Hornby's New 0-6-0 Sentinel | Worse Runner Than The 0-4-0? | Unboxing & Review

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[Music] hello there everybody sams trains here welcome back to the railway and welcome to another review up today it is a brand new diesel shunter from palm beach [Music] as part of homby's 2022 range launch holmby announced a six-wheel version of their popular industrial sentinel shunter and amazingly it's here already making it one of the first 2022 items to arrive and i've got one right here to review so i have this it is the home beat sentinel shunter the 060 flavor now of course we have seen sentinels before from humvee i've got one behind me there but that is the 040 version and up until 2022 that is the only version of the sentinel hornby have produced but that all changes this year now if you ask me on first glance at least the price for this does not seem too unreasonable hornby's rrp for this is 108 pounds 99 and i managed to pick mine up from a retailer for 98 pounds and 10 pence i think it was and i always think 100 pounds is a good going rate for a high quality shunting locomotive obviously i don't know at the moment whether that's what this is but if it turns out to be quality then sure that seems like a very reasonable price it is of course far more expensive than the 040 shunter i've got over there which cost me only 45 pounds so yeah obviously a lot more expensive than that but today we're going to find out what this thing is like like i say if it's quality if it's got all the features you'd expect of a modern and relatively expensive hornby logo then sure i think this could be worth the money but let's find out here we go so i've been thinking a little bit about what we can expect from this model and the first question i've got is is this thing an all new tool product from the ground up or is it reusing parts or all of the old o4o hornby body the reason i say this is because the body on this 060 version looks to be incredibly similar to the 040 version and the fact of the matter is the sentinel company did produce loads of different variations of their shunter and so in real life the 040 and 060 hunters were probably largely the same locomotive but possibly just with a modified chassis nevertheless for a modern 2022 locomotive that costs 100 pounds or thereabouts there are certain expectations right so you would want quality obviously you'd want some serious features i think lights is a big one not just blobs of paint where the lights should be but actual lights that is something that the 040 sentinel could have been improved on and i would want a degree of detail such as you know sprung buffers and a detailed cab and such as always expensive models are absolutely fine by me as long as you get what you pay for anyway enough waffle let me show the end of the box so the version i've got here is r3085 it is the mcb sentinel 060dh and it is stanton number 57. and as i said in the recent news video i think the green livery here it was my favorite of the three sentinels that hornby have announced and released so far although no doubt there will be more coming in the future and then if i show you the back of the box you can see quite a comprehensive history of the sentinel company and the sentinel shunters as well as a little bit about this specific locomotive which is a nice little extra i think it's nice to know about the exact model that you've got isn't it anyway let's pull this thing out then and let's take our first look at hornby's new 060 version of the sentinel now of course they will have had to have made some changes to the tooling in order to produce this thing because the wheelbase is going to be a bit wider presumably isn't it anyway there's a look you can just about make it out there it looks wonderful doesn't it really does look lovely and uh totally unlike the o4o version with its o60 wheel configuration so i'm really really interested to see what this thing is like okay well let's take out the box i'll be quite uh i don't know whether i'll be impressed or disappointed if it's the same body i don't know a bit of both i should think okay the sentinel class let's see oh six so diesel electric locomotive so it isn't the same instruction manual by the looks of things and no definitely not we've got a totally new set of diagrams here so it seems quite simple stuff lubrication lubrication points on the wheel set body removal looks like four body screws and the body appears to come off all in one piece i can't remember now whether that was the case with the previous sentinel i seem to remember the the cab coming off separately or one of the bonnets coming off separately so that's that's a good sign for this being a new tort loco entirely and you can see inside there it's got the tiny little motor that hornby have used before in the terriers i think and also the packets and it's a decent motor i think it's only a three polar but they do seem to work quite well and then you've got the dcc ready stuff it's got a very simple i think it's a six pin socket in this logo so that's what you need for dcc and there's a bit about accessories here it looks as though there's sort of like a blanking plate sort of thing that you can put in in place of and then coupling if you want the the frontal back to look a bit more realistic so that's a nice provision and then nothing of very much interest on the back so let's get into this then so there should be an accessories bag but not very much in it i'm expecting let's take a look yeah definitely not so it is literally just those two sort of painted blanking plugs uh which actually will look pretty decent won't they if you're if you're the sort of person that doesn't like using big chunky nem couplings it's quite a nice option to have really okay moment of truth let's take a look let's see what the quality of the decoration is like all right uh yeah it looks alright doesn't it it's a little bit flat as you might expect out on a hornby loco but i have to