Behringer X32 Effects Tutorial – Combinator Multi-Band Compressor Part 2

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okay so now that I've taught you guys all the different controls of the Combinator I'm going to go ahead and insert this on a vocalist and do a little bit of fun with this and kind of show you guys how it would implement this now the first thing that I would be turning off is SVC because I'm wanting to control my independent bands individually rather than letting this control that you cue so I'm going to go ahead and turn off SVC and then the next thing I'm going to do is go ahead and go to layer 2 and press peak meter and then now I'm going to go ahead and start the music here and the reason I go to peak meter is because once we see the signal coming through here we'll actually see what the signal level is on all these different bands here and that way we can set our threshold off of those numbers so let's go ahead and get this music going here okay so we can already notice that this vocal and it's really basing so the band just get the focal here so we can see then everything's kind of happening in the negative 24 negative 26 ish area so I'm gonna take my threshold down to that area so we're gonna go ahead love this if I'm negative 28 here and once we have that set let's go ahead and unselect peak meter and then you can actually see the amount of compression that's happening here which is a lot back up here a little bit okay now the band's solo when you're learning this effect band solo is awesome so you can go ahead and go and select the different bands and actually listen to what they're doing and so the low-mid is really where we're going to be doing the main compression for this vocalist to really get that low-end coming down so I'm gonna go ahead and over exaggerate this no we're just gonna bring the band threshold down now one thing that we can also do is go on to our high mid which is in this area and take the band threshold and take it up which is in essence boosting the higher end of the min of the high mid band we are actually boosting this up because we're taking the threshold above this so now this threshold on our high mid is set at negative 22 and a half so let's get the vocalist back in here okay so I'm going to deactivate this and activate it and let you see the difference and hear the difference here you show me by leaving your throne by bleeding and I huge difference across that wonderful cross now we could change the microphone or do a little bit of EQ there's other things that we can do other than doing a multiband compressor on a vocalist like this so this wouldn't be the initial thing that I would run to if I had a Basie vocal I would probably try and change his microphone first rather than trying to fix something with effects I would try and change the actual source first rather than doing this but this is one great tool for that so the next thing that I want to show you is using this on as kind of a left-right bus insert and how we can kind of bring in a little bit of low-end and a little bit of high-end without gaining the amplitude up let's go ahead and bring the band back in okay so one thing that we can do here is we can gain the bass but bring the threshold down so let's go ahead and do that first so one thing that we want to do first is look at our peak meter and we can see that we're at negative 18 in here and so when here we can see the little bit a compression is happening already below and we can solo this and listen to it okay so that's gonna be the really low end that is going to be kind of hitting you in the chest if you don't have good speakers make sure you get some headphones to listen to this part so one thing that we're gonna do here is we're going to take our band threshold and bring it down so we're going to take this down to 5 negative 5 and then we're gonna take our band gain and take this up to 5 so what we're doing here is we are taking the gain of this low end and bringing it up but also bringing our threshold for a compressor down and that way we can have the compressor start compressing this low-end but still giving a boost here so let's go ahead and see this here so I'm gonna take this down to zero here just for fun I get her way over exaggerate this note and here is is and you can really hear the bass to be coming through here okay so I wouldn't do something that interesting probably just protecting animals [Music] [Music] forcefully [Music] [Music] [Music] now so that is a really quick tutorial on using this multiband compressor the stereo Combinator and the dual Combinator of the x32 now just one thing to make sure is that you are not running a channel through the common Eider and bringing the original out as well because of that delay that it's applied by this you'll get some pretty weird sounds coming out and I'm gonna demonstrate that really quick so I can unmute the bus any original lessons now that's a really big difference so that is one thing that you don't want to have happen is make sure that if you are using this effect that you are running all of the whatever you're wanting to run through this and have the output of this going into your left/right bus or the output that you want it to go to but make sure that you don't run say the drums through this but also have it going in to another thing as like a parallel compression if you're wanting to do any parallel compression make sure that you're doing it with the mix knob that's in the Combinator thank you so much for watching this tutorial on the Combinator now make sure you check out my website DB v audio comm because in the blog there I have a little bit more in-depth data on the common Eider effect and I actually do some smart analysis in there with transfer functions and RTA's that go through and show how this effect is actually working now two things make sure that you do check out that blog post because it's pretty awesome and I have a whole lot of other information on the blog that you should check out as well and then second of all go ahead and subscribe to this channel and you can keep up to date on more tutorials that I'll be putting out with the x32 and some of the XA are products of behringer is released as well so if you have any questions feel free to post below otherwise thank you
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 42,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: behringer x32, Behringer X32, Behringer X32 Effects, Behringer X32 FX, X32 Effects, X32 FX, x32 fx, X32 Effects Rack, X32 FX Rack, x32 fx rack, Behringer X32 Effects Rack, Behringer X32 Effect Rack, Effects Rack, Effect Rack, FX Rack, Combinator, MDX-8000, X32 Combinator, Combinator Effect, Multiband compressor, multi-band compressor, multi band compressor
Id: m5bNoXIEDWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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