Becoming a Scumbag Retail Mogul (Big Ambitions)

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I go to school here and welcome to a playthrough of big Ambitions this is a well a business tycoon game I guess is the best way of describing it currently in Early Access on Steam a thought would ever play through give it a bash seeing what we can do the first thing is we need to design what Ico looks like and what their name is so uh let's have a look it's a bit Limited at the moment in terms of character design it's nothing like the Sims but you know it's good enough we can design well let's see skin color weird pink brown very dark brown male female I've been going zooming on the head we can choose the uh two styles of face I think that looks more Sinister definitely a CEO look and then what have we got haircuts that style that style that style all completely bold I think we'll go with that something like a black gotta go black CEO huh let me go to the clothing and let's see what do you want t-shirt suit very Apple should go with an apple look oh yeah red shirt there we go trousers relaxed look a bit hipster athletic do you want an athletic look we can choose the body size by the way we can make them a little bit thinner or a lot fatter I think that's probably the look isn't it the greedy the greedy CEO uh not very muscular it doesn't work out too much and then of course to complete the look guys I'm thinking I'm thinking just to the most ridiculous look now this guy's going to be super dodgy of course uh so what do we call him let's call him um Tony he looks like a Tony we're gonna sell dodgy stuff I'm kind of thinking we're going to build our Empire on booze cigars jewelry gifts you know we could try the whole takeaway thing they've not added well they haven't found it office stuff it could run an office that could be dodgy they're gonna add her dressers and nightclubs soon I do know that but for now what you'll definitely need to run a nightclub at some point but not now he's going to start his business Empire maybe on jewelry and guess we'll see what's in demand uh it's only phony sounds good it's only phony let's do this we're going to be given 25 000 we're playing in sandbox mode so I've set it at 25 000 everything else is pretty much uh the default and here we are we're gonna learn the game as we go along have a quick look at the map so explain what's going on so you're thrown into this map there are four kind of districts uh there's the Garment District which is the this one here a sort of Hell's Kitchen a Midtown and Murray Hill and if you want to know what the differences are between the four districts we can go to our phone and make a look at markets inside so the Garment districts is primarily working-class people uh some middle class a little bit of upper Hell's Kitchen is mostly middle class Murray is a mix of working in upper and then Midtown is almost exclusively upper class so each sort of district has its own needs and demands and there'll be businesses come and go run by the AI I think they're planning on future Co-op online co-op as well to be able to jump in with your friends I think maybe compete I don't know Hell's Kitchen would love cheap jewelry and cigars that might be a good place if we get into Hell's Kitchen middle class whether we can live in that District remains to be seen But I think we should take a punt like cheap jewelry and cigars that's got to be a good combo throwing some wine wine cigars and cheap jewelry in the Hell's Kitchen I think that's gonna be the best uh Hell's Kitchen is this District so we're going to need somewhere to live so we need to look for some residents to to rent we could rent out this one here or click on open business eighty dollars quite expensive if you compare that with something down here 38 what we could do is perhaps live down here and try and get an office up here so if we look for some retail not much available retail wise there's only one of them if we open that one up 15 foot fall it's a maximum of 15 customers that we can get that's how much traffic goes past the shop that's how much we can get per hour I think it is of sales 15 customers an hour is the maximum you'll ever get no matter what you do at this place but it's a pretty good start it's a small little shop and let's have a look it's quite cheap I think that's a good place to start let's uh let's rent that we're going to start our business and we're going to start off by selling the soup coffee shop jewelry store we could go for wine and cigars maybe or we go for the jewelry store option oh I'm torn cheap jewelry box of wine cigars I think we open it as a liquor store and then we throw in some cheap jewelry that they can buy it's not the most efficient but it's certainly the most fun so we're gonna go with uh let's go with something like um uh booze and smokes how's that sound start a new business called booze and smokes we'll get some wine cigars in there throw in some cheap jewelry when we can uh cool right now let's quickly get somewhere to to live uh we looked at that down here didn't we something down this neck of the woods nice and cheap that will do I think 38 dollars rented cool right so that was a very quick Whistle Stop tour we're now here we've rented a shop over the road we're gonna have a look at that and we're living down here let's get going right so we'll quickly run over the road and this is our store there you go it's completely empty it has a little storm at the back there's some toilets which don't really get used and