BEFORE you start PIPING you HAVE TO DO THIS!│Beginners piping tutorial with 24 techniques

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do you want to learn how to pipe like this  as well as a little bit like this as well   well stay tuned because in today's video  i'm going to be sharing with you guys   all the tips and tricks you need  to pipe like a pro let's get piping now to start off you're going to need some  piping bags some piping tips and some kind   of frosting today i'm just using my one minute  buttercream recipe because it's super easy to   make and beautiful to pipe with now the piping  tips that i'm using in this video are the 1M   piping tip which is a star-shaped tip then a 4B  piping tip which is like a star 2 but it has a   lot more spikes in it then i've got a 1A tip which  is a large round tip and then lastly a 125 tip   which is a petal tip so it kind of looks like the  shape of a tear drop now the most important thing   to do before you start piping is making sure that  your buttercream or whatever frosting you're using   is at the right consistency so if your buttercream  is too soft it's going to pipe like this and if   it's too firm it's going to pipe like this so  either of those are you know consistencies that   we don't want now this is the type of consistency  that you want for your frosting so you want it   to be stiff enough that if you lift it up with  your spatula it you know holds its shape and it   doesn't just fall off but if you give your spatula  a little shake it's soft enough that it eventually   falls off and you want your spatula to be able  to glide through the frosting nice and smoothly   now another important thing is to make sure  that your frosting is nice and smooth so   if it's got too many air bubbles in it then  you're just not going to get that picture   perfect piping now two really easy ways to  get rid of some of those air bubbles is to   one just mix it on the lowest speed in your mixer  using a paddle attachment or two is just to mix   it back and forth with a spatula kind of pushing  out some of those air bubbles as you're mixing it   now next you want to fill up your piping bag  so i've got a piping bag here and then you   want to grab whichever tip you're going to use  so i'm just going to start off with my 1m tip   and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to put  the tip into my piping bag i'm going to push it   right to the edge and then i'm going to push  it back just a little bit and cut off the tip now to fill my piping bag i'm going to place  it in this tall bottle that i've got but you   can use a tall glass or whatever you want this  is just an easy way of filling your piping bag   so you want to pop it into your tall jar and  you want to fold the top over around the edges   and now you just want to go  ahead and fill in your frostings and then i'm just lifting up my piping bag and  slowly just pushing that buttercream through   and that is our piping bag ready to  go and now i'm just going to go ahead   and fill up the rest of my piping bags  with the different colored buttercreams   so i've got all my four colors now now let's  get piping so let's start with the 1m piping   tip now before you start piping you want to  make sure you've twisted and closed the top   of your piping bag otherwise your frosting  will start coming out as you're squeezing it   and then you want to hold the top with your thumb  like this and then wrap the rest of your hand   around the piping bag and when you pipe you're  going to apply some pressure using your palm and   fingers as you pipe so first i'm going to show  you how to pipe a simple border using the 1m   piping tip now when piping a border you want  to use your wrist to make a circular motion   as opposed to your entire hand so hold your  piping bag almost horizontally and place your   piping tip at your starting point and begin  applying pressure by gently squeezing your   fingers and palm and begin to move your wrist  in a circular motion as you create your border   now we're going to do another border using the  same tip but instead of moving your wrist in a   circular motion you're going to move it in  a more kind of up and down motion like this   so i'm going to apply some pressure and move my  hand in that up and down kind of motion as i pipe you can also do the same design but not  continuously so you just pipe one side swirl   flick your piping bag away and then do the next  one on top of the previous one this method might   be a little bit easier to start for beginners  next we're going to do a classic cupcake swirl   so for this one you want to move your wrist  in a circular motion but your piping bag will   be vertical as opposed to horizontal so you  want to apply some pressure in the middle and   start making a circular shape and slightly  lift your arm up as your swirl gets higher   next we're going to create another type of swirl  except with this one you just apply pressure and   slowly lift your arm up and that is basically  it next is a really simple star shape and all   you do is literally just squeeze once and then  lift your piping bag away next is a crisscross   shape so you're going to pipe one little swirl  out on a slight angle and then pipe another one   going in the opposite direction and you just keep  alternating between