Beginner Guitar Lesson with Sammi and Tomo Fujita

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hello hello thank you so much for watching thomas the music this is real this is the first lesson for sammy yeah i'm this is pretty informed informal i just i literally just took a shower i'm filing my nails i haven't practiced like it's it's a lot but yeah i want to do this so you know just rip the band-aid kind of get right into it that's great yeah i'm a little bit nervous too just because it's like you know it's own kids very difficult to teach what to do about you know yeah yeah and um so first of all um if you're a teacher if you are father of your kids and you know first thing you don't want to push so much because um i respect your choices and your passion yeah he keeps asking me like you don't have to do this like just making sure like you want to do this some sometimes sometimes you know push stuff important you know somebody need to push but this this one especially guitar to me i had a passion yeah so i i bought my own amp and a guitar you know that's how i started yeah but if somebody pushed me i'm not sure how long i could you know do it you know yeah yeah so um so the reality is i showed her a little bit um um about the guitar but i i really didn't teach her anything yet and just to make sure that you know yeah i don't have like a hidden talent to play guitar so the first thing i feel like first thing can you get the guitar out from the game yeah yes i can yeah great yeah yeah that's good yeah yeah yeah what's that right so so we we learned a little bit about you know um so now you're lefty yeah definitely lefty yeah i mean i told you that first time ever when you hold your guitar i can see it's really not comfortable yeah and then after we made a video remember you said i think this one is better yeah i didn't know that so yeah yeah yeah so like a main thing is this about like function of a guitar yeah so this is a body obviously this is called sound hall sound hall sound of hole oh my god there's a fly okay and there's yeah and then stretch strings um you want to say this one bottom string oh yeah yeah rainbow yeah this is top yes yeah because the lighting maybe see the soda first thing make people make a mistake you know says bottom string oh my god so this is the highest string right the bottom right you know we have six six string top right top string top because it's higher yeah that's right yeah yeah exactly and then oh yeah and then you were telling me yeah muting right right muting exactly exactly yeah and then so this got tuning pegs you know tuner tuning pegs so that's if your turn one way you go to you know higher and lower yes but um i don't think today i want to get into the tuning yeah i think people just want to play exactly also you know i i was thinking finally i realized tuning is not important for teaching for the guitar the reason is most instrument already in tune right like a piano it's in tune this is only instrument kind of you have to worry about tuning right and first i think and then there's also like oh yeah that have the built-in built-in tuner i mean so like you know um like the these types like you know what we call you know uh like a tuner yeah you know kind of automatic tuner yeah and then yeah there was one in the back right right right so we will get into that but just today let's not do we'll just go back to twinkle twinkle yeah yeah just so you know just be familiar with uh notes yeah then the posture is really important yeah and i realized you know it's not great to play on the couch because you know you don't really do anything okay so exactly so so like so that could this definitely you don't want to play like this you know so not yet right well it's just you know yeah straight that's great yeah and yeah exactly so like enough just of you know uh last one i showed you twinkle twinkle little stuff [Music] [Music] open right yeah so so there we go so basically um do you know major scale no major skills you know it's just a basic scale and music and so again you know when you learn sometimes you have to learn a little bit of theory about you know notation or you know degree and stuff but again don't worry but you know for example [Music] i mean you know if you watch a lot about disney movie it's a lot this know so something like that so like yeah so you don't have to know every details so that's why i sort of show you already you're watching me yeah i'm watching how you hold your hand uh-huh i feel like yeah really i don't know i mean right now i mean it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you try to mute it yeah you i mean even like you don't have to mute it because i just showed you detail but i think right now you just pluck the string and focus on you know on you know yeah right the other thing was like i was using my middle finger yeah i mean first thing i thought kind of easier to see right right right yeah but but also um let me jump to this one this is sort of technique if you want to practice technique sometimes you want to put it like this this is so