Advanced 10.2 Vengeance Demon Hunter Guide | Dorki

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hello everyone welcome to my 10.2 Vengeance team Hunter guide for season 3 there's been some major changes to ventry and tar set fev is now a 45-second base cool down which gets reduced to 27 seconds with dark lir Boon there's a new Talent called illuminated sigil that gives 20% Parry from Sigil of flame and it gives you two charges of every single sigil including Legion decree misery silence and chains there is easy access to py of binding now F flame fortification and sigils of chains which gives you a lot of utility and defensiveness fire brand also now spreads and ticks every second instead of 2 seconds making it feel significantly better for AOE PS the new tier set also gives way more sigua flame up time and damage it also generates way more cells particularly in AOE which means more painbringer Stacks more CDR on demon spikes if you're expecting to feed the demon and a lot more Spirit bombs so all of this just means that Demon Hunter relies a lot less on big cooldowns to survive and a lot less ramping that we saw in season 2 where you had to spread all your fiery Brands and then finally get started there's a lot less of that thre generation is also much better with all of upfront damage and Burl glaive actually got buffed making your range generation a little bit better calcified spikes also now applies when you refresh demon spikes rather than waiting for demon spikes to drop which is a huge quality of life change making it much easier to keep up calcified spikes Darkness now is 30% chance to avoid damage in M plus specifically which is actually insane it's probably the best group y defensive CD now let's go over the gear for stats you'll want roughly the same as before which is just haste crit inverse all three of them are really good stats this weapon from raid will also be super good if you can get it or trinkets you should go for a prophetic Stone scales which comes from dawn of the infinite this is a cheat def trinket super good highly recommend and for the second trinket I would go for FX trinket which comes from the last boss this gives you a large absorb on a minute and a half cool down and it does decent bit of damage if not there are other options this one from raid gives you very good damage same with this one right here augre and this one's also pretty good for damage this one's a really good stat stick as well from raid these four trinkets are all from raid if you have no way of getting any of these Trinkets and you want to get from only M plus you can also get one of these two trinkets this one's from dawn of the infinite and this one's from dark heart fiet these are just stat sticks so go for prophetic Stone scales and then one of these other seven or so trinkets as for embellishments you pretty much go for the same thing go for slimy boots and you can go for the toxified patch then once you have a lot of sockets you can go for Elemental Lar over the toxic patch Elemental Larry just gives you a bunch of stats and it scales based off of the number of sockets you have on all right now let's take a look at the reworked talent tree for the base tree this is basically what you go for you don't really change from this you go for felblade now because you are using way more Spirit bombs which means you need much more Fury if you want to go for Purge in this tree you would have to drop a of pain down here you can also drop demon muzzle for reduced dark CD if you want darkness is extremely powerful now it's 30% chance to avoid any damage on the spect Tre this will be the default build for most of you guys it has no Sigil of chains which is kind of boring but it does very high damage and it's super tanky you've got all the defensive components from painbringer void Reaver stacked with soul crush and you've got Firebrand spreading and there's the Dark lir Boon which gives you a short F Dev CD this Talent right here is a must have this is the only mandatory talent I would say the fiery brand talents are super good in this build because fire brand spreads every second now rather than 2 seconds and Sig flame does a ton of damage now meaning you're doing crazy amounts of a damage every time you have fire your Brands up if you want a bit more of a defensive super highkey fortified build similar to last season I would go with this build right here so this build you drop all of Vel Crush stuff which means you lose a lot of damage and you actually lose a lot of single Target tankiness in particular but you do pick up Sig of chains which is really nice and you do have feed the demon and Last Resort feed the demon means that you basically can spam spikes forever you will never run out of spikes and you will just be passively really tanky which makes it really nice for Fortify trash it's also kind of hard to mess up with this build with