Beginner Guitar Practice Routine

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foreign [Music] foreign music I thought we need a little some intro so I just play something simple this video Lesson I will talk about beginner Series so this is like a series of you know four lessons but this time I'm gonna show you how to practice guitar practice routine for beginner and then week later intermediate and advanced and Pros so in other words you want to see what's the you know difference I think we talked about those levels because people want to know I can talk really well today anyway so um I'm gonna show you each details previously I show you seven things to do work on those are just you know ideas seven material seven topic idea ideas that you can pick two three of them but this one you are going to do exactly to do okay so the first one chromatic scale you know side by side and second one learning notes on the fretboard really important I had to do it too in because I memorized fretboard and didn't work so I had to really learn then try it try as a three note group so you learn all right are you ready this is very exciting and this guitar Orange Wood Oliver mahogany natural burst so this is really great it's now it's too shiny this is you know only United States their ship but um shipped 225 dollars not bad at all all right so let's do a chromatic scale obviously I skipped tuning part because tuning part probably you already know and personally I use I like to use you know through this like you you hit the knee like that that's it you know okay and then usually listen to that you tune up a maybe this is the shop man and then you tune up but we skip that part right okay so now the first one chromatic scale chromatic scale means half step scale I want you to do only fourth and third string starting first first fret up to ninth fret but you have to be flexible if you're busy you can do from fifth fret two maybe seventh fret like that okay just let me show you so then all down stroke like this when you're ready you put pick next one okay first one no rhythm okay very important your thumb position is the center the reason I only teach fourth and a third string also I practice only third and fourth string every day because this way you get basic really really great form I play a little bit more a difficult one but just you know same idea all down stroke the first one you see keep your finger down okay this fourth finger you sustain still sustain then you switch to first finger and the second fret now I made a noise so let me do again slowly now technique [Music] this hand in my right hand right hand Palm right here right here touch lightly touching um bottom strings you know um fifth and sixth string so that these are muted and I'm playing um fourth string then this note you sustain longer and go to the next one [Music] Tempo isn't really important so most people problem is you know you watch a video or something you go faster this is a bug problem [Music] because of your hurry you want to play in tempo right away so let us know wasn't relaxed also wasn't really corrected you know so correct ways every node sustain beautifully and go to next one no finger noise that's why I practice teach for the string first because fourth string has a noise perfect okay so you do really slow like that Tempo isn't really matter at all keep your fingers down relaxed and switch like that you got that good job and at first you want to do maybe like you know first fret to fifth fret don't do too much because more you do won't help lesser you do more pay attention helps you know so even like you can play from fifth fret like that do you get the idea sustain Tempo isn't important [Music] okay you keep doing that up to 12. even like you know seventh on the first fret I mean first finger is fine this is better from here you keep your all your fingers down first no fingernails so finger move move straight up and then move less okay now switch from fourth finger no noise [Music] and breathe in breathe out really um don't hold a breath okay breathe in breathe out [Music] yeah like that you know foreign you got the idea right okay and then same thing you the third string [Music] now let's check my thumb position below Center okay and this guitar so good for lesson because no shiny no shininess like that [Music] say sustain so I'm not really concerned about Tempo at all sustain this is how you do it [Music] see almost like a fourth note I sustained longer because I'm not recounting it's just concerned about how to make sound and how not to make any noise foreign [Music] as you see you have a tempo that was a little noisy maybe this is fastest you can do all downstroke because beginners important not eating broccoli not not you know eating tasty food okay all right I think you did a good job all right so now scale now first you have to understand open e d g b e i I just remember I mean I just learned memorize you know so you can say something Eric ate you know delisha something you know whatever but I think a funny one when I was teaching at the turn to music in Waltham Massachusetts and one guy or kid says he's he's all the teacher taught me how to learn uh no uh open Notes so he taught me this student taught me he said every day you know also he said every deserve good beer every day I highly not recommend this way but just you know you remember that you can forget though but don't tell me I taught you okay all right so now so B string B string second string you know we will learn C scale c d e f g a b c c is root so here the b b string so half Step Up but you can you can go you know um press too much see and your thumb is here okay not like this all right because you don't have to mute the bottom strings because bottom of string really use your right hand to mute you know so here second string C and D is a whole step whole step means you Skip One to next one like that this distance whole step C to D whole step and D to e whole step Doremi see you can learn that so c d e and then now e to F is half step half step right next to it so so remember third third note E and F fourth note half step slowly and then g a b whole step sorry I just go a little too fast now between B and C half step so [Music] slowly slowly you can sing that too yeah training [Music] I don't know what he's saying about [Music] and then you know you can do extra [Music] like that you know intervals interval sequences that probably that's really for you know intermediate because beginner you want to do everything absolutely simple so that you don't have to skip or you don't have to I'm sorry you don't have to go back too much you know you don't want to skip anything right one more time and slowly then just in case maybe fifth fifth string a b between C so this