Art Collage Process using Magazine Cut Outs ♡ Maremi's Small Art ♡

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everything that you see here on my desk today it's chosen by you guys today on my Facebook page I've asked you what would you like to see I used as a product on my next video and you gave me so many answers so please if you wish next time to take part in a conversation like this be sure to check my Facebook page because I do ask your suggestions often and I do use them and I wanted to do a break a blank page series today and continue with it but since so many of you mentioned collage thing I thought you know what I actually have never done a magazine collage project which is a good thing to come up with and to do and also before previously I have been asked as well about it so I thought maybe it's a destiny and I should do it but instead of using my journal book or instead of using aboard a page that I already had I decided to use my cereal box and have a sturdy nice background pretty big as well because I wish to maybe make a face from a magazine and we should see you like texture you would like some stenciling stamping gelatos ink sense oil pastels and so much any magazine cut out so I hope to involve all of those or most of it or maybe more we will see in the project today I hope you will enjoy that so join me today for a bit of a creative time with me I have to I confess something I I don't have many magazines at home this is like she catalog from Avon from cosmetic company and I found this beautiful face and that inspired me to actually go for it I was looking through it looking through it and this was like this is it and then another magazine that I do have that with sometimes by its merit or a Polish one which is about building a house or renovating a house and we moved to our own house would build a two years ago so yeah it's quite old but when I was moving their pages and stuff I found them things and I I mean this is it this is my this is my inspiration for today the bulbs and the face and we will see and what will happen so I'm gonna actually take her out from there and I will attach her to my page basically I touch her to my to my page to my page what should I say to my cardboard isn't it already perfect I wish to have such a perfect face who wouldn't like that and I have an idea look at this bulbs around hair 'hard as hair here doesn't make sense I'm gonna cut them out and see how this will be because maybe I'm now completely making this pot and it's silly idea or maybe this is gonna be fantastic idea I don't know so I will just to clear and the reason I decided to change my plans for today's from break a blank page series that's you totally lost and we will come back to it I promise you I changed it because because because you have inspired me with your answers to do something different so basically that's their that's the reason now I'm not I don't think I'm gonna be that super precise again this is a total improvisation process but I hope it's gonna be helpful for both beginners and those who are looking for something different that are maybe looking for inspiration that is just fresh for them so go for it grab your magazines we don't have many magazines what a pity and I know that you have some fantastic pictures in the magazines often too to cut out and all there are people who really love that kind of thing maybe if I had more magazines the same but I don't I'm also thinking to add flowers in their head it would be just interesting or maybe cogs I don't know there are so many possibilities now isn't it when you think about it when you think about it I've done lots of things today so I don't think before the video now I don't think I will finish the video before collecting Emily from school and this is not gonna be short video I can see it already unless we come up with some genius ideas and it's gonna be a genius just like that but I don't think so I think we would work with this page and I'm fasiq I think now a bit isn't it I remember this comment on my and under one of my videos and I was laughing and loved it to bits when someone said you are one of or the only one or one of the rare cases youtuber that is fussy cutting and even you're fussy cutting is interesting and I like listening to you even while you're fussy cut or she said something like even though you're fast cutting could be fascinating or something like that if you hear this I'm sure you if you hear my comments now watching this video I'm sure you know I'm talking about you because that one's happened so I do remember this comment and yeah oops this bulb doesn't look straight in any sense so yes I've done a lot I've done soup a cream of veggie pumpkin ish kind of soup so that's ready well all I have to do is mix it with do you think I have to do that I've done washing already Hoover cleared all the dishes and everything and it took me hours so that's why I'm saying I don't think we're gonna finish the video now maybe tomorrow I'll see I'll see although I love starting the project and finish it on time of finishing as I stand but stand or sit but it may not happen it may not be possible what do you think guys so far I wonder what's in your mind because in my mind I'm pretty loving it I'm pretty excited because it's different and that's nice it's nice to get out of your comfort zone now what would be the best medium to add this to your project I believe that gel medium would be your option your best option you're go to have your go to a medium so that's what I will do but I'm thinking should I add my recreate my background first and then add my face not my face this girl's face or should I do it opposite I think I'm gonna do a background and then add her and then work from there I'm thinking that I will cut the bulb so I will have it at least there in place in case I change my mind and maybe I'm not gonna add them at all but that's interesting isn't it I think quite unique I've done that project in real life with Emily photos years ago I should find that I'll promise you to try to find it on my computer and I actually added some bulbs and some other strange