called chromatic scale chromatic yeah everything by half step right [Music] right hard to do [Music] right and you hold them all down yeah all down but so in order to do that you have to move with your your your thumb a little bit uh like a lower you know yeah and sometimes it's a little easier to play different strengths also yeah but anyway so that like that you know exercise yeah yeah so that you can move freely right right eventually yeah so again that i i don't teach right away yeah i was gonna say that's kind of hard right right right so you see like oh also sometimes people teach course like strumming you know yeah yeah i learned this one first like let's go e minor e minor yeah [Music] so you're using your second third finger oh second yeah exactly and then second fret on fifth string and fourth string yeah yeah yeah and press a little harder [Music] you got it yes yeah so like you know sorry like yeah again anything you put so sometimes i play like that first thing thumb doesn't matter it's hard right yeah it's like you think play even stuck on this one you're stuck like this yeah if i get yeah yeah yeah not quite like that but okay so so now um [Music] i i got to this one too like you know this is a cool pic i know that this is those big okay and then this is a little bigger these are fun yeah and then you know generally i i recommend my students use a heavy pick yeah so like this one this is a this is soft yeah yeah oh you mean heavier heavier than the thicker yeah okay because this is a problem this is probably oh this medium yeah medium and uh kind of bigger this is medium to similar medium like you know um what happened is pick kind of moves like that oh yeah then you can hold pick a little uh tighter tighter tighter yeah okay that way a little easy in the beginning yeah yeah but then gradually again so many things to do i hold the pick a little lighter to get the more better sound right yeah then then here's the important part you're doing right yeah right yeah yeah you like this but you want to go more straight okay yeah like yeah straight yeah then softer yeah yeah yeah and maybe if you can yeah elbows should be see like elbow right here okay so that um you know close to the sound hole exactly so what watch here right okay this is probably hard what you hear i'm a little sticky i don't [Music] yeah try again okay so like uh that's first i learned what one chord like that is here yeah yeah you want to strum all the notes right yeah [Applause] yeah and then you have to you know um so that's like a first one you want to learn you know try yeah press it down a little harder yeah exactly so the difficult part is you know strumming evenly and then don't be afraid to you know um hit hit the you know uh guitar body you know like that watch here that's why we have a disability you know so that so you don't have you don't have no that's okay you're gonna drop a pic you have to go like this yeah [Music] i think that's like i have to hold this yeah so so you see i can give you this one too but uh you know um [Music] i feel like that one was easier okay yeah i like this one too i like this so this is called teardrop and then this one sankaku the triangle [Music] that's fine too you know [Music] i yeah yeah so but a great part of you know guitar chords is not so many of them in the beginning right yeah and as you see like it was kind of difficult to hold it right yeah that's why you have to do chromatic skill to kind of try your finger more like a exercise you know yeah yeah i honestly feel like this like training this part would be easier for me than yeah just so for example in this motion even yeah for example like this is i teach a lot like a fourth of string fourth fourth yeah exactly right there it's good try this one you know you can are you just only hitting the fourth string yeah chromatic yeah right yeah see that's hot yeah so now i think i gotta crack my head so that um okay let me explain a little bit um lower part is a little harder because a little bit more distance you know okay as you go higher she goes a little bit narrow yeah yeah so you want to play around the fifth fret fifth yeah and also if you yeah if you see from the top there's this dot oh yeah so here watch this one dot has a three five seven nine twelve yeah so like you don't have i don't have it you don't have it here because you're cheaper so here so 5 7 9 12. so when i say fifth fret is right there yeah boom boom yeah exactly boom yeah then so like a really hard to do but you you want to do one two three four slowly you know yeah difficult part is you have to sustain each note see the yeah exactly yeah it's this pinky exactly yeah [Music] that's pretty good you know pretty good the first two are okay yeah definitely left the guitar is better yeah right i mean honestly i didn't teach her anything because actually can i tell you this one yeah you know you said that we're gonna do this right yeah i saw the guitar the downstairs in the same place in the seven days okay she still want to do it but i don't want to do it no but then i just uh but i thought