Beginner Trials 03: Front Wheel Hops in the Garage

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Jason here okay in Zermatt oh this is my third beginner trials video today I'm talking about more garage stuff because it is winter outside still this is your first bike just getting it set up and ready to ride one of the important things to set up is handlebar position on a traditional dirt bike your bars going to be more straight up and down on these trials bikes these bars are actually pushed forward the the marking lines I tend to be around what is that they have marked here as a negative - that's just you want the bars forward almost pushing up towards your shoulders when you're on the bike now I'm going to show the the technique on how we're going to pop the front wheel there's only a few steps involved basically get your balance going and you're going to move your your knees forward and your whole body weight forward to compress the front end and then if one smooth motion you're going to snap your knees back the forward back forward and back that's all there is to to getting the front wheel off the ground there's not going to be there's a little bit of me pulling up on the board but there's not a lot of pulling up and for many beginners when they're trying to work on the front wheel hubs try to use all upper body and just peel off the ground that's been the extremely tiring it's it's all you want use your big muscles your thighs are a lot of power in them so you're just going to forward that my right foot is awesome dear break apart you can see you don't exert a ton of effort in this pot so this winter when you have spare time just get on your bike come down to the garage get your balance gentlemen and you can even start your front wheel buffs by just getting a little motion going just getting starting to move the suspension a little bit we kind of get a feel for those like moving around just keep working on that alright so get down to your garage work on that balance work on this probably olaf's stay tuned for video for thanks for watching you so now I'm going to show that the technique to hopping this probably don't one on the bike it's a really pretty easy technique I hate this I hate women like good somebody says it's really easy technique like don't don't tell me how easy it is
Channel: Yinzer Moto
Views: 10,154
Rating: 4.9607844 out of 5
Keywords: trials front wheel hop, trials, front, wheel, hop, scorpa, sherco, beta, gasgas, yinzer, moto, pittsburgh, adv
Id: nZqe0rIoSJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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