Behind the Scenes at Sam'sTrains | Studio & Factory Tour

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[Music] hello there everybody Sam's trains here and welcome back to the railway today I'm giving you a guided tour of here the room where all of my magic [Music] happens so this room is obviously quite a large room although it's not that big when you consider everything that I've crammed in into this room and I've actually had to get quite creative in order to make this room do everything that I want to and for it to be an efficient working space so I thought it might be quite interesting to give you a guided tour show you everything in here and also to show you how I've basically maximized every inch of this space so that I get the absolute most out of it now in this video title I've called this room a studio and a factory which is a little bit Pony I admit but it's also kind of true so up here in this room I film between three and five videos a week which is obviously quite a lot of hours of filming and then when I'm not filming up here my five 3D printers are at work creating my various wagons and I do produce quite a few different wagons and coaches up here I produce one new model every single month which is available for my members to buy and if you're interested in getting access to those consider joining and becoming a member and then of course I do quite a few public wagon and Coach releases a year as well which is through Etsy and you've probably seen those so there's a lot of stuff going on up here pretty much every single hour of every day there is something happening up here even if I'm not up here to do it so it's kind of a crazy space quite a unique space and I'm about to give you the tour so let's get started on the entrance to the room which is the ladder so obviously or maybe it's not that obvious the room is an attic room which means it's at the top of the house and the only only way to get to it is up this ladder and so this ladder sees some very very heavy use I'm up and down this ladder at least 10 times a day if not more and to say this ladder is tired and to say that this ladder has had it is definitely an understatement it's over 20 years old now and it was probably done about 10 years ago but I've been determined to keep this ladder going so not a year goes by where I don't put a new part on this is a new piece I've got metal brackets holding the steps together to be quite honest with you it's probably Way Beyond the point of diminishing returns but it's become a bit of a game to see how long I can keep this going but obviously ladder is very important if it fails I can't get to work oh and I guess I would also break my neck and die which would also be a slight inconvenience so I think it's worth keeping it in good Nick and it still seems pretty sturdy and safe right I believe I've now spoken for too long about this ladder so let me go on up and start to show you the space so because like I say I'm having to maximize every inch of this space in order to get the most out of it there are some things that you can only access from here at the top of the ladder so that is these light switches I got two here the house lights that controls the main lights on the ceiling and then I've got the flood lights and the switch on the big flood lights which light up the layout which is good for running sessions and such now these switches are obviously a little bit dodgy looking but they're not really switching any real power all the lighting up here is relay controlled and all these switches do is just switch the relays and then above me here we've got my so-called ventilation system and this is important because there are no windows up here in the room so it can get quite stuffy and hot and also it can get a bit fumy when I'm using my resin printer so if I turn this on it's a nice draft if I open the window downstairs that draws all the air from The Loft and throws it out the window and if I open the back door at the other end of The Loft I get a really nice draft which really fixes the air quality in about 10 minutes time so that's pretty useful and then over on this side I've got the start of my collection where you can see we've got some trains on shelves and then just up above me there we've got the end of my o gaug layout and you'll see more of that as we go around so now let's get off the ladder and I'll show you the rest of the room so i' guess you'd call this the sort of back wall of the room and this is the only solid brick wall in the room all of the other walls are plaster board and so it's this wall that has to have all the shelves on it to support my collection or at least the vast majority of it I don't want to load up the other walls too much because I don't want them to collapse so I've got I think if I counted correctly 16 different shelves across this wall with my whole collection on it or like I say most of it and I've also got a few other trinkets on here as well I used to for some reason collect the limited edition certificates that used to come with horie and bman stuff so for whatever reason I was very proud of those so I've still got some of those up there a lot of the newer ones I just keep in their boxes but some of the older ones I've got some stickers and such that I've collected from various Railway exhibitions as seen in Railway modela that's when I had my article about gladston at 3D printed engine published in Railway modela and then of course we got my 100,000 subscriber YouTube play button which I have to have on display obviously I am genuinely proud of that one and yeah we're running out of shelf space I think I've got some ideas for where to put more shelves but for now that is the back wall which is pretty busy as you can see and then below here we got the front of my double O scale Railway which is where I film a lot of the review stuff and of course I got my gauge Master controller here and any other controllers I need I bring in and out as I need them and then above here we've got my 3D printers or co-workers is that a bit sad yeah it's a little bit sad but any anyway first three 3D