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are you driving with that seat belt mate does it look like we're in motion right I think the law states that you've got to wear the seat belt while in Motion in a vehicle a criminal seat belt Sparkle salt can be safe Mr Donovan today we're going to be vlogging oh how you feeling Donnie fantastic what else were we missing on I don't know what are we missing going to the dump dump some junk off but we got our grease gun got all our service supplies and they're greasing the grease gun they didn't ask I think there's enough to do what we got to do first stop we gotta go to the dump and dump off some junk so that's where we're headed now foreign we are gonna service this beautiful Contender with some hpdis 150 hpdis so we're gonna do a full service with the water pumps we need to clean out the vsts actually so we're gonna pull the vsts clean out the fuel filters and the vsts and we were actually here the other day because there was a running issue and we'll show you that in a minute how we found this but he's got a bad coil and um so we're gonna swap that coil out yeah and I think that's pretty much the gist of today thermostats can do the thermostats full service full service yeah all right first step where's the dipstick Okay so we've got a one issue here where we've got nothing here a little leak but fortunate for us we've actually can get to the fill so we can pop this cap off here we have so we're going to pop that cap off we're going to need to get our ketchup bottle which I don't think we have that here but we'll get our ketchup bottle and put a little hose on it to go in there and do that we've got this trim trimmed up we undid the manual release valve over here with a screw it's this little screw thing right here we just undid that and we I say we we Donnie you speak in French now we picked this up stuck this ham right here just enough where we can get our fluid in there to get to that so we can put some fluid in there hit the trim button and hopefully suck in all the fluid to get this thing to start trimming again and then once we get it trimming again we'll have to look and find out where our leak is coming from to see where all of our fluid leaked out but we're gonna try and fill that up real quick trim this up so we can keep going hear the hammer [Music] we'll have you knock out service stuff well I do something that's pretty interesting that I just noticed is that these O-rings here were in these filters right there on top so they don't normally come with those O-rings but I'm going to go ahead and put these back in there just because obviously somebody's been in here before and they put them in there for some reason so I'm gonna put them back in the way they were just so we don't have any problems that I don't that we don't know about found a joyful treat here brand new filter got a 3213 nice Parker Ray core and if you can see in here see if I can't get the shot but the threads did not get drilled or cut into the filter head so this will not screw on to the filter head or filter head bracket because there's no threads here there's like the lines where they should have been cut but there's no threads on this filter so that's not going to work so I'm going to be taking these vsts off this right here pretty crucial on these engines this is a Chinese finger trap thingamajigger that you gotta push in on the hose so you're gonna put like some needle nose right here push in on the hose and that black tip will go up in the blacktop will go up into there and you'll be able to pull the hose off this little plate here two bolts that thing will come off disconnect the pumps get these wires out of here this right here has a clip where this wire goes over right here these two bolt connectors and then the rest the rest of these little hoses so we'll pull that off but we found that this coil right here is bad because we'll show you when we pull these plugs out in a minute and um what it told us that this plug was bad then we tested the plug I mean the coil to make sure 100 that the coil is bad and it is so how do we figure out that this coil is bad Donnie well I'm going to show you what the spark plug looks like see that now what's another spark plug look like though see this one looks really really clean Granny's a little dirty because we just messed with it and we've had it out before but looks really clean and when we compare this one to another plug yeah what's that telling us Donnie I believe this one's getting washed out nothing's happening in there it's not sparkling so if it's not sparking why is it white like this because the fuel is cleaning it okay so it's burning it's just spraying on it cleaning it all right sweet so they call that white washed so that tells us that it's not sparking and then we went ahead and tested the coil just by basically swapping leads between the two coils and swapping the primary lead coming in here they call this the secondary lead and this is the primary side so primary coming in secondary going out of the plug I mean the coil and we tested everything and it is the coil it doesn't look that good anyway so I'm just going to swap that out see look at that brute fools will do the trick every time totally that's beautiful in it oh Donnie did a good job right here getting that coil on there looking nice all brand new gotta slid down in there those things to keep it off the block put on there we do need to go put these last four in here but I want to show you something with this filter here a lot of times these things are to where you can't even move them at all so what I do is I just hold it up like that hold it with one finger and take this uh screwdriver to kind of get it started and then you can then come in and turn it with your hand foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this is actually kind of disappointing how clean these things are a lot of times they're pretty dirty but um this is actually pretty spotless we're still going to change the filters but I mean the inside of these vsts is super clean even the