Behind ALS: Follow the Muse, The Lindsay Abromaitis-Smith Story

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you can describe yourself to someone that has never met anonymous which [Music] Lindsay was born in Jackson Wyoming I was teaching theater I was working as a performer and a director and a choreographer Lindsay grew up with that when she was really little but sit on her blanket in the back of the classroom and everyone said well she would look up and go mom she's doing it wrong you know she she knew maybe before high school by knew in high school at some points she knew she was gonna spend at least some time in New York City she became successful in pretty short order the London came forward certain things they can make her living tell me in wisdom but I knew inside I think that's that's where she lives who she is is what you're seeing on stage go ahead art is when you sue into yourself to the voiceless then you tell him whew [Music] the muse I haven't seen her in a while and she came to visit in December 2011 she was tired she was like Mohammed just so exhausted and at one point we thought maybe it was thyroid stuff because it runs in the family made an appointment with an endocrinologist and that endocrinologist was like yeah you should go to Johns Hopkins and see their ALS people up there so that's and that's where we got the the final diagnosis when they tell you after what Phyllis is they see most people having two years see use hands up one tell this to me [Music] I know me too much fun it's only how is three and when I'm not making right but not sensible in size this yeah as a mom you're the bottom line you know usually you catch your kids she said I'm back on your feet you brush them off and you give him a push go continue [Music] no that's not working [Applause] yeah here's a pen Jeremie help poll Lindsay out of a pretty dark place yeah well he does the man bun who cares clothes hair clips are for sissies not the moment I met Lindsay she pulled out of her room and she's kind of looked at me she gave you this little sly smile and just kept rolling just kind of filled my heart with a lot of happiness thanks gonna start just the time that you experience being with her you can see that she's a really magical and special woman I think the whole world is seeing her as a person with a disability [Music] I was able to see her immediately as somebody who's totally capable of still giving back to this world transforming something here is relatively missing some things I was so proud of her she just glowed it was great to see her happy and that people were responding to her and people are responding to her work I think maybe I showed her that there's still a lot of beautiful things to live for but I know that the amount that she inspires me just can't be described with words [Music] [Music] yes hey mush amazing hunt it's Turtles to wake up next to a woman like her she girls over and she tells me I'm so grateful that I wake up next to you yes she's always been just lovable people just do they fall in love with her and its really easy man city is is it's all remember when she was working [Applause] never no I said we have tiny arms he sings and something much better than we can ever imagine [Music]
Channel: Cytokinetics
Views: 23,383
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Id: Xnt1kwbyyGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2017
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