say the livery itself even from this distance looks ultra smart yeah it does right let's pull this thing out then oh okay so the first thing i can feel on my fingers is metal and that's because this underframe here appears to be die cast so that's great the loco seems to have a fair bit of weight to it i love that and yeah it looks incredibly smart doesn't it actually really really nice livery application with some nice printed details name plates and such uh yeah it looks pretty decent does this but my big question is this the same or you know a largely similar body to the o4o version so let's pull the o401 in and take a look and uh no it doesn't look that way does it obviously i mean it's going to be similar because it was built by the same works and such and it's going to be a similar design but no it does look to be different the new one is definitely a sort of longer body isn't it for sure but on first glance the level of detail does seem to be about the same but we'll talk more about the level of detail in just a second because first of all i'm going to give you a history of the locomotives and the company history as well in real life so let's go the sentinel diesel shunters were obviously built by the sentinel wagon works and they were quite a multifaceted company really who produced lorries steam locomotives buses and of course for the first time in 1959 diesel shunters the first sentinel diesel shunter prototype was produced in 1959 and having proved a success a further 17 were produced over a very short period of time as the years went on several modifications and upgrades and variations were made which included minor variations such as different engines and also major changes such as extra wheels as we can see on this one and as we know now some were produced in the 060 format as can be seen with this model the sentinels were used in a wide variety of different applications such as at colories dockyards and quarries and even though some have now been retired over the years they can still be found at heritage railways and some of them are even still in service this one for instance was built in 1964 for the stanton iron works of ilkeston but it can now be found on the bulby mine in yorkshire where it is as far as i know still in service so there she is up close and personal for you then homby's brand new 060 sentinel locomotive and this is a great looking model isn't it i mean you can see from any sort of distance it's got a decent level of detail and it looks very very smart particularly in this livery and obviously to confirm this is an entirely new tooled locomotive yes it's got a new tool chassis but the bodywork also appears to be a fresh tooling which is very very good to see and of course it did present hornby with a great opportunity to make big improvements over their previous 040 version of this and i think that's where things get a little bit disappointing because yes there are some improvements on this model which we'll talk about but in terms of the level of detail and the features there are many aspects of this new model which remain the same as the old one one or two are slightly better which is great and we'll talk about that and one or two aspects are even slightly worse which is unexpected at this sort of price point so let's get into some of this then let's first talk about what is the same between this and the old version well unfortunately lack of lights we've still got just painted blobs on this model where the lights would be to me that is a bit of a disappointment this is something that other manufacturers do a lot better these days quite unfortunate to see a new tool diesel locomotive that doesn't actually have lights this loco still has no sprung buffers unfortunately the buffers are made of metal and they do look realistic but they are not sprung on this model but also the same is the decent level of detail which we'll come on to in just a second and just like the old o4o version there is a good amount of weight to this loco and even more in fact because obviously this is a larger logo so it weighs in at 142 grams thanks to its die-cast lower body and chassis so that is great quality and the old 0-401 was 112 grams which is a little bit lighter because it's a smaller loco as i say there are also some things that this model does better than the old o4o sentinel i think the big one for me is the cab detail because as you can see a lot of the detail inside the cab there has been painted and picked out and the effect here is wonderful this is a cab that has a lot of windows on all sides and so it is very easy to see inside the cab and so to have your eye rest on some actual painted details which actually look really nice and fine as well is a wonderful wonderful upgrade i love that and of course the cab floor is at a much more realistic height as well i think the old one as yeah you can see the floor level of the old one is way unrealistic this one i suppose because there's a bit more space to play with inside for motor and dcc decoders and such that they have been able to make a realistic cab floor this time there's also some more fidelity and definition in some of the detailing i think the big one is the sort of metal texture on the walkways is a little bit finer than on the old one it does make it a little bit less noticeable and some of the definition i suppose is lost but it's certainly finer and more realistic and in other areas of the body the detail definitely looks a little bit more defined and also refined so that's all very good and in terms of the design there are definite improvements i mean we've already seen the way the body goes on and comes off that's a big improvement over the o4o version and when i take a look at the mechanism i'm hoping to see some sort of user friendliness improvements there as well right let's talk about what is a little bit worse than than on the old 040 version well the build quality is one this has definitely had a bit of a reduction in the build quality my