Behind the Scenes of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

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so it's lumos maxima once doesn't work you get  frustrated so you throw the second lumos maxima   and that the second one is going to be the  huge one like should i see something in the   book that tells me to do something a different  way i think that you already read instructions   it's more about affecting it  now no the word is expectations   when you have expectations things doesn't work you  know when you okay you you know what i mean when   it comes just from your from your heart or from  your own energy then is when it happens okay okay lumos i know i know it is now um uh it's very wet welcome welcome to another year at hogwarts now  i have a few things to say before we all become   befuddled by our excellent feast of wisdom and but  at the same time the eccentricity at this point   you know we add the thing as happiness can be fun  um even in the darkness stands uh iguana remembers   to turn on the light and then well i think that  i think that that's everything of importance   let's begin the fields that is very good now  remember guys you have to take care of your frogs   frog say hello to emma hello emma they sing what do you mean look at the blink there  you go so how was the ball right thank you yes   if we come from here into bring your friend  back into the table like protect him by   turning him around if he's turning that  direction they will keep on just saying   so you have to bring him back into there ready  let's do one more rehearsal ready guys and action you um it's going to be very good that's true cats are not that funny that is  good donkey's good and action with murder shall break free crystal gazing requires that you clear the  inner eye you may be young and used with   the heart that beats beneath your  bosom is a shriveled little mates the heart it beats beneath your bosom  is as shriveled as an old maids hey man i do wish i was with you until christmas   um but he's been good just thank you so  much it's been such an honor i've loved you're down there better look up to see if the  tiger is not attacking you know like this and   then but then maybe go back down like you know  almost like you should like jump in the other   yeah you know what yes exactly exactly and then  and then you have to go back you go back you you   stopped but it's the kind of stuff that you  think you know when it's like i stopped at   any moment it's coming any moment you know that  kind of thing and then is you're going to you're   i don't think that you're going to really see  the bow you're going to feel more the reaction   and then is when you look up and relief ah  okay i think yeah the problem here is as as   he walks away we sell the the scale right so  we have to follow him this is still working   pros because that that is too playful to  light i'm still tense listen up listen up one more time the lines came  out but they all jumbled let them swim in the deepest ocean  or glide high above the clouds he's awake remarkable feat don't you think to  enter hogwarts castle on one's own completely   undetected yes quite remarkable yes any theory  as to how you might have managed it many many   each as unlikely as the next i do not think  a single professor in this castle would help   sirius black to enter at severus i'm quite  convinced the castle is safe and i'm willing   to allow the students to return to their houses  for tomorrow for now let them sleep in our dreams   we enter completely our own world you know it's  completely our own world and we like to we like   to swim in the deepest waters and fly they  had put a fart machine into my sleeping bag   this whole echo and michael gavin had actually  been pressing it during the take i found out it looks good when you okay move that please  another sound do the sound move this okay look straight and if you come your  elbows hey guys how'd you do yes and   laughing at them walking up there running  up the hill one two three hair harry dan bloody hell harry not funny okay and then if we come here i don't think that rubber has much to play i hope he finds me and when he does i'm going to  be ready you're going to see footprints leading   to that rock why is that because he walked to  that rock what does that do with the scene one   two three four five six camera's  going to move into a very wide shot   of hogsmeade of youtube guys walking let's  do something just to get our timing right go for it yeah cool yeah that's good seriously  yeah we know let's try it let's try it there's weasels never told me about any rewards  matt but he's not going to keep it he's going   to turn it into professor mcgonagall aren't  you oh sure along with his invisibility cloak   oh look who it is uh madame rose  murder ron fancies her that's not true   shall we one at the ready  one two three four five six three four ridiculous let's try again you feel ready as  before but in order for it to work you   must think of a memory and not just any  memory a very happy memory a very powerful   memory can you do that you're going to about to  lose the battle when it finally comes out okay   and this bloody cat ate my rats that's a  lie it is not and you bloody well know it   ronald has lost his rats i haven't lost  anything your cat killed him rubbish and then you have to go to school we must touch the ground well search  the skies if you must minister   meanwhile see that big sky over there lovely now what do you want to do with these ferrets what would you do maybe you're  separating saying so i take one off on my shoulders yes sir the flesh is on i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry hate  life life is is horrible okay let's okay remember   that you were guys you weren't down here okay  so we're going to take for a moment you come out in the revamped set where this ridge  is going to be it's kind of this this   part from there right up to the tree there  yeah harry do you realize what tree this is run run finally the flesh reflects the magnets leave it alone expelliarmus he waves he sinks down  and you see scabbers run away hurry you know the man you truly are remus this flesh is  on me flesh but this heart is where you truly live ron all of you now very good  very good all right savory you go on living but you have no memory well if you if you feel the same no no sense of  self if it helps keep it yeah if it floats okay   so keep it a child's voice whoever honest and  true is meaningless to those who've forgotten   how to listen okay let's go back to the position  please and let's do the exit ready guys but   you're innocent and you know it and that'll do you  know what it is because i was almost unconscious this way comes
Channel: pstudios
Views: 3,131,689
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Id: Sk1iVD9Wuk0
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Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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