After Years of Teaching Survival This is Where Students Fell Short! Survival Shelter, Emergency Gear

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so what's up some people didn't like the t60 promo video that i put out ah you pulled the trigger too quick i'm gonna tell you that you pull the trigger too quick you didn't give it a chance you just jumped the gun would i come out and tell people the wrong information or bad information no okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do dan style now we're gonna run it right through like we were gonna do anyway i guarantee you're gonna love this product and i'm gonna tell you why you just gotta bear with me we're gonna go through all the details and if you don't like it already because you have preconceived notions then just click off the video okay so i think to truly understand this whole shelter okay why it was developed you really need to understand where i'm coming from as an instructor okay teaching this to hundreds of students over the years i've been doing this for over 10 years now so i have a lot of experience seeing other students coming into school talking to a ton of people and also being able to collect this data in my head and thinking where is this need like what do i see people lacking so here's what i think i think the best place to start is to just give a quick explanation and if you've been following my channel for a while you're going to know my thought process behind this and it's what we teach here at our school and it's what i really truly feel is the most important thing for people to understand and that starts with the survival priorities now we know those you should know those fire water shelter and food okay they are the things that we need as human beings in order to stay alive now if you take your current situation you're at home you need those things of course you're not gonna have a campfire at your house but you're cooking food you're warming up your water you're turning up your heat because you're probably chilly under a nice cold cracker blanket point being you need those things in a wilderness environment it is no different so in a short-term type scenario and i'm talking one hour to 72 hours my main focus and what i tell individuals is most important is fire water and shelter we let the food component out although that seems like what people want to jump to right away most people just need to sustain themselves keep themselves warm keep themselves hydrated because if you put a good plan in place everything else should fall in place and you should be out of there within a few hours if somebody realizes you're lost or injured or can't get out of the woods or maybe it's just an unexpected night okay so with that said it's really easy for most people or at least as an instructor to get most people to carry some type of fire starter with them now that might be a bic lighter which i highly recommend a pack of waterproof matches maybe even a ferro rod if you have that level of training that you know how to use that thing so that seems that's like a no-brainer most people that hunt that backpack all carry something like that second is the water situation i'm a big fan of boiling water so i tell people all the time carry a metal container and that comes from my good friend dave canterbury who preaches this all the time carry a metal container i say the same thing carry a container because you can boil your water you can get a dirty water source you can boil it disinfect the water and you're good to go so if you normally carry a nalgene bottle or two nalgene bottles swap one of them out for something metal like a stainless steel bottle or if you're worried about weight something titanium and you have the option to boil water so again easy most people do that there's no problem with it so we have our fire area covered we have our water area covered and then we get to shelter now shelter becomes the tricky one because most people understand that it's important to dress appropriately i say some people or most people because i have personally seen people come to classes i have seen people on trails on days that they're dressed definitely inappropriate and as the weather changes they get cold and they have no way to take care of that so my recommendation has always been to dress for the weather plus a little bit so i'll give you an example right now it's like in the 40 degree range right here in pennsylvania this afternoon it was 50. if i would have dressed for 50 degree weather okay and i end up having to stay out all night for some unknown reason okay by the time midnight one o'clock rolls around two in the morning rolls around it's probably going to be in the low 30s maybe even the high 20s and that 50 degree clothing is not going to work so i want to dress warmer now i took my coat off because it was warm but i always can put that thing back on because i have it but the part that most people miss is the shelter component that's going to block you from precipitation yes i get it rain gear i get that but that's not going to do as well as a shelter and i can say personally and i know my instructors too we've had this conversation a thousand times it is very difficult to get somebody to carry some type of shelter component with them to protect themselves from high winds rain snow freezing rain sleet all of those different things it's a hard sell to get somebody to carry that especially a day hike you're going and you're doing this loop fire starter easy water bottle easy shelter who's carrying that not too many people and we have done it ourselves when i go out and i'm just scouting around i never carry a shelter component or i haven't in the past because i don't want to it's usually they're too big they're too bulky they're a little bit heavier so i'm like i just there's no reason i'm not going to set that thing up i'll be fine it was just that approach and that approach is the same approach we've seen with students in and out over and over and over again so with all that long-winded information out there you're probably sick of hearing me talk but we're almost done with it i i promise i promise so with all that long-winded information