1,000 DARES in 24 HOURS!!

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today we're doing 1 000 dares in 24 hours you guys are always leaving us crazy dares to do so we thought we would combine all those crazy dares into one gigantic video since we're doing a thousand dares we have one there for you guys and that is to watch this video all the way through because we're giving away five thousand dollars to five of you guys we're gonna be leaving small hints throughout this video on how you can win to five thousand dollars so please watch this video all the way through so the one thousand errors are written on this wallet inside this hat and we actually have one of our best friends who's going to be helping us due to theirs tanner thanks guys what was that introduction the first dares for you to clean this up we're going to be taking turns randomly picking the dares from this hat and once we're done with that we're going to pick any dirt we want off this wall and do that dare all right first there second there third there and let's see what we got smash your computer ice in your pants take a pie to the face no all right [Applause] [Music] so we got a bag of ice right here and tanner you know what to do oh gosh oh no oh no you're the only one who hasn't done your dare so oh ken are you okay why did we do it in front of ourselves this was probably the worst idea so that didn't exactly go as planned but now we're gonna pick any dare we want off this wall you know what i think i'm gonna go with belly flop into the pool cause i feel nasty i'm gonna pour a gallon of milk over my head so i can get a little cleaner yours is gonna get messier that makes no sense you know what i'm gonna randomly pick one which one did i pick one tennis ball at full speed all right alex are you ready no all right i'm not no okay oh hey i'm done hey you got two more swings [Laughter] so we took allen to the public pool so it'd be a little more embarrassing yeah he's gonna belly flop in front of all these families here we go [Music] all right tanner are you ready to be clean all right let's do it [Music] oh oh my god do you feel cleaner now all right round three tanner there we go all right these are random bears there we go yeah find something to eat while dumpster diving have water balloons thrown at you oh so you can get clean and mine is make a half course shot i got an easy one guys tanner we're sorry in advance oh dude like i said this is going to be a super easy there i'll probably get on my first try here we go first try since he made it on his first try you guys have to do some you guys have to at least like this video that's actually the first step to winning the five thousand dollars you guys have to like this video honestly we're having second thoughts about doing this there because it smells so freaking bad in here but you guys know us we're not gonna skimp out over there so i'm gonna go look for something to eat now the only thing i'm gonna find is dog poop in there dang island oh my god are you kidding me oh [ __ ] okay you know what i literally see like guys oh my god is that gas coming out i'm gonna make it smells better oh honestly i think i did make a smoke hell no yo are you good mcdonald's the bts bill bro what's the egg no oh oh that's a happy mcchicken allen come on i'm really not eating this no you gotta do it you gotta do it what does it mean by eat i just had to lick it or not to eat it right sandwich i'm gonna eat it on this side right here this side right here okay okay all right all right all right oh there we go okay are you kidding me all right all right hey you know what i'm not doing that we're moving on from this one all right here we go here we go uh wait i'm gonna brush my teeth because i literally just got done eating food out of a dumpster it says brush your teeth for the toilet brush with toilet brush toilet brush hey you know to make you feel better i'll drink toilet water i will drink toilet water make you feel better they say toilet water is the cleanest water not if someone just got done pooping and it didn't like flush right think about that i face my fears and jump off the second story here listen are you sure you want to do this you don't you don't have to oh i actually don't know if i can do this oh my god all right are you ready are you ready are you ready all right three two one oh my god all right tanner that was good i like that your half stayed on everything yeah yeah all right let's get you to the bathroom so you can drink your toilet water you know what toilet water's the cleanest water duress all right come on let's do this no it's not i read it somewhere it's cleaner than your tap water ah no oh my god oh did someone tell me why there's stains in here why oh my god what you have to drink it you have to drink no i don't yes you do get up get up get up get up hey toilet water's clean water dress water the cleanest water oh it has like a a fudgy chocolatey aftertaste yeah that's because it's follow your poop okay here get that toilet brush right here not that bad huh okay all right this is the nastiest thing i've ever done literally the nastiest thing okay come on all right come on here we go there we go all right go brush your teeth go [Music] i'm gonna get cavities after this video hey well my teeth feel whiter wait actually why did it look more brown because the space easy one i mean okay here we go what does mine say what's a body part oh my god that's not that bad that's not that bad flush your air pods down the toilet what is up with me in toilets rip a hundred dollars in house oh he's got the worst one okay all right you know what you're in for this one i'm actually excited to watch you later i already know alex is gonna hurt me i trust tanner more than alex oh my gosh three two one [Applause] oh my god three i two ready i picked out an extra dare earlier it was fart on face jesus hey that's an extra thing one extra dare that's the dumpster mcchicken he is don't be too excited about ripping off my hair because you still got to rip that 100 bill in half you're actually making me do this yes yes i'm ripping right now again rip it for a second time might as well now man sorry it's hard i was out of work for this dude it's more important that we don't skimp out over there give me that 100 these are my air pods right here do i have to flush one or two both of them i have to flush both of them down the toilet all right i feel bad that tan around the rip is 100 i'm gonna flush both of them down oh my god oh dude he got rid of the airpods but not the poop stains before we move on to the next there here's clue number two on how you can win to five thousand dollars step two is to subscribe and turn on post notifications okay whoa all right here we go go to target and make an embarrassing announcement i got wear female underwear outside your pants and go outside i got cut the entire log with scissors oh actually we need a trimming bag tanner when we come back from target after doing our dares this whole lawn better be cut all right so uh it's time for there now let's go [Music] since alex got us kicked out of target i'm dressed up as spider-man now so they won't recognize me when i do my dare target's going to have wanted posters of spider-man after that and thong man all right taylor it's looking pretty good yeah just one little patch right there and we're good you think so yeah what are you wearing oh hey no i i just switched into a spiderman costume because he got us kicked out of target but tanner i got some good news our popularity is really going up because there's wanted posters of us everywhere bong man and spiderman we could go on the tour in india oh wait okay wait we could do 24 hours in the ocean we don't have 24 hours left in this video alan i'm gonna stick two hot cheetos in my mouth oh wait while you're doing that i could do a hundred push-ups oh i'll do 100 setups then i'll do 100 setups we could all do this at once all right taylor it's time to put the two hot cheetos in your nose oh god how does that fit oh my gosh it feels so good oh oh my gosh and while we're at it let me get another dare off the list since you can't smell anymore come on stop it hey hey tally that up as an extra damn 100 push-ups here we go ready and 100 sit up let's go [Music] oh my god oh are you sure because the fart no you gotta eat it eat it here we go and tanner pick one all right allen what's your there how like a wolf outside it's a full moon too that's gonna be i gotta post an embarrassing instagram story oh catch a napkin from the second story before it lands on the ground dude i can't do that let's just hope that everyone's sleeping right now because we're about to get kicked out again for the neighborhood [Music] [Laughter] the neighbors out right behind [Music] so tanner i have you in a bathroom because for your embarrassing instagram story i want you to be sitting on a toilet and post a selfie saying that you clogged our toilets all right act like embarrassed [Laughter] i just clogged my friend's toilet please help and i am posting that right now [Applause] [Applause] you know what i'm going to take a shower fully closed i'm going to go ahead and cross this one off because i've done this a few times already so that's all i've done that's like i'll do a crack an egg over your head okay tanner i don't know i haven't seen this let's do this right here don't get tanner out of the car for a while every week i got some bad news we can just throw this away because we just won't hang out for a week until we can kick you out of the car the thing that sucks about me going in the shower right now is my shower takes five minutes to warm up so if i go in there it's gonna be freezing cold three two one oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm freezing i'm freezing yeah let's get to the back right there we go yeah dude hey this is the worst feeling ever sean all right so we have the eggs right here and you guys know what to do one two three oh my god oh my god stop stop stop stop stop why did you do that two eggs over my head we actually didn't even mention this but it's 2 a.m right now and we're running really low on energy and we want to have high energy for this video so we're going to head to sleep for a few hours and continue this tomorrow so it's 7 a.m right now and we were all supposed to wake up at 6 6am but alex is still sleeping so we're gonna wake him up with this stair right here and this stair right here hey it's 7am did your alarm not go off or something see this could have been avoided if you woke up on time i'm gonna find a place for this oh wait i almost forgot here are the names on our fridge for this week guys and if you want your name on our fridge for entire week all you have to do is like this video subscribe if you haven't already and then comment down done when you're done all right alex so you're the only one who hasn't done it there yet so go and uh pick it there uh sean you want to tell him that there that already did uh he clogged your toilet yeah so i i can go ahead and take this one off you want to go check your toilet oh god [Music] fix that right now fix it right now fix it oh stop using my restroom you scared the [ __ ] out of me when you woke me up so we're outside a house right now because it smells really bad inside yeah i wonder why dude okay all right let's just let's just pick the random there's all right here we go all right you first then me now you tanner all right what'd you get alex told dad to shut up prank all your friends get silly train stop it up i hope damn what what