I got fired today. I'd jaywalk but I can't
afford getting a ticket. Nooooooooooooooo. Change you stupid light. Augh! A cat? Or . . . maybe a dog . . . Huh... Guhhhhh!
Guhhhh! GUHHHH!
I'm such a loser. Oof!
My gutsss . . . my gutsss . . .
(knocking) Coming! Hey Hey, Deckard. I heard you lost your job. Oh... uh, yeah.
Too bad I can't make a career out of getting fired, right? I'd be . . . like, a CEO or
a manager? Which one's more impressive? President? Are you going to be OK? . . . Gahhhh! Oh My God! Oh, oh my God! Ah, wait! Uh, oh, I have uh, stuff for your stuff.
. . I got you ice for your for your crotch! I'm
shoving the crotch ice under the door! Oh. You're awake. Wanna split a cassarole? Oh, hello. Well, well . . . What . . .? Ah! . . . . WAIT! Where are you guys going? Why does this make me feel so sad? AAAAAHHHH BAD DREAM! AAAHHHHH YOU WERE THERE! AAAAHHH LASAGNA'S GONE. Mmmm? AAAAHHHH I'M LATE! Nooooo . . . no no noooooo . . .
I wanna go hooooooome . . . You have no documentable skills. You didn't
manage to finish schooling past High School. Your work history is spotty at best. This
is a temp agency not a charity. We don't . . . Hello? Bla bla boring phone talk
Yes. All right. Great. Goodbye. You took too long. Now your candy's gone.
That's what happens. BKOWWWWW! Hello, peon. Bow to me. Ummm . . . no . . . thank you. Why not? Hey, dude . . . I got you pre ----se----nnnntsss!
The pet store I used to work at is going out of business. Haha! ewww . . . . Lucky us. So . . . lemme see . . . I got you a bone . . . and wrapped a toy mouse
around it . . . A blanket . . . Eggplant pillow . . . dog food . . . cat food? . . . Shampoo
. . . a leash . . . and rain boots! Heh heh, yeah . . . Yeah . . . Crap! I ran out of food money! Relax, man. I'm not gonna eat YOUR food. Aaaaaaah . . . AAAaaahhh . . . AAAAAAHHHHHH Stop. No hitting. There better not be anything scary cryptic
written in here . . . I will scream SO. LOUD . . .And then totally lose my marbles . . . Pretty
stationary though. Dear Puppycat . . . Is that you? Please report to fishbowl space for temp.
work. Sign below. Oh, lemme get you a pen . . . Uhhhh? . . . Hello? Anybody here? I've been left behind . . . I'm all alone . . . Am i not good enough? Hahahahaha EWWWWW! AHHHHH
Whaaaaaaat- Theeeeeeeeeeeee- Incoming. Why - yeeeee! Welcome, Puppycat. You look different. And
hello, unrecognized intruder. Unfortunately, due to increased security measures, you must
now be incinerated. She looks awed, the fire glows in her eyes. Whoah . . . Hey, you talk! . . . kind . . . of . . . Oh! Like a trainee-shadow? Welcome! Initiating
uniform assignment! Peeeeewwwww! Uhhh . . . No. . . No, no, no, no, NO! I DON'T LIKE THIS
OUTFIT! Please proceed to fishbowl space. Aaaaaaah Aaaahhhh Bleeauuuuugh Let me know when you're done! Um . . . What are we doing? Hi, Wallace. Hi, Wallaaace. What's wrong? I miss my mama . . . She's been gone FOREVER. Awwwww . . . Do you want something to drink? No, thank you. You want a snack? No. You wanna nap? No. He's so sad . . . Don't cry, Wallace. Can I have a story? And then what? That's it. That's your ending? That's awful! And very- -interesting. Wahhhh! I knew it was you! Pretending it's just a
fairy tale- Ahhh! Whuh? -lying to children, making them look up to
a hero; who, in really, - Uhh . . .? -is just an awful monster. Awwww, SIIIIICK! Puppycat!! Let him GO!! Bee! I'm gonna kill you! Don't tell me what to dooooo! Ok . . . Why, what's that gonna do . . . WHATEVER. Gwaauuugh! Whoah . . . Geeze . . . Hey . . . was that story you told that fish
true? Did you forget how to talk again? Aaaaaaahhhh! Waauugh! Woof. Oh, my God; I'm so glad there wasn't anything
sharp on my couch! Whooo . . . Bleh! Wow! Hey! Caaaaashh! Whoah! Thank you! And thanks for not letting temp bot burn me
up. I think I'm gonna use my money to get Deckard a casserole since he bought me a casserole
. . . Whatcha' usin' your money for? Ignoring me again? Fine. I liked your fairy tale, Puppycat. If you want, I can help you figure out a nice
ending . . .
Very weird, but enjoyable.
A great show for sure. The whole channel has great cartoons especially Bravest Warriors.
Relevant Subreddit. The gal who writes this show also works for Adventure Time as well.
I really love the song. It gets stuck in my head and replays itself when I'm trying to sleep.
I want some of what they're smoking... Good stuff... :D
Also, why do i get all kinds of ghibli feeling all over ?
It sounds like they are using Hatsune Miku's Vocaloid for puppycat's voice. Interesting
I didn't like it. It was trying too hard to be random
Edit: to too two 2 dos
Wow. Good cartoon, but that was a lot of suicide imagery, especially in the first 3 minutes. I hope that whoever made this is ok.
I like the cartoons that Pendleton Ward makes, but the fans are so cringey. I can't stand them.