Becoming an Actual Ghost in VR Gave Me PHASMOPHOBIA - Wraith: The Oblivion Afterlife

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hey what's up welcome to wraith the oblivion afterlife which is a bit of a convoluted name but it's a vr horror game where you are actually dead a dead man a spirit a wraith one of the restless undead and it is your job to uncover the mystery of your death with circumstances revolving around some sort of seance but of course given that you are dead now you get to move through walls track the movement of other spirits manipulate objects and see into the past which sounds awesome and it is but the horror is still there even though i'm dead it's terrifying this isn't a game about jump scares it's about atmosphere speaking of immersion if you're familiar with it world of darkness which originally started as a tabletop rpg series that has now expanded into video games and board games i have never played them in my life but apparently this is the first time that that universe has been brought into this medium vr now this video is sponsored by oculus they actually sent me out the brand new quest 2 which is an awesome all-in-one headset with no wires at all you can play wraith in its entirety straight from the headset with no external sensor setup at all now there will be links down in the description below for you to pick up your own oculus quest to in addition to wraith the oblivion afterlife now we're gonna be playing through it today and i know you guys are going to enjoy this anyway if you want to see more let me know down in the comment section below and let's begin [Music] the barkley mansion the place where i died no oh [ __ ] edmund everyone must yes i agree [Music] oh please holy oh i can move oh what's this vignetting oh that's going to help with motion sickness thank god is that me all right so i'm dead now right that's the whole premise of the game is i'm dead that i oh i got arms every time i play vr man i just get completely overwhelmed by how awesome this is all right so there's my chair did i die here what what happened that is a crazy crazy sight holy [ __ ] okay i'm a little it's a little loud can i run welcome reminding me of edge of nowhere for some reason oh my god you have learned grab reach out and grab objects around you grab items using rglg or grab them for distance using rdlt and flick them towards your hand dude that is okay that's pretty here you mean the benefits of being a phantom [Music] okay this music's a little crazy just a little bit just oh dude i can't get over this imagine this is what you see when you die hello what are you doing i don't know i don't know what i'm doing you're blind my camera what camera okay oh my god holy [ __ ] i'm here so much for showing the truth about l.a nightlife mr fancy photographer maybe it's time for some truths about the rich and famous all the debauchery you can stomach but with the edges filed off i'm not so sure about those edges anyway if it pays the bills okay let's see what this billionaire nut job wants from us ah it's one of these huh holy [ __ ] hello is that is that me i can't just walk up over the door oh it's locked out of the way thank you hi all right we're doing this what's up i've seen this in uh house on haunted hill you know the original i got oh my god and the cast grows are you also here to bask in the glory of howard barkley not that he's here to eat you don't worry he's cooped up in his sick room and will probably not die before giving you a proper welcome this is me photographer welcome to crazyville hi the rest of the cast tom shepard purveyor of expensive [ __ ] know it all [ __ ] hi glad you could make it let's not forget the queen of mediocrity this medium walters wow it's meadow actually nice to meet you you're here to photograph the seance right yeah we're just here for a couple of days like the rest of us honey just like the rest of us got it cause they're gonna die in a couple days [Music] thank you thank you dead ed you are dead ed right yeah you're me holy [ __ ] hi foyer the globe to save game ah game saved perfect okay [ __ ] [ __ ] what what is that you have learned sharper senses the energy coursing through you you're different now [Music] oh my god oh that's so cool okay so i i feel yeah i see it right there i see it right there so i gotta go over this way oh okay i got it i got it oh my god what the [ __ ] did i do to myself why that's awful wait i could walk through walls right isn't that a thing okay it's like in this room it seems like this room maybe hello in the kitchen what's in the kitchen yep over here somewhere oh what is this give me that haha watch this whiskey how do i get in my is it on me i don't have it what is this aha corpus already at max to regain corpus holy [ __ ] what okay it's over here it's definitely over here hello oh god i'm so scared dude what the [ __ ] is this what am i what am i doing right now yeah you wouldn't believe the size of this place it's crazy and the people you'll never guess who i just talked to okay good guess isn't that cool though god you're so loud [Music] thank you okay so that's uh that's music i don't feel anything over here so it's not the tree use sharp incense to find the voice in your head okay this is a cool ass tree oh hey i can move that can i move this is it over here somewhere it is over here come on you're in the way yep uh-huh oh it's red maybe i can't actually i'm not strong enough to mess with it oh i could just go around here you've got to be kidding me yeah it's yours um did that lead to our deaths in this house could be okay i'm over and we're getting yeah we're getting closer good good good good what do you do again i like [ __ ] oh my bad okay i'm not strong enough to pick up these big objects i got it we're getting there it's locked i met this lovely lady earlier you should meet her too i think i know who you're talking about i was thinking the same thing i bet you did let's talk more in the library less people there to listen in go get the key from the service staff should be on one of the bar cards that's nasty find the bar carts use your sharpened senses to oh whoa holy [ __ ] that arm oh there's one okay are we looking i am so alone please speak to me please you lost the shoe there buddy i'm sorry man i i i don't know what you want from me i'm trying ah wait wait damn there we go oh it hit him he's a solid it's you're not a ghost he's not a ghost at all oh [ __ ] oh god [ __ ] i suck at this okay our cards bar cards i'm going i'm going i'm going we found the bar cards oh there's one okay oh is this the key oh it's a library key okay yes i shall hold you in my hand all right that's inventory there we go he's gone good thank god getting the keys solved that because i don't know how much more of that i could take what the hell is out there what the [ __ ] is that okay i don't know what it is i don't like it oh you speak [Applause] why is he doing that [ __ ] me stop stop dude i don't like it i'm going i'm going i'm good who is that it ain't it's not that's not me i had a hood yeah come on open up yes yes trees growing in here too oh what are you security code okay mr barkley the new alarm systems are now functional in the library uh your precious books are safe the doors can be locked unlocked from terminal in your picnic 1379. i shall remember i'm hearing voices what oh is this it hello oh i see that hello oh god damn it it's you okay don't look at him don't look at him he does bad stuff bad stuff oh my god i could sense him yeah we gotta avoid him i guess what is this dude what the [ __ ] oh there's the code [ __ ] dude do i gotta sneak up maybe he won't see me if i sneak oh oh he's facing that way dude this music is so ridiculous no he sees he sees okay i got a book i guess what if i hit him oh my god that was a headshot that did not do anything okay it's 1379. what if i just rush it will i die oh no no no no no come on stop no no no i wasn't quick enough 13.79 i didn't even need to look at the slip of paper wait i died i'm already dead though i was already dead i was already dead you [ __ ] find me yeah i got you i got you buddy oh is it a different place now what the [ __ ] is that i saw that thing smoking what the [ __ ] okay a different place do i come out i guess i come out the same area hello oh i'm over here oh [ __ ] what the hell okay what is on this wall over here can i walk through this i i was told that because i'm a ghost i could phase through [ __ ] but i can't i wonder if that's what that means eventually i could do that maybe i'll learn that skill oh it's oh okay so it saves my progress gotcha okay i'm not as weak as i was so therefore i should be able to do 1379 pretty easily yep [Applause] [Music] i did it it's open there it is i got them all okay get out of here dude i'm out oh that's it [ __ ] there's one back here okay just go gotta hate it stop stop [Music] hello save let's just save it's a place to save [Music] no way i can't save here what the [ __ ] that's oh my god everything's safe and sound i wish you didn't force me to this howard jesus please don't look at me like that's because from a dying old man well a woman's got to do what a woman's got to do time to prepare for the saints i guess yeah okay meryl streep can you get me can you get me into that that would be nice [Applause] oh oh oh i got it wait no you should work oh that's [ __ ] damn it move slowly and quietly so the specters don't notice you the specters wait is that the guy when your corpus reaches zero you are plunged into the tempest what is this wait is that a spectre no right hello oh my trying to go real quietly oh it's a specter no that's me don't you [Music] i don't like it any more than you do honestly is this the guy that