Piping tip and their designs - plus which are my favourite piping tips

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hey everybody it's becky with icing on top becky's cakes and today we're going to talk cover piping tips what they do which ones you actually need and the deal breakers for me which ones i cannot live without all gonna be in this tutorial there are so many piping tips that people don't know where to start i mean we have a leaf tip we have a star tip we have a petal tip we have a writing tip which ones do you actually need so let's begin here's a little look at some basic piping tips now i have a tool kit just filled with so many tips but i took out some of the ones that i actually use and then some of the variations in their sizes so i'm going to show you which ones i actually use and which ones are absolutely i couldn't live without and here's a coupler this one is basically the same as your traditional coupler here but we'll just use the other one and here's one for bigger piping tips like a 124 rose nail and if you want to swipe that out for a 1m tip you can but here are the ones i cannot live without we have the 366 leaf tip my 1m tip that i cannot live without and then we have the size 5 writing tip i use the 3 frequently too though this is the 21 star tip there's the 352 smaller leaf tip 233 grass tip 124 petal tip and the 48 these are tips i'm gonna show you what they do and why i can't live without these ones so let's begin i'm going to start with the writing tip now i've put it on my coupler but you can use the regular traditional coupler this is a size five now oftentimes you notice this writing is a little thicker i often use the size three instead so either of those sizes not my handwriting not as neat as some of yours so don't judge my handwriting but i can also use this tip for a border too which is why i say the size 5 tip because you can use it as a nice little pearl like border or for writing so that's why i say the size 5 is the one i can't live without you can also use it for dots so there's a couple dots there for you now let's swap it out that's the nice thing about the coupler is we can swap it out um so we swapped that one out but here are a look at the other sizes i am holding in my hand a size 10 which i do like for some polka dots or for some other kind of ideas so but it's not one of your mine that i can't live without but i do really enjoy that one and then the size one is teeny tiny for teeny tiny details so i'm just giving you a look so you can compare what it looks like in the other sizes so swapping it out for my 21 star tip now you'll see lots of different sizes star tips but this one i think is the best for a border so if you're just piping a shell border like this this is the tip i like the best the 21 it does great for little stars little shells like this if you want to go the other way and you're making a really fancy border it's the most versatile of the star tips i think i use it the most so that's why i say the 21 but as you can see behind this one i had a couple other star tips i even do a little rosette swirl with this one so you can have one with more teeth or less teeth but basically they all do the same thing this is the 352 leaf tip i use this the most whenever i'm piping flowers or any kind of foliage you can buy a little short one little long one by just continuing the pressure so you can pipe all kinds of leaves i even use it for petals on certain flowers and you can use it as a little border of leaves around the bottom if you have some kind of flower cake and you want to keep going with that theme definitely love the leaf tip but if you don't have a leaf tip you can cut your bag in the shape of a triangle and get a very similar look but this will give you an even sharper leaf look so i would stick with that then we have a petal tip now i'm demonstrating with the 104 but really it's the 124 the larger one that i can't live without because i also pipe my flowers and my roses this one i'm just going to show you how to pipe a little flower with it but you can do the same thing with a 124 tip it'll just be a bigger flower but you could also do roses you can do roses with either but this one would create smaller roses obviously but i also use it for borders if you're doing like a roughly border or ruffles on the cake or something again the 124 tip will give you a bigger ruffle so i was demonstrating with this one because i was just swapping out tips here but um but my can't live without tip that would be the 124 the one that's slightly larger um this one you can do little banners with and so can you with the 124 any of the petal tips they're just more narrow on one end and thicker on the other end so it gives you a little bit of a roughly look see even if you pipe straight across you've kind of got a little pleated look going on here's a drop flower this one's 224 it's not one of my uh live without ones but it is pretty if you just want quick little flowers um often i just pipe my own flowers with uh a petal tip or something or a star tip but um this is what the drop kits look at look like that was just a straight pipe down and then for drum flowers often you want to twist your wrist as you go and it makes more of a little flower look and these drop flowers can come in different sizes this one's got more of um more of a jagged uh edges uh but it looks pretty similar to the original one so there's not too much difference between the drop flowers but they