this build you can also drop some damage like ascending Flame and pick up uh void Reaver can also drop s chains pick up one of these and for one last build is keeping Soul Crush but taking sigo of chains this is the build I've been using a bunch on PTR I kind of like it you have one point in feed the demon and I feel like that's enough to give you almost Perma spikes up time especially in AOE this also keeps sigro of chains but you do lose all of this fire brand stuff which means you are losing a ton of damage by not going down this route so just theault to this build this is like the high damage you could use this up to probably like some of the highest keys and I'd probably like even run this in like tyrannical keys or like keys where you don't want Sig of chains but if you do want Sig of chains I'd probably go for one of these other two builds instead all right here's some footage and let's take a look at how Vengeance plays in keys so key starts I go in I tag a pack from far with fro glaive meta right away since a large pull you can honestly just met the first pull every single time fire brand pretty early on so it starts spreading keep my sigil a flame up I also tossed a Sigil of flame earlier in the pack so that I can get the 20% Parry right away You're super tanky right away with just spikes and Sigil of flame but obviously this is a bigger pulse we have more going on so again keep siga flame up at all times combined with theu brand it actually does crazy amounts of damage and you're going to want to weave in allegion De Crees every time you Spirit Bomb so it usually look something like get to five Souls Spirit Bomb Legion decree Spirit Bomb again also just continue to keep Sig flame up on the mobs at all times I have it tracked over here make sure using IMO Ora on CD so it's extending your Brands and your siga flames and you can honestly just Spam spikes if you're doing a larger pole like this well assuming you have U feed the demon so going into new pole same thing sigil flame right away this generates way more aggro than ever before because sigal flame actually does a ton of damage now so by me Sig flaming every single mob I should have a crazy amount of aggro B straight into a fev since fdev is such a short TD you just want to get the tankiness right away fire band when it's up and same thing just keep up Sigil of flame weave in the crease and just get out as many spear bombs as you [Music] can and yeah demon is actually pretty simple to play compared to before as long as you're maintaining your Sig of flames and keeping spikes up you should be very tanky it's basically a blood Decay with permanent dancing R weapon because like right now I have about 50% parry and 15% or so Dodge all right now here are some examples of some pretty cool uses of Demon Hunter utility that you can't do with any other tank here's us sending up the pole ATT tag two sides here there are six total casters all these casters are extremely dangerous I drop a grip sigil in the middle it gets them all grouped up up drop a fear all these mobs are nice and tightly stacked except for this one Oracle Pula boss back sigil flame to break it group him once more to tightly group him silent sigil and then one more silence sigil with the oppressive Roar boom right there 12 second silence [Music] and I still have a fear a grip and a stun to stop these cters so there's a chaos Nova grip again and they're all dead this is part of why Demon Hunter is so insane for this patch and this type of utility would be huge for a lot of these heavy Caster PS so a should cover all the important topics for 10.2 Demon Hunter if you have any questions regarding Demon Hunter still you can leave down in the comment below also check out some of the older Demon Hunter guides because a lot of it is still relevant so whenever you guys ask about like sole versus Spirit Bomb that's been addressed in the past two Demon Hunter videos so I would highly recommend checking that out but yeah with that said thank you all very much for watching hopefully you guys have everything you need to know about Demon Hunter and have fun [Music]
Channel: Dorki
Views: 118,606
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Keywords: dorki, dorkibear, world of warcraft, wow, mythic, plus, m+, spec, tier, list, dungeon, tanks, best, 10.2, new, dragonflight, expansion, ptr, test, cat, boomy, boomkin, dorkiboar, all, tank, healer, dps, ranked, rank, fun, high, level, realm, talents, io, top, prot, warrior, war, paladin, pally, pal, bear, guardian, vengeance, vdh, blood, frost, unholy, dk, death knight, havoc, demon hunter, monk, brewmaster, brm, meta, rogue, mage, shaman, druid, evoker, aug, augmentation, warlock, priest, hunter, class, classes, specs, stream, twitch, live, lego, weekly, clips
Id: cJUd7jFaamM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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