Beginner Faction Guide - Age of Calamitous Conan Exiles

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hello i am ragnarok and welcome to the reckoning so today we're going to do a quick video on how to pick your faction and what to do shortly at uh right after you pick your faction so a couple things have been updated since last time we did this video so i figured go over it a lot of people are uh new to the game and like i said there's a couple things with the last time i updated the how to pick your faction video that's changed so i just want to go over those quick changes just to alleviate some of the confusion um and like i said it will just be a quick video on how to pick your faction we'll give a little information about the sub factions about the faction reworks that are happening in 2020 um and a couple of things and like i said we'll go over the like how to build in your faction how to where to find your faction feats and stuff like that so just very basics we'll go through as quick as possible but some of this is going to be very very introductory to the ancient claminus mod for conan exiles so let's get into it okay so first things first you make your brand new character you're not going to spawn in with awesome looking armor and weapons like i have right now but you are going to spawn in uh basically naked or clothed in bandages depending on your uh settings uh however you are gonna spawn in the same area so right down here at the bottom i'm over here at the broken highway now the first thing to make note of is the broken highway broken highway and as you can see there are multiple broken highways they're all pretty much about the same uh they just meander a little different but they all meander north to this big long river and stuff like that uh there's a couple things to pick up along the ways and stuff like that it's all vanilla stuff um some runes you can go up to and talk to and stuff like that uh there's little schools in the ground there's usually somewhere right in the beginning there's going to be a water skin that you want to pick up give you a little water gives you a little more time to get to the um river and stuff like that these are sometimes on the left the right sometimes they're way up there it depends which broken highway you're on but they're roughly all about the same either way though uh the first thing you want to do is make your way up i'm not going to go over some of the tips as far as like clothing yourself first making your weapons what feeds to pick there this is mainly just going to go over how to pick your faction where to find it all that stuff and some of the other stuff that has to do with uh early faction gameplay so the main goal is you're going to want to make it just follow the path and as you can see i'm speeding up the gameplay a little bit because this is an actual pretty decent run um you can spawn in at any of those broken highways at random so just make note of which one you're at but like i said they all follow the same path if you die and you don't have a bed roll down you're going to spawn in at one of those random you may not respond to the one you originally spawned in at but as you can see we're here now north of the river and what you're going to want to do is you're going to make your way all the way west to the end of the river and you can you know get some trees get some fiber get rocks drink some water you can fight some of these creatures now if you stay in the south side of the river the south side of the river is uh basically balanced for level five or lower so most the creatures as long as you craft a weapon you should be able to fight most of stuff if not all of it with little to no trouble um so that's where you can gain a couple levels what i usually say is by time you make it here to the end of the river as you can see we're over here now you're gonna see a faction camp now what a lot of people do is they'll build like a base a little little base out there get some mats they'll get they'll build like a armor station get some armor on get a decent weapon uh and then fight their way through this camp if you're below level 10 and especially if you're using like a stone weapon you don't have any heals this camp can be a little bit more difficult not impossible but it's definitely a little bit more difficult so i would suggest um doing my little trick here unless you want to fight yourself fight your way through it and basically what we do is we climb up this you just followed around and basically once you get here jump down you basically bypass the entire camp now you can do this one of two ways you really don't have to climb up here you can kind of just wrap around this but you can now there's two guards right here and they're pretty beefed so just make sure as soon as you run in you just run past them they'll they'll chase you uh they may even hit you once especially the one with the bow and arrow so you can but you're only gonna take one hit it's not gonna kill you or anything like that but the main goal is to find this portal and go through it okay so when you go through the portal you are at you will be at the age of klamath faction hall if you do not have the age of klamath mod for conan exiles you will not have this ability so this video is pretty much irrelevant um but this is actually one of the really the one of the coolest features that's been around the longest in age claims the faction hall wasn't always here but the choices that choose factions