Behind-the-Scenes: Creating Trulia Neighborhoods

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[Music] five out of six people believed that the neighborhood was of equal importance or more important than the actual home that they bought people are really hacking into this right now there is not a good way to figure out what a neighborhood is like they're looking at Google Street View and we had people tell us about doing stakeouts and just seeing at different times of the day what things were like in that neighborhood if we could bring that to life and let people self-select into the spots that felt right to them that that would be a really big one neighborhood pages came out of design vision program that we held at Trulia and we went deep to understand what people really cared about when it came to neighborhoods if you're someone that's moving across country looking for a new home you have a lot of questions what's it like to live there what are the neighborhoods to live in how is it easy to commute where are there good schools as Trulia we're trying to help you identify and understand those problems we moved to a kind of research where we actually flew out across the country and had people walk us around their neighborhood and show us what do they love about it what are the day-to-day experiences like in their neighborhoods that sort of make up their lives and what we discovered kind of blew us away we chose to curate custom photography for each neighborhood because we believe that that's the best way to convey the vibe of a neighborhood in a way that peer statistics or stock photos just can't we're building the neighborhood pages on a whole new platform and supports continuous integration continuous deployment test coverage and also building it using graph QL and react on the front end we're not afraid to take on new challenges we're not afraid to experiment with new technologies we have a culture of you know working together and not just within the team but reaching out across teams to reach a common solution it's a culture of yes and there's a lot of desire to do the right thing and also make big things happen and so when you've got that kind of support at a leadership level it helps everybody feel like they have the right kind of impact being able to help users find neighborhoods that people needs to me is really important to be able to create a product that helps our users do that I think is amazing it is super clear that we're just scratching the surface of what we can do for people this launch is just the beginning [Music]
Channel: Trulia
Views: 2,301
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ctgpyu8MRdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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