example has at least one wonky buffer as you can see in fact this one is loose i can actually wiggle this buffer up and down uh it means that i might be able to glue it in a better upward position actually but yeah right out of the box this buffer was pointing downwards also these walkway fences are incredibly flimsy i mean look at this this thing looks like it's about to drop off not a very sturdy part there and the problem is that is kind of right where your fingers are going to go if you go to pick this thing up without knowing that they're fragile so you've really got to be careful to pick this loco with the cab and not with these sort of fences because they're a lot weaker than they look and unfortunately a lot of the handrails on the model are now made of plastic and not metal or wire like on the old sentinel now this has its advantages because obviously this big one here is more likely to flex than come undone if you catch it but it does mean that it has a tendency to not sit in a straight position and i don't really understand why handrails like this would have to be plastic because it just makes them you know a bit more flimsy so that's the definite downgrade and also looking underneath the pickups look a little bit messier now this is a better pickup design overall because the previous pickups were sort of up inside the body and difficult to access and clean so these are better but as you can see the ones at the front here are badly adjusted they look very very weak and fragile and in fact some of them are even visible from outside of the model so it's not upgrades across the board unfortunately and at this price point i think some lights at the very least maybe even sprung buffers to justify the price would have been a great addition for now though let's take a look at the level of detail that we have got we'll talk about the decoration first of all which as you can see is pretty good particularly given that this lining spans over several different parts joins up reasonably nicely doesn't it the printer detail is okay the sentinel print there looks great very good the stanton number 57 one though doesn't look quite as good not the highest quality paint on there and again this sort of price point and etched nameplate would have been really really nice to see the windows around the cab are also nicely picked out i think myo40 sentinel uh the window frames were picked out but they're sort of black these are a more sort of metallic or silvery colour which helps them to stand out and you get a better sense of the quality going on there and in front of the cab you've got the exhaust here which has a couple of different colours as well as some lining on it which looks nice and we do also have the windscreen wipers fitted too and they're quite nice fine parts quite impressive the main bodywork has some decent molded detail as you can see and there are still some little prints here and there can't quite read what that one says but i think it is going to be legible hopefully the close-up will do that and then you've got the grille on the back end here i think there is an etched metal grille behind there it's not quite as noticeable as on my o401 because that was sort of unpainted metal and it was much more reflective but yeah the effect is still pretty good on there you have got the coupling hook on the buffer beam but sadly no couplings provided to use with that so again that's a bit of a pity but you have got a nicely painted buffer beam here with the nem coupling fitted as standard but don't forget you've got those sort of blanking plates if you wanted to fit those instead the wheel set looks decent as you can see you've got the red coupling rods and counterweights which all look very nice and fine and hopefully that will look even better when i get this thing up and running and then around the back i think these might be metal handrails that are on the sort of rear bonnet if you will i don't know about this i tend to find that the metal handrails look a little bit better they've got a better finish and if you're careful the flexing thing isn't really that much of an advantage is it i would just rather the handrails look nice and straight and i'll just be careful with the model but it is what it is i suppose but there we go that is a look at the bulk of the detail of this locomotive i think overall it's okay isn't it i mean there's definitely ways for this to have improved and i think there are some missed opportunities here given that this is a new tooled project some working lights would have really sweetened the deal here for 108 pounds 99 or 98 from the retailers and because we haven't got features like that and sprung buffers and slightly higher quality the value for money here doesn't seem absolutely fantastic but if the performance is good and the model works as it's intended to then i don't think i'll have any major complaints about this model at all so let's get this running we'll also take a look at the mechanism and the general setup and hopefully we'll have some fun uh shunting this thing around the layout okay let's give it a go so there she is down onto the track the new hornby 060 sentinel and i've got to say i think it's looking good yeah it looks like a top model down here on the track i've already filmed the performance tests and i will reveal all on that in just a second after that though i went in and did my mechanical analysis and that's what i'm going to hit you with now there is some good and some bad in this mechanism in general i would say for a locomotive of this price in 2022 the mechanism and the design isn't quite as good as what you'd expect but overall it seems reasonably competent so first of all we have pickups on every driving wheel as you'd expect although they are a little bit flimsy as we've already found out the base keeper plate is removable with four screws and it is a separate piece which means you can pull it up away from the chassis and that is obviously really useful for servicing and