the two different directions   and you end up with a beautiful crisscross border  now lastly is a rosette so to pipe a rosette you   want to follow the shape of a small e so start in  the middle go a little to the right and then go   around all these techniques do require a little  practice but don't worry you will get there now next is the 4b piping tip so first is  a simple border using a circular motion   so again you're just going to hold  your piping bag almost horizontally   and then move your wrist in a  circular motion to create the border next is creating another border but using the  up and down motion like we did with the 1m tip   so apply some pressure and then  move your wrist up and down you can also create this pattern by just piping   one shell at a time and this  might be easier for beginners next we're going to create a swirl using the  same technique we used to pipe the rosette   so you want to follow the shape of a small e  and flick the piping bag away at the end the   only difference this time is that the piping is  much more compact and centered so you're keeping   your piping tip very close to the middle next is  a cupcake swirl so you want to start in the middle   go around once and then bring the swirl up on top  of what you've already piped and then flick it   away next is just a simple shape by just squeezing  once and then lifting your piping bag away   you can also create a crisscross shape with  this piping tip like how we did with the 1m   tip so just pipe one shell at a slight  angle and then pipe another shell going   in the opposite direction and just keep  alternating between the two different angles   lastly you can also create a rope effect with  this tip so start off by piping the shape of   an s and then continue to pipe that s shape  overlapping with the previous s you just piped next is the 1a tip so the first technique is one  of my favorite and it's creating a raindrop kind   of effect so all you do is hold your piping  bag vertically and apply a little pressure   and then pull your piping bag up  away to give you that tip on the top   you can also create a border using this effect  so all you do is use the same piping technique   but place the drops close to one  another so that they're touching now another type of border you can create with  this tip is by piping the raindrop at an angle and   then pulling down quickly and then continuing this  motion of piping giving you a really nice border now you can also use this technique to create a   crisscross effect like how we  did with the other two tips   so start by piping at an angle and then pipe the  same way again but going in the opposite direction next i'm going to show you how to pipe a swirl  with this tip so pipe a raindrop in the middle   and then pipe around it in a circular motion until  you reach the top and then pull your piping bag   away to give you that tip on the top now if  you're enjoying this video please give it a   thumbs up and subscribe it really helps my channel  and is a free way that you can support cakes by mk now the last tip i'm going to show you is a  petal tip which is commonly used to create   flowers now first i'm going to show  you how to do a border with this tip   so you want to hold the piping bag so that  the thinner edge of the piping tip is facing   upwards and then you want to go back  and forth to create this ruffle effect now next i'm going to show you how to pipe a  basic flower so you can use a flower nail for   this but i'm just using my turntable so you want  to start off by holding your piping tip sideways   with the thinner part of the tip facing outwards  and then you're going to apply a bit of pressure   and then create a petal now as you continue  to create petals you're going to turn your   turntable or flower nail whatever you're using and  keep piping until you come back to the beginning   now you can create variations of the petals  based on how tightly you pipe the petals   so for example with this next one i'm  piping much more tightly which gives me   a slightly different look to my flower now  usually when you're piping flowers you want   your buttercream to be slightly stiff my  buttercream has softened up quite a bit so   you know the petals aren't kind of quite  as pronounced as they should be but yeah   basically you just want to use this general  kind of technique when creating a basic flower   now lastly i'm going to show you how to pipe  more of a 3d kind of flower using this tip   so you want to start off by actually piping  a raindrop using the 1a tip that we just used   earlier and then you want to use your petal tip  to slowly start making petals around the dollop   that we just piped with the 1a tip and this helps  just to create a beautiful kind of rose effect and that is all the different ways that  you can pipe using only four piping tips   now the best advice that i can give to  beginners is to keep practicing i know   it can be frustrating and you might not get  it right away but i promise you don't give up   and you will get there i hope you all enjoyed  this video and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Cakes by MK
Views: 320,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kWQb3F9Ymx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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