Beginner w/ DJI Ronin 4D vs. Pro w/ DJI Osmo Pocket3

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[Music] all right guys welcome back to another episode of beginner versus Pro I'm Landon I'm Megan so I'm the pro Megan's the beginner we're actually going to be competing to see who can make the best video so we've given Megan the DJI Ronin 4D this is a really nice Cinema Camera I was actually part of the launch video about a year and a half ago one of my favorite cameras ever so she's got this and a bunch of lenses a bunch of gear in her Arsenal as well as my production assistant to help her out on this shoot me I have the brand new DJI pocket 3 and a little suction cut Mount so this is my gear for the day so our challenge today we're going to be making a 30 second intro video for my friend on his YouTube channel we're going to be competing to see who can make the best intro with the gear that we have speaking of which we'll be shooting this $3 million hyper Cod the Bugatti Veyron I'm going to have 45 minutes to actually film my entire video Meg's going to have an hour and a half and we're going to have 24 hours to edit our video so tomorrow we'll regroup we'll review and then we'll go from there so let's get into it all right T see what a reveal shot dude like throwing the wrist into it what what's your what's your relationship here cuz you're not the owner of the buatti right you work for superar Ron his name how did you get so lucky man so I've been doing Automotive stuff for like 8 years and then I just eventually found myself in the automo Automotive space in Utah and then I eventually just got connected to Ron because I always wanted to push and find more Automotive stuff to do and then it was kind of like honestly in the car space in Utah all roads lead to Ron it's like I'm not kidding he's so he's so influential and kind of a legend in the Utah car Community yeah that eventually we just got connected so no I don't own the cars all the cars are Ron's and I do all of Ron's content but I'm the lucky guy that gets to drive the cars out for when they need to get filmed and that's the cool thing about Ron he's the kind of owner that I mean we're in a shipping container yard driving around this Bugatti veyon transport test in the dirt and there's a very select few amount of Bugatti owners that will let you do that I don't know if there's any Bugatti owners that would let you do that yeah so Ron is a oneof one kind of owner just the most rad guy always down to do stuff and actually drive his cars so you guys shooting with Pete like a month ago right yeah so we got the opportunity to shoot with Pete shout out Sean holiday for cooking us up with Pete so Peter McKinnon came out and we were actually in Ron's Pagani wira and so um Ron is never afraid to bring his cars out Pete drove the wira and then now we're in the Bugatti and so we're always doing fun stuff with these cars and just trying to get them out in public as much as we can it's it's so fun I love it dude having your best life it's it's the best life it's a good time it's an intro we're shooting an intro with the car so you're going to do like Lightning McQueen coming out of his trailer and then he's like we'll find a way what does he say It's Showtime or something what does he say what's the line that Lightning McQueen says in the beginning of the video or the movie oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Stay Focus speed yep speed okay well let's do this uh we're going to set a timer you have an hour and a half your hour and a half begins in three 2 one go okay let's do this so I don't have time to shot list then right I I didn't want to anyways it's fine speed I want to take a look at what the shots we have here is there a way we could drive it and have a shot right here getting the tire could we do that I don't want to stick it out the window I don't want to break it so I just get in the $3 million car yeah yeah yeah cool cool that's what okay does this even fit I am so scared I think I'm going to pee my pants okay so I'm recording do you just want to drive really quick oh my gosh I'm wobbling so much and you can't even tell this is crazy I'm anxious for her like this is this is sketch I wasn't even going to do that and this is literally her first shot is hanging out the window of a $3 million hyper car so I just look at my shot list I'm going to be honest I kind of thought she was joking about the whole cars thing but she's actually watching it I forgot to tell you too you have a camera car like you'll be able to hang out the back of a car and get rollers if you want actually yeah yeah can we do that and then I'll be driving it so just yell let's do it this is fun I feel like I'm on a roller coaster and I'm shooting in this is shooting in 6K right 4K so I can crop in and this is kind of a cool shot right here honestly what time is it I have till it's already been 30 minutes if I could get you just kind of falling right here if that makes sense when we're driving I turn down the shutter speed to make a a little actually never mind forget I said that let me get the tracker on and let's just send it we'll have you come drive right on like the corner right here and let's get a shot going fast if we can just at least like 3 seconds is the goal oh my gosh oh that was cool I thought we'll run it back I I forgot to press record imagine if this was someone's job a dream job okay what do we want to talk about okay we'll go to the road real quick oh W that's so sick oh [ __ ] we're going to do that one more time don't put this in I think this is where like mob bosses probably work okay so you now 45 minutes you got 45 minutes that flew by yeah so you're halfway halfway through so whatever you got to get make sure you don't miss it you got it okay like this kind of worried cuz Zach is helping her a lot seems a little a little