Beginners Guide to Handloading - Part 2d: Depriming and Resizing

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so in this video what I'm going to talk about is how to be Prime and resize your brass using a press now this is the method that I use there's a couple other different methods but I find this one to be pretty good for my needs and Hatem and I haven't had any issues at all so first first to the law subsection of this video is gonna be how to set up your die properly for resizing the instructions that comes with the RCBS dies they're they're pretty good but I had I found them a little bit confusing overwhelming the very first time that I got into reloading I figured that I would just go through it in my own words and what to do here so first thing you're gonna want to do is take your shell holder put it in your brass or put it in your press like so and then screw in your resizing and D priming die which it's the one that has the pin in it not all the way but far enough where doesn't it fall out run this thing all the way up so just let me just leave it sit and then run the die all the way down until it hits that shoulder when it hits the show holder run the press back down and then screw the die another in another eighth to a quarter turn and then kind of secure the hand secure the black washer there and then run the press back up and then you should feel a little bit uh should feel it cam at the very bottom on the pole and that's exactly what you want if you feel it feel it cams yeah bounces there then you know you're good so you run it back down and you take your allen wrench and make sure you have some good ones so you don't strip these little brass set screws and then you tighten it up and I found with these set screws that when you tighten them up sometimes when you back out the die they're still not all the way tight so I like back it out so the black washer isn't against the press and give it another given amount of turn doesn't need to be super tight but need to be pretty tight okay that's it for adjusting the resizing guy next we'll go ahead and show you how to do the case loop and then we're gonna do the adjust this D priming pin here so the cameras readjusted here I'll be right back all right next up like I have assigned was you're gonna need to lube the brass before you can run this brass or the resizing guy or like I have a saying in the last video your brats will become stuck and it's a huge pain in the ass to get out if you can even get it out so first thing case Lube you will need case lube and a pad and like I was talking in the burger telling you guys in the last video this is the method I choose for Lube you can pick whatever you want but this is what work for me so you apply this to the pad not too much probably I don't know not even an eighth of a teaspoon of that that's probably a little bit too much actually but what I usually do is this stuff's kind of sticky pick this neck brush and just kind of smear it around a little bit it doesn't squeeze out the case would be the squeeze out of a bottle like you think it would so it's it's not like a liquid it's almost like a albert's blue type deal so which smear that on the pad there you're doing two things spread around Lube and you're also getting some get some Lube on the brush here so I have six six or so I guess seven pieces of prime dress and if you've been watching the video series I've already cleaned these once in my tumbler which is why my pads so nice and clean and way I do it here is I just run these run ease on the pad like so take neck brush run it in and out each and then you are ready to insert them into your die and resize and d-prime so let me readjust the camera here I'm going to show you how to adjust the priming pin on your die and also did the D priming step so we'll see you in a minute alright guys so the next thing that you're going to want to do is adjust your priming pin and your die and to do that what you need to do is unscrew this nut along with this threaded rod here is back that all the way up now there's also there's two pieces to this so there's the see if you can see it here there's the piece that actually D primes and then there is the pin which of the pin and then there's also the piece that resizes that the neck of the cartridge so this what I do is screw this thing in and then once it screw down and this pen this threaded rod here bringing that priming pin and there resizing up and down so what you want to do is screw that in so it's out so you can see it held down here about an inch or so put your piece of brass in and run it all the way up and he could probably heard that but the parameter just popped out and landed it right here in the press I brought it out and you can see the primer is gone so we'll do one more here press run it up timer pops out and that is really it as always to it so what I'll do is I'll get the camera set up but I'm going to run through the whole process and I'm gonna do I don't know about 15 20 or so let you getting let you see kind of gauge how many you can do this X amount of time so one thing I do want to note too is I had was D priming some 30.6 brass it's the old stuff and the primer my primer pan kept breaking and I went through about three of them uh spray pissed off and did a lot of reading on the internet and what I found is one way to prevent that is if you run your priming pin all the way up so it's it only so the pin isn't hitting like when you're halfway down when you're halfway through a full stroke on here or you know 3/4 of the way you want to have it so the primer pops out at the very end of the stroke that way it it helps prevent the pin from if it's a little bit off-center it'll help that pin from a1 to snap if if the primers are tough to get out like that so just a little tip that I found in the past it's worked for me and hopefully it works for you if you have the same problem so I will see you in a sec one thing I learnt to note is once you resize and once you adjust this D priming and resizing die once it's all adjusted you likely won't have to mess with it for a long time so just wanted to point that out next time we get ready to do this you won't have to mess with this you just take it out of case screw it in and you'll be good to go so let me go ahead and not run through about dozen and a half pieces of brass and show you how this process goes without taking any breaks or anything English so you can kind of see how quickly you can get through you know the brass so let's go ahead and get started so then if you remember these were these are the same five pieces of brass that were on here so I already little ready to go so I'm going to do this and the next batch of six or seven I put on here I'll little buff again sometimes the primers don't fall into this little mechanism to have on this primer run this press very good it works all right sometimes you get some stress on the floor pick on some of the other presses like the reading they have a tube I think the primers actually fall down into this and then the piece of this press that goes up and down here I like that model I like that design a little bit better but this one works good enough for me maybe if I decide to have one press set up specifically for D priming and resizing and another one right next to it set up for seating maybe I do get a better press at that point I should say better probably one that D Prime's a little bit better or maybe I'm supposed to a different D priming method there's some other ones out there so you can see this is pretty tough once you get wrong not a hard stuff at all you don't have to worry about measuring anything and we really think you have to be careful on is make sure you don't get piece of brass stuck in that die and the way you make sure you don't do that is to make sure there's now if you put too much Lube this pad and you go and start resizing you will see that you will get dents in your case and your brass so if you see that you're depriving and resizing and you have dents in the neck those are causes from too much loom and the grass so these dies in precision and when you have extra Lube on them and you run them up in there the lube has nowhere else to go but into the brass which is why they dent so just keep an eye out for that you're on throw just take a look at them and make sure that's not happening if you have a dent in the case then that's gonna talk about this in the next couple of videos but that's gonna decrease the amount of volume in the brass itself which will in turn increase the amount of pressure which could cause very good cause you have a very bad day so we'll talk about that in the next couple videos but you can see how fast I went through the brass there so the next step is going to be to run them through for a final cleaning to clean that primer pocket out a little more so I will see you in the next set thanks for watching you
Channel: Ready Set Reload
Views: 226,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ammunition, handloading, reloading, handloading press, tools, reloading press, rcbs, case lube, lube pad, neck brush, resizing, depriming, dies
Id: xLgcZU0lP10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2016
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