cleaning purposes and it will also mean that i can sort of straighten those bent pickups and try to improve those a little bit after the review and the base keeper plate is connected electrically to the chassis with spring loaded contacts which is really good as you can see there are proper turned metal bearings on the driving axles so that is a really nice quality feature there is a spring on this rear wheel as well so yeah fair enough and it is the center of the three axles which has the driving gear and it is just a single axle that's driven now unfortunately you can't remove the wheels for servicing purposes from the chassis without first removing the coupling rods it is possible you can do it but i wouldn't recommend doing this for routine servicing only try to take those off in an emergency because they are quite fragile based on the 040 version now the body removal is a massive improvement over the old o4o sentinel the body here comes off with just four screws and once those are undone it's a very easy job to lift the chassis out the chassis is incredibly bare bones for a reasonably expensive 2022 model it is disappointing how simple and bare bones this really is so you've got a three pole motor without a flywheel i mean that's pretty unfortunate i've seen smaller locos than this which do have five pole motors at the very least obviously no leds or pcbs to worry about on this loco it is just literally a motor and this this is the dcc socket it's just floating they haven't designed an enclosure for it to fit into it doesn't sort of sit into a proper cradle or anything it's literally just floating like that really lazy design on that and yes it was a nightmare to get the body back on and that's without a dcc decoder being fitted i don't know how you'd get on with a dcc decoder in there as well so that kind of sucks doesn't it really it's pretty insulting for a brand new model that's quite expensive i mean come on hornby gauging though is okay i got 14.1 to 14.2 on each of the axles which as always is a little bit under gauge but not criminally so or anything so slightly underwhelming mechanism i suppose it ticks most of the boxes the big things for me would be better pickups a better motor and some sort of proper dcc socket design i mean come on anyway let's move on and talk about performance okay so we are ready for the first ever test please cross your fingers folks hopefully this will work let's set the controller to forwards and see what we've got does it work no um okay okay okay so i thought for one horrible second there that this was completely dead it doesn't seem to be seems like it is actually alive and reasonably smooth um not that great over the points though it does seem to be stuttering over my points which is a surprise because obviously this loco's got more pickups than an 040 sentinel so it shouldn't be struggling on the points really but as you can see it is okay i mean this is a nasty point it's an express point so it's fair enough i suppose but we've got other locos with a smaller wheelbase than this i should think which do better so perhaps the flimsiness of those pickups is uh yeah it's coming back to haunt the sentinel a little bit there high speed though it gets over with just a momentary blip and of course after the running in it might get even better yeah hopefully hopefully that will be the case so how is the slow speed right out of the box then is this a good crawler of course it ought to be because it's a shunting locomotive so the low speeds are really important here let's see all right well that wasn't a very good start let's try again i'm gonna ease the controller up very slow all right so at the moment it's not the greatest when it does kick in and start to go it is smooth so i can't see any cogging or anything um but yeah at the very slow speeds at the moment it's not the greatest that is about as slow as i can go and obviously that's not very slow and it's not that reliable either it does keep sort of stopping but like i say this has not yet been run in i hope that this will get even better after it's had a good chance to stretch its legs um yeah at the moment not 100 impressed just keep stopping which is annoying um but yeah perhaps that three-pole motor if it is a three-pole motor yeah perhaps that could have seen a bit of an upgrade maybe a corliss would have performed better than this uh maybe a five-pole motor ought to have been engineered into this somehow because yeah it's all right and at the higher speeds absolutely fine no problem at all but yeah the low end isn't that impressive unfortunately and that is the important end when it comes to shunting locos so yeah a little bit disappointed in that but let's send it off around the track hopefully after an hour's running or 30 minutes in each direction it will be much better hopefully hopefully okay let's see so this is 50 speed and i'm going to go ahead and say that doesn't seem too fast to me that seems like a really nice and sensible speed so that's a good sign in terms of consistency at this speed it isn't cutting out at 50 percent and it isn't slowing down around the curves or of gordon's hill as you can tell so that's all good and solid and it's now done a lap without derailing so that's a good sign so yeah performance seems okay it seems to be covering the basics doesn't it at the moment the crawl doesn't seem the best and the reliability is a little bit hit and miss but really those are my only complaints at this stage and there's a good chance that running in should improve those quite a bit so i'll finish off here i'll keep running in and i'll see you in a little while and we'll see if the loco is any improved there we go then folks running in has completed and yeah it's okay it's all right it certainly hasn't done any derailing or serious slowing down on tricky pieces of track so from that perspective it's okay reliability though that is definitely an issue at least with my example several times i've caught it cutting out not