uh they give you unique things has been since the beginning of the age of klamath the hall was in addition later on uh which was a really cool way of showcasing a little bit basically you come into the faction hall there's no enemies in here you can't be killed or you can be killed you can die in here but um there's no enemies in here that will kill you or anything like that so don't worry about that it's just a really really cool safe area so what there is is there is a room for each of the factions you have the alliance of stormhold order of felgarth elven covenant uh order of elvenar uh the van gogh i don't think they actually have a longer name of like the van gogh alliance or whatever the mangle and the cold embrace so over the over 2020 these factions are being reworked uh so far the first faction was cold embrace uh that was in february i believe of 2020. uh felgarth was the one that most recently happened at the time of recordings video uh which was april at the end of april of 2020 so we'll see which faction's next leave in the comment section below which faction you hope is next um i have an idea which one may it be but i'm not sure so i i have a guess but either way uh definitely leave in the comment section i'm curious to see what people really want to have worked on next either way though let's see so we have each of the rooms if you go into the rooms you can get a feel for what the factions have now there's two types of rooms right now so this is a room that of a faction that has not yet been reworked uh in 2020 and they're pretty similar with a couple minor differences so let's take a look real quick so you get your tier one building and that's the same no matter what uh then your tier three building yes tier three building um and then they put a tier four floor in there just to show you what a little bit is you have some armor now if the the faction has not been reworked you have your endgame armor you have your your starter armor and some weapons and as you see that wall is blank you also come over here and you have a miniaturization of some of the builds and stuff like that that you'll get for this faction and this is who you're going to talk to to pick your faction now let's go to a room that has been reworked the cold embrace has been reworked just to show you the difference so same thing build tier one tier three with the tier four tile in there however instead of the end game armor and the starter armor and some weapons you have the sub factions so if the faction has been reworked let's bring a little light to it if the faction has been reworked uh there'll be a banner for each of the stuff actions so it gives you a little hint at what you can get end game for the cold embrace or whatever faction room you're in uh so this is the san guise unit this is the emperor's knights and then you can see the unique weapons to each of the two the well their elite weapons unique to each of those subfactions and then some of their mixed stuff and then also over here you'll see a portal which will take you to their sanctuary um and that's where you would get your subfaction quest there are a couple things in there if it's a magical faction uh there's a couple things to get in there if it's not a magical faction there'll be a couple things in there so you definitely want to check it out you can't enter this portal until you pick your faction and it has to be that so you can't go in this portal until you pick cold embrace you can't go into the felgarth one until you choose pogo felgarth you so forth and so forth okay so we'll just take a look around real quick uh we'll go into the phil garth room as you can see it's also been reworked so sub fashion sub faction the holy syndicate the house storm collar and there's their portal and then the rest of the factions have not been reworked yet so they're going to be like the first room the stormhold room again we'll just take a look around you can see some decorations in these rooms too these statues and stuff sometimes some of the rooms have some other things these guards this is like some of the armor you can get this is actually a decoration also um we'll go into [Music] elvenar again building non-reworked factions so far so and if you really want an in-depth look at these i do have a showcase video for each of these factions they some of them are old the showcase videos are the first i did on the uh channel they were the first sets of videos that's actually what kind of brought the channel to life uh and made it what it is today so be a little delicate on me the videos are old they were my first go at like editing and recording stuff like that so but the good thing is is even though the fact a lot of stuff has changed the videos are still pretty relevant the mats to make the items aren't really what they are what they were the stats and some of the things are a little off but if you just want to get a look at what you're looking at and maybe all the items in those videos are still in the factions uh and if they had any special abilities or anything like that that is the same there might be things added to them at most if the fact if the faction is outdated the video uh it's just missing newer things that were added after the fact but it all the stuff that's in there the what the buildings look like what the decorations look like and stuff like that all that's the same maybe some of the decorations were given a little bit of adjustments to make them look cooler uh but for the most