"Being Creative" - Cheap Outdoor Gear

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hey there guys this is John here of course and I was recently tagged by a fellow YouTube user bushcraft geek on a tag that was actually more of a challenge and something that I thought was pretty cool it was right up my alley and what that was is he basically wanted us to use our ingenuity and our creativity and very little money and the way that he wanted us to do that was to go to thrift stores you know secondhand stores yard sells possibly even roam dream eternal basements for items that we already had on hand to save the maximum amount of money and then take those items and find a use for them repurpose them for means other than their original intended use and make something outdoor related out of that now he left that open-ended and gave us a lot of flexibility could pretty much do whatever we wanted with it so what I did was jumped in the car headed down to the local thrift store and walked around for a little bit and one of the first things I came to was the cookware section of course and my I happened immediately immediately upon a nice little stainless steel storage container that I immediately thought would make a great cook pot and the price was absolutely right on the thing and so with that in mind like I said I wanted to make a little cook kit see what I could find in the thrift store for a few bucks that I could make a cook kit out of so next I went over to the water bottle section found myself a nice stainless steel water bottle that I thought would make a great little steep stainless steel nested cup inside of the cook kit and cost about a buck for that thing so it was a great score on that and while I was in the same section I went ahead and picked up an aluminum water bottle for a dollar that I thought I could turn into a pretty nifty little alcohol stove now now pretty much formed the basis of the cook kit that I was going to be putting together but one thing I wanted to add was a stuff sock now I couldn't find anything anywhere on this until I happened upon a pair of pantyhose now this kind of spells out this tag for me right here guys there's no other and I don't think the stretch gets any more farther from using pantyhose for their intended purpose to using them for a stuff sack for your cook kids so I think I nailed it on that one but anyway I went ahead got all the stuff to check out we came to about three dollars and sixty five cents for everything that we were going to need for the cook kit and went ahead took it all home and started to work on it the first thing I did was take the storage container and disassemble it I went ahead and took off the lid took off the retaining ring and that was pretty much it it left me with a nice-sized little cook pot which had a capacity of about three and a half cups so pretty decent right there the next thing I did was I wanted a little lid for it and so I took something that I just had laying around which was an empty monster can and went ahead and just fashioned a really quick makeshift lid that fit right on the pot the next thing that I did was I took the stainless steel water bottle and cut the top off of it really simple there just cut it in half and put a little silicone lip ring around it and there's my little basically my little coffee pot those are my coffee cup that was going to nest inside of my cook kit the next thing I did was a little bit more elaborate and that was to build the stove I went and took the aluminum water bottle and went to work on that cut it in half measured everything out drilled some jets in it just got it all pieced together and made myself with just a really quick and simple basic little alcohol stove that was about the right size for the cook pot the cook system that I was making next I went ahead and just went ahead and snipped off it into those pantyhose and had myself a little stuff sack there was no sewing involved a really simple little process there so when I came up with was this just a really sturdy obviously inexpensive kind of makeshift homemade cook kit and I'll go ahead and show you guys this real quick now the first thing of course is it's in it's a stuff sack here the pantyhose back now I'm pretty sure I'm never going to live this one down but what do you do so let me go ahead and get this to our part it actually works out pretty well I might actually use the other leg of this first stuff sack for some of my other gear it actually is really lightweight and strong and the pretty pretty cool little builder so you know if you guys see me Tony on pantyhose in my future videos have at it leave the comments make fun of me I own because I deserve it so anyway here is the cook pot now one of the things I want to say right away was this whole thing weighed in at about 8 ounces now obviously not the lightest in the world but it is a nested cook cook pot and it cost about 3 bucks and it is stainless steel so you know I know some of you guys have concerns with aluminum and such obviously this thing still levy eights those concerns so I've got my little makeshift lid here and I just did the old monster thing because I think monster rocks for some reason don't know why I went ahead I had actually a little to ounce water bottle or not water bottle but a little flip top bottle for fuel that I went ahead and included to make the full kit just a piece of tinfoil that obviously I had to make kitchen counters absolutely free there a nice little windscreen and then obviously my little stainless steel cup and as you know like I said with the capacity on this pot we're talking three and a half cups here I'm able to you'd be able to cook up a meal with that and still have plenty of water left over for a nice cup of coffee you know tea whatever your beverage of choice is there and last but not least is of course the stove now this is actually a pretty decent sized little stove but it's fairly lightweight and it worked out just right actually for this pot I just do the the size of this pot and muddled up some water really quick when I tested it up I just work like a champ so I can't beat it but anyway that's what I came up with guys that was the my answer to the challenge now you know not not anything really fancy of course but like I said a little bit of creativity and less than four dollars with the useable cook kit for backpacking so I can obviously be duplicated by anybody but that's about it and what I am going to do is I obviously need to tag a few people and we'll get this thing spread out cuz I'm really excited to see what some you guys come up with I mean there's some I've seen some really clever stuff on YouTube learned a lot of stuff from people the DIY crowd you know the I don't know how to say other than the you know we just like to make do with what we can you know and that's kind of been the theme of my channel since I started it so that's kind of the reason I really love this this video this tag here so anyway like I said I'm gonna roll in some names at the end of this video and you guys will be the people that are getting tagged and I really am looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with so that's really about all I got guys and I'm going to sign out of here for now and just want to say thanks for everything thanks for watching thanks for all the support and until next time take care we'll be seeing you soon you
Channel: IntenseAngler
Views: 309,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap, outdoor, gear, equipment, lightweight, backpacking, hiking, backpacking gear, alcohol stove, cook pot, cook kit, cheap cook kit, diy, homemade, diy alcohol stove, homemade cook pot, water, bottle, how to, how-to, diy cook kit, camping, bushcraft, bush, money, saving, tips, tricks, money saving tips, outdoor projects, challenge, tag
Id: 62BtVoQYDlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2012
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