that's the entire shop we'll have to decorate it as best we can there's a few things we need to worry about first and foremost I don't want to be running around everywhere so I want to get myself a car so we're going to have to look for things called car dealership there's one right down here there's a truck one here by the way this one's a car dealership we're gonna have to run all the way down the road and rent ourselves a car so we don't have to run around everywhere I totally ignore traffic signs by the way you have to get used to that I'm an absolute villain see what I mean it's just CEO it's important he can do what he likes let's get a car let me just explain a couple of things here top left is our energy bar for some reason we start the day with no energy which is a bit dumb of the game that's our food bar completely full that's our happiness bar currently completely full we'll do we'll deal with that later if we jump inside the car shop and you'll see we have the Vaude Tiara Vic which is 11 Grand that's way too much for us we have the vord v150 definitely not a Ford F-150 that's 44 Grand remember we've only got 22 000 now we've just rented a bunch of places two and a half grand for a hanza mimic and then finally we have 22 grand for a Nissan villain love it so what we'll do we'll get a Honda mimic it's only two and a half Grand and it will get us around I think we should go the same color as our top a nice little fetching shade of red so if we go outside we'll be able to get in there we've got some bind to do I wish I had more energy okay it's Monday day one 10 a.m right now we've got 20 grand left and we're burning cash burning cash daily in rent that is Ikea we're going to be going there later not today probably let me get rid of the Waypoint uh we need to go to an appliance store there's a couple of appliance stores I think around here this one is one of them there we go I'm gonna go in here right park vehicle we are going to go into this appliance store here because we're going to sell wine and cigars we're going to grab a trolley this can carry four items and we will need a cigar Shelf just one of those and that's the jewelry showcase we're not doing jewelry initially we're going to need a shopping basket for the punters so they can pick stuff up the other thing we need is a wine shelf and we will definitely need somewhere to put our stock so we're gonna need a storage shelf that's maxed out the storage we've got four items on the trolley we can carry eight in the car so we go and click on that click on purchase wait so she checks out money will get deducted there we go you can see the money's rapidly going down we're not making anything yet why did I leave the car oh it's here uh managed storage right we'll click then put them in there what else are we going to need we're going to need to get ourselves a bed that's for sure there's a little tip Park that there get inside your vehicle and it guarantees you can pull out your spot beautiful I told you it's just we definitely gonna need a bed we need to get there before Ikea closes so we're gonna quickly go and get that uh vehicle state is shown here currently 100 no 7 fuel it's like here all damage you have to repair it's going to cost you money you have to fuel the vehicle occasionally make sure you get the idea right park there jump into Ikea genuinely this is literally literally Ikea look at this I'm sure they sell meatballs and stuff let's grab a flatbed carrying capacity of AIDS gonna keep an eye on our overheads so we're gonna go for just like Ikea it Roots you all around the place we don't need a table in chairs yet we don't have to worry about that bedroom Section is here let's grab ourselves a standard bed we'll get a wardrobe so we can change the outfit if we want to uh we could get a computer as a game on that'll keep him happy but I think for now we'll just grab a TV if I can find one there's one uh TV will be good now we could get some speakers to play music in the shop but it's an overhead we don't need right now uh punters are happy when we've decorated and there's some nice music playing even when they're ordering cigars and wine there you go let's grab these things Chuck them in the car and head back okay drop them in the car car was almost completely full half past one in the afternoon we're completely tired but we can make a drop up at the uh if you click on this and Maps we can basically see where our store is there we can even set destination kind of makes it easier when you're learning the town trying to navigate where you are after a while you start to get used to it this reminds people of GTA 2 in its style it's set in New York um they've got plans for I think a London map and a Paris map is what they have on the roadmap but you know currently the on version 0.2 uh Early Access which is pretty good for 0.2 I have to say 0.3 comes out in well currently 38 days from recording end of August I think it is like I said they've got a nightclub in there all kinds of stuff now you can only pick up one item at a time um but what you can do is if you go into pretty much every shop will have one of those little hand trolley things and this is no exception they should be on there right click on it pick it up put it in the corner there is my advice because trust me the uh the punters are not affected by that placement but you will be every time you want to grab one so go over here we're going to grab the shopping baskets the uh storage shelf for wine shelf on the cigar Shelf this is just the absolute