Beginner Video - Getting Started Using Denoise AI

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hi everyone anthony morgante here i've been getting an onslaught of questions from people that are new to denoise ai by topaz labs so i thought i'd do this video where i'm going to give you the very basics you need to get started using denoiseai [Music] [Music] i mentioned at the top that in this video i'll be giving you the very basics you'll need to get started to use denoise ai so if you're experienced into noise ai this video probably isn't for you also judging from the emails i've been receiving most of the people that are new to the noise ai seem to be lightroom users and they're using de noise ai as a lightroom plug-in so i'm going to start out in lightroom and use denoi denoise ai from there what i'm going to be showing you into noise ai will still be applicable if you use it as a plug-in in another application or if you're using it as a standalone app now as you can see i have an image in lightroom it's been shot at very high iso 12800 and i zoom in you'll see that there is a considerable amount of noise now what i recommend you do in lightroom is do pretty much your normal processing but i wouldn't add a lot of contrast and i definitely wouldn't add any texture or clarity or even de-haze if possible also i mean you could put vibrance and saturation up if you want that is optional i also recommend that in the detail tab that you do not do any sharpening you do not do any lightroom luminance noise reduction but i do recommend that you use lightroom's color noise reduction by default on most images most raw files it will be at 25 and that works pretty well if you notice i'll zoom in now and you don't see any color noise and let me take that color uh noise reduction slider all the way down now you can see there's a lot of color and i see the little blue and green dots mainly a little bit of red and if i push that up towards 25 you'll see it magically disappears lightroom's color noise reduction is very good now there is color noise reduction in the noise ai as well but i like to use lightroom it's up to you whether or not you do or not once i'm at this point i am ready to send the image into de noise ai to do that from lightroom just right click right on the image go down to edit in and over down to denoise ai and when you do that you'll get a dialog box like this now because this is a raw file i my only option is to edit a copy with lightroom adjustments if it was a jpeg or a tiff or a psd i'd have the option to edit a copy or edit the original if you've done lightroom edits to that non-raw file definitely do the top option edit a copy with lightroom adjustments otherwise if you just do edit a copy those edits will not be included in the image that is sent over into de noise ai and edit original i recommend you never use that if possible just use one of the other two so we're going to use editor copy with lightroom adjustments uh tiff format photo pro photo rgb 16 bits per component resolution of 360. it's recommended most people say anything above 240 is fine if you use an epson printer epson recommends to use 360 resolution throughout your web workflow so that's why i have that there and i use no compression and we'll click edit now you see in the top left hand corner there is a progress bar lightroom is creating that tip file with those specs and it will open it up into de noise ai now once it opens up into do noise ai there's a number of different views you could see your image at what i recommend you do first of all no matter what view you're in is to move the little navigator rectangle over a part of the image that is critical to me it's the bird's eye and that background which had a lot of noise in it then once you do that you could go to the different views if we go to single view and i click here we're seeing one pane one preview and in this case it's showing us the standard ai model because there's a number of different ai models if i go to the split view again it's showing us that single standard ai model but we have this little kind of before after bar we could move back and forth so there's after and there's before if i go to the one next to that that is a side-by-side view and it will show the original image on the left and the edited or the noise reduced image on the right i usually prefer to like to start out with comparison view because i could see all four of the available ai models at once you can see here is the standard ai model next to it is the clear ai model and you can see that the options change over here in the lower left is the low light a ai model and in the lower right is the severe noise ai model now there is a raw model you notice this was a raw file in lightroom but we sent over a tiff so it's no longer a raw file if you use denoise ai as a standalone application it will read most raw files except it will not read any fuji raw files so if you have fuji unfortunately it won't be able to read those now in this case because it was a tif file i only have the four options available to me now let's go back to the standard and take a look at the settings i have it set to auto what it will do is denoise ai will look at the image and will set the remove noise slider in the enhanced sharpness slider to values it thinks fits this specific image in the noise that it has if i go now too clear you could see that i have that set to auto as well and it still has removed noise and enhanced sharpness but they're like little click boxes in the lower left we have a low light model again we have that remove noise and hand sharpness sliders i have that set to auto as well and then finally we have that severe noise and we have the same two sliders this is these are just different models kind of the algorithms that the noise uses to attempt to remove noise in an image sometimes one of these is superior to the others i like to start out with all four of these on auto so i'm comparing apples to apples that way i'll look at it and i'll determine of these four on auto which one is best and just glancing at it it seems like it's between denoise or i'm sorry between severe noise and standard let's just for the sake of this argument say i'm going to go with severe noise then what i'll do is i'll come in and i'll tweak the adjustments but before i do that i make sure that is active so you know it's active because it has this blue rectangle in the lower left hand corner and then i'll go to the single view and it takes a second to render you can see on the lower left left render and there it is now i'll come in and i'll tweak these adjustments if needed so i if i need to remove more noise i'll move it to the right if i don't need to remove as much noise i'll see if i can move it to the left if that is acceptable again you have to wait for it to render in the lower left hand side you have to wait till that says updated so don't jump the gun i'll put that back on auto for a minute let it render now enhance sharpen the same thing i could move it around to see well can i maybe eek a little more sharpness out of it now if you do that you might start to reintroduce noise so you need to be careful that you don't in this case i don't think i did um also below that in post-processing you could recover some of the original detail and you could remove that color noise reduction now i already removed the color noise reduction in lightroom so i actually could zero that right out if you didn't already remove color noise reduction definitely check out the color noise reduction and see if you have to move this slider now as far as recover original detail this is the one more so than enhanced sharpness where if i move it to the right i could really start to introduce that noise so i have to be careful with this one it seems like i did start to bring in some of that noise again so what i'll do is i'll just bring that down and just bring it up maybe just a little see if that works and really that is all i do uh to see you know how it looks um to see a before after just click right on the image there's before there's after you also could click up here this little square right here before after so you could see that it did a great job removing noise now some more advanced features of the noise ai are masking features and i'll cover that in a future video as i mentioned this video just the basics to help you get started using denoise ai once i'm happy with it i'll click apply now you can see that it's applying uh that noise reduction to that tiff file when we get back into lightroom we'll have two images here i'm gonna hit the f6 key so i bring up the film strip make it a little bigger so you can see what's going on here this is our noise reduced image zoom in and this is our image with noise now let me um go up to view and let me lock zoom position that way when i click between the two they'll stay in the same spot so there is no noise reduce noise and there is the image with noise again this is kind of the before and this is after so i think you'll agree that it did a really nice job on this image and i hope this helps those of you that are really quite new to denoise ai get started using it what i found is when i started using it i was going through all these old wildlife images i had that i was i had to shoot at a higher iso that i thought you know weren't good enough because they had so much noise in them i was able to really rescue those images and i think you'll be able to do the same thing thank you everyone watches my videos i really do appreciate it i'll talk to you guys soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 6,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz Labs, Gigapixel ai, Tutorial, Photography, Upscaling, Upsizing, Photo Editing, Photography Tutorial, gigapixel, how to, topaz labs, topaz studio, topaz studio 2, topaz sharpen ai, topaz mask ai, topaz denoise ai, topaz gigapixel, bird photography, ai upscaling, topaz gigapixel ai, topaz adjust, landscape photography, morganti, anthony morganti, wildlife photography, topaz adjust ai, nature photography, topaz denoise ai review, topaz coupon, sharpen ai, denoise ai
Id: bm7u9Xc1pNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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