things on her on her head that kind of way like a crowny but that was all 3 4 years ago and it was like a real real thanks that the magazine cut out so it was nice um I think she's very pretty and it's gonna be so sad to draw and paint on her but we have to change her don't you think we have to change her somehow and do something with her perfect face because in the world of art journaling collaging nothing is perfect so ok we have our bulbs and I love that and I'm gonna take her there take this there and I'm gonna try to find some background ideas now you have mentioned to me from previous video we've done stamping thumping painting with acrylic block and watercolors and you have mentioned to me to use those but instead I was thinking instead of using this as my um asthma for carrots I thought why don't I just you know what's the worth just use it as it is maybe I don't know just just came to my head like that or some parts of it but the problem is I don't think I wish this project to be so colorful I think she's so beautiful as brownish brownish kind of vintage II goldish colors that I wish to stick with them so I even though I have them here and I'm but I'm looking at those too and I don't think this goes together and it's a shame too then over paint that so I'm gonna leave that out for this time but you have mentioned to me you wish for napkins and I think they are beautiful I got them as a gift from my friend so I hope to use those maybe somehow maybe not like this but somehow somehow and a little bit of that collaging this together I gosh and I have this beautiful vintage original paper that I wish to actually add add this here somewhere so or or like that but you know instead of talking let's start just adding that that's gonna be probably the best to basically start playing with it let me just grab my brush first I have it okay so I'm using gel medium right now to add this beautiful paper and again this could be from a cutout from a magazine this could be anything of your choice that you have light lay down in the house so don't I'm painting over as well I wish to keep that and I hope it's not gonna run the the ink but it's not so I'm going over that so this will be nice and it's gonna be what's the word it will be protected because gel medium is protecting your it's protect your your work basically and you can wipe it off usually from gel mediums depends probably on the brunt as well but it should like a resist it should work like a resist so we can use it as a glue the way as I'm just doing it now and you can as well I'm gonna add more here on this side I think and you can as well use it as a as a cover for your paper that you wish make sure that that that much will be hidden or that you wish to be able to unwrap some bit of prop what's the word design so this will protect it and that's how the collagen works actually you play with your layers of papers and things and fara and stuff and you go over with gel medium that's how that's how the process looks so let's grab some beautiful napkin like this one and I'm gonna just go gentle with my they are coming with those ladies but this time since I have my focal point and my beautiful face can you see they are coming with ladies eye I don't kind of want them to be here on this project particular so I'm gonna just rip that off I'm I hope I will be able to find some layers there we go so there we go and that that would be so stunning I think let me see mm-hmm I'm not too sure I'm gonna go for that since I have this beautiful beautiful roses here maybe I'm gonna just change my mind about the whole idea with with bulbs you can always change your mind you know while you create things you just basically go for things and you as you create you to change your mind and don't be afraid of that if you decide to go for something else that is gonna be as they say rock your boat or you know what I mean so change it if that's how you feel now you could also if you don't have a gentleman we could also go with what you call it Mod Podge Mod Podge would be good as well for it you could easily go for a Mod Podge or decoupage glue thing decoupage you could definitely try to use those and oops I just ripped it off that's okay and exactly be very gentle because napkin is super delicate piece so I wasn't really gentle that's okay I don't mind you see I don't really I'm not bothered if things are not perfect and I keep on telling you this and hope to teach you this attitude of don't expect things to be always perfect and right they can be just what they are and that's it I love that absolutely adore and love there's two bits and I think we could just most definitely our dandy Liam somehow I'm not to show how but somehow how that's how what the dog says in Polish when you teach child things like what the dog says how because in English its roof roof isn't it Martha nobody's nothing stop it I don't know whether this is anywhere good here but I'm gonna I'm gonna attach this this guy here now I haven't found I didn't find three layers on this napkin maybe there oh no you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna be courageous is that the word or or no anyway two seconds I'm gonna fix that and show you how to fix this or how to work around it and so I I used quite thick thick napkin but that's fine that's fine with me perfectly fine so be gentle when you adding your napkin don't go over too much as I did because you you will destroy it now possibly when I add my girl my beautiful something will be covered but that's ok you know as in this element but that's fine that's encouraging that's how it works so don't stress yourself over over that now what else we could basically just play with this bit that it's hanging there and gorgeous and added somewhere as well since it's a very delicate napkin we can just mmm come on don't do it to me not now oh I see I'm sure there's some method for for this too to do that but anyway I will basically do this which means I'm gonna go over with my brush again and this and I'm gonna just hide that hole there but that's fine it's there and I don't mind that it's there maybe I slightly don't mind