unfair I'm just monitoring okay well this is going to be harder than I thought we'll get some slow-mo so I know I have to change frames per second do you know how I would how I would change would I change the shutter to keep it from doing that little like yeah wavelength thing I took like two steps and looks like that that's crazy okay back to the shot list good job could we get um it it revving and then you just slowly creeping forward all right then creep forward and then yeah let's try some in the interior the blue is so cool so right there sweet wait got to record this time all right and then if you just want to take it out real quick and we'll get one of just this when I was a kid all I wanted to be was a battery helper battery boy battery boy I like that better there's no way I can get up there right and then get from above wait there's nowhere to grab up here and then press the power button and then the 4D button okay got a plane flying above me I'm hoping that she doesn't see this puddle of water over here cuz it's a it gives off a really nice reflection you can see that right here she has 15 more minutes of time and so uh let's hope she doesn't noce it cuz I really want to get that shot I want to be the only one with that [ __ ] just K I'll share it if I need to T can we get you right here can we get you facing so you're facing the Sino trans right there you're looking at it thanks sorry I I don't maneuver cars a lot so I don't know the lingo to use you're good that's perfect thank you and then I'll just get some shots up here okay I'm going to like go down like this okay you got it let's go I got go te there we go and then I think I'm just going to get one more shot of the exposed whatever that is looks cool the fast thing think that makes the car go then I think I'm done and then y let's have that pop up I'm ready oh look at the shot list one more time but I think we should be done for the 30 seconds that's what I'm double checking other than that I think I might be done ready are you sure you have 10 minutes left I hate to be that person I think I'm going to call it I'm going to call it okay such a flex that is a flex actually she's like no I'm good I got I got what I needed okay well time how did it feel it felt good I didn't have to do anything and that made it all look so hold hold on you didn't have to do anything that's what it felt like cuz of this guy or what why Zach's like no I didn't I didn't help her that much okay well do you feel confident in your footage I feel pretty confident yeah okay I think I'm ready it's my turn let me grab my uh pocket 3 I have a little less set up on mine and uh let's get shooting so I think naturally I was I was actually a little disappointed sad that I couldn't shoot on like a big film camera cuz it's a it's a $3 million hybd car how many times in your life do you get to film a car like that but there is an advantage to actually having a camera like this number one I don't have to worry about focusing the autofocus on this is actually really good I know that whatever I point my camera at it's going to focus on the biggest subject in the frame and number two this thing is Tiny so I can put it pretty much anywhere on the car with that suction cut Mount I'm going to put it on the wing I think I'll probably put it on the roof somewhere maybe on the side of the car so I can see the wheel as it's moving so while Megan does have like a really really good cinematic camera set up I think I do have a few advantages with this little guy so I have 45 minutes she just had 90 minutes so I got to hustle 3 2 one begin this is not fair he's not coming my time already started so before before I put you in a shipping container I'm going to have you take a ride where that truck's coming from you'll take a ride you'll flip a UI and I want you to haul past this little puddle right here it's pretty flat you should be just fine so if you want to scout it you can but it's just a straight line can somebody hold this would you mind holding this for me you can be my production assistant you just got to hold that little guy you know what I'm going to do that I wasn't going to do I'm going to get in the puddle yeah cuz I really want to actually oh you know what I could use the board the clock is running running out of time I haven't even got my first shot yet yeah I'm on 45 minutes okay this is a Douglas fur in case you're wondering I get a lot of questions about which wood I like to use for my shoots uh so this what oh my gosh it's so hard to balance actually okay can you do it again but faster yeah yeah yeah okay I just want to see how the yeah I don't blame you at all these shoes are going to be so ruined bro can someone you grab the other board okay so um two rows over uh meet me over there okay uh I think it's just the last row just just head over that way kind of where you just were so we're going to go a couple rows over there do I ride my one wheel while I hold this I could do it I'm getting mud water on my white hoodie but that's okay there's the [Music] first this is very painful actually my lower back is just dying it's this one right here I scouted out a little container that would be good for this [Music] let's bring the boards over here you think these will I don't know I weigh as much as a car it's like lowkey kind of sketch it is kind of sketch I got the thickest ones I could find I was talking to Bren he's like no you that's how he's loaded him in the past I don't know I'm trying to think like like you let me know it's well I mean for me it was pretty crucial but I'll I'll find an alternative if I need to okay oh these are definitely going to snap they're definitely going to snap all right well got to think of an alternative spent $40 on wood for nothing it's Douglas fur so you'd think it'd be good but I have a shovel on the back of the F150 could I build up the