Beginner Camera Movement - After Effects Tutorial

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hey what's going on guys I'm Mike from mo box graphics calm and in this video tutorial we're gonna be going over how to do this kind of cinematic camera movement in After Effects if you get really nice kind of depth of field blur it's a really nice way to illustrate something on screen whether it be you know video or photo or in this case a webpage something a little bit more interesting than just kind of plastering it on screen and and not highlighting anything in particular I think this is a great effect you see it a lot of times in like documentaries or you know short films but it's a very simple effect to do so let's just go ahead and jump into After Effects and show you how it's done so you can see this is kind of the sample that I was showing them but I did out of vignette which I will show you how to add but I'm just going to start by creating a new composition composition new and I'm going to make it 2560 by 1440 30 seconds or 30 frames per seconds it's fine duration ten seconds is fine so I'm just gonna hit OK and I am just going to go into my accessories file and I'm just gonna drag in my video here so this is my video that I used you can see here that I got the little recording thing up in the corner and I want to get rid of that so I'm just gonna drag this over until it's gone so that way I get the portion of the clip that I want to show and the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to make this a 3d layer now I'm gonna show you two techniques and it doesn't really matter which way you do it but one technique is just showing this as a frame and the other technique is kind of making it seem like the whole page is is there it's kind of hard to I'm probably just confusing you more than nice then I probably show so I'm just gonna shut up so okay so now I need to add a camera so layer new camera so the preset set to thirty five-millimeter you can set it to custom I noticed that you don't want to change this later so pick the one that you want um each one and give a little bit of a different effect I'm just gonna leave it on thirty five-millimeter I think that that's fine for me and open this up camera options and yours will probably be turned off but you want to make sure that the depth of field is turned on so is turned off you will not get any depth of field but when you turn it on basically what it does is I'm gonna go to two views this here is your is your focus is your focal length your focal distance here so you can see that as the focal distance so this is my image this is my focal distance as my focal distance approaches the image the image gets clearer but if my focal distance is closer then you'll see that it starts to get kind of blurry which it started to get blurry and then if it's really far away then it it may get blurry also but in this case I'm just going to bring it back to somewhere it's kind of far crazy there it goes um but I'm gonna mess with this focal distance because that's gonna that's how I'm gonna kind of drag the depth of field across the image so it doesn't really matter where it is right now I'm just gonna leave it right there but that's just kind of a heads up as to how we'll kind of get that depth of field to kind of move across the image so next up I'm going to I'm gonna rename this to just clip and I'm gonna hit R on the keyboard and set some keyframes I'm gonna p on the keyboard set a keyframe I'm gonna hit s on the keyboard to set a keyframe and basically if I hit you on the keyboard I can see all the keyframes that I set so it's a position scale XY and Z rotation so this is where you can kind of be creative as to kind of which point which perspective you want because if you know you know you can just see there that this is kind of how you adjust the perspective so the way your settings will vary but I'm going to set mine to let's say X is going to be 13 Y is going to be negative 20 and Z I'm going to set to leave at 0 and then for my scale I'm going to increase it to maybe or decrease it down to like maybe 85% and then change the position to maybe 1600 by 760 by negative 320 and you know this might not be exactly what I want but I'm just kind of basing this off of what I did before I know that these values are kind of something that I liked but your values could be completely different so what I noticed here is that I'm think I want this to be a little bit more this way and a little bit closer to the screen and I think I want my rotation to be a little bit more extreme like that kind of something like that and then at ten seconds I'm going to scale this maybe down to like 78 have my X rotation go to like so oftentimes if this is positive I want it to go that negative so maybe negative 3 and since this is negative 24 or maybe I'll reduce that maybe to negative like 17 you can just kind of see what kind of effect we're going for here so I'm just gonna play this I'm gonna reduce the resolution to 1/2 so you can see what kind of effect we're getting now or maybe adjust the position a little bit more we make the rotation a little bit more extreme [Music] maybe that's a little too extreme kind of like that level of rotation so I'm just going to set some keyframes and drag these over so I actually don't need Izzie keyframe I chose not to use these so I'm just gonna uncheck that I could have used if I hit R on this on this I can I could have chosen to change the orientation but I prefer to kind of see X Y & Z I'm gonna hit you on the keyboard and I'm gonna add some smoothing using the tool by mount mograph that's where I actually change the position at all but now I'm gonna add some smoothing using a tool by by Mount mograph and it's called motion v2 it's a plug-in totally worth it but I'll show you kind of what the graph looks like it just looks something kind of like like that now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add start adding some depth of field so I'm gonna open this up put a camera options depth of field is turned on which is great and I'm going to I'm going to increase the aperture and I'm gonna increase the blur level so you can see here that if I increase the aperture and the blur percentage you kind of get slightly different effects in the way the blur looks you just kind of have to adjust it because sometimes the blur could look pretty artificial so that looks a little bit artificial so I just want to maybe bring that down let me just bring the blur percentage up but basically from here I can adjust I could set a keyframe for focal distance so I'm gonna bring this down and