even necessarily on points mainly on points yes but not just points and i've had to give it a little bit of help not really what you'd expect for an o60 locomotive so it's got that going for it the pulling power is the biggest and best surprise i've had today from this loco because it is 0.22 newtons which is around 16 coaches that's more than the d16 from hornby and it's even more than hornby's b2 pekket so i think pulling power is really really good now how is the slow speed performance now it wasn't great before let's see if it's any better so i'll just ease the controller up see if we can get it to crawl did sort of so at that speed it's sort of just jerking forwards now it needs a bit more so that is about as slow as we can go and as you can see it stopped again as it just cut out so i mean this is a shunting locomotive folks if this was an express passenger locomotive i might be willing to say you know it's not that important that it does well at the slow speed but the really elegant smooth acceleration and that is really needed on a loco like this and you really have to get to about this sort of speed before you're there so yeah that's a bit disappointing isn't it let's just try one more time just so that i've given it a fair shot okay oh bit better in reverse that's very strange i would have said it's noisier in reverse but yeah didn't necessarily expect that so it's pretty good in reverse all right try forwards again just to see if it's become a reformed character or something come on yeah it's definitely not as good forward is it yeah that is the minimum sort of stable speed which is disappointing i have to say because if i just take this loco out of shot and put this one in this is the 040 version let's do a comparison wow kind of different isn't it it's so much nicer this one is so much better i mean it still does the cutting out on points and such it's still not ultra reliable but this is an o4o and it's actually no less reliable than the new o601 but let's have that crawl again i mean that is what you'd expect from a shunting locomotive i think it's got the same motor and everything so i don't know why this one is so much better but it is and it's quieter and it's smoother as well look at that look how slow and controlled that is i think again i think this is just a three-pole motor that is much more like what you'd expect from a you know 100 pound locomotive that is primarily designed for shunting yeah this is it's nice and smooth don't get me wrong but it just it can't do the same crawl look at that it's just not a patch on it not a patch so that is disappointing but let's go and couple up to the wagons because the pulling power is definitely the the loco strong suit without a doubt didn't even bother to try and do a slow coupling there i just thought there's no point right how is it with a load let's try the uh slow crawl again a bit more see it's even struggling now but funnily enough it's now going slower it's going slower than it was keep going up a bit so with the load i don't know somehow it seems to do a little bit better but up to 50 let's know let's go for a let's cut out no it's back again let's do let's go up for about 40. that looks like a good shunting speed and then on the inside line i've got the other sentinel of course this one's cut out let's set this one to 40 and see if this will cut it out notice that this one runs quite a lot slower at 40. so maybe there's a difference in gearing there maybe it's just you know a tolerance of the motors maybe this motor happens to run more slowly yeah as you can see this one cuts out on points as well so um yeah not great and i've gone and derailed some of these tankers now but overall the the o4o at least in my experience is a much better runner i am going to review another 0401 in the future though i've got one so i'll be trying another and that is one that has been produced much more recently than this one so yeah we'll see whether it is just my example that happens to run better or whether that is something that's quite typical and something you can expect so let's go let's speed both of these up a bit more let's go for 50 because they both struggle at 40 don't they so let's try and help them out a bit there we go and on the inside line i've decided to run what i would consider a better example of a quality diesel shunter and you're going to be surprised by the one i've chosen because this is a helgen locomotive and you know what i think about helgen's locos but this is their o5 shunter it's far more detailed it does have lights it's better quality even and even more importantly it is a better performer than both of hornby's sentinels probably put together i mean look at that it's a good crawl and the wheelbase is not dissimilar to the hornby sentinels and yet i don't think this thing does us nearly as much cutting out as they do there we go it's just a better example for you there yeah i mean it's all right isn't it it's absolutely all right if you really want an 060 sentinel shunting locomotive if that is on your list and it's something you want then there's no real reason i would say don't go and buy one of these the price is okay it's not a bargain or anything but it's nowhere near as unreasonable and poor value as some of the other products in hornby's range so that's okay it's just it's not a very exciting loco is it to be honest uh yes the prototype's not that exciting but that's not really an issue because that's more personal opinion than anything else and obviously not every logo is going to be super exciting but it doesn't really have doesn't have any features that have particularly excited me i think the cab detail is the only thing that's really sort of giving me a buzz today usually i just love learning that eloko's got lights i love seeing all the intricate little details and seeing what a quality mechanism is in there there's not really very much of that with this loco it's just a bit meh overall isn't it but i have to say it looks good at these