boards with I just really want it to work there's got to be a way like that's just like one of the pillars of the of the video This Is My Bucket shot I actually think the shovel might work to pack it up just below it okay and I have a shovel so I can go grab that so but you're the EXP exp this is the car that you drive fairly often yeah if it was like if I packed it up you think it would be fine if you make like a good ramp yes okay you're scared only a little bit Yeah I sense that you know when you're doing things that no one else knows what's the worst case scenario we we ruin the undercarriage that's what 100,000 okay go ahead okay go ahead slow keep going slow okay you're good you're good go to the left a little bit yep so we're going to close it taste um let's have somebody in here does Hunter you want to get in here I'm going to have you kind of Swing the doors open okay so Hunter I don't know how easy this don't do it practice just try pushing both doors open yeah and three 2 one go so take your foot off the brake first like don't turn it on yet oh Zach I wanted a Dusty take your foot off the brake and then okay when you put your foot on okay perfect okay so I'm just going to have do that so it'll go off and then on and three 2 1 go Tas all right and then Tas I'm just going to roll audio I'm going to have you turn the car on when I say [Music] go okay and then let's see make sure that shots good let's uh let's pull this thing out of here we'll get some rollers and whatever other shots we want all right Tas you're good buddy wow my anxiety has been so high okay I just need to get a shot inside I don't I don't need the car in there I just need to get inside myself okay so I'm trying to mimic like this the feeling of a shipping container getting dropped down from like a crane like it's lowering it I going need to take my hoodie off I'm dying toss into fpv mode okay ready when I say go I'm going to have you like turn the wheel real fast this way first okay ready 3 two 1 go okay go ahead 3 two 1 hit it 3 two 1 hit it okay I have no time okay let me just Mount this uh suction cup real quick say what I got the uh action Mount thing on here so I can basically mount it like an action camera and then a nice suck C cut Mouse we'll get some cool angles okay yeah do it like right here for me perfect yeah very lightly caressing it okay that's good you scared I am I'll be a six POV what's nice is I have the mimo app so I can actually see what that sees um let's just get you going straight right here for a second okay let's just send it all right go watch [Music] this what you a suction cup on a carbon fiber Wing this Wing probably cast more than my house all righty good with the suction cups nice slow down a little bit Hunter oh thank you glad I could glad I could help thank you for helping so Megan was my assistant today okay guys that's a wrap uh I got all the shots I need Meg got all the shots she needed now we have 24 hours to just edit our videos tomorrow we're going to meet up we're going to kind of review everything uh she might give me pointers I might give her pointers and I guess we'll just let you guys be the judge so let's get to it well here we are we're here 24 hours later it is how do you feel like you did with your edit you know I feel like I did good with what I had but I think you had great footage I saw a few Clips you did I'm a little nervous though that pocket looked like a tank and you look like you knew what you were doing the pocket is the opposite of a tank physically speaking it is like the small one of the smallest cameras I've ever shot with but the footage itself looks amazing so true but R4 I love the r4d so I I was envious watching your footage and then once I got back to the office and I put my footage on the computer I was like oh this actually is really really good you just you can't always tell on the little device right yeah it's true well so you you followed the Cars movie shot for shot pretty much almost right yes your shot list was an animated movie so talk talk me through you know that thought process and like what what kind of a Vibe are you going for I got there and I thought you know I know Cars the movie don't know actual cars okay I was like yeah Vehicles yes automobiles yeah so that's what I went with I took what I knew didn't know the camera very well and so I went with that and then as I was editing I realized this is a Bugatti like this isn't just a little movie car so I kind of shook it up a little bit this is Lightning McQueen this isn't Lightning McQueen this isn't Pixar okay so you thre a Twist on the animated shot list virtual shot list okay I yeah I did my best well I'm excited this see me too okay let's roll it okay here we go Focus speed I am [Music] speed [Music] okay okay there she is I am speed that sounded like Nate's voice too may or may not have been maybe you didn't hire Owen Wilson for the voice over I wish I could have I wish that was awesome k i loved I loved your opening shot first off great place to start go and hit play Nate okay here we go okay pause it I like yeah I I love the black screen it's like I think it adds to the suspense too and obviously like it's it's very reminiscent of Cars the movie you changed the voice over a little bit I did I had to shorten it cuz the original intro is about a minute long oh okay okay mhm walk me through your thought process in editing why why did you cut it up the way you did going back to my shot list cars mhm he has the shots of all the cars zooming by but I was just working with one car so to kind of get that same cool effect effect I kind of just put a bunch of different shots of the car different angles and I tried to make it fast a lot of different car sounds okay so that's kind of how I got those sections yeah was the super fast moving okay nice for that part nice all right here's here's what