this being covered so I'm gonna rip that off bring this somewhere else which is maybe here maybe I not why not mm-hmm so far so fun so far so good okay gentlemen I can already see it break okay that's okay okay I think I'm gonna leave it Marta leave it it's fine it's perfect it's beautiful super okay so you see I covered it that's fine no one is sad over the hole don't be sad if you rip off things learn from your mistake fix it and move on okay I in case I changed my mind it would be probably just so nice and good to have the middle part middle section something down as well so I was tempted to maybe use that magazine at all oh no no no that doesn't know that doesn't just do the job let me find something else haha a magazine with some music oops music notes all music notes that could work the magic so we're gonna do patches of blow here and there as well again and just add this Oh in the rapture of how I don't know I love how you're watching my videos so perfectly and recently I can't remember now I should check that before talking to you but under one one of the last videos I said a word I was sticking something I said awards and that one person one one said that can you see on the minute whatever whatever twelve or something the same words that you mentioned is appearing on the project and she was so right I couldn't believe it actually so you do watch carefully which makes me so happy and smiley that he's putting so many fantastic things but I don't see because I'm such a goose I rush and I don't always see things now since everything is so gluey and it's very much beautiful honestly I think it's beautiful I love that now one important super thing is for you to know and remember that you can see I haven't done the middle part dark I put them on the side so you know even though I'm trying to add random elements of paper I'm trying to be as well make some sense and make sure that I you know it's gonna be nice so yeah I will ask this they're just not all the pieces has to be covered but it all the piece of your project but it'd be nice okay now this should dry let that dry and um we dry this and then we do we do what's the words we do a little bit of gesso on top and we move on from there my background is nearly nearly dry it's more less dry so what I will do now is I'm gonna go over with gesso white gesso and I will try to kind of blend in there mode maybe the moments elements where the paper is joined where it's one on top of another just a little bit and definitely to maybe highlight some texture just to see that's nice I like that so I don't want this to be hidden and covered with white only no no no I wish this to be here but maybe just blend in a little bit just a little bit what I feel like it so this will give me some but of nice feeling of elements to be nice and like in each other kind of idea I also thought that it would be nice to maybe instead of putting her as she is to actually fuss about her and to give her a totally different hair I'm not too sure what what are we stick it something or we will paint I don't know time will tell time will tell so there she is our beautiful Queen and I'll dry this Pat part and I'm gonna maybe add hair now or in a second I don't know I don't know I'll think about it I'm back it's good to be back after a little break I had to pick up Emily I had a have a coffee I have some idea here and one more that I will show you but look what else I have em chocolate banana muffins from a neighbor how nice is this oh I'm lucky lucky lucky lucky duck and my neighbor she is a fabulous Baker so yeah I'm quite lucky and you know what I also thought to not only have to swap because when we have her like here I'm thinking where would I what would I do with her body I don't know but if I have her here I can kind of skip that body idea and just kind of do something or whatever and I can have hair there but I can have some title there and bit of work what you think isn't it that makes kind of sense and makes my life easier most definitely and what I have found is this paper I bought recently I love it and look not only she could have flowers in her face in her head all sorts of pink flowers and bulbs why not maybe a bird as well and there is another set of flowers like that but I will Fosse cut but she she could be just you know queen of flowers and have a flowery hair I love making circle hair and have a show you know I didn't but I will show you my recent oh no this one is yeah I've done this girl recently it's on my Instagram you can see her and she has those little circles and stuff as hair and is there any other that I can show you two seconds those two this one has some bit of funky hair with spots and left and this is probably by far my most favorite face and drawing and coloring and everything I ever done in my eyes it's perfect in all sense from composition to color - how shaped it's done just just just in my eyes it's perfect I know it's quick in whatever but I love it so yes I repeat myself that certain things are not on YouTube it's impossible to have everything so things are on Instagram so head over there if you wish only if you're looking for more inspiration if you don't them them don't head out there I have another paper but I don't think there are as nice they are nice but I don't think they're no they're red flowers they would work if I had more of them but you see it they would work to be nice but no I'm gonna hi Emily this is a little this is a little say that again I think they didn't hear you know will we call it Hanna no they want to bring him yeah you can bring him if you wish so so I'm thinking too to fasiq hot that guys I think it's gonna be beautiful I think it will work I think I'm not saying for sure but I believe it's a fair chance to try it we should try it with should say so any sort of flowers that you may have could be nice and pretty now I'm gonna move that Emily away you can show I know but I'm gonna move it because he's leaving so much hair behind him that I'm gonna just move that so I mean my coffee is not gonna have hair oh wait I'm gonna move it there and you can show her now in the last video