I want the focal distance to first be kind of on this on this name I'm gonna set a keyframe and I'm gonna go to the end and I want the focal distance to kind of be down here and I think I'm going to increase the aperture now I'm going to increase the blur level just a little bit more and I'm going to change this from fast rectangle to maybe duck hydron I think that it's gonna slow down my animation a little bit let's see so you can see that my blower looks a little bit more realistic when I change this time to change the IRA shape so let's hit play so one thing I notice is I'm not really getting a lot of blur up here towards the end so the reason is is that this the difference between this and this with respect to where the camera is is very low so if I actually kind of rotate this a little bit I may be able to further kind of push that away from the camera but it doesn't look like that added too much more so I'm just going to control Z that out but basically depend on your movement depends on it on of course how far away each corner is to the camera and how far something is from the camera will relate to how much blur you get so a way around this is of course I could just increase the amount of blur which would then increase that but then maybe in the beginning here you can see it's just way too blurry so a solution is I can set a keyframe for the blur amount and then increase it slightly but basically this is just utilizing the camera tool to add a nice blur effect on a moving object so I'm going to reduce this down down to 3/4 just so it renders a little bit faster we could kind of see what's going on so it's nice the blur is coming down now this is now my main focus you'd see that this is all still in focus this is in focus and slowly but surely this is your scanning focus and this is becoming unfocused so I really like that because it you know the focus range is sliding across the image which gives a really nice effect I think that looks great so the next thing that you would want to do obviously is create a background so you can go layer new solid and you can set your background to be black or you can set it to be white I actually don't like doing this the reason being is it kind of looks like this pane is kind of just like floating in mid-air and I don't really like that so what I rather do is if I select this clip and hit ctrl shift C and pre-comp it by leaving all attributes and comp 1 I hit OK now if I open this clip I could see here that it's just my standard clip what this also means is I could change this image and it will change it in my comp 1 so that's really useful so I'm going to increase this composition settings and I'm gonna lock aspect ratio I'm just gonna crank this up a little bit and I am going to basically just create a new solid and I'm going to basically make it seem like this is expanded so I'll show you what I mean here in a second so this top one I'm just gonna change the color of the fill drag it down and then this bottom one I'm going to change the fill also now you can see I still kind of get this like line here from the scroll bar so if I right click and go to mask new mask I could just select that mask holding shift just drag it over just to get rid of that bar and also I have this like mouse pointer that I might want to get rid of so I'm gonna do this really cheaply and just create an ellipse over it and that's pretty much it so it's actually really simple now when I jump back in a cop 1 you could see there that even towards the end before there was white here now there's no white so that is really nice it makes it it makes it so that doesn't seem like this is just floating out in space it looks like this is actually a physical object an entire physical object that word that we have in frame next up the last thing I'm going to show you how to do is add that vignette so I think there's actually a tool here to do a vignette yeah you can add a vignette I'm not really sure exactly what how you do it I don't know I don't use that to create a vignette I usually just create a layer new solid and make it black and then I right-click mask new mask I hit him on the keyboard I click shape and I change it to ellipse hit okay I click invert it so it inverts the mask and then when I open this I could just increase the feathering by a lot and then I can hit T on the keyboard and just bring the transparency down so you see you get a little bit of a vignette so that makes it look a little bit more cinematic okay so the very last thing that I'm gonna show you is how to kind of give it like kind of more of like a grainy look almost like it's it's actually a computer screen so what I'm going to first do is add layer new adjustment layer and I'm going to search for an effect called T V and you'll see that there's three options T V warp TV old TV week I personally think T V old looks the best basically all this is is just a collection of different effects which that kind of looks like crap so let's actually delete the color balance portion of it and that makes it so it's less crunchy where we don't want it to be and I'm going to just open up the wave warp and I'm going to decrease the wave height to maybe like five so that kind of gives it you get a little bit of wave warping happening you get those lines which is nice and it just overall looks like it is a it's actually a screen so another thing that I did actually also what I didn't show you was actually hit S on the keyboard on the vignette and I just scaled it up a little bit I found that it was a little bit too rigid around the edges so if I scaled it up to maybe like 115 or even 120 the vignette effect was much much more subtle which I personally like anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please be sure to give this video like subscribe check out other videos on this channel and give us feedback in the comments what kind of videos do you want to see in the future anyways guys thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: MOBOX Graphics
Views: 118,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinematic camera, camera tool, after effects camera, after effects, tutorial, after effects tutorial, 3d camera, 3d camera movement, after effects 3d camera tutorial, depth of field, film grain, vignette, after, effects, mograph, mobox, mobox tutorial, vfx, ae tutorial, camera after effects, camera layer, 3d rotation, old tv after effects, old tv, tv, tv effect, free template, after effects template, template, motion graphics, documentary, cinematic
Id: F25Za4JQO5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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