out there what we noticed was that when we did have students at a course not only at my school but other schools that i worked at setting up a shelter was horrific everybody at home on their lounger or at their computer can set up a shelter in two minutes until they get in the field and i've seen it over and over and over again like i just said it's been one downfall that we had to work on the most with students throughout the years and i came to a couple realizations with this number one so they're not carrying a shelter number two the shelter they're carrying if it is just a lean-to style shelter they usually forget the knots or they're just doing something random to make it sort of work or it's just way too big and they're sag and it's really not protecting them they'd be better off just literally laying down on top of the tarp and rolling up like a taco inside of it and just calling it a night so here at the school we were striving for something fast easy effective something that people are actually going to carry with them and that is where we came up with the t-60 shelter system because at our basic survival course you have to set your shelter up in under one minute under one minute because we're looking for efficiency and speed and something that's easy for people to do that they can remember they don't have to remember knots they don't have to practice literally my kid can set the shelter up now we get to break into this bad boy all right so we're going to just run through like a normal video here t60 shelter system first thing you're going to notice is that it's orange okay a lot of questions about that we are marketing this right now as a survival type shelter you don't want to camouflage shelter if there is an emergency and you want people to be able to see you that's why we went with this color color options are endless we are working and i have samples of different colors for down the road but right now emergency wise something happens we want people to be able to see you very very important second this thing is six ounces six ounces okay a big blue poly tarp is not six ounces the house wrap that people are mentioning i mean who is carrying that okay so six ounces right now this configuration seven inches by five inches it is maybe an inch and a quarter wide okay there's still room here i could fold this in half okay so we're three and a half by five now i can literally fold that in half again okay almost in half you're getting my point this fits in the palm of my hand basically okay it is extremely packable extremely lightweight all right so that's the first thing this is going to give people the option to be able to carry this and not have to worry about this big blue tarp jammed inside their bag now the next thing is what material is made of this is made of xenon material which is not a generic cheapo fabric it is a good high quality waterproof water resistant structured fabric okay there's no seams on this tarp so you don't have to worry about seams leaking okay again it's lightweight because of that fabric the fabric is extremely durable now i know what you're probably saying well how how durable is it i'm going to show you how durable it is so two years ago we got a sample of this fabric we hung it up in a tree and we let the wind blow it we let the rain the snow we actually let it lay on the ground we didn't make sure it stayed up in the air okay two years ago now this did start out as a darker blue color of course it faded over that time so i can say that i can say that some trees and branches have fallen on top of this but what i can also say is that it's still very strong it's still waterproof so when i do set this thing up which i change the configuration from just laying on the ground sometimes to up in a tarp type configuration it still blocks water from getting through so although it has been out here although some of the edges are beat up after two years of pennsylvania weather this thing is still holding back wind and it's still holding back water so i would say overall that this is pretty durable stuff okay now with all of that said okay we got a lightweight package we got something that most people are not going to carry along with them anyway we're now making them carry along with them because it's like it's not even there to the point that it literally is just it's in my pocket okay so simple and easy now built-in bag so the bag cannot get lost okay which i love that feature the cool part that we like about this is it's the same thing that we teach at our school except it's an all-in-one package there's no needing to get your tarp and prep it this way it's just put together so the ends have sewn in tie out lines okay so two of the ends have the tie out lines and if i open this up further the other two ends have our ribbon loops okay now the tie-out lines themselves all right are generously length so there's a lot of it it is not bank line it is reflected line okay so it ties up really nice it breaks down really nice it holds up really well plus you have that reflective feature so if it's stretched out at camp you can definitely see that okay so size wise we're looking at about five and a half foot deep so from main ridge line back five and a half foot deep length seven foot if you're over seven foot sorry about that i'm six foot two i'm 220 pounds i fit under this thing just fine again what you're thinking about in this situation is a lean-to type configuration okay something that we can set up nice fast and easy put a fire out in front and keep ourselves comfortable for the evening all right now how this works is the same way that we teach our tarp setups you take one of the tie out lines the tie outline itself has the two strands on each side what this is going to do is avoid you needing to know any other knots than your shoelace knot if you can tie your shoe and you're not a velcro guy you can put this up on a tree my kid literally can put this up on a tree and he's six it's super easy we're gonna take our first side and we're gonna pull it tight against the tree and tie the back end with a shoelace knot we're going to go to the second tree and do the same thing so so okay so at