printers we got this one here which is my accessories machine so if you've bought a model from me anytime over the last couple of years it will be this machine that made the buffers or the couplings or the brake rigging or any small detail Parts either this one or the machine that it replaced because every few years I will swap out the 3D printers when they get worn out although I do try to maintain them as well as I can I put new parts in for the first couple of years but then when it gets to the point where I've spent more on keeping the thing running than it would cost just to buy a new one then I'll you know cut my losses scrap the old machine keep all the useful parts and that will keep my next machine going for even longer so that's the MinGa magician X next one along we've got the MinGa magician Max and this is my chassis making machine so again if You' bought one of my wagons recently this machine will have made the chassis and this works pretty much tirelessly all day to produce chassis whenever I'm not filming so it's a very busy machine and then the one at the back there that's the City ender3 S1 Pro and that's what creates some of my bodies I've actually got a couple of these I'll show you the other one later on and yeah that creates wagon and Coach bodies whenever I'm making those so three busy machines whenever I'm not filming up the Loft these are very very busy making the various models so one of the things I've had to do in order to get the most out of this room is to kind of make it multi-layered so I'm standing in one spot here but this one spot is used for at at least three different types of filming so right down here at ground level I've got my dou o layout which is where I obviously film a lot of my running sessions and reviews and then on the next layer up we've got the oage layout occupying pretty much the same space and that's obviously where I film my oage reviews and such and then up at the top we've got the wall of fame and the train time TV and in this very same spot is where I film the stupid train time sketches on this green screen TV so I'm using the same bit have space for three different things which is something I really enjoy that's efficiency which I love now the next thing I'm going to talk about is the little yellow door behind me here which some people ask about quite often so I'm going to try to address this as well as I can the little yellow door is the way into the eaves so the eaves are basically little extra rooms all the way around the main Loft and I've got four of them you can see another one over there and I get quite a few questions about what they're like in there and what I use them for so I thought today I would open one of them up and try and get inside which is an art in its own and uh just try and show you what's inside and what I use them for so if anyone was asking well a lot of people comment on this gap on my o gaug layout well now you're about to see why that's there so that I can reach up and undo this Eaves try not to destroy the O gaug layout as I do so and pull this door out of here like that and now for my display of athleticism from a human being in Peak physical form now this part of the layout I did design to be removable but because it's got lights on it it's all wired in and it's a bit of a pain to pull it out so generally speaking when I want to go into the eaves I leave that in place and just try and get over there myself so here we go this is not one of my favorite activities but here goes and I apologize if this is inappropriate or revealing at any point I'm pulling my trousers up okay here we go so a big step oh the train time TV's come falling down let's put that somewhere else this is where you get a groin strain so one foot in there and then I'll push against these beams and get the other foot in there try not to demolish the o gaug l out and then get myself in simple as that there we go now I'm in the eaves and I didn't think this through because the camera's there and I was going to show you inside so I guess I'll come back out again and go back in with the camera that should be fun okay all right I managed it so if you're curious here's what it looks like in the eaves I've just started filling this one up last year with boxes so it's not as full as it will be one day but we got quite a few different boxes in there and then it's quite creepy actually we got some Christmas decorations and just rubbish that isn't wanted anywhere else also paint and things like that so yeah a lot of questions about the eaves now I've answered them this is basically what it's like not very exciting little bit dark and spooky hurts my groin to get in here and that's pretty much it and then past this door into the eaves I've obviously got the layout which is down at ground level obviously you've seen this a million times so I don't need to go into any detail but I thought I'd just show it now so that you know where it is in relation to everything else and then up above the layout we've got the beautiful Wall of Fame which I love so much because so many different people have contributed to it and it's like having all these people with me while I'm up here making videos which is lovely so that's the wall of fame don't know how many pictures are up on here but it's certainly hundreds maybe even thousands so that's a big part of the space and then in front of the wall of fame we've got this my kind of workbench I guess if you like now I do try to keep everything in this room nice and tidy and orderly I think the one exception to that though is this bench unfortunately so it's a little embarrassing I normally try not to show this on video but this is the full tour so it's in here I guess the reason it's messy is that it's not an excuse it's just the reason is that I use this every day there are tools that I use all the time so I could put those away every time I use them but in my mind that would be a waste of time because a few hours later I'll probably need them again so yeah there are tools out there is a bit of a mess on here sometimes every few weeks I will have a cleanup and put everything