does rorschach is this the guy that plays rorschach there are memories and also how to get the hell out of this place [Music] oh my god you picked up relic camera gift from your father [Music] oh man reawaken memories using your relic camera okay but oh that's what that thing is all right all right all right santa's room save see you buddy oh my god this is so [ __ ] cool can i walk through walls yet can i walk through walls that's what i want to know okay so i should go back out and take a picture of that other place right oh this is so [ __ ] cool now do i have to use that against like the specters or anything hello okay is this locked please not locked what guys is that tree [ __ ] moving [Music] can i get rid of it okay oh i'm glad you came i know this isn't your typical thing ed but it's gonna be worth it look the old fan is a bit nuts you might say stuff that makes no sense to you but we're gonna do this and then we're leaving tonight no we're here for the weekend me and rachel are leaving l.a to home it's time to try something else [Music] okay oh [ __ ] i gotta move slowly as a specter crouch crouch damn you oh my god okay look at my arm oh ah ah wait okay that didn't do anything or did it jesus christ what [ __ ] links will you go to make hey look the old man has clearly lost it but we both need something from him yeah his money what i'm saying is none of us stand to gain anything from you giving him a heart attack during your play act seance i've got this don't you worry you're pretty oh they thought that they were doing a fake seance turned out to be real okay return to the sands room got it oh no oh no spectre time whatever the hell this thing was it's gonna pop out now hello okay i'm ready just go oh my god oh okay oh nevermind okay everyone close your eyes and open your minds open yourself up to the spirit world okay what is happening it's the old man meadow you tell me right now what is going on there's still a lot you don't know about [Applause] me [Music] um but maybe there's a way through the garden a way out through the garden okay i'm gonna save holy [ __ ] dude a little peek a little peeky peek oh that's where the oh god okay nope never mind okay i'm running through just running through where the hell is the guard oh boy [Music] is this the garden okay the tree the the plant life the floor here is a lip what's up with this artwork [ __ ] that dude hello god how do you like the party so far cassandra oh my god so many people i never thought i'd meet and the house is magnificent between you and me i was the same when i got here yes i was so star struck with everybody but it turns out people here they're just like you not better not worse deep down we all want the same things here let me show you the garden oh i gotta get past this stuff this i don't like this guy man he was plotting some creepy perverted [ __ ] with the main dude i don't like it i don't like it i'm gonna get jumbo scared here again what [Applause] okay that's a little creepy [Music] how in the [ __ ] what is happening [Music] what the [ __ ] was that oh is there a light on now dude what the [ __ ] man oh you've got to be kidding all right back up oh what is there an enemy back here i'm trying to look it's so dark dude oh please tell me this is a flashlight oh my god what is it oh yes yes go away we can go to the garden okay this is i am not okay with any of this just run into it we're good right it doesn't burn you away good i don't want to go in there anyway i hear you walking around no thank you yes okay there was that secret back near the seance room what is this house oh my god what the [ __ ] dude this is like resident evil 1 all over again [ __ ] me all right that's it for me today you always got to be responsible when playing vr i actually feel fine i just don't want to push it too far but that is wraith the oblivion afterlife on the oculus quest 2. thank you once again to oculus for sponsoring this video all the links will be down in the description for you to get yours if you guys do want to see more of this game let me know down in the comments i might give it a revisit it's really well done anyway i'm out of here thank you guys so much for watching i'll see you next time bye
Channel: IGP
Views: 385,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wraith the oblivion afterlife, Games like Phasmophobia, wraith the oblivion afterlife gameplay, wraith the oblivion afterlife trailer, wraith the oblivion afterlife vr, wraith the oblivion afterlife walkthrough, wraith the oblivion afterlife scary moments, igp, wraith the oblivion afterlife igp, wraith the oblivion, wraith the oblivion vr, wraith the oblivion gameplay, wraith the oblivion game, horror games, ghost games, Wraith the oblivion afterlife review
Id: 5HnRtmBu-4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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