one you mute a little bit then lift up a little bit so instead of sliding e to the F half zip g a b c because fifth string has a lot of cores you know foreign [Music] so after that if you want to every single string you can practice one finger one note at a time maybe you want to use a white paper write c d e f g a b c just you know um tight between E and F B and C so you can really see the half step understand so slowly no memorization no tabs because tab you don't need because he wants to have a great ear then you'll be happy if you use tab you can play it but then you can jam not good really you know this guitar sounds so good by the way okay so see like this is exercise you have to really do it so every day you do that for a while okay up and down the neck but if you do really well you can go to Next Level you see all right so you got that every string you do C scale right but but you know for this why don't we do this fingering exercise chromatic only fourth and third string first fret to ninth fret but you can do little less if you want to even one string because you do every single day it's important so and at least second string fifth string you add more because different strength you learn notation is good you see [Music] a little bit scratchy sounds but but so like that you understand now so the trials tries means this from fifth string this is c e g so root is a c e is Major third then if you don't know Theory don't worry about that one three five because third or not [Music] this is really important intervals so this root major third is two full step that's major third the from major third to fifth is minor third up like that again minor third is this distance major third is this this see that's really really important part is music [Music] that's like a Triad arpeggio so you learned it okay see part of course now next one here [Music] third fifth and root this is what we call First inversion so already you're learning theory foreign budget [Music] song like that so that's the first thing version that's a different color [Music] you can you can be Entertainer you know yeah so um like that okay so you have to learn C and this second inversion second like this see second Dimensions barcode [Music] so you already know [Music] so you learn like this okay one more time [Music] Salome a little high but like that okay so now second inversion first in version real position if you want to learn more about the theory it's really a great idea to join my guitar wisdom I have a whole section about the Triads I mean you learn Triads so much you learn I mean amazing you know now so top three strings This is the End okay don't worry so top three string rule positions this root position means domiso so here root third fifth okay it's almost like that if you know the a like a power chord you know I'm not a parkour but just a shape you know [Music] even this [Music] Maybe [Music] I shouldn't go this way because already I'm I'm adding something see sometimes if you know the basics idea then adding something is good but if I if I play that then if I make you confuse then I'm not a good teacher you know because I'm adding too much so adding less is really good so first root position 505 3 the position five five three okay don't write on so next one is this [Music] 988 top three string misodo EGC okay not last one [Music] 12 13 12 or open one up foreign so you see [Music] so then you're curious how can I change your key well if you shift one one fret one one whole step this D [Music] ude you can do maybe that foreign [Music] you see [Music] indeed [Music] like that so if you play f mistletoe see only three types one is root position don't be so okay root position the next one the frosting button mistletoe like that third or fifth root so you have you can see root third or fifth okay third of fifth of the root only three five one three so you don't want to write any shape of these because you learn these not memorize be familiar with this is really important so now you're shifting to D then that's the second inversion in real position some of you difficult to do this one they're fine don't do it but just listen to the idea only three shapes are moving if I play f or same version after forcing version second theme version looks like a d after second the image always rules like that okay so somebody said if I play a yes ND [Music] one more time ah d one more time hit one more time e and D here playing Blues changes like that okay so that's a key of air you know so idea is you have to learn one at a time okay so you you learn wrap up you look you learned how to practice chromatic scale fourth and a third strength limitation limitation means not negative way limitation means you limit yourself so that you learn you understand you appreciate that so deep better you know and then you once you learn that you can apply that idea into something else so that's great so if you learn too much you know you know just a surface of idea but you cannot use that to change the key and stuff that's why easy to use tablature but the reason I don't recommend because I want you to be free I want to enjoy your life with your guitar freely that means you have to have a little bit commitment and you have to have make effort every day little by little so that you gain more effort you give then you gain more confidence more comfort you know so everything is good if it's too fast too easy not good okay so fingering exercise fourth third strings try out exercise top three strings third second first string and then from Fifth Fifth fourth third and you play root position first inversion second inversion once again if you have more time you can apply to different set of strings like that and and therefore don't forget one finger approach you learn C scale so [Music] root second third six five see if you hear music you hear the interval then you grab your guitar you can play right away that's great part of knowledge and your effort all right thank you so much for watching to watch the music if you like my channel Thomas the music please subscribe this Channel and share with your friends that would be awesome your friends become better guitar player you become good friends than nice and here Orangewood Oliver mahogany natural burst I'm playing so this one is good for beginners all right thank you so much have a great day so please sting you know practicing this okay take care bye
Channel: TomoFujitaMusic
Views: 125,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guitar, Acoustic guitar, Orangewood, Beginner, Practice routine, Chromatic scale, Triads, Triad lesson, Major Scale, Intevals, Music Theory, Tomo Fujita, Guitar Wisdom
Id: uyJCnix60EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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