away properly and start a fresh but most of the time it looks kind of messy like this um doesn't really cause me any problems I'm the only person that works up here so it doesn't inconvenience anybody else this is just my one area that just is a mess but it does the job so quick tour of this we got my work area here with the towel down that's where I work on the trains got my vegetable r tools on the top this is a little bit of a pain to be honest because I just Chu my tools in here and it can be quite hard to dig and find them so I'll probably need to sort of Tidy that up at some point then we've got parts inside here so I've got boxes of Motors different Loco parts and such then I've got Electronics there's some components in here different wire that kind of thing then I've got towels and Rags over here and brushes also for cleaning my trains and such underneath there I've got adhesives and different consumables Like Glue and blue Tac and resins that kind of stuff and then below that there's a bit of a miscellaneous compartment uh let's see what tools I've got so i' got the soldering iron that's a must I got the rotary tool or a Dremel I got the hot glue gun which is not used that often but it can be handy got a controller for testing Loos and trains I got a heat gun which I like very very much and then I got some chests of various different parts and also different tools and such so there we go the part of this room not very proud of it but it's been like this for years and it does serve my purpose so very quickly let's move on okay so to the right of the workbench we got this back corner which I don't really show that often in the videos but there's quite a lot going on here first of all it's where the O gauge layout ends it doesn't go any further than that and then below the O gaug layout I've got another 3D printer that's another Ender three that again does Bodywork and that kind of thing and because there's not that much space up here I have to cram a 3D printer wherever I can so that's why that's there to the right of that we've got a little cabinet full of some coaches I think is in there and some other various Rolling Stock again same thing really that's got to be crammed wherever it can be and then to the right of that I've got the back door which leads to a really large room it's probably a third to a half of the size of this room but obviously it's not finished off like this room it's kind of a store room in fact I'll take you inside and show you a little bit dark hard to see but I use this again to store locomotive boxes so I've got quite a bit of that I've got a couple of cabinets in here with Rolling Stock and tenders and such inside it's also where I store my packaging materials and empty cardboard boxes that kind of thing and it also doubles as a bit of a warehouse where I store the models that I've made before I release them and sell them oh and what remains of the scrapman lives in here as well now I forgot to mention that Lots going on in that room it's a bit of a Dumping Ground not very tidy but a very very useful space and then to the right of that we've got my Sam trains Museum of Transport which has got a few interesting pieces most of these I've made myself uh either 3D printed or kind of restored so we've got Davy Crockett there that's a loco I restored we've got the Gladstone which was a fantastic project really enjoyed that my first proper 3D printed loco that's the Manning wle l-class copper knob one of my absolute favorites I think we've got my best one there which is the lnwr problem class all sorts of different models in my little Museum and then just in front of the museum we've got this bookcase which has got a few miscellaneous items on it so the top shelf here is all my airbrushing stuff so I've got the air compressor my respirator mask all sorts of different paints and accessories below there we've got a shelf I don't use very often that is my Scenic stuff so scenic cement trees different Greenery that kind of thing and more of the same at the bottom as well actually plus a few more different train and Rolling Stock boxes and of course the railway goes down underneath there as well passes underneath the bookcase all right and if we keep moving around we get to my resin 3D printing station so I've got my eligo resin 3D printer it's all nice and clean cuz I'm not using it at this second but it's there when I need it and then there's the wash and cure station which again is all nice and clean and then I've got a few of the different tools and resins and things that I need to 3D print and behind this desk I've obviously got the double O scale tracks which stretch across the back of the room and it's quite dark back there I don't usually film very much but there are some lights so that the trains can see where they're going but apart from that not much behind there and then on this side I've got the computer that I use for my live streams this computer really is just for live streams and also playing music when I'm up here not filming uh so it's useful for that kind of thing in ter terms of editing I've got a computer downstairs which is a lot more powerful and more modern and that's what I actually edit my videos on and then down below here I'm not going to show too much of this I've got some of the models waiting to be reviewed so when I buy something to review it goes into a queue if it's not a brand new model and I pick them from down here when it's time to film the reviews to the right of that I've got these bins which are basically my temporary Parts storage so when I'm doing a run of a model I'll put all of the different parts I've created into these bins and they'll wait there until I'm ready to do the assembly and the packing and then they'll come out of here and go off to the customers but just to give you some examples here we got a bin full of n couplings not assembled yet they need to have their hooks put on and I've got to make a lot more of these before the batch is complete so we got that and in a different bin I've got a load of chassis for a model that I've been working on and once a body has been