some of you said oh I wish to say hello in the comments oh and I know that not you don't watch every single video I post obviously so sometimes you don't see everything and so here you have a peer to field I'm sorry but let's see oops let's see here no our little Henry Henry the boys yeah it's gonna be yeah I don't know how we're gonna show his face you like oh yeah hi hi please hello it's gonna be hard to show him isn't it he's gonna eat it they want to bring him some food to show how he can eat maybe and I can move camera a little bit closer and would you like that little yeah there you go well done well done han your show me a beautiful face there you go what this camera doesn't doesn't oh yeah no he doesn't want to stand up this name go around go circles go circles go circles you're the best leave him waited for him to finish it don't don't do that it's not the most comfortable place for him to walk no no it's not interested in oh okay time to say goodbye no I want to show them when he wears his hat okay yeah don't you like hat okay so table is clean guinea pig is gone I have fossick rotted in between there is no such a fussy cut it isn't it classic cut there's no past tense cut it I don't know anyway I have cut their whatever the flowers mm-hmm and I think this is amazing I love it it's wow factor and now just few words to you guys you may think that oh but I wish to be able to draw like that rather than oh look at this rather than a stick elements don't be ashamed of using ready-made products was in a beautiful papers magazine cutouts M Farah a maybe printouts free print out or printed print out printables that you buy from people from some craters everything is for people it doesn't matter you don't have to be good in everything or you don't have to necessarily I'm gonna stick that I love love love that guys you don't necessarily have to now you know what I'm gonna finish my sentence in two seconds I just have to glue that down because I love their composition as I just laid it and I don't want to lose that composition so I'm gonna take my journey with him now and I will and I will glue it first and then I can chat to you yet again okay time to glue this them so yes what I was saying is that please don't feel bad because you are because you are not talented enough to draw like this and that you using fuzzy cards or ready-made elements that's fine that's okay be ashamed of that it's fine there's plenty beautiful talented artists that their projects are based completely totally based on totally based on the cutouts from magazines like if you look on the Pinterest boards and art journaling college includes ink is about putting beautiful images together not necessarily your own quite opposite how to put beautiful images together from all sorts of sources whether this is a pinch whether this is I love that whether this is what's the word this is from magazine or from books or from whichever you know it doesn't matter it doesn't matter as long as you use it and not claim that you drew it but if someone asked you oh how did you do that flower of faith and you say well I wish but it's my eye I caught it and that's fine don't feel ashamed of it it's all good I think he's sometimes we worry too much so yeah I love the arm I shouldn't be doing that before I stick her head I'll do the head first maybe I don't do some head blow some head first I actually enjoyed this very much because I don't know why I haven't never done that before and you have suggested to mikolaj tink newspapers magazine have any magazines and I went to shed to look for things to look for some magazine maybe that's why it's some something never caught my attention mmm a lot enough like so maybe this is there another reason oh sorry I wish this to be back - yeah I wish this to be sorry I should stick my face first then think for other things but that's okay I I don't mind if I have to correct myself that's okay we are allowed to make mistakes you know so add your gel medium everywhere and oh there we go no that's better I definitely need some add some more mediums Jeremy doom there and there I hope it's recording it is I didn't check that would be a shame not to see this so okay this is already sticked somewhat I didn't plan I think I'm gonna rip it that's fine that's okay yeah we do it again so I need more glue there on this flower and this one meant to be I think it's hey no hair I think this one meant to be here somehow did you like this so okay there we go that's nice I love it I love it beautiful so I'm flatten up everything with my gel medium right now making sure that all it's nice nicely sticked that's when you do college that's when you do college backgrounds you sticked with your gel medium or Mod Podge or you can try ordinary glue but gel medium dries clear and like forever and which ordinary glue probably you could wash it off with water and stuff like that so it's different sort of medium not like fully for collaging but gluing but maybe you could use some decoupage decoupage glue it depends what you have around the house hi Emily you back yeah did you do your homework okay so goodbye well I come back when you do your homework when you finish maybe your homework if you wish okay okay that's what we have and that's so pretty I so much loving it time for our bulbs I will improvise in a way hope for the best but I think the idea is there and it's fantastic there we go that's so nice oh you can actually leave there some glue on top and just glue it just you know just on top of that but on top of that without gluing it's on the separate page I think it's too little glue there and doesn't want to stick that well but well I'm gonna fix that she's gonna have wrinkles so her beauty is not that beautiful but that's fine we don't mind that she's already having lots of wrinkles but which women woman doesn't have wrinkles show me that show me that woman maybe it would be nice or interesting to add some bulb there or not or is it too much to ask for no no leave that matter as it is don't overdo anything just concentrate on your bulbs here make sure they're nice and pretty and sticked and that's it [Music] good looking good to me now we did something like that a little bit and maybe like this love that I can talk to talk it in a little bit they're super super super beautiful love it love it I love it and it's so fantastic even even for beginners I hope you can see that the all we did was trying to make a page trying to come up with some sort of interesting background and then finding focal point and going from there so I think it's good as it is I I believe I believe I could leave it at that and maybe dry it mm-hmm make sure that the glue is everywhere be gentle on it because we don't want her to get destroyed from your brush okay time for a sip of coffee and and time for her to dry and my next step when everything is dry is to add a dedicate coat of transparent gesso everywhere that way and because you see Jamie doom it's it's a resist medium so it's not holding the mediums too well so your color yours things which because we have used it all over the place it could be hard to color it in certain mediums so to avoid the trouble I'm adding a transparent Jessup everywhere on my page and that way I'm able to hopefully bring and add some color here and do a little bit of doodling and bits and pieces so there we go and let's leave this to let's leave this to dry that's perfect there you go you also mentioned that you wish to do some stenciling modeling paste so I'm gonna apps and this pattern which is my stencil actually link for it will be below the video if you wish to see its purchase it or whichever let me just grab that now I'm gonna add it somewhere and I'm thinking where where would it be nice to add I think it could be quite interesting to see this being added here like kind of connection to flowers I don't know let me just see you know what means as in hmm you will see in a second what I mean so not on top of the flowers but there we go going from the flowers so I'm trying not to destroy my flowers by all means okay now I'm gonna do the same here I think I need more paste here there we go maybe torches as well here there we go that's okay I shouldn't touch that but I did that's fine and I think I'm gonna leave it as it is or I'm gonna just get rid of this one and add more here or will I see if I can actually wash it off let me see what the wipe with it there we go so we can wipe that off just a little bit and add more okay which one will I add I do see maybe I don't know first of all I think I have to clean the stencil from underneath it because it is it is 30 now and that's why it's dirtying the rest let's just clean that maybe that's the easier okay nice pattern on the desk okay there we go so I will try to add just a little touches more and I'm thinking in here but I'm afraid to destroy what's there so I'm gonna be super gentle there we go that's fine that is superb I'm thinking it could be nice to just add some touches here a little bit just a little bit like yeah like something click here uh-huh and that's it no I'm not gonna do any more I think this is cool enough let's let's try this this is nearly dry not completely next step would be to start adding color and the thing is that if we start playing with faber castell gelatos or if we start playing with the oil pastels they're all very waxy oily so it will be hard to doodle on top of that so I'm gonna leave that out for now you mentioned inktense so that's what I'm gonna grab and we also mentioned watercolors so this is what I also will have here near me I'm just thinking which colors to go for because we need some pinks maybe rather than reds and this seems to be kind of going maybe both maybe we will use both mm that's kind of my plan yeah I do have my intense and I'm thinking to outline her face a little bit and as you can see my great instance is the most often used but I'm gonna try to add bit of pink today and another pink and hopefully this will give me some some sort of answers of what what would what would I like to do with my with my with my what what what it's called with my image that's it so I will be adding some ink tents around the edges of my flowers my flowers are pink so I'm going and the darker spots a little bit randomly I'm not really that much bothered where I'm adding to the Adelaide and the next step will be to grab some brush and start blending the color so it will be nice and pink around our drawing our look colors petal sticker nearly there we go so this will probably take some time I amazed I may just stop that for a little while hmm I will be outlining my flowers here and there so I'm trying to basically making this pink more cohesive with my background rather than being so standing out itself just a little bit as you can see oh my nose is getting blocked again so probably it will be more convenient to - oops - the white here - wait till things are dry but you know me it's hard for me to wait so so I'm not really waiting too much I will actually have a little go with the pink excuse my nose again a hundred times I'm gonna try and just kind of go over with my inktense around her face to see if I can have a little bit of touches of pink around her so this would kind of be nice and just kind of bring everything together make a nice shade those strange noises i Emily I don't know what is she doing there I think she's playing musically or something I don't know I'm not sure my nose is giving me a hard time recently again and again and again but I think it is what it is I liked up actually the pinkish tones around her I think they look very nice don't you think I think we should go over here and here and more and what about a bit of her eyes makeup on her eyes how is that ah yeah and because we have because we have covered our image with what you call it with gel medium and just so we can just work with our mediums it's not that easy it's not that perfect because we have wrinkles we have some texture raised areas and stuff but it's definitely nice way and you can do that on top of images or other things so this is your way to go I need to blow my nose again sorry for that I'm back and I'm much better now because I have I have blocked blow out like a lot of my sickness I