part everything in that those videos are pretty good to go so give you a good feel of what the factions are definitely check out those videos this is the elven covenant room as you can see pretty cool and what we're going to do is we're going to go to the newest sub newest faction you're going to go up to the ghost you're going to talk to it now if you're on a single player server the second you hit yes it's going to teach you it if you are on an online server when you hit yes you'll be given a token you'll get an item in your backpack and it's gonna it's gonna look like this symbol whatever the symbol of the faction you uh you talk to you'll get a token now the cool thing is on the multiplayer servers you can actually get a token for all six of the factions you can only use one though what you'll do is you'll click on it you'll look for the eagle if you want felgarth you'll click on it and you hit the use button i'm on a single player server for the sake of recording the video but like i said you just use the token and then the rest of them you'll just dump on the ground because uh you can only choose one faction once you choose one if you try to use one of the other tokens it's gonna say you already have a faction now there are ways for single player or not multiplayer servers to give you multiple factions there's quests they can make um there's items they can give you loyalty rewards and stuff like that it's not built into the game it's something that happened would have to do so some servers let you choose multi game multiple factions some people some servers do it as a loyalty road some servers only let you choose one uh but the core of the game uh the way the game is unmodified or well the mod is unmodified is you can only choose one faction the only way you can change that faction is by re-creating your character back to level zero and started from scratch so just make note of that your choice is a permanent one you can't get rid of it you can't change it you can't trade it in and on most are a lot of servers i would say you you probably it's the only one they're gonna let you have so just make note of that make the choice wisely but it does give a little replayability to the game once you choose the token though if it has a rework and there's a portal now i'll be able to go through it and this is the felgar sub faction hall uh all the sub facts are not so fashion hall the the felgar sanctuary um so all of them are going to be unique to what the faction is the colon brace one looks way different it's a lot darker um but it's really cool the cool thing is if you go into the rooms you know they have some rooms and stuff here's where you choose the sub faction and we actually have a video with the sub factions on how to uh get the um felgar sub faction uh finish their questline stuff like that uh if depending on when this video is dropping and what order i decided to do stuff in uh there may be a showcase video for the felgar sub faction if not it will be coming soon so hit the subscribe button so you get notified when that drops uh there are i do already have videos for the cold and brace up factions so you can check out one video for each of the the san greece unit and the knights of the empress so definitely check that out you can see what what more of the stuff that um the cold embrace has to offer once you get farther in it stuff auctions are locked behind level 80 so you won't be able to choose that until you're that level okay so once you choose your faction and you left the faction hall you can go anywhere in the game you want to go and the next thing you want to do is you're going to want to build in the you're going to want to build a base in your faction's style so what you're going to do is feats if you're age claminus the first thing you're going to have to make sure you do is you're going to have to learn this feat right here art of the craft that gives you the construction platform okay so first thing after you choose that feat you're going to want to go to right here your construction platform you'll want to craft one and you want to place it there you go so now we're going to go into it hey it's blank why don't i have any recipes what's going on so this is a very common questions very easy one to miss you a lot of times you can create the crafting stations and this is the same with a lot of other crafting stations too but if you don't know the feet that gives you the recipes you won't have anything in there or you'll be missing things because there are some crafting stations that like there's multiple feats to unlock more and more and more inside them so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to we're not first thing this is like an a thing i don't keep saying the first thing either way you're going to go to your religion dab that's where you're going to find your faction so right here when you pick your faction you get this first one unlocked and this gives you a bunch of decorations some storage uh a light source your wheel of pain contractors more decorations these orbs are awesome we actually have a video that we already dropped recently that goes over these orbs you're definitely if you pick one of the magical factions uh elvenar felgarth or cold embrace you're definitely gonna wanna check out these orbs um more decorations stuff like that so you get a bunch of really cool stuff right off the bat and it tells you right here where it's crafted woodworking bench uh let's see let's grow up a little