Beginners Guide How to Reload Ammunition (300 Win Mag)

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thank you for choosing to watch this video on reloading we're going to talk about reloading rifle ammunition typically the same principles apply whether you're reloading rifle or pistol ammunition same processes there's a few different components the bullets and powder stuff that you could use so first of all I'm going to go quickly as I can through the basics of reloading so anyone who just bought a new kit or is looking to buy a kit or the tools to reload that they can kind of get a really good start with it and go from there and towards the end of the video I'll go over kind of a few more specific details and where I get the where I get the recipes or formulas basically for the powder I use and how I determine how much powder and everything else and why I do that that I'm going to try to run through quick we then through this so right here is a bag of spent brass that I have when you shoot brass the brass will get longer and so if you keep shooting and shooting it you can damage your pistol you can hurt yourself have misfires a bunch of different issues not safe to do so so you need to and most importantly you're hurting accuracy so what you want to do is we need to shave off a little bit that end now one of the tools that you'll need is a caliper this is already preset to the round I'm reloading and I'm reloading a 300 Win Mag so I've already dialed in the the length of that it should be and it's just a little bit long it's not quite fitting in there between so what I'll do is I need to use the the trimmer to trim back the casing a little bit now this trimmer that I have here is made by Hornady nothing special about it I don't have a screw to the table because I don't have a whole lot of workspace to work with so I like to go stow it when I'm not using it and it's really not too difficult to just hold and twist at the same time so what you have is you have here the the trim side and then a pilot this goes inside your your casing to hold it a stable it comes with multiple sizes of pilots so you don't need to worry about getting of those will come in your kit the other thing that it has here is a shell holder it's a universal shell holder now on a Hornady trimmer it will only fit a Hornady shuffler which isn't great but that's just the way it works the shell holder does not come with the the trim set everything else comes with it and then to adjust it what you would do is is you could either get an already set round put it in there and then it just has set or set brass and put it in there that's not already been trimmed and you basically dial it in and set it with this really easy to do won't go into too much detail do that so let's get it trimmed what we'll do is we just go ahead and we drop it into the shoulder tighten it in then we're going to push it now you'll hear as I'm turning you'll hear it grinding and then you can hear when it just starts to rub against the the brass and stops actually shaving parts off once you're there you've taken off all the lengths you need now another tool you'll need is this basically cleans out the inside top and the outside top of the neck so we take the first part olive oil burs and strainings that are let's still laughs after doing that again just give it a few turns clean out the inside this side will be the outside and there's variations on this tool to say they look the same but sometimes they're your tool tools or whatever I really like this just being one simple tool so there we are so I'll shaven ready to go you can check it and there it is it fits perfectly into the caliper so we're the right size now the next tool next thing we're going to do now that we've got the length right we need to prep it for reshaping the the brass and removing the primer and the first thing we're going to do for that is I've got a loop pad here and the loop I use it's more like a a lien type consistency this brand is made by Hornady the most important thing is that's more kind of a Vaseline type deal it's not Vaseline but it has that feel that I've tried the other aerosol spray Lube that they have out there they do not work whatsoever for rifle rounds really don't waste your money on those you want something that's a little bit thicker consistency so you get started what you'll do is you'll take a little bit I'm not putting a whole lot on the pad since I've already looped it up and used it before and it's pretty well lubed but when you get the first time you buy up a little bit pretty heavily and then you billet L is as your rounds aren't being resized take a little more effort then maybe you need to put a little bit more Lube on your pad you can do quite a few rounds I mean we're talking about 50-plus rounds per lubing then what I'll do is I'll scrape any excess off and also that spreads it all the way across the whole pad set the casing just run around so it's fully lube now all the way around is plate lubed it doesn't need to fit right around the top of the neck you have to worry about that so now we're all set with the lubing now one additional thing that I do that I haven't seen other people do I'm sure they probably do pretty often is that I'll take some Lube and I'll actually put it inside the neck of the the casing the reason is when you resize it there's actually a head that will come in the inside and help push it and out and end and keep it stable as well and it can be kind of sticky when it does that so a little bit of Lube I found to help I just need a little bit just dab it in there a little bit and just take it spread it inside I use a q-tip works really well ideas just get just a little bit of Lube there on the inside now I'm only showing one round at a time normally I'd be doing twenty to thirty rounds at any time sometimes more but you guys want to see me do all that so I'm just doing one at a time so it's much much quicker than this when you're when you're actually doing it more action this I'm just trying to show you how it's done keep it as simple as possible okay so now we're all ready to resize it and remove the primer now one thing that you'll need to get this won't come with any kid lay by you have to buy them special for the different caliber you have this is the die set for a 300 Win Mag it's made by quantity there's a budgeted for manufacturers out there the first die that we're going to use to resize this resizing die this pin here removes the primer and then the casing will go in there it'll reshape the casing as well to adjust this the length here on the die is super easy self-explanatory to do the only thing that you'll need to pay attention of that I didn't catch the very beginning is when you're twisting you'll twist this down to lower that or raise the pin and then you'll need a set of pliers and you'll tighten this bolt there up on top and that'll keep the pin from going up and down so if your pins going up and down make sure that's tighter on top the second diet is your bullet setting die make sure that your your bullet goes on straight into your casing and sets it in for you now I'm going to go ahead and move the camera just a little bit this is the press that I use I use a Hornady press again nothing special about it the way it works is it's one thing nice actually hornaday's has a quick set and release for the primer so drop it in and turn