you know what the dumpster is doing well when i use the plunger bubble back up about 10 cotton tips shut up really [ __ ] six-year-old knows better shut up dad shut up i'm recording doing this shut up just dab we're recording yeah we're recording shut up i'm just saying a bag [Music] so we're going to go to miami with brent in a few days and right now i'm going to prank call him and tell him we no longer want to go on a trip with him all right here we go yo brent are you still going to miami um i think so yeah oh okay it's just i don't think we're going to go anymore no yeah probably not i think i'm going to go wait you're still going to go even if we don't go oh yeah [Laughter] so we're actually gonna call ben right now and see if he cares if we don't go yo when's everyone going to miami again okay um i don't think we're gonna go okay yeah yeah it's just cause like we already went on like a trip to the bahamas like i just don't think we're gonna go [Laughter] okay he cared he cared about president okay wow okay all right tanner i'm sorry well i'm not look at it hey [Music] holy crap holy [Music] so we're about to pull a crazy prank on our dad but before we do that here's step three on how you can win the five thousand dollars once you've already liked this video and subscribed with post notifications turned on screenshot for proof so our dad just got this brand new bike right here that he's obsessed with and we all keep messing around with him hiding this bike in different locations just to get on his nerves so right now we're gonna hide this bike on top of a tree and get his reaction oh my goodness y'all why is it up there dad i'm gonna get you yeah how did it get up there tanner that's such a nice five second player oh tanner yeah i don't put something like that past you and sean that's such a nice bike tanner why are y'all doing this tanner yeah what are the neighbors that's doing it what's that bicycle tanner okay guys please get it down if you're mad at me just tell me you're mad at that listen why do you keep saying tanner why do you keep blaming tanner because y'all keep throwing him out of the car so he's taking a bite to write home now it looks like it i'm gonna do coke and mentos in my mouth whoa speak in a different language until the next stairs complete i don't know what dressing that guys don't want i understand what he's saying but you guys don't know what's high now don't worry well i'm gonna let you guys laugh my butt [Music] all right so i'm gonna put the mentos in my mouth and alex is gonna pour the coke right after that all right three two one three two one whoa whoa bro i couldn't keep my mouth shut it just exploded oh my god no way okay all right one last [Music] time oh my gosh that did not make my throat feel too good all right tanner you know what's about to happen bend that ass over all right ready ready get ready one two three [Music] oh that hurt my hand more than i hurt his butt seriously yeah how long are you gonna take me smell everyone's armpits oh hey you know what i didn't use deodorant today i really never used to put ketchup and socks and wear them oh that's nasty oh that is that mine is oh i'm not allowed to say yet let's just do your theirs first come on before i do this i know there's some sickos out in this world that wishes they were in my shoes right now i don't it doesn't smell bad be honest be honest this smell you keep smelling it get the [ __ ] away from me you're just scaring me now what does it smell it doesn't right it can't tell three two one [Applause] [Music] i wish god took away my sense of smell after oh my that you oh oh no oh next sock oh we're doing two socks you okay oh oh you can see that oh you know honestly i haven't done my dare yet but to be honest with you guys we've been doing this for about 26 hours now and we're just gonna quickly ramp that up and complete the thousand dares here we go i'm gonna take the farting face who's gonna do the empower fart and what are you gonna do you're gonna you're gonna be the face you'll give me the face for him to fart on and i'll be the one inhaling it and i'll be the one farting all right come on let's bang this out get it up get into the valve we have our face mask on so we don't have to inhale the fart that's his job my job is just to fart all right here we go hey come on come on let me bless you what's up hey that was right up my hole dude this dude just stopped apart you know honestly if you guys made it this far in the video you guys have made it to the fourth clue and the fourth clue is to dm that screenshot to one of our instagrams at i'm alan stokes or at i'm alex though and we're gonna be going through those dm and picking out five lucky people to one to five thousand dollars wait i think there was one more there wait hold on there was one more thing there's one more there for us to do guys wait a second oh right here 300 000 likes i think that's a dare for you guys that we can't do that that's for you guys to do but honestly thank you so much you made it to the very end of the video subscribe if you're new because we do crazy videos every single week let's try to get this video to 300 000 likes and with that being said we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Stokes Twins
Views: 24,491,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1000 dares in 24 hours, 1000 dares, doing 1000 dares, crazy dares, extreme dares, dares, who can do the most dares in 24 hours, dares in 24 hours, dare challenge, funny dares, stokes twins, ben azelart, Brent rivera, lexi rivera, unspeakable, Andrew davila, lexi hensler, pierson, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, amp world, amp
Id: 419t30eB_Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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