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Hey guys and welcome back to my channel  Cakes by MK. In today's video i'm going   to be showing you guys how you can pipe in  six different ways using only one piping tip   if you're new to my channel welcome  and if you enjoy this video please   give it a thumbs up below. Apart from  that let's get right into this video so let's start off by taking a closer look at  the piping tip that we're going to be using   so this here is a Wilton 1M piping tip and  it's basically a large star tip nozzle and   it's super popular because you can use it in so  many different ways. Now before you start piping   you want to make sure that you've got some really  nice smooth buttercream or whipped cream depending   on what you're using. If you've got too many air  bubbles in your buttercream then it's just not   going to pipe as well so a tip to remove air  bubbles is to let your buttercream mix on a   low speed in your mixer for about five minutes or  so and you can also hand mix your buttercream so   kind of in a back and forth motion like i'm doing  here and this will help to smoothen everything out now once your buttercream is ready to go  it's time to set up your piping bag. So i'm   just popping my 1M tip into a piping bag which i  have cut at the tip so my nozzle can get through   now to fill your piping bag an easy way to do  this is to hold the piping bag in your hand   then pull the top of the piping bag backwards  over your hand so you have like a clear opening   into your piping bag, then you just want to go  ahead and start filling it with buttercream. Now   as you're filling it with buttercream you  want to push the buttercream down slightly   towards the tip so it creates more space at  the top for you to fill with more buttercream and then once you're done just unwrap  the sides of the piping bag, give your   piping tip a little shake and then  twist the top to secure it and then   gently push the buttercream out until  it starts to come through the piping tip and that's it now we're ready to start piping.  So the first design i'm going to show you guys   is a simple round swirl border on the top of your  cake. I'm not actually sure how to describe these   designs so i'm kind of just making my own names  up. So what you want to do is grab your piping   bag and hold it horizontally on the top of your  cake and then you're going to move the piping   bag in a circular motion as you pipe the design  and use your other hand to turn the turntable   now you can also pipe this using two hands if  you're not comfortable doing it with one hand   and you'd simply just pipe, turn the turntable, then  pipe again. Now the key here is to keep your hand   and arm in the same position and only use your  wrist to create that circular motion and this is   going to help achieve a consistent swirl around  your cake. Okay so let's get piping so i'm just   applying some pressure to squeeze the buttercream  out and then i'm starting to create that circular   motion with my wrist as i pipe and i'm using  my other hand to turn the turntable. Now if   you need to stop for some reason, sometimes  your hands might get sore or you may need   to adjust your piping bag, simply just stop and  then just start piping again where you left off and then once you're back at the  beginning then that's basically it   you're left with a really classic  design on the top of your cake now the next design is a high swirl now this one  is really easy and all you need to do is hold your   piping bag vertically on top of your cake and  then just apply some pressure to squeeze out   the buttercream and slowly lift your piping  bag up as you squeeze more buttercream out   and that's basically it so you just want to  continue to do the same thing all around the   top of the cake. Now excuse my very unsmooth  and discolored buttercream on my cake, I was   using leftover buttercream that i had  to cover a styrofoam cake for this video   because i really wanted to show you guys how  the designs looked on top of the cake instead   of just piping it onto some parchment paper so  in between each design i just kept scraping off   and re-smoothing the buttercream on the styrofoam  cake so yeah it doesn't look too great but it's   okay it's a piping tutorial so as long as the  piping on top of the cake is smooth then we're good   now the next design is one of my favorites  and it's a really beautiful rosette cake   so i'm starting off on the bottom half of the  cake and what you want to do is mimic the shape   of the small letter e as you pipe the rosette, so  you go a little to the right then go right around   now this first one that i piped didn't come out  great so i just scraped it off and started again   and i left this part in here because i just wanted  to show you guys that it's totally okay not to get   it right all the time and if it's the first  time you're piping with a new technique then   i would recommend practicing on some parchment  paper first then go ahead and pipe on your cake so like i said earlier follow the  shape of a small e as you pipe   so start in the middle go a little to  the right then right around and let go now once you've finished the bottom row then  start piping the next row of rosettes on top   and a good starting point is piping in between  two of the bottom rosettes and this will help   to cover any holes so that less of your  inner cake is showing through the rosettes now once that row is done you're  going to start piping on the top   edge of your cake at a slight  angle so part of the rosette is   on the side of your cake and part  of it is on the top of your cake and then once that's done simply  fill in the top with more rosettes it's nice to kind of overlap them a  little to give your cake a bit more   height and then yeah you're basically all done now the next design is a classic side  swirl. Now what you want to do is hold   your piping bag at a slight angle above your cake   apply some pressure so your buttercream  starts to come out and then as it starts   to come out lift up your piping bag slowly and  then bring it back down to the top of your cake   and then lift up the piping bag again, pushing back  slightly as you lift the piping bag and then bring   it back down to the top of your cake and then  just keep doing the same thing all around the top you can also do the same design as  a border on the bottom of your cake and that's it a classic side swirl done the next design is a half cupcake swirl so what  you want to do is hold the piping bag vertically   above the cake, apply some pressure and as  the buttercream comes out move the piping   bag in a circular motion and lift up the  piping bag slightly as you make the swirl from this angle you're able to see the circular   motion that i'm creating  with my hands a bit better and that's it beautiful  half cupcake swirls all done now the last design is an inner swirl and  please just excuse the very holey buttercream   on my styrofoam cake. Now what you want to do  is hold the piping bag horizontally in front   of you then start piping by slightly bringing  up your piping bag and then bringing it back   down to the top of the cake. It's a similar  motion to the side swirl i showed you guys   earlier but in this case you're bringing  the swirl into the middle of the cake so you're just going to keep  piping in that up then down motion   all around the edge of the cake then  once that's finished just do the exact   same thing in the middle of the cake so  that the top of the cake is fully covered and that's it a classic inner swirl all done. So there you go six different  ways to pipe using only one piping tip   there are actually so many other ways that you  could pipe with this piping tip as well this   was just kind of six common ways that i showed  you guys but you know totally get creative, play   around with it you know and you can totally  create your own designs and patterns as well   reminder that my website is now up so my courses  can be purchased directly on there, i'll post a   link to those courses below but apart from  that hope you guys enjoyed this video please   like and subscribe for more videos like this  and thanks again for watching Cakes by MK
Channel: Cakes by MK
Views: 681,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginners piping tutorial, piping tutorial, 1M piping tip, begginers piping tutorial, beginners cake decorating, easy cake decorating, simple cake decorating, simple piping techniques, wilton 1M, Basic piping tutorial
Id: 5SmdFuKpDHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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