bit dispatch contractor crafting and if it's crafted station that means it's a station that you can interact with and do something with this is uh the felgar's wheel of pain these are really cool every faction has a unique one either way though what you're looking for is this one right here your villager so every faction it's the first coin the coins are their building types as you can unlock at different levels if you don't learn this you won't be able to build so felgarth can build oak every faction again has a unique one there are a couple of overlaps with a couple of them but you want to learn it you can learn at level five and then you'll also be able to learn at level 10 their their gear which is going to be the starter armor which you get when you pick the faction uh and their weapons and stuff like that so you can repair them basically and just to see uh when we picked our faction it actually gave us the starter armor and the starter weapons and then if it's a magical faction you got the uh first uh tome for the fire element which is something you need for um fire magic now the this might be changed magic's being reworked all the time so a lot of things are kind of still moving around and changing and balancing stuff like that so this we'll see but the armors and weapons you'll get so it's kind of cool because right off the bat at level five or right off the bat soon as you learn your faction you can actually walk out of the faction hall geared in your faction's gear and with some weapons which gives you a nice jump especially if you're you pick your faction at like level like three or something you it's a really nice jump you walk to walk outside that faction you're gonna have decent armor um and decent weapons are going to actually make make quick work of all those thralls outside of the camp either way we learn the feet now as you can see we have all our stuff right we can build our stuff so what we're going to do is we'll put now the mats of these are always changing uh they in the previous video there used to be specific types of wood you actually used to have to make wood into oak wood and then in the enchanting table and then you put it in here all the buildings now take vanilla mats so there's no more the enchanting table's gone well it's still there but it doesn't have a use of probably eventually just be removed or repurposed um but you just use vanilla materials which is kind of cool now that it does take a good amount of wood as you can see and twine is kind of a pain in the butt early game but sandstone takes wood and stone so you take away the stone you add the the amount of grinding into the wood it's a little bit more grindy but and you just click it and hit craft just like any other station it's a little bit more grindy but there's a reason for that so let's just place down the oak this is the one that you'll get to make now this is sandstone this is your tier one vanilla i always tell people pick your faction do not build in sandstone a the grind is roughly about the same it may be a little bit more for this but these are both tier ones right so they're essentially the same first of all i don't care what faction you pick the tier one wood looks way better than the sandstone the sandstone is a gross orange and it's disgusting but a lot of people do it to build their base in first um just to get an idea of what they want to build and they upgrade later you can upgrade this to age of calaminus but it's glitchy sometimes and it's a pain and like i said this is ugly uh and the grind for the mats is roughly about the same no reason to double grind the other thing is you get more xp usually for crafting age of calamus buildings than you do crafting vanilla and last thing is the foundation ten thousand hp for tier one foundation twenty thousand hp for a tier one age eclaminist so what that tells you is if you're trying to build your first base uh level your level 10 you're trying to build a first base and in an area and you're on a server that has has pvp or it's a server that uh has purge you're going to be a lot more protected with your tier one age of klamas look at the walls 7 000 versus 10 000. so you're obviously going to want to build in age of claminus versus the crappy sandstone also these are a lot more optimized you're going to get a lot more server lag using sandstone especially sandstone over any other tier in the vanilla um and if you're on a potato pc you're going to see a lot less lag on your own pc if you're building this so the last thing we'll go over real quick is just a couple things so we have the art of the craft this is where you're gonna get a lot of your crafting stations and there are a lot of crossovers so there's a furnace for age of cleanness there's a there's a blacksmith bench uh woodworking bench an armor station all for age of claminous as you go down you have your alchemy desk which is kind of like your fireball cauldron and that's where you get all your recipes for things um one question i get asked a lot is hey where's the arcane essence now if you you still learn it in the apothecary feet but it says it's crafted at the study ancient arts so in each of the magical factions rooms uh or in their actual sanctuaries you'll find a grand magus in there they'll teach you ancient arts feet it's free and then you can be able to craft this bench it's handcrafted but you need to still learn this feat in order to have that recipe um and then basically everything in art of the craft is age of