it really nice feature right here this is the another shell holder Universal shell holder that fits the casing that I that I'm using now it's going to be a little bit awkward because I'm holding camera with one hand but what you'll do to remove the primer is you'll put the brass in there just pull down on the lever and then just pull it back up now that'll get easier those will hard pulling up one because I was using one hand the other is as I do more and more rounds will start looping that head that goes inside of the brass so there we are you may have seen the primer fall and there we are right there with the primer removed and the brass reshaped okay now that we're done with that we're going to go ahead and we have to clean out the primer pocket so what we'll do is there's a tool here you can buy a bunch of tool kits that have a bunch different tools this is one that works for me you just drop it right there to the primer pocket give it a few turns and it will clean the clean the primer pocket out there just fine for you so that your primary gets set in there nice and easy now I reprime on the the press they have hand deals that you can go with I really don't like them as much feel and get a lot better job and quicker for me on the press so what you'll do is it comes with the piece like this now for some reason I've seen people keep them on the press mind just never quite stays on rice how you just take it off put it in you just drop it it's ready to go you'll see there go ahead and take the priming to off now here's my my charges our primers I've got there's magnum rifle and non Magnum make sure if you're sure you Magnum using Magnum non Magnum Magnum and there we are just drop one out so that's what we're just really kind of a small small little deal to take it you'll set it right there on top and now what we'll do is again this is a little bit hard that's just one handsome and raise it and just a little bit sometimes that'll stick just to here okay again normally it's not that problematic we doing two hands go ahead and put the casing in and all you have to do is just push it down just snugly not too hard just going to make sure it's in there secure pull it out and there you are you've got your primer in there you know that's all the boring stuff for me now we going to add start making more of a bullet so now we've got we're all ready to start putting powder inside the bullet it's ready to go and I normally have a shell holder I put these in doesn't do one a time I'm not doing that so we'll go ahead and set the scale here just electronic scale take the little cup that it comes with just put it on let it calibrate its weight and there's a button you push when you get it self-explanatory that'll neutralize and tear out the weight so that you're at zero now we're doing based on my formula I need sixty sixty point three grains of powder inside my round so what we'll do is I'm going to go ahead and fill this with some powder now what I use here just to get the main load I have a Hornady kind of powder dispenser they're not really really accurate and I go for long range and far shooting so having inconsistencies is something that really wouldn't work for me so but this does get me closer I don't have to dump it right from the can into the into the cup so there we are so I'll just load it up with the load again this is really easy to adjust and to use not complicated at all you just reading the manual you'll get it so then I'll put that there on the scale and it comes to 58.5 grains so I'm a little bit light which I expected then it comes to the tool that just lets you just trickle out just a few little grains at the time so here we are these these scales are extremely sensitive and you'll be surprised at how little powder it actually takes to get ready to be okay so there we are 60.3 all set and ready to go then what you'll do is you'll grab a funnel and you'll put the the case in there underneath and just drop the powder into the funnel and we're set now to put a bullet in so grab the ball here also I'm going to grab my my die for the putting the bullet in I'm going to put it into the press and I'll show you that here now one problem that happens it's to me it's worth it but when I loop the inside you get a little bit of powder that sticks around the end of your your neck so I'll usually just quickly just push the barrel or the bullet and the top to make sure to shut down so that I don't don't Jam anything up as I put it there and now we'll go ahead and move you over here to see the press okay so I'm going to remove the primer just go ahead and seat put your a brass in place your bullet and it holds all by itself the way that it's set up and then I just simple as that and there you are you've got a completed 300 Win Mag round nothing different or unique about this round when it comes to reloading than any other round and then I'll wipe it off with a cloth and stuff and I'm done so that I the scale that extra Lube off so I'm gonna have all that on there okay now if you're still interested you can stay watching the video and I'll kind of go to how I how I determine the powder settings and different things like that also how I decide what type of bullet I want to buy so what I have here this book again is by order - you can see I just got step Authority they have a lot of really easy-to-use kits and everything else like that so this basically has the loads for every single pistol rifle that you can possibly imagine I mean maybe there's one it doesn't have but that that would be extremely rare so what you're looking for I'm gonna skater a little bit people who want to do a bit more of long-range shooting five hundred thousand yards or longer and really want to have extreme accuracy now because I shoot so long I look for a bullet that has a high ballistic coefficient C so the one that I skewed here is the number thirty seven one five bullet by Hornady as a coefficient of 0.5 3 and the overall length if I wanted to measure one of the casings should come out to three point three four inches now what you have here it's gonna be a little bit hard to see but when you get a book you understand there's all the left here there's an yellow there's a bunch of different powder names that you can use and the grains that you'll want to that you can fill it to and the velocity here that the bullet will go at this again is for a 300 Winchester Magnum where it's the red means don't go any higher than this so what I did when I determined what round I want to do I wanted a faster shooting where I'm going longer distance travel more area without the much drop was really what I was trying to go for I chose this hybrid with 100 V now it has different settings all the way from 58.3 grains to sixty eight point two grains so there's a quite a variation it goes from 2,500 feet percent of the 3,000
Channel: Letme ShowYou
Views: 100,719
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Keywords: 300 win mag, 300 winchester magnum, reloading ammuniition, reloading bullets, how to reload, how to reload bullets, how to reload ammunition, how to make bullets, how to make ammunition, reloading supplies, reloading equipment, How to reload rifle ammunition, how to reload rifle bullets, how to reload ammo, reloading ammo
Id: 2PtImfwNVrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2012
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