Go or Blow! HEMI under Pressure

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yeah we'll see what happens we'll try to set a record time all right [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to pfi speed we're uh getting all the cars out for the day and uh my lawnmower over here came out from uh washington and uh the way you want to show up to the dino he's got the third member out he's got the drums all apart and uh he's working on this bad boy brother that's how you show up to the dyno well last minute laying in bed going did i clean it all up i better just make sure because i can't can't afford another rear end right and you came a long way so do you guys remember about a year ago we dyno this little dakota made 800 horsepower he's got some pretty big golds it's still the stock hemi v8 and uh he just did a transmission and converter so we're going to see how this thing does it's still in the mega square right for now for now i think we're just gonna put it on the same tune-up and hope for the more power see how much we're losing from the converter first i'm anxious to know that's for sure yeah we ain't dodging this one let's do it all right jamie's getting sketchy out um he did find the whole problem with the overheating yeah so we found on sketchy's car the overheating had been the water pump blowing a fuse you got that all fixed up yep and sketchy's ready to rip again waterfall starter no i got no power so every day here at pfi we uh mess with car batteries can't wait till they're all electric right then you can't even push them out the way i'm gonna push it out and get it on the charger he's gonna try to button up that rear end and then maybe i can do something huh chris it's already starting off like a monday we're supposed to be attesting to tonight with that one here we go this will be fun so a thousand horsepower junket that's what he's trying for we shall see awesome so i had a fan send us something cool please accept these custom spark plug covers as a token of my appreciation for all you've done for the tuner community please keep fighting against those thieves at the epa they clearly do not understand the joy we get from building their cars and i got more along those lines than a few that's for sure definitely more on that yeah never ending oh man this is special that is sick now when i put the coal truck back together which needs to happen sooner or later because i'd love to do some hot lap in the freaking factory i got a spark plug cover for it that's pretty awesome man squish bang i was just gonna hold that up squish bang i got a new sticker for the tool box you want to roll it or want me to roll it [Music] all right before we do the truck we got our friends from utah out here they brought their little hot rod del sol we'll check some ball joints and stuff on it so gordo's going to get that over there we're going to check some cotter pins and stuff figure it out [ __ ] the luck out on this way didn't just touch it oh look at that now i gotta figure out how to unjam it the way you turn it then there we go now it needs some time much better all right you guys just finished the clutching this last night from utah drove non-stop and we're gonna check the ball joint and the cotter pin make sure everything's set up good to go yeah just adjusted the brake since i got a little time yeah we're gonna go for a thousand horsepower on a stock hemi got a couple cotter pins just gotta make sure these are tight all the way [Music] making a million old ladies jealous with those curls yeah no soul is fixed up he's gonna move that out the way we're gonna go ahead and get showing up out of the shop and into shawn's bay again where he's going to work on uh work on those pedals let me get that clutch pedal good and uh i'll continue to do what i need to do on it over here but for now let me get this fixed [Applause] very good gordy all right perfect thanks guys i made enough power until last year don't want to lay anything down you never blow anything up yeah i'm not blowing anything up man well today could be your lucky day well it could be brenda or fate he doesn't have faith in my guest here he's like i'm looking forward to it though honestly yeah i mean if it blows it blows all right you're filming that right yeah that's just what it is part of it that's part of it you just gotta sign the waiver now no no waiver all right guys we always appreciate you guys watching today's video is brought to you by peeps [Laughter] but these are my peeps i got a jamie i got a gordo i got a tie i got a chris what was your name max max what was your name harvey see we got another hobby we got my peeps it's a good thing when you got a hobby so this video is brought to you by peeps do you want pizza pizza i would like some pizza hut pizza sounds delicious what about the wing street wings oh they're wings all right i got the del sol started up i got one cylinder down right now jamie's checking that out gordo we're gonna find out you ready i'm done yeah do i love adult soul me too they're sweet man target time um [Music] yeah it's gonna be a little on the laser side yep okay um i'm gonna pop that ecu cover off real quick and see if that ecu has