calamitous so these are all age of clamis specific recipes and stations that you'll need throughout the game as well with the vanilla ones that you you typically use the blacksmith and all that stuff um this one the currency exchange is also an agent claiming a specific one so this is where you're going to find some of your coin traders a bunch of your merchants and what your merchants sell things like that so just as you level up you might want to pick these appropriately i'd probably say you're going to spend time on these first and then these vanilla ones here and here that's going to kind of be your bread and butter the box maker and the thrall taker ones also you also as you level up you're going to want to make sure the second you get level 20 you unlock this so you can build you can upgrade your wood to slate brick foundations and so forth so forth also you can if the faction has been reworked you can now take your starter armor and you can upgrade it to higher tier armor which gives a lot more armor durability stuff like that if it's a weapon it increases the damage significantly so now these starter armors aren't just starter they're actually you can play them all the way through the game until you get to the your sub-faction level where you would trade them in for sub-action gear the last thing you're going to look at is once you hit level 70 you're no longer going to be using the vanilla picks and axes and skinny knives and all that stuff you're going to want to trade this in for the age of calamus so between level 70 and level 110 that's where you're going to start upgrading your picks and stuff you'll want to do these as you have the materials as you level up uh i don't always get them all sometimes i do it really really depends but either way though there's always one for a pick and an axe and a cleaver and some weapons and stuff like that and then the next one is where you find your pickaxe and your skinny knife and your scythe and then the repair kits and there's there's two for each so you have your aviarium your crescent your virion and your chronixium so these give significant amount more mats than you would get in the with the vanilla even the legendary ones so just make note of that also this is where you're in here where is it there's our war is where you'll find your last merchant a lot of people ask where the weapon merchant is it's in here and this is where all the recipes are for the merchant to buy the weapons as with the weapon that's on my back i think it's devil furies this is a weapon you can buy in the weapons merchant once you hit that level so it's pretty cool sword okay so that's going over the age claims factions how to pick it where to find it um where to go through you know the little details on them and how to build some of the feats that you're going to want to pick right off the bat stuff like that so hopefully that helps you uh like i said we'll have uh more in-depth videos on uh showcasing the factions the sub factions the quests uh we have a lot of videos coming out with the newest update and we have a bunch of videos that are still relevant uh you know like i said there may be a little outdated there might be a couple things that are not 100 accurate like what recipe or what maps they take to make but the core items and or the some of the core information is still valid so check those videos out until i make updated ones of those they'll definitely help otherwise just uh you know if you like the video you want to be notified when the next one is hit that sub button helps with the channel immensely if you liked the video hit a thumbs up helps the channel out immensely also feel free to leave a comment question concern anything like that in the comment section below i do read them eventually it takes me a little time sometimes like sometimes i can go a couple days or a week uh between comments if i'm working on some big agent claims project as i was with this newest update uh but once i get rolling i uh i get to everybody as soon as possible sometimes really quick but either way uh leave it in the comment section below also what faction uh you are thinking about picking which faction you typically pick i'm always interested to see what people pick i see a lot of people uh choose specific factions at specific times but then when uh as with when the cold embrace was dropped reworked i saw a change in that uh so i'm curious now that the felgarth was reworked if there's even more of a skew in a certain direction uh than there was before so we'll see how many people are interested in the felgarth update or really like what the felgarth update has done if you've actually messed around with this so far um otherwise i want to give a huge shout out to our patreons and our elite patreons thank you so much for everything you all do if you're interested in being one of the patreons definitely check out the link below uh we have exclusive videos time videos uh tips and teasers that come out to our patreon crew also an exclusive discord room so definitely uh check that out link is in the description below we stream on twitch check the link out uh otherwise i want to say thank you to everyone i'll see you in the next video and as always fear the reckoning
Channel: Ragnarrock
Views: 53,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aoc, age of calamitous, faction hall, feats, factions
Id: 3rDmaofYm7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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