speeds it does work well don't expect this to perform well over insole frog points if you've got electrified points then that's definitely going to serve these logos better and i have no doubt that i could improve the reliability if i adjusted the pickups but then again this is a review it's not an investigation into how easy it is to fix a loco that is not something that i've ever tried to cover in my reviews and that's besides the point but yeah it's a fine loco it's absolutely fine uh the level of detail is okay but not amazing and the performance and everything else really is about the same let's have some ratings then for hornby's brand new sentinel o60 locomotive and here are the scores yet a little bit uninspiring to be honest isn't it there's nothing terrible about the model but there's no category that is particularly outstanding for the model either it's all done to a bare minimum really every part of it is good enough so that it meets an acceptable standard but nothing more so the level of detail i've given three star there are some decent aspects to the level of detail it's got a much better cab than the old 040 sentinel quite a bit of decoration which is pretty decent and a good number of separately fitted parts which are nice and fine and good looking but the model is missing lights i think that is a big one for a modern and reasonably expensive loco it doesn't have any sprung buffers doesn't have any separately fitted couplings that you can put on the buffer beams no etch name plates or anything like that and the finish is a little bit plasticky it's not what you would call a high quality finish the performance similarly i'm gonna give it three star it loses two marks here because it's not a great crawler we've seen much better from even smaller locos than this and also it does tend to cut out quite a lot on points and in some cases just on regular straight track it's not that reliable i think due to the pickups it is however a really nice smooth quiet runner at the higher speeds and it doesn't seem to have any trouble on second radius in terms of slowing down or torque so overall not a bad performance either the pulling power i think is one area of the model that does actually shine it's a great puller 0.22 newtons or 16 coaches that is more than the hornby d16 it's more than the 200 pound 812 locomotive from bachmann it's even more than hornby's own b2 pekket which is an o6o like this entirely made of metal even better puller than that so pulling power absolutely great the mechanism again it's the bare minimum to be considered okay so it does have proper turn metal bearings on the wheels it's very nice to service good access to the loco chassis and also the axles and such but again flimsy pickups not very good three-pole motor without a flywheel and a very very messy dcc socket solution it's not really a solution they've just soldered a dcc socket into the wiring and they haven't actually designed any proper place for it to go quite lazy and disappointing the quality again not a terrible quality model but it's not quite at the level where i would say it's great so the loco does have great weight it's a good heavy loco and there's a fair bit of diecast on the chassis and also parts of the lower body so that's pretty good but it's got very flimsy plastic handrails which don't always sit straight i'm forever like bending them to try and get them to sit straight wonky buffers for instance pickups that don't look like they're making good contact with the wheels and quite a few wobbly parts as we saw on the detail section not terrible quality but i just think 100 quid could have been a little bit better value for money then i don't think this is as bad as the other categories i think for 108.99 rrp or 98 pounds 10 this isn't too bad i think if the quality was better and it did have a few more detailing features then it would be a fine value but it's not quite at the same standard as other high quality shunting locos i've seen the hatton's p class is one and even hornby's own packets are much better than this for a similar sort of price overall then that is 6.60 out of 10 not a bad score but let's pop it into the logbook yes it is 8th place unfortunately just below the hornby ruston yeah uninspiring and to be honest it wouldn't have been too difficult for hornby to make this a little bit better for what it cost so there you go folks that is the end of this review and don't forget comment down below to let me know what you thought about this i have seen quite a few people on social media and stuff saying oh this is so expensive and you know terrible value um to be honest i don't necessarily agree with that i think i mean it's like i say it's not a bargain or anything but it's nowhere near as unreasonable as some of hornby's other offerings especially when you consider that this is a new tooled loco and it's not 10 years old and there's nothing really that bad about it but sure yeah it could have been better for 110 pounds or whatever this thing costs yeah there is definitely room for improvement here and it's definitely a real shame that this isn't a slightly higher spec model because when you buy from other manufacturers these days generally you can expect a lot higher standard than this and that doesn't really paint hornby in a very positive way on top of everything else that's been going on with them recently but yeah it's fine it's absolutely fine no major issues with this and at least it does work if not in a particularly impressive way so thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this review and i will see you very very soon with some more videos all right cheers folks take care you
Channel: Sam'sTrains
Views: 39,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samstrains, model, trains, hornby, steam, tri-ang, 00 gauge, railway, diesel, class, review, unboxing, bachmann, layout, H0
Id: jLPcUmX9seI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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