this point now i can get under my shelter system and i am protected again i'm a big guy i still have room on my top and bottom what you need to remember also that i have found and experienced personally is that you don't need a ton of reflective material inside although it can help a little bit if you have a fire out in front you have a long fire on colder days and your tarp is positioned correctly you're going to get enough radiant heat inside especially if you're dressed correctly during that emergency type situation so the next thing i wanted to show was our loop system in the back you could see here i just broke a stick and i jammed it in the ground our loops are big enough to fit a nice size tent peg or stick but because it is a ribbon loop okay it gets hung up and caught on the stick itself as long as the bark's on and as you drive this down hard part of the ribbon will catch onto the bark and drive down into the ground so you don't need to carve tent pegs you really don't need to carry 10 pegs along with you it's just going to lighten up your load and make this thing something you're going to want to carry more often so ribbon loops with your rear stick that you find laying right where you're at is going to be a win-win okay now pack a procedure we have our built-in bag what i like to do is right where the bag is attached that one end has our strings so i like to bury those strings at the bottom of the bag because that's the second set of strings that's going to be deployed for fast setup so we just bury those things right to the bottom all that you do with this is you literally just stuff it inside i've had one of these prototypes that i got soaking wet and i left it out for days and days and days pulled it out we had no mildew smell no nothing on it so you don't have to worry too much about that if you're packing unpacking a lot it's going to hold up just fine so we take this thing all the ropes in now and then simply just stuff it in so that big five and a half by seven foot footprint for a shelter like this really packs down nice quick and easy so we're going to just pack all that in just literally jamming jam and jamming and then what we're going to end up with at the very end the last thing that i like to stick in here is the other tie out so what i do with this tie out is the same as the other i just jam it down the back side of the bag okay takes a couple seconds to get it in there but it makes it very quick to deploy so you can set this thing up in a hurry no problem now what i like to do at the end before i flip the flap over i just let the two ends of the line hang out and then i flip the flap over that way when i have to set this thing up i know exactly what lines i need to pull so i can literally pull this out tie it to the tree and then deploy the rest of the shelter it makes it easy because then it doesn't get all tangled up inside of things so that my friends is the t-6-0 shelter system that we just released and look it fits right inside your pocket so i guess to recap that overall everything we went over i know that was a lot of information but i had a ton of questions about it this shelter itself yes lean 2 type configuration the the highlight of this for me is the tie out points are just there it's easy it's lightweight it's super durable which you've seen we we had to talk about for two years in the weather still holds up really well again packable and lightweight giving people the option to actually carry a shelter that's extremely usable into the field with them for emergencies or because it's so durable you can use this thing at camp all the time you can set this up and camp with this and you're not going to hurt it it's going to be good to go you pack it back up and you'll be fine now a few things when it comes to lean twos and plow points which this can be set up in a plow point configuration i just didn't have the chance to show it here um you just drop the one side down those shelters for survival okay are the most conducive because of the fact you can put a fire out in the front two tube tube style shelters um the bivvies that you see out there that are the real thin mylar that you crawl in okay that stuff is working on your body temperature compared to having a fire i preach having a fire so this feeds into what i'm saying if you're a bivvy person or you want that a-frame because you feel like you're more protected from that then this isn't probably the product for you but if you're the lean to fire-type person and you're looking for that lightweight shelter component to now be able to carry along with you this is it and we're super excited about it so everybody that pre-ordered thank you um those orders they will be processed and be sent out very very soon i'm super excited about it i hope everybody's excited about it too and um yeah i think that would be it that covered everything with our new product i am i'm man this thing was in the works for like two years i'm just getting everything situated with it it is made here in the united states so um that's another good thing people asked about that so it's not getting imported um you know on boats in thousand quantities we're making these things here and um yeah i think everybody's gonna love it once you get using it so as always check us out at and if you don't trust our products and me at this point i don't know what else to do with all of you come on we're giving good information that we can best information we can i guess that's more appropriate okay best information and the best products that we can put out there um we're not trying to rip people off so i hope everybody gives this one a shot and until the next video stay in the woods now you have a shelter and you can pack this away you're not carrying big things it's great but uh yeah all right same woods you
Channel: Coalcracker Bushcraft
Views: 278,848
Rating: 4.8763976 out of 5
Keywords: Coalcracker Bushcraft, Dan Wowak, Appalachian Bushman School, Camping, Hiking, Survival, Bushcraft, Survival Skills, Bushcraft Skills, outdoorlifestyle, survivalinstructor
Id: X1SoTvXx234
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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