do come in larger and smaller sizes too alrighty we'll swap that out for the 48 now this is one of my favorite tips just because i like basket weaving and so i do if you hadn't noticed my tutorials i do a lot of flower cakes and stuff so when i do these flour cakes sometimes it's nice just to do a basket around the side of the cake so you have like a basket border so yeah so then you have to know how to do the basket weave so you have to have the 48 tips so here we go with the basket weave now the basket weave is actually really easy once you get um you get you get the practice down and you just have a feel for it after a little bit which is why i created my practice piping sheets so that when i was uh teaching a class i could show them how to get the rhythm down and once you have the rhythm down it's really easy to just do it on the side of the cake and it's a really fun look so if you want to check out the piping practice sheets i'm going to talk a little more about it later but i'm going to put the link down below in the details so you can go to that tutorial and those free printouts um but yeah basket weave i love this tip this is tip 48 i'll swap that out for the 233 and okay i love this tip because i use it in a lot of different ways um so you can use a traditional um and just like the traditional grass tip which is often known for uh again a lot of my foliage type of cakes the grass tip is really great for that so that's just a pipe squeeze and pull back and there you go you have grass but if you want to have a lot of fun with this and you're piping little animals we can give them some hair so i like to call this tip the hair kit as well so you just can layer hair and you can make all kinds of fun little creatures with more realistic looking hair on them and so i have a lot of fun with this tip and you can also just pipe longer grass too depending on what kind of foliage cake you're going for so you can do that as well and then uh those are all our small tips i'm going to show you a couple of the larger ones that i feel like i cannot live without because if you're piping cupcakes or anything like that you want to use these larger ones and again how many roses i pipe definitely require the 124 tips so i'm going to show you all these large ones here's the 1m this is a tip i use for rosettes on the side of my cakes when you're doing a rosette cake or when you're piping a cupcake this is the most common one here's a look at it when you're just doing a straight pipe up and down and then if you wanted to do the swirl pipe and build definitely great for cupcakes or on the side of the cake and then i did a rosette swirl there and i'm not going to show it to you twice i'm going to do it this time so this is also a very similar tip to the 1m i swapped out tips to the one b so this one is a 1b it doesn't have quite as a pointy teeth but it looks almost exactly the same so you can also pipe rosettes and swirls with it you can also do the same thing with a 2d which is slightly larger than these ones but basically pretty similar all three of those tips would be then you can have a large french tip which is a 4b and this one you can pipe on cupcakes too and anything with a lot of teeth like this i call the french tip i think is most commonly known as you can just pipe straight like if you're doing a mini cupcake back and forth kind of twist your wrist back and forth like this they look really fancy on mini cupcakes so i enjoy doing that with my mini cupcakes and then here's a swirl for a larger cupcake if you're just doing a build up swirl and then of course you can also do the rosette swirl with just the french tip instead and it would look like this so rosettes are really nice on cupcakes or on the sides of cakes so here's a look at what we've been piping and the tips that we've been piping them with you can check out my piping practice sheets that looked like this on the front and the back those are free printables in my piping practice sheet tutorial gives you lots of practice i just stick wax paper over this practice away you're welcome to print those out and i'll put the link down below in the details i'll put a lot of links for you um because i also have how to hold a piping bag if you haven't checked out that tutorial how to uh use a coupler uh insert it in your piping bag fill the piping bag i'm gonna cover that in the different tutorials i'll put that link down below too so i hope this has been helpful to you um what kind of designs you can get with the different kinds of piping tips which ones you really need to start out cake decorating or even what my favorites are if you were just curious and but i hope you had fun with this tutorial thanks for joining me and please subscribe to my channel for lots of fun tutorials [Music]
Channel: Icing On Top - Becky’s Cakes
Views: 180,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: piping tips and their designs, baking, baking basics, baking recipes, baking tips, basic cupcake techniques, buttercream, cake decorating tips, cake decorating tips for beginners, easy piping, frosting cakes, frosting cupcakes, how to use piping nozzles, how to use piping tips, icing cupcakes, icing nozzles, most common piping tips, my favourite piping tips, nozzles, piping buttercream, piping cupcakes, piping techniques, piping tips, tutorial, wilton, must have piping tips
Id: csTJ6MVQvMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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