fuel that came out looks great um these are actually in really really good shape I'll still we'll still go ahead and change the the filters out in here since we're already in here and um that's what we wanted to do is change all these filters so we're going to go ahead and do it um pretty surprised though it's it's awesome really clean really really clean that's good the other VST is very similar to the port side and pretty clean actually extremely clean there's a little bit of junk band down there but screen a little dirty not too terrible but got that black like silver shine to it foreign that's good hmm there you are all right then there you go beautiful weakest man in America just trying to get a pump in my bad hey yo what did we find here Donnie I think we found a beach oh yeah he got a little shallow huh just a little bit over there oh my goodness look at this packed in there huh yeah we're probably gonna have to uh take these out let me see if that'll come off I got my boy do you think you could end me a rag oh never mind I got it here we go yeah that's the thing about working on two-stroke everything gets all black and dirty no my shirt oh dude don't fall back into that little unit this one we've got to take it's because we gotta get this Woodruff key out so we can um check the drive shaft seals and the collar and everything was stuck on there so hard but you'll see that in the other video go ahead pull it off I'm off you're good to go bro oh you got that out yeah wow you're one step ahead of me aren't you yeah tip it up and let's get rid of all that sand it's oh oh okay put in the exhaust too really a little bit oh yeah I don't know if I could no yep you can see it down there now huh all right so we'll take these and go mess with them at the house because we're probably gonna need to do a um an actual change the cup and everything because all that sand stuff in there probably ate all of that cut the metal up the shells yeah all right beautiful oh there he went it's close your fingers is it salvageable no I need to replace it and this is now screwed though is it look how old that is look how what how old that infiller is I mean how old it is how can you tell is it there look on the inside oh got creases in it it's an old man there you go got all kinds of wrinkles in it I'm gonna put this other VST on and uh then we'll have to go and deal with these lower units in these Woodruff keys we got our lower units loaded up to go deal with those and take our props with us we're going to trim these up real quick so Donnie can hit all of our grease points with the grease gun pretty simple um there's one here and then one right here on each one of the engines and outside of that there is this on this side nope it's outside so that's probably good it only needs like one pump per thing and then that right there see these haven't been done in a while somebody has not the last person didn't hit him at all that's okay also you want to make sure you kind of Grease these handles right here there's a grease point there um so you hit this handle real quick just so I can show it and then we'll we can move on here in it right there is that it yep stick that down on there boom that's good over here come on now here on the port floor unit um this one's got a good spring basically we just stick a screwdriver in there and run around to check this spring make sure there's no rust on it and once you check that out if there's no rust or anything that seal is good to go also this top seal cover right here is in good shape you flip this up like this and as long as it's not separating then that's good to go so we can put some grease on that put the Topsail cover on there put a water pump on there and this one will be good to go it looks like somebody has been in here and recently done this one it wasn't near as rough as the other lower units water pump and shift shaft and everything like that everything was this one but this one had all that shells and everything on there so maybe someone went in there and changed it or something I don't know but we're gonna clean all those shells out there put the housing on there and then put this back on the engine I'm going to pull that lower unit out and get the Woodruff key out and check that one I was gonna say what have you done I didn't do that this was like that when I got here actually yeah uh-huh that's what they all say somebody's broken this off and they just left it in there these do break very very often so once you break the heads off usually you can just come in here with some body Scripts and get this thing down turn his hand tight huh awesome well so there you go all right then one thing on these engines that you want to do is check up in here while you got the lower units off as you see all this buildup that's on here you wanna stick a pic or something up in there and make sure there's not a buildup of Grease because if there is what happens is you'll pack that full of grease and then as the grease builds up and builds up and builds up it'll stiffen up your shifting so then your shifting will be hard even if you do you know have all this grease and stuff on there and you got brand new cables whatever if it builds up junk inside there it'll shift hard so we got this all greased up you just don't want to have any grease on the top as long as you don't have any grease on top of the shift shaft then that's the best way to uh make it happen so Tony's going to stick this up here and then I'm going to uh put the zip tie on the pedo hose and cut it off okay when you're putting these up you want to make sure that that shift shuts right there goes into a little slot and that's kind of hard to see but you want to make sure it's still neutral still neutral and that's how you know that your shift have to hit and then also what we can do is hop them in the boat shift the handles and then move spot prop shaft to make sure that it did go in the hole right
Channel: Born Again Boating
Views: 37,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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