a boost kit in it yeah cause then we can stand it up yeah all right lordo i need that phillips real quick and i'm gonna pop this ecu apart yeah not chris i don't need i need the screwdriver not chris we don't have quite enough leverage i made this a little too short so it's only got like a two to one leverage ratio where it needs to be so i need to extend our pad up taller and that will change our ratio i just went ahead and took my cross pin out and then have to pull the shaft out sideways like that and then i was able to pull the clutch pedal out all right so then i also have to make that shaft mounting tube more solid to the car it's flexing a little bit so we need to make that much more rigid come on gordo there is a boost kit there we go yeah that's if that's there then we have a boost kick yep and where is that let's let's tell the folks what do you mean a boost kit isn't a tune get the solenoids plumbed onto this thing and we got to run two wires all right let's get the solenoid i'm gonna make one pull real quick right now just to make sure i got the fuel in a good spot okay you guys have that boost solenoid yeah he's grabbing it we need to pull it yeah where it's gonna spool up and make sure i got enough fuel there i really don't like the low compression sound though hey we're all dry they're aware [Applause] [Music] 323 it was still climbing too yeah that looked i look good oh there you go so we should be able to just get stuff rocking from here now so you want to get that solenoid going on yep okay all right three four of them [Music] pull the plugs out we're going to check the gap 12 pounds of boost then we just blew the fire out okay that's not fire do you know what spark plugs are in it there's a lot of those all right chris this is the plugs that are out of it what do you got for gap well this is a 30 and a 29 and it almost goes in there so wide and these are iridium 11. so we put our regular four five five fours in got them at 16. gordo you almost got those bad boys in there almost all right i'm guessing you're not really changing anything right now not okay see where this goes right on [Music] you're a little delayed on that ah that was 5 20. good prop though yeah hold on yeah we'll see i don't think there's a lot of stink behind it the couple things with this turbo so this turbo is kind of laggy yeah so you could benefit from putting like one of our 35rs on it and it'd make like the same power but it'd make it way early it wouldn't be laggy or we have to just rev it to the moon yup of the hood flying every time well the flames and then do you have the hood coming down too i probably [Applause] hmm [Applause] [Music] yeah so that's not going to guarantee hmm [Music] it was spinning at the end then yep it was spinning that's crazy you are standing it up i know i was trying hey look i'm like pounding this thing probably to eight thousand just like nice guys that's all i can do man pay for effort on that stay forever what else can you do oh put another turbo on it that's it that's the next step probably yep all right so that's probably where we're gonna be on it right now what the next thing we would do if we were you we would put a different turbo on this thing definitely and instead of the power i'll just be in here it'll literally be here like the whole thing yeah so you feel anything yeah whereas the other one you hit vtec it's already making the boost all of it so it gives you extra view yep that's perfect i'm happy more than half big input and it took 71 as you can see now down at the floorboard we got that old plate and cross shaft out of there i'm gonna remake this actually approach it different so instead of having a plate that i had welded to both sections of floor it actually peeled this whole side up from my chassis so i'll address that later but i have a bar that's underneath this section here so i'm gonna go ahead and cut back the floor here to expose this front cross member bar and then i'll cut a little bit more out of this and then i'll put tabs on that hold my cross shaft they'll also sink the bar a little lower which will help with giving me additional leverage on the clutch pedal itself so there's the new approach i'm gonna take and let's keep on rocking [Music] [Music] it's like the second fastest dakota in the world yeah this dude's crazy he does he's a man of my own heart we haven't talked about the cage this week he actually is threatening to leave it here hey did you show these guys your ls yeah that's what i'm working on let's tell everybody what you got going here and what's changed for everybody that still remembers it it is still a stock bottom end everything's the same as far okay so stock bottom end explain to them what engine this is because it's not an ls it's not an ls it's a 5.7 hemi and it's an o5 so the weaker of the uh the hemis per se man so you're just setting us up here setting this up yeah man stock rods stock crank stock fasteners only thing down to the motors head studs and the camshaft from comp megasquirt goldbox the efi source plug and play harness so uh but otherwise the other changes are i did more suspension stuff than anything caltraks and i roll and then trans okay the trans