think okay so I'm adding a bit of pink there as well and on her lips maybe the red and pink so I'm basically trying to add color everywhere so this seems to be as if it's together together forever so oh yeah she needs some blushes blush we will do that in a second I wish to do everything too much at the same time in one time so I'm going to add what if we will actually outline a little bit our bulbs would that be a little nice maybe it will actually mm-hmm I don't think so I don't think so no super but I will use the other pink as well just here yes that's okay okay it's time for both of you to put in phones on to put your earphones on if that is here and you're here that means mommy okay okay do that do that and I'll see ya later what'd you think so so I think it's pretty cool I like that too I have to say so now I'm then oh you can hear Han Yeo a little bit okay so now week as you can see we're outlining our bulbs and I also am trying to kind of spread out just a little bit the pink so it wouldn't be that harsh line around the edges but it will go further away and I'm trying to add color to the obvious pink flowers right now but at least it's gonna be kind of you know it will just be similar pinks and stuff so I like that Wow it's yet again a project that I haven't a vision doesn't have at this sort of vision for it it was something different in my head hmm will you fix that please thank you the washing fell off possibly no I do believe we could add some pink there more pink there and what else we could add maybe Papa and Papa voice that's so good but we will see hmm aren't you beautiful messy I love that doing makeup on on on hmm on art yeah I do love that actually hmm wow that's so interesting so different is well I think she needs some what's the word um huh no I'm not a shadow she needs some no I gave her lipstick I think she needs some tattoo or something no we need to fix that that doesn't work she's already pretty and it just doesn't do much here and maybe what occurs oh maybe oh maybe wanna color section II yeah what if I play with watercolors like that here and there hmm I could be interesting as well so see you can you can outline with anything and everything you have I will finish with the dark of learning in a way with probably with her my pencil or marker and see I didn't I didn't finish so that is not here what did you say that he's here you maybe wish for him to be here but not yet oh that's nice makeup ah you're definitely special girl I think I I think this outline ink is all over the place but please relax we'd be fine in a few minutes once we have the outlining very much in place we can play more and dilute it more and play with it more so please it will be fine eventually when everything is dry I know but that by now you do trust me and you know when I say that things will be fine you know you kind of believe me the whole so it will be fine it will be fine so I'm gonna try to just ops they still didn't dry so I'm just trying to [Music] lastly dilute some outlines and just make them less harsh maybe like here mm-hmm like that well now that is here Emily that's so beautiful I love that to bits I have to say well I think anybody's outside that's where she's not answering me I'm talking to myself are you here oh sorry I thought you're not here anyway I think this needs to a bit of hit dry now and we will finish it in two minutes let me try that okay so this is nearly dry well illustrates I'm grabbing my waterproof and I am just outlining colors with my flowers just to kind of give them definition maybe maybe not everywhere just here and there just a little bit too I don't know just to kind of give them changed look maybe maybe this is what I should say change to look so I like that very much definitely I will go around this is very delicate very delicate thicker one that will be more visible around it around my flowers I can barely hear myself now my now not only my nose is blocked for five years and I hear myself as if I'm in there and what you called in the plane so what a strange feeling that is totally okay now let me grab some thicker one this one there we go and I'm gonna go around it here in there just to just to outline that and make it nice and they mentioned I like this Emily's going outside Lucas is doing some recycling first then he's gonna have a soap and hopefully finished soon soon enough so he doesn't have to have earphones while listening to some TV or whichever where he's gonna listen to today what do you think so far guys what do you think I think I'm missing a little bit of black spray here I don't know I have this dark vision I have this dark vision that I maybe wish to have I don't know yet I'm thinking I'm not 100% sure and convinced that's kind of what's in my head at the moment you know even if I finish at this point I love it very much I think it's funky and it's nice and it's different and it's mine well different there's plenty people who they do beautiful work with college I can't compete with those at all in not even in a percentage I take on the example from those talents but I love my one and that's next nice I'm looking for I hesitated for a pencil pencil there we go so I'm gonna just go with the pencil and I'm gonna gently now gently make this shadowy kind of effect be very gentle because you're gonna rip off and I don't want that to happen so you have to be gentle or use some sort of tool like that they are for rubbing around and making things more you know shadow a battery has died so I have no idea where we finished but we get there and some adding shadow I don't know if any video is cut out because of that but hopefully not much so I'm just adding my shadow around around the edges everywhere the flowers the face the bulbs as well and yeah hopefully I will have enough ideas and energy to add maybe the the gelatos or oil pastels in the minute we see where will this Texas let's do let's do this first let's do the outlining first and shadowing beautiful shadowing I hope you enjoyed this it's a little different look but actually I realized that I done quite enough it's still wet I forgot to dry this part I've