every two hours they take a break
and come back. Simply because how identified you are
with your physiological process determines these things to start with. But there is also sadhana. There is also certain work to be done with your system. So everybody may not be willing to do that level
of sadhana but everybody must do some sadhana. Something, so that.. what you wish to do, you can do effectively. Whatever it is in your life you wish to do,
you must be able to do it as well as you can. What the hell you do is not my concern. But whatever the hell you're doing,
you must do it well, isn't it? Hello? Participants: Yes. Sadhguru: You must do it well. That's very important for a human being
that we must do it well. So for this, it's very, very important that your own body
and your own mind is not an impediment. Your own body and your own mind
doesn't trip you all the time. They must be platforms on which you stand. Right now people have sunk into it. See this is a platform, it's good. Suppose it lets you sink into it,
it's not a good place to sit and talk, isn't it? It's holding us up, so it's a nice. Your body, your mind should hold you up all the time. If that happens, your dependence
on the outside will come down. And also, water is not always
consumed through the mouth. Body consumes water in so many ways. If you activate the system in a certain way,
it consumes energy. See, right now you eating food, drinking water,
breathing air, everything for what? To generate energy. But science has clearly proved to you
there's enough energy everywhere. So if you're able to take in energy as it is,
if you're able to imbibe energy, how is this possible? The word “Yoga” means just this. The word Yoga means, you are beginning to
obliterate the boundaries of your individuality. Right now, this is me, that's you -
hundred percent clear, isn't it? Why? Because you think this body is me; that body is you. This is a clear boundary that my body and
your body has a clear boundary. My mind and your mind also largely has a boundary,
here and there we may overlap a little bit. But there is no such thing as my life and your life. Have you ever blown soap bubbles or you were
a serious boy even when you were in school? No? Did you blow soap bubbles? Let's say we sit here and blow soap bubbles. You got this big bubble; I got that big bubble. Now I said, “This is my bubble. That little one is yours. This is my bubble.” Pupp, it went. Now I don't say this is my air; that is your air. Life is just like this. This is a living cosmos. You captured some, I captured some. How much you capture will determine
the significance and the quality of your existence. I want you to understand this clearly. How much of life have you captured will determine this. You may have a big brain, you may have a huge intellect, you have a lot of knowledge
but you will not still live a significant life. Only if you capture a lot of life! If you're a big bubble, then it's significant. If you have a big body, other people
may look at you and say, “He’s very big” but within you, that will not be the experience. If you have a big brain, people think, “Oh, he's very smart” but within you, you will not have a significant life. Only if you capture a huge amount of life
within you then if you sit here, simply if you sit here also it's too fantastic. When it's like that, whether you open your
eyes, close your eyes, whether you do something, you don't do something, it doesn't
really make a difference to you. Only then you will live in the world
as not being a vested interest. Because what you do and do not do;
what happens to you and does not happen to you, does not determine the quality of your life. That is when we can really trust you, isn’t it? Otherwise we don't know why you're doing the surgery. I mean, these question marks have come, isn't it? Can I tell a joke? Participants: Yes. A man went for a surgery. He needed a surgery, so he went to the doctor. Doctor said... This is in United States. So doctor said, “It will cost you 36,000 dollars.” Then he said, “Doctor, I cannot pay that.
I don't have insurance.” Then doctor said, “Don't worry. You pay 3000 per month.” The patient said, “But that looks
like a car payment, you know? Installment to buy a car!” The doctors smiled and said,
“Yes, I am buying a car.” (Laughter/Applause)