was the weak spot with the converter i believe with as much slip i can make a number that i'm looking for in my head and this dude this dude is crazy he wants to make a thousand on the weaker of the motors that he could find yep yeah but i mean we'll give it a shot yeah we gotta give it the old college try if the reality of it is if it blows up here today i'm not gonna say i won't be a little bit sad but i'm okay with it you know the reality of it is you don't know until you know yep all right we're in the dakota time to make a poll ready chris ready [Music] 451 that's a smooth graph though that's probably the flattest 451 i've ever seen 451 what did it make as far as boost seven it's three three pounds that's kid three pounds almost 500 wheels i'm good man no no what do you want out of the pump gas tank out of the pump gas out of the pump gas i would like to either see the same or better theoretically which will tell us if we're on the right track for a thousand so you need to make it make seven pounds yeah it needs to make at least seven pounds and it needs to break over 509 wheels [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah all right 517. tell me how much boost tell me you got that seven pounds right on the dock so it's fine which is it made more power on five and a half now than i did on seven last year so can we take the pump gas i'm gonna take the pump oh thank god yeah we've seen 99 bucks yeah and it was 120 at the store originally so we still got a tune stuff on our moonshine yeah it's been curing all summer long it's gonna be some good it's gonna be some good juice we got gordo's cars we would do it on gordo's car but gordo is still missing a turbo and he hasn't put oil in his car so we got some good fuel a little boost control let's go [Applause] like 1 [Music] 731 and it had a really big spike in it at like 130 mile an hour yeah i felt that like almost felt like it dropped the cylinder and then it does would you gap the plugs at all of them at 14 yeah both sets last time okay so i was just hoping that it would be a little better yeah if we have to take it back down to 12 okay so where are you setting them at i'm gonna take them to ten take them to ten yeah at least the the front ones of each cylinder okay and then uh go from there and leave the other ones at 14 i guess all right let's see if we're getting help do you both get plugs get used all the time or does it like change from my understanding that gets used all the time okay all right cool it's crazy that these things have two sets of plugs per hole right hey ty what are these turbos they didn't put their race cover on it well this is a tiny little baby cover yeah okay so i want to talk to you about turbos before you leave all of this is a restriction right now [Applause] [Music] oh how much boost was that was that still around 18 i hope it was still around 16. we're gonna find out right about now took what 28 to make about this last time yeah no it took 27 last time to make the same number that was a solid 18. solid 18. which is like when i was telling brent that's kind of what i was hoping was 18 would make about the same number 13 and a half degrees of timing oh thing crap in it wow that looks good and don't be afraid to experiment by any means like if you i'm not saying get greedy on timing by any means but i'm just saying like it's like let's give it some boost let's give it some boosts right let's see right so five pounds ought to give us the number all right it's time to be a little nervous no no no no no we're gonna go for it right now are we going for 9.50 right now we're going for an extra 100 horse yeah all right that's what i said i'm down with 100 horseradish i didn't kill it [Music] practicing for baby thank you 9 15. but every time it is smooth bro it's island high can we go 19 pounds 19. yep so giving it 10 percent more duty only picked us up a pound so that's not always the coolest sign to me now already so we'll just uh it usually means we're choked somewhere yeah so let's just or whatever blew off was our problem oh it wouldn't let it make more yeah and it's right in the intake manifold all right ladies and gentlemen we are about to take off shooting for a thousand horsepower we put 10 more percent food duty in it not saying it could it's gonna do a thousand but it's our best chance to do it so that's what we're after this is a stock hemi about for a few hundred bucks at the junkyard that's kind of exciting isn't it 9.45 [Music] took more out on the back and i gave it everything oh i gave it 10 more percent yeah so if it was gonna do it it would have done it dang it man well we tried yeah we have a goal obviously i got all the old clutch stuff torn out today and got this all exposed as i was down underneath looking at mounting it down here i ended up looking up and had an epiphany of running the crossbar up top by moving it up top it gives me a lot more leverage length for the clutch pedal itself i think i'm going to mount it up here which will be pretty trick gets a lot of stuff up out of the way it gives you a little more floor room i have a little patch to make but no biggie there we'll put some roller bearings on here as opposed to the