done quite a lot of faces recently they're drawing or painting and all of them are only my Instagram if you haven't seen them but see me it seems to be the thing to do and the noises you hear so it's it's Lucas he's about to get a suit no I think we're not gonna hear him saying gonna think unfortunately I've asked him to maybe say something but he doesn't want to so I can't force him I wish him to do some video with me voiceover or I don't know anything would be fun I think but no so solo and the noises - this is him Lucas I don't know if you can hear that I can hear that a lot anyway we're nearly there I think we're still missing a little bit of a little bit of doodling and color here on the background so I'm gonna definitely do some something like that there I just don't know what yet but we we get there we get there when your paste is not dry yeah rubbing with finger is quite difficult because my fingers are quite big so it's hard to rub it but that's okay as I said we will get there so we're nearly there and I'm loving this I'm loving hair and I'm loving the whole idea of college ink and I like the fact I've used the cardboard so it's just not wrinkled if that much it's only her face where it's a little wrinkled I didn't do the proper sticking job but I it's okay for me it's just in case you worried you may want to have it done a better job so but using cardboard and a sort of thick material thick material it's good so she's beautiful beautiful girls so that helps as well my my project I have to say that helps a lot so I definitely will do some dual ink on her in two seconds I actually cannot wait for that part to do some makeup on her so there we go I love that I really do I don't want to add too much it's perfect as it is maybe a little bit of pinkish here and there maybe with gelatos or maybe with the actual oil pastors or someone mentioned let's see oh my fingers dirty of course from this is Marta where is there whoops it's dirty from pencil oh that's so I dare to do this of course I did of course I did but you can also rub it off with your finger or with wet wet baby wipe yes you can play around with any medium you have so this what I'm using now it's the oil pastel but you can mix it with gelato which is very alike product I'm not saying it's the same I'm saying it's very alike I think out of both I prefer gelatos I think the blend is nicer a little bit it's just a different sort of feel it feel to it I have both I use both but I think personally that gelato has a nicer if you don't have any of those I would go for gelatos first I think but again this is a very personal thing what you're gonna go for and you know it's good to try it geladas are coming in sets of four so you can try that without spending lots of money for it also another super important thing look at that those are gelatos and those are Gen sticks price this is for kids this is for adults price it's like three times cheaper or something like that but realistically they're exactly the same and it's ashamed to say that they are selling same stuff in a different price just because for crafters so gel sticks are your gelatos favorite caster they work exactly the same they have a different color color selection but that's like wow to have colors for nothing nearly so they are fantastic logistics use them they are the same as gelatos exactly the same mark my word for that um okay how do you like that I love that very much indeed there we go so I'm gonna go whoops this is my white a little bit now that's okay so I'm trying to blend in now this so it would be less of less over what's the word I don't want those harsh lines there if you know what I mean so I'm trying to be kind of better color wise with it no I do still believe it would be nice to add some dark black whatever what about if we actually will chance a watercolor let me see if I can add watercolor where's my brush oh yeah what about I have a black watercolor here in this set what about if I add actually the black one will this be any good I somehow just wish for this to be to happen basically I think it could be nice hmm oh no no it's not happening it's not what I want I like that but no what about two seconds I'm gonna wipe that off a little bit no I don't think I like that I don't think what about sprays let me see some sprays okay I have some sprays so let's cover her face out of order to get any paint and I'm gonna just gently spray my page here but no I should check the colors first no oh this is much better now what I wish to do maybe is to grab some water and what do you think I love that I love that I need same color there I'm gonna dry this a little bit quickly just a little bit now I will add some same color it's nearly dry not fully I will add a little color like that here as well on this edge so this will be kind of going together we have to make sure that this is going together and it you know works basically now I'm gonna yet again cover her up then spray that oh that's nice I'm afraid to spray directly too much I will try ah see it's fine it's working but it you have to be very very careful not to destroy your project basically I like that but you have to be you know cautious about it a little bit cautious now this is nice now and I'm thinking to where's my two seconds I need to clean this off quickly clean that water off and this would be nice to actually dilute a little bit of this color of the Reds going in here let's do it again and here and now so it's like playing with watercolors but I like that shade of color this one is called chocolate luck which is beautiful I like that color and I'm gonna spread that a little bit only aha what about adding touch of here and there and there and there oops and there you see sometimes you have to try it one color than something else and add don't rush it it will come to you eventually it will come to you if not the first time it will come in in you know in a different moment so be relaxed about it and don't stress yourself I kind of didn't like it so let's try to try this let's change that and now what now I love it couldn't be happier with this to be honest it could not be