Beginning Reloading, Video 44, Pawl Adjustment and Setting the Resize Die Up

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okay guys we are ready to begin the forty-fourth video in the beginning reloading series and all I can say is it's too bad I wasn't doing the 44 Magnum because I'd like to say guys this is the 44th video and we're loading for the 44 okay however now in this video we're loading for the 357 Magnum and you're going to see one other little reason why I chose the 357 Magnum for this series by the end of this video I would imagine there's going to be a lot of guys jumping up run to their local pawn shop so when I show you this you will never ever have issue with your timing again this is how I do it let's get this going first of all when you're reloading if you have a situation where your Paul's come off adjustment and you're locked up like this if you pull your handle back and force the Paul's against the teeth of this drive hub you're going to share those balls now a lot of guys badmouth the Paul's on this say it's a bad design but it's a great design these Paul's are more than strong enough to turn that drive up but they're less than adequate to pry against those teeth once they're bound up so what you have to do something to disengage those Paul's away from those teeth otherwise you're going to be down waiting for Hornady sakes and Paul's by the way I have extras of these I I bought extra from warranty and it's no problem you can do that very wise so when you're in this situation you want to take your right hand and put it up on your handle take your left hand grab your shell plate now I want you to watch the teeth on that just drive hub this tooth right here watch that tooth see I'm locked up if I was just to start pulling on this I couldn't go nowhere watch that tooth that's my hand moving that so you just start jiggling this and look it I freed it right up and guys that's what's going to stop you from sharing your paws off now this is how the Paul's work you have a right Paul and a right adjustment screw you have a left Paul and a left adjustment screw the Paul's are set up on detent Springs okay just like that so what you want to do when you adjust this start out from ground zero run them all the way in okay now what that does is it pulls the poles back and just you can just gently go in and out and you'll see that now you're not going to share them off and now you're ready to be begin dialing these in so now let me tell you how this works the first Paul we're going to adjust is the left Paul that left Paul is the Paul that dials the shell plate or the brass in over the primer to where you can smoothly seat the primer okay the right Paul this side is what aligns the brass going up into their loading dice AHA always start with the left just the way you read from left to light right you're going to start with this Paul now what you want to begin doing is I would say go ahead and turn it out a good healthy three-quarters of a turn I can't see this because the cameras on the way guys this goes 3/4 of a turn but I wouldn't go much more for now okay as you can see it's not touching is it I'm not spinning anything so let's come out a little more I'm going to go another 3/4 of a turn and each time you adjust it move it real slow ok now let's see where this is going to dial in in we're off aren't we can you see how we're off there so we're looking to try and get dis centered on that primer and what we're doing right now is we're roughing it in that's all we're doing so it needs to go a little further so what we're going to do is we're going to extend the paul out a little further if you need to go further in the rotation with the shell plate the paul adjustment has to come out the paul has to extend out if the shell plate is passing your point of aim pun intended then you have to pull the Paul in so let's put our Paul out a little more and boy I'm just going to go quarter on this that's all we're close aren't we so now as a ruffian if once you get familiar with your pres you kind of know where it needs to line up with the brass and that's close that's real close but not quite not quite but I'll tell you we don't need to go much more than oh maybe up there that's it that's it see how this looks we're closed okay that felt kind of natural going in as natural as I can tell so now we don't have the upper part dialed in you don't want to go in and slam this brass into the head of the press there so we're going to come up halfway index now let's go down when you're at this point all you're going to do is gently push the handle because we're wanting to see if the primer is going to seat Wow guys check that out that's just an accident there now let's kind of see how the primer looks that's pretty doggone good guys and it was smooth they'll locate our primers missing let's see if it'll feed okay we we got the primer okay halfway index up oh it's nice guys is so nice the primer is not dragging on the sub plate there we go that's how you are going to get your primer dialed in okay halfway index up how's that guys nice and smooth that's how you dial that in you do one one at a time you do the bottom first and now we're going to tackle the top so now this is why we really benefited from doing the 357 Magnum I put a lot of thought into this when I begin this reloading series i sat down with paper and I plan my journey I knew what the questions would be and so for this press the hardest brass for me so far to get two feet smoothly into the reloading dies is a 357 Magnum well the 38 special same diameter 9 mil is pretty doggone close you know what I'm saying it's just pretty much the same but the reason the 357 Magnum is harder is this a longer piece of brass because it's longer it tends to just not be centered as the 9 or the 38 special so if you can get this dialed in for the 357 Magnum you going to whip and that's my opinion so what you're going to do is you are going to take your resized die because the resize is the hardest one to get into its the tightest if you're going to snag any die that's going to be it you're going to put it into position 4 1 2 3 4 the reason you're not going to put it in 5 is 5 is where your retainer spring falls out of support and all your brass kind of tends to kind of lean so you'll never get that into the resize die but station for you will alright so now what we're going to do is I'm going to stick a piece of brass in and I'm going to go ahead and stick one of these already primed pieces of rafting and the reason I'm sticking a piece of behind brass Ian just so you know is because I'm going to have a primer in the primer slide and I'm not trying to prime every time and I don't want to accidentally get one stuck halfway into the case and be stuck you know which probably wouldn't happen but I'm just going to avoid it so now I'm going to point the camera to the bottom of that resized eye and our goal is is to hit the hole of that die so let's index it around and here we go not even close is it yeah see we're hitting there so it's not going far enough remember if it's not going far enough the paul needs to come out if it's going too far your paul needs to go in so let's turn our paul out and i'm just going to go ahead and play with it okay i'm going to put this piece of brass in i'm going to index it around i'm going to focus the camera and let's see how close we are now it's wanting to but that's not acceptable and you know what i know guys they kind of run that way you know until I show them how to dial it in that's hard on your breath it's kind