made for each of these and all the various accessories then they can be assembled and also shipped off so yeah it's just temporary Parts basically also got some spares in here and I do have a clear out once in a while once these spares are not needed but there you have it that is my part storage I mentioned earlier on that most of my Loco collection goes on that wall because it's brick and nice and strong this wall is Plaster board so I can't really load it up too much but I have got some shelves up on here and that's because there are some nice reinforced studs just behind these shelves on the wall here and so I felt that I could put some shelves into those however I'm very careful not to load them up too much so on these shelves I've just got small tank engines djm Locos light stuff like that so not much of a load but just a handy place to keep them so few more Locos up there really there are engines wherever you look in this room and now we come around the corner to coach corner and these shelves actually used to be used for holding videotapes back in the day when videotapes were a thing but they actually now are used as the perfect coach storage so I've added some additional shelves between the original ones the original ones are the blue ones my new ones are the white ones and that means that I can store well over a 100 coaches here which is very handy indeed I've also got my 060 collection up on top of the coach Corner as well so if I ever need an 060 tender engine that's where I need to come and then to the right of Coach Corner I've got the first of my Rolling Stock collection in these tall cabinets so we've got various different Freight wagons open wagons tankers brake Vans all of that good stuff and Below there of course we've got the layout the other Scenic section on the opposite side of the room and obviously that appears in quite a few reviews too up above there I've got these boxes now this is where I put the boxes from Locos and wagons and such that I've recently reviewed and then when this area gets full I will empty it out into one of the eaves and that just means that I don't have to go into the eaves every day because as you've seen it's not the easiest thing to do so that's where I store temporarily the boxes of things I've reviewed before I go and put them away then to the right of there we've got even more wagons and search yeah loads and loads of these drawers I actually like these drawers a lot better because they're just the right size for double O scale Rolling Stock and I can fit quite a lot into those so that's that's very very handy and then above all of this we've got the wall of train which is the sequel if you like to the Wall of Fame after that got full up so this is where any new pictures and submissions get printed off and put up and eventually the aim is to completely cover all of the roof in this room with your pictures and as you can see we're about 3/4 of the way there now so shouldn't be too long to go before that's finished and then in front of all of that I've got my second little workbench and unlike the first one which was a complete mess I tend to keep this one pretty much clear and that's because I present the monthly News videos from here so I like to have it clutter free for that and it's also where I sit to assemble and pack my models so I need a nice clear space for that I do keep one or two things on here I got the scales and the calipers which I use to weigh my Locos and also check the gauging and stuff and I've also got the little spray booth that I use for my airbrushing although that's got some other things inside it for the time being so it's a nice useful area good for filming sit down videos and that kind of thing really nice to have another surface that I can use for all sorts of different things and now of course we've made it one whole lap around the room we're back next to the ladder again with my last little unit here which is where I keep my collection of triang locomotives so that's where all the old boys live and then there's some storage underneath here where I keep old toys and things and also some locomotives and such and below this we have the table and the last section of the double O scale Railway and then finally of course I have to mention the world's most famous stretch of blue carpet and this is where I film a lot of my reviews it's where I do my unboxings just here and it's also where I film my video intros and outros little bit like this so there you have it that is the full guided tour of the room that I spend the vast majority of my time in hopefully you can see what I mean it's not really that much of a big room but the the fact that it's taken this long to show you it all just kind of goes to show how much has been crammed into this space and I think the the part I love most about this room is that after all of these years I still haven't run out of space now that's kind of not true I did run out of space pretty much completely about 5 years ago but here I am 5 years later and I'm still able to do new things because for me running out of space doesn't mean that I just can't do anything else all it means for me is that I've just got to sit down and have a think figure out what I've got to move in order to do what I want to do and so far I've never been beaten so that is something you can take from this you can make the most of your space and a little bit of optimization lets you get much more out of it but anyway hopefully you enjoyed the tour let me know if you've got any questions in the comments and I'll try and do my best to get back to them any thoughts on the room that I spend all my time in please do share them with me but for now thank you so so much for watching and I'll catch you on the next one all right cheers folks you take care
Channel: Sam'sTrains
Views: 33,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samstrains, model, trains, hornby, steam, tri-ang, 00 gauge, railway, diesel, class, review, unboxing, bachmann, layout, H0
Id: LkM1ptdhO-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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