happier I wish some color to be spread here as well just a little bit love it love it and I like the touches of purple there because they are coming the purple is here on her flowers so it is nice everything is nice I still am missing something I don't know what oh yeah maybe the title would work and what makes a difference maybe and dude link so let's try that and let's see I have I have another idea I shouldn't be washing off my black hair but I did we do it once more I have some pretty cool idea I think to actually do some splashes no not splash me I'll show you what I mean yeah just touches of the black one here and there but I wished this to be I'll show you it in two seconds I'm not sure how to say it in English but I wish this to be more I wish for some movement there we go something like that I love that Oh perfect that's what I was hoping for there we go that's it try it finish not more that's absolutely perfect with me oh I love you I love you girl you too baby down there in the kitchen you too don't worry he's doing he's having his soup yeah well Lucas always laughed at my cooking I'm not sure if I said it to you that my cooking is the way that I cannot repeat my cooking so if I have a soup and if Lucas would ask next week for the same soup it's never gonna be the same never ever I cannot repeat my cooking and same for probably work like this you just cannot repeat certain things probably so I'm so proud of this because out of nothing happened something stunning and I think it's beautiful I'm gonna add even more on the back here and I'm shocked that I'm talking to myself look at this listening to that and he says nothing I would be tempted to say something I wouldn't be able to just hold on and say nothing but my Lucas is my Lucas and he is like this and probably when I stop recording he will say stop talking about me oh he's so funny we love with Emily while he's singing or dancing because he's no talent at all like I mean like I mean like really like it's bad it's just bad but we adore when he does it he does it very early and when he does it we just cannot stop laughing so he's quite funny it was very funny actually okay now I need to dilute this a little bit I'm not too sure how but just a little bit just a little bit okay just a little bit just just to soften it up I like it dark absolutely I like that idea but a little soften up okay super I think we are done just a doodle to be left to be done so let me just grab my white Posca and let's do some magic here let's do some magic this is the what I'm gonna move it to this first I think the hair think the idea of doing it on the side of the page rather than I don't know horizontal vertical you know what I mean I started like this and I changed to this I think it was a great move as you can see you could do so much more on this side and I think so the plan was different that's okay plans are for it to change them she's gonna be like Pocahontas I love her like my hand is in the air I'm not touching anything I don't want I am afraid they final do something bad with with hair so I'm just I don't want to do any touching anything to make any marks so I'm quite gentle now and dedicate my hand hand this up you could see a lot touching so now I think that bulbs are lost here a little bit I think it's more than I I know they're here but I'm fine with that I love how this part turn up turn out so and yet again we end up with something totally different than original idea I'm loving it more than I could have imagined and I cannot wait to see your mix though there one of the previous videos where I did the girl and the eyes and I drew it and so many takes you have showed me that I could not be more grateful for beautiful you outdid it yourself just amazing amazing I have no title but I think all I'm gonna do is add a little sticker and I think word inspire will be perfect I hope anyway there we go now for those who do have stickers and you feel that you are kind of not fun of seeing or something this will help look things are disappearing from underneath it when you are playing with your you just have to add it better kind of I don't know how to say it but this will help there or you told me the bone it's a bone it will mix make the sticker being more transparent ish and it's towards the page so towards the background okay I think we are done guys I cannot believe I'm saying it but we are done and dusted and it's amazing to see this finished page and I'm so loving it so loving it so proud of it I hope you had time with good time with me I hope you enjoyed it and thank you so much for being here and sticking with me for that long I cannot wait to see her makes be sure to tag me and let me know I wish to see them I wish to see your take on that most definitely what I see always so far it's so inspirational you are inspirational your words your projects your ideas your comments everything matters we are like big huge family is it like that like we really we really a nice crowd here big crowd oh let me know in the comment as always I love hearing your thoughts about it I think you probably were thinking is gonna be it's gonna be a disaster because I had that feeling as well and it turn out to be not too bad isn't it's not too bad so I hope this was a nice surprise for you I hope you liked it the same way as I do and the finishing touches made the page completely so yes thank you so much they definitely let me know let me know I'll chat to you super soon and we yes thank you so much again I love you loads wishing you a very creative time a creative evening day or night whenever wherever you are and what time you have at the moment hugs and kisses from tiny family here from Emily Lucas and haenyeo and me so idle chat is super super soon bye bye bye
Channel: Maremi SmallArt
Views: 296,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art collage, collage process, collage tutorial, maremi's small art, collage using magazine cut outs
Id: faKGPKps7nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 13sec (4993 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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