that's nice and real yeah just because you're busy you know a lot of things doing yeah i'm taking care of a parent right now teaching classes teaching classes right so okay i thought you know see yeah it's not that i'm like oh i don't want to do that no it's just like getting into the habit yeah but yeah exactly exactly and it's like a little daunting at first yeah but but but the this is cool right so now but now i like can play around a little more you know so like yeah exactly so like a few things i want to try this week practice this every day maybe five minutes like that but the key is sustained sustained yeah i do you do innocence again you can go higher i suggest anything higher than fifth fret higher as i'm like yeah higher so okay this one i just wanna yeah yeah higher means this this yeah higher i mean the pitches go higher okay and then as you go higher but don't you don't but you don't want to play anything above the 12 frets okay those are not important what do you do here no don't worry about those that's not important normally this this is more important you know lower part yeah right yeah i mean i don't see many people [Music] okay oh you want me to go back over here what was it again yeah so now this one yeah second and the third yeah didn't see this is really like a spider yeah this this is a present for you notebook oh my god there's so much cat fur on it huh you can't hear it oh wow yeah attendance records yeah yeah and even this yeah exactly so i already write it down a little bit yeah make me emotional oh see yes [Laughter] i wrote exactly what unboxing is that's right first string but did we get it no no this is i i just wrote out a little bit idea today because when i teach people i just think about that in my notebook yeah i just think about little bit because i can improvise totally yeah but the total info is sometimes not great right i have to have a choices a little bit so i think the same thing when i when i teach oh yeah it's like if i leave anything like just kind of like oh like yeah it'll be like a game time decision yeah sometimes it's when i like look back i'm like oh i definitely could have said something better better right yeah that's what the teaching is like you know preparing yeah i could do 90 grade but the one ten percent some important stuff easy to forget yeah right so that's why i write the possibilities so that's why you know possibilities i wrote basic name just in case you know basic names you know and then posture yeah you know because you probably play sitting down the floor or on the bed with a cat cat that's true so posture is really important yeah yeah and then and then you see i can't even read this one single yeah single singular yeah yeah maybe see the tuning you know notes course possibility you know yeah possibility one more thing right just one more thing right so like here this is the second string this one right so what you hear right this is a little difficult this is so called c scale just because this note is so you see i don't even teach you um string name because it's not so important yet you know string name right this here me and then you went half step here right right and then [Laughter] [Music] right [Music] oh wait this one right so so like so idea is you know again too much information only two places half step like this right so [Music] so that's a c major scale second yeah here sounds so bad well but uh but uh here the if i compare you with you know really typical you know beginners yeah still you listening yeah i mean i know like what it's supposed to yeah so sounds like and like i know i'm supposed to like most people yeah most people play like this watch [Music] like that but you did this i'm trying you already i mean that that part is really great you know sustain yeah notes has two two sounds sustained or short you know like staccato staccato staccato yeah beautiful yeah beautiful beautiful beautiful wow that was a bad one a little bit bad yeah it's these ones yeah but so now you get the idea right so like after lesson you just you know write it out yeah okay you learn you know body you know uh name of instrument yeah that's it that's i think good right so so so what happened [Music] that's e major scale already because star e [Music] what and i don't tell you reason why but just so you see something you know this scale yeah something about the scale but just you know again like a first lesson you don't want to give too much yes then you lose interest uh no i feel like i'm i'm very curious yes i made a curiosity yeah yeah wait three and or two and three yeah yeah here even this one right something like [Music] watching [Music] [Music] see already you understand accent oh yeah so for example right this is a creativity what's happening whoa so what's your distance [Music] see different position changes the sounds [Music] [Music] see like that it just creativity just exercise like that so that you you you work on your finger right you know move around yeah this is like spiderman hands spiderman yeah so two and three i just have to think spider yes this is