I like about your video first off let's hear it I think your shots are absolutely amazing I think the camera that you're using to get those shots there are very few cameras that are like made for rollers and the camera you were shooting on is made for like rollers just like like this yes built-in gimbal it has that four-dimensional uh stabilization so even the neck of the of the camera which is so weird cameras don't have necks but goes up and down so it's like it's such a good camera for that and you nailed it with these rollers hanging out of the back with your jetpack the jet pack and uh I I love that you had that really slow like intro with with that dialogue and then you went into that song and it's like if I if I could think of a a YouTube intro this is more or less what I would like Envision you know like you can see this if you want to watch a video about the Bugatti Veyron gry test like this might be the the intro you see on that so I think you killed it so a couple things personally that I would have done again this does not discredit oh the amazing video he made but couple things I might have done is is with some more sound design when you when you cut to a black screen I like adding a sound effect it's called a it's called a riser sound effect oh and basically it's like this and then it cuts off so it's like you like build up just until the black screen hits black screen and then it's like it like makes the silence even louder almost which is weird I I can Envision that now that you say it yeah but so I I would I mean I think that would add if I were to go in I might add a few sound effects just to really sell those black screens and some of the other things you did in there um that and then I think I think the color gr especially log footage log footage is so hard especially if just starting out and you've never played with it it's really complicated personally again this is just my style so it's it's totally up to you your creative uh your creative eye whatever you want to do but I I saw a lot of blue in the shadows and I probably would have tried to even that out a little bit so the Shadows weren't so cold if that makes sense Goa just so the whole image felt a little cuz like when I see a shipping container yard like this looks like the Middle East to me you know and so like I I I like going for like a really warm vibe if it matches the environment I see yeah but those just my two cents I think overall you killed it I think if if this was a client and they wanted a YouTube intro they'd be very happy with that thank you that means a lot yeah thank you killed it great work okay you ready I think I am so just to preface this okay we we finished I dumped all the footage yesterday and I colored it really quickly and then this morning I woke up at 5: and I got here at 5:30 and I spent like I think 4 hours editing so this is about an hour coloring maybe an hour coloring 4 hours of editing so a quick one so it was a quick one but I have I have a wife and two kids so I could just like 24 hours straight edit I had to just find a little pocket so right here we go [Music] St [Music] oh my gosh there you go that felt like it was out of Fast and Furious I I well I was most impressed that it was just shot on the little tiny camera like I was looking at the footage I was like there's there's no way this was shot on that I would have never known yeah I would have never known well thank you I wish I I don't have a screenshot we we'll show in the in the YouTube video the sound design that just went into like all of that it's about 15 layers of sound design to like bring it all to life but yeah putting putting the Bugatti inside of that storage container oh my gosh took most of my time but I'm like I'm just I'm so glad we like made it work because we first rolled it up onto those ramps and I thought the board was going to break and I'm like I we have to get this shot cuz without it my my story line like makes fall absolutely no sense yeah Meg we appreciate you being part of this video I'm honored to be a part of it shoot like I had I had a ton of fun like I when I was first getting started and I know you're not like a total total beginner you've been doing it casually for a few years but I mean like the opportunity to shoot with a a car like this and in a cool location like that is super fun it was uming for sure for sure that was so fun well we want to we want to thank you for being a part of it and to thank you we actually want to give you the brand new pocket 3 so there you go are you serious I'm serious and we want to give you we also want to give you access to full-time filmmakers you'll have a membership there as well wait are you serious yeah of course so there you go thank you so much you're welcome yeah I mean you drove all the way down here you let us put you on the spot for this video so the least we could do is is hook you up with a couple things so I am so excited I don't know what to say thank you so much you're welcome of course guys thanks so much for watching this video If you like this type of content if you want to be part of full-time filmmaker subscribe hit the link in our bio and if you want to check out the brand new DJI pocket 3 hit that link as well and we'll see you in the next video peace [Applause] [Music] out [Music] yeah [Music] yeah
Channel: Full Time Filmmaker
Views: 517,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full time filmmaker, Beginner vs pro, Beginner vs pro photographer, Camera comparison 2023, Peter McKinnon b-roll, Peter McKinnon camera basics, Beginner vs professional, Cinematography, Parker Walbeck, DJI, Ronin 4D, R4D, Pocket 3, Pocket3, Osmo Pocket, Vlogging camera, Pocket camera, landon bytheway, landonbtw, potatojet, potato jet
Id: WPgIftaEPHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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