of hard on everything really really is okay so let me put my brass back in there hang on to take the brass out actually okay I'm going to go ahead back this out about another quarter we're getting close now let me put the brass back on this yellow plate I'm going to index it around okay guys oh very close but we want did and this to me honestly guys guys I listen to me I don't have issues with my timing the reason I don't have issues with my timing is I treat this just the way I do when I measure my powder I want it dead on okay dead on we look at that guys now it's going in but remember what I said about the length of the brass now watch it the top is centered but the bottom isn't and if I go it's kind of going to oblong that in other words the base of that brass is not anywhere not lined up with that resize I can feel it and I can see it okay now I want you to look at some new piece of brass do you see the story that brass was leaned over and when it wouldn't that die if I push that brass it would have kind of worked that whole piece of brass read your brass brass tells a really good story of everything you do and that brass is saying hey you're not far enough man so now let us Snug it I mean we're talking just a horse share here I'm going to get another piece of brass and I'll resize that on a later date and that brass is fine I mean that's what razz is so soft metal right oh man look at that guy's so we're in we are gold that's how you adjust the upward okay so now okay guys I'm going to tell you guys the secret I don't want anyone to know this this is the first part of the video we're just rolling dudes and when I tell you this I laughed when I thought about this as soon as you see this in my mind I see 50 million guys grabbing their car keys jumped in the car and going to the first pawn shop I'm busting through the door and asking for this do you guys know okay I love pawn shops guys I am a pawn shop freak anytime you find some of the pawn shop I don't care what video it is you just put on a comment that you found whatever a pawn shop that has to do is for loading your guns I am so onto that I don't care what it is I don't care what brand guys I have asthma so I apologized for my shortness of breath but okay when you go to the reloading shop you're going to walk up to the guy you're going to say do you have any extra reloading dyes that are oddballs and he'll say oh I have a bucket over there you can look through and what's in the bucket little did you know is gold sheer gold and you say Jim why is that because if you find 357 magnum resized eyes are 38 specials Oh lights are going off in your heads all over the world look at that guy's so now I have four in there because see I could have began moving this one to check each spot okay but now I got them all in each spot you don't need one in the the fifth spot because I'll show you I'll show you why you'll see why now this is the lead crimp die why because it's also pretty narrow to get into it's it's it's about as narrow as the resize but I'm looking for another resize because they're just so specs on them are so tight so now guys you guys are going all I got I boy ha ha and guys don't go buy your new Sesa dies don't do that but when you're in a yard sale and someone has an all 357 Magnum die resize die you're going to buy it now let's just see we're not said are we we're closed and you're saying well you know hi boy that's weird it it was lined up on the other one exactly right you got to test all these and so now it was a little too far I'm going to turn this in turn the paw in and now ending on guys I want to justice die a little better so you can see it give me just a second guys you guys going past with the dice anyway you're not too worried about that the cameras not quite able to see the end of this so I want to okay Oh velvet guys velvet okay so there's our first one now now look guys I'm not having to stop and move the dye each time there we go oh my god yeah that's it so now this is why it won't work on the fifth station see the brass is unsupported by the spring and it will lean but that's okay because it automatically the bullet guides into the leaf Factory the bullet will realign that to that last die so that's okay so now we're good there we're good there we're good there that's sweet guys so now let me tell you something you notice that we kind of snagged on this one here the last time that doesn't matter and I'll tell you why you're going to put a seat die I mean a expander die there those aren't is this it this tight the one you're worried about this first position is the most critical okay there you go this is the one we're really worried about that's the one that we want to really get dialed in I was so perfect perfect so now we have all the dies in here you say well I could do it with one but can you do this with one die this gives you that chance you have five resized dies in here okay I'm sorry four and you're trying all of them at once and you're watching this is how I get my pressed Aldean guys okay my glasses are kind of fogging up there we go once again we're hanging up on this die but it doesn't matter okay the reason it doesn't matter is this is going to be your powdering position and the hole is going to be larger than that this is the one you want to make sure these you're just you're just running on those just to make sure you're in the ballpark that's all guys my I press is ready to rock and roll so we're going to run the reload session just like this this hat will be so guys that's how I do it and I don't have issues with my timing at all so I hope now that you can run with this and so I might I don't know if this answers everybody's questions I might not do another one if if I can do a better job of filming it down the road I will so guys this is the last video just going into the reload but now since we're here a young guy anyone I'm adjusting my tripod here okay that's my dog drinking his water I guess he thinks this is a break it's not okay by the way on your research take all your d cap pins out and if you can when you're buying your resized eyes try to stay with the same brand that way you get all the same d cap pins right okay hang on guys I'm sorry bear with me man see you so instructional so you just got a bear with me some guys they get mad if you waste their time but it's kind of like well I don't think I'm wasting your time if I'm help here so we're going to go ahead since we're loading this up we're going to dial in our resize and we're not going to worry about D Prime if you want to learn about D Prime go back to the single stage press and I Ellis trait how to do that and I'm going to have a separate video just on D priming actually I'll have separate videos coming out on each stage talk a little closer on each one so so now let's go ahead and set our resize up in this video okay there we go I'm tagged out on my shell plate I'm going to adjust my locker ring we're ready to go so what have we done we've set the priming system up we've got the shell plate setup I showed you how to dial the priming system in - on the last video this video showed you how to do the pawl adjustment now we have our resize setup and guess what our primers setup so guys on the forty-fifth video I'm going to show you how to get your expander setup guys thanks a lot I appreciate your patience see on the next video
Channel: 76Highboy Reloading
Views: 32,730
Rating: 4.8941798 out of 5
Id: UXms1-ZsPnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2014
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