what he does oh oh so it's like wow this is a new uh terminology show me your spiderman code [Laughter] that's going yeah yeah so anyway so yeah just wrap up so you know you'll learn this e minor e minor e minor yeah i'll tell you a little bit more yeah spider on my hand e minor right and then we learn um twinkle twinkle little star and one finger the first string right right this one yeah exactly [Music] and then this one you already know the melody if you hit the wrong note you have to go this way or this way so if you go this way higher this is go lower the pitch you know so and just in case i put the position marker right yeah then the next week next time when we do you have to take out those the position markers so that you have to really you know train your hearing you know but the first time that's okay to just know oops yeah that's it no that's it yeah is it back here bucky right yeah a lot of stuff like you know uh going back and i mean that's like easy it's kind of like the piano like certain yeah it's like i'll know where like what i'm supposed to press but yeah like well i don't actually play piano but just but like when i had like the little keyboard like um yeah you understand right so just like if it was the wrong one i could just play around yeah yeah see you have a so that you have a sense of a pitch yeah just you know yeah exactly i think that's good right yeah what else i yeah then um yeah so i um let me we've got the body yeah the sound sound right i didn't know that okay yeah just you know yeah so known you know in the posture we did we did a single note yeah we did under tuning that's okay so notes we learned a b you know a b string second string you know then a chord i just show you e minor that's it yeah yeah isn't that a thing too like next year so we'll just keep playing what's up new students will just keep playing oh yeah yeah yeah somebody while you're like talking that's what i'm doing right now that's okay that's okay but then uh sometimes um suspicious berkeley um yeah already a person can play a little bit right right right yeah right so they get a little bit nervous in front of me or sometimes they get so excited and they keep playing yeah and then i used to go hey stop playing like that i don't say those things anymore yeah that would scare me exactly that's not good right i was a little bit hard you know for a while you know but then i just changed a little bit so it's softened up soften up yeah so when somebody playing i just smile i just wait just smile yeah yeah and um nice and then one a few times sometimes people want to talk a lot yeah and again those ones too i don't really you know stop them i just let them talk because that's the importance before we like started recording this he he was saying that like like teaching like well you were saying like you are a little bit nervous yeah because teaching especially knew like a new student like no matter where they are starting off like skill wise just like a new student like you have to i had to very very fill them out yeah and make sure you're helping them that's why when people ask me what books should i get i can't say one book because there's no one book that you know does it because that's why lesson personal lessons so important that almost like a workout even like depends on the personality yes personality you have to feel it and then you have to prepare over prepare many things you know yeah you know i can you know your mom always said i got oh i mean not anymore but i got always nervous right before day before i go to berkeley yeah every semester i can sleep yeah even super super prepared still now it's like finally finally finally yeah but only took 28 years 28 years yeah i mean i'm the same way i think yeah i'll just keep how's your teaching going i mean i think it's it's great yeah i mean yeah it's really fulfilling that's great that's great that's nice that's great all right so uh you got a notebook and uh i have a notebook and you know this is called music notation and don't worry about that yeah and now you know we'll get oops tuning stuff yeah it's pretty good very good [Music] honestly that sounds pretty good very expensive i stopped at this whole berkeley all right i think that's good right now you you just started a new challenge new challenge pain challenge yes i have a lot of meta skill all right thank you so much for watching music yeah thank you sami my daughter and we we're gonna do again i know i we say maybe you know by weekly or uh weekly depending yeah exactly yeah she's busy i'm busy so but definitely yeah we do so yeah let us know if there are certain things you want to see could also help we're just yeah we're free all right thank you thank you so much so see you soon take care
Channel: TomoFujitaMusic
Views: 98,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beginner Lesson, First Lesson, Guitar Lesson, Sammi, Tomo Fujita
Id: NTnzPWoRk88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 34sec (1954 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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