derlin bushings because they seemed a little tight and not as free moving as we would like we're gonna go ahead and get some bearings coming which i'll then build some sleeves that they sit in and then weld the sleeves to the cage and yeah it'll be pretty cool and then i can build the pedal after that then i also uh was looking at the headlight mounts and figured out that the headlights for this actually mount to the fender and the frame so i got one headlight on there just to test fit and we don't have the lower bracket that comes under here and mounts up over here so i can just bend up some you know thin steel build myself a little lower tab mount those headlights up and then sure enough we'll have some eyeballs i mean i could feed it all see if we could feed it sooner it might choke up more in the back but might touch the past right if we touch it i don't it's not that it needs to withstand hey if he doesn't hit a thousand you're going to have some more yardage right 1000 horsepower junket yeah it's tough i mean i i see what you guys are obviously fighting the crap out of the boost dude and just not pull it as far because i know it's going to choke down it's in the trailer all right so we got the boost control all the way up i can't turn it up any higher we know we're choked up but if we can make that power early we're going to try because we want to try to get a thousand so here we go here we go here we go almost almost made it right not gonna do it and uh i love batteries they're truly wonderful okay [Music] there is block on the ground i see a cap hey hit me up there is block on the ground hey give me a button i want to see what it is center button she went i see a congratulations thank you [Music] but it happened you got oil coming out here hey that's cool well i didn't make it look at the shop [Music] plain cheer yeah green sheer there's no stress cracks no gray like older crack fasteners is the big issue yeah fast and it seems like the rock fast at least the airp hardware i mean i i feel like throwing a set of rods and pistons and it wouldn't be i think a set of rods and pistons would just make them live yeah but it's been in also for three seasons now okay so it's been in one season with boost i know there's a couple holes that still were working at some point we had to know and there's and then new oem rod bolts versus and three hours right some airp hardware yeah probably well that would for sure dude i'm saying to keep the stock bottom in being alive man you are still stepping in the top bottom i guess really also i want to be is the first guy to actually try it i don't want to be afraid to blow it up it's not really whether i get the thousand or not it's just like you don't know until you push it or a lot i'd say we're 98 percent sure what it is at this point dang i think that's probably him the happiest i'll probably ever be blowing up a motor that sucks though not me at least it would have been 1001 i've been like yeah yeah all right bro it tried i mean x62 is a number though it's still really good got a little mess got a little mess man yeah because by the time the hellcat came around there anything 09 and above was stronger than this like if i took an 09 or 2010 five seven all day what is this one that's a five seven by zero five oh five yeah so it's it's what's the difference on the sensors or anything like could you just bolt that in you know these things you got these seems pretty cheap yeah 210 bucks 200 bucks and the 515 horsepower for 200 bucks over here yep that's where it exited right there is there one on the other side too oh yeah i see it is it oh yeah is that still so it's still probably one rod and just smacked around in there gordo's dancing and he doesn't know what to do yep well i guess i'll go back assemble another motor come back bigger faster stronger and we'll go set that record pass one way or another yep that's it see you guys tomorrow see you tomorrow really cute puppy oh and to close this video out we're over here in the boosted board later and jamie is just wrapping up his civic getting ready for psta this weekend and uh got a new box we've got a ppg box in this now um so hopefully that'll hold up to his shifting skills and we killed a couple of them and uh we can go a little faster trying to see if we can wrap up the turbo stuff but we're not sure if we'll get the new turbo on yet or not yeah but we're trying yep so i'm at least going to get it functional so if we don't get that done at least i can run it like this yeah and trapping what you're trapping and we can get a little front half we can still get a bottom nine if not better so yep so i mean i don't mind working up at it yeah it's i've been having a blast with this it is cool it's been fun what that's gonna do for tonight appreciate you guys watching guys like subscribe see you guys all tomorrow [Music] like that you
Channel: PFI Speed
Views: 68,011
Rating: 4.9823833 out of 5
Keywords: PFISpeed, BoostedBoiz, Street2Track, PFI, Boosted, Boiz, 1320, Cleetus, Mcfarland, Brent, Turbo, Sho'nuff, Honda, Civic, Acura, Integra
Id: BEs-18eDZmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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