minimum to get the shop going so we'll put the storage Shelf place that at the back of the shop here press R to rotate uh we'll stick that bar then we'll put the shopping baskets we'll place that over here so the walk-in they'll grab a shopping basket and then they'll pick things as you lay them out so if you put that there say and then we put that here and then what we need is a cashier's desk so we need to get a cashier's desk and a till burn in mind our energy is almost on zero can we get a is there a coffee bar around like boost RNG a little bit uh car dealership turn that off sure there's a filter we'll just see if we can see one uh what I want to do is before that appliance place closes which we'll do we're going to go to the other appliance place which I think is just around the corner from us yes it is so we don't need to do the car thing we'll just run around the corner so we're basically we're at Shoppers it's just around the corner from one of the appliance stores this one sells different things there is kebabs keep ABS there uh same thing grab a trolley this one will sell you a cabinet which you need to put the cash register on and then we're also going to need a fridge which is that thing though there's also like drinks counters and wooden displays for other things depending on what you're selling you're going to need different things that's the general gist of the game for example there's like a salad bar so if you're doing Frozen Foods or Fresh Foods or whatever depends what you're into there's two main appliance stores and they'll sell the different bits you need uh let's run around the corner my guy's gonna collapse soon I think okay so now we're gonna put the cabinet withdrawals we'll place that back here we want it facing in for where our employee will stand initially we're going to have to man our own tills initially um paper bag is what it needs paper bags I didn't buy anything yet but we need to get paper bags well this bed is going in our apartment and our apartment is down the road then we'll just put our thing in there right get inside we're gonna go down to our apartment which is just down here [Music] and then we're gonna have to sleep basically right manage storage we're going to grab the bed yes you can put a bed in a small box and carry it into your apartments up I don't have many flights upstairs no problemo uh we're gonna put the bed in here I think uh we'll stick it there against the wall I'll be fine um now I think we should have a just a little quick sleep although I haven't said that the Shop's about to close and we could really do with grabbing some food we need to grab some fresh fruit for the fridge here we go so I grab a shopping basket and we'll look for fresh food we'll load up our shopping basket I think tons of most you can get I'm getting this basically before they close because we're going to need to eat in the morning and they only open at like 8 A.M usually so we grab that it's good oh my God's tired oh he's collapsed oh I need this was gonna happen no no no oh dear I'm being taken to hospital what a great first day that was exhaustion you have no more energy and passed out local arthritis transported you to hospital to recover and they kept your bag of fresh food lovely thanks thanks for looking after me it's now Tuesday 8 A.M thanks for the free bed um yeah see you later so anyway well it's day two we're now in the hospital we're gonna get back to our place luckily it looks like we're not too far away oh we're miles away dear Godwin miles away could you have put us any further away from where we live seriously set destination cool right unlike GTR you can't carjack but what you can do if you spot a taxi you can grab a taxi and say take me here please please take me to travel here for 77 that is so expensive right anyway so here's our car so we'll add our item to storage now what we'll do is we'll grab our fridge this is what I wanted because once we've got a fridge though once we've got a fridge we can store it with food grab the Wardrobe or put that in there we won't need that just yet but it's nice to have when we want to change outfit which we might do to go to like um a gym not that this guy goes to a gym but yeah if you want to change our luck uh this is just TV TV can go on the wall here TV is good for making him happy you can watch that you get a buff to happiness um I don't know where my food's gone don't remember the course scene in here there it is paper bag all right the paper bag has 10 fresh food in it and if you click on the fridge boom it puts them inside so now we can click if you've got 10. we can click that whenever we want to fill our bar and notice he's not very happy so we can quickly do is watch some TV now you notice there's give it a happiness boost for so many hours if you watch for two hours you get 14 hours if you watch for two and a half no three and a half you get 24 hours I can't afford that time so we'll just do that I just want him to get a bit happy or skip time we've got things to do it's Tuesday we're a CEO what do we need we've got our shop set up we don't have any stock so we need to drive off down to the wholesaler now initially we're going to be buying stuff from the wholesaler um sell at a retail shop and that will give us reasonable profit later on we're gonna have to start doing our own distribution so we'll import stuff from the importers for that we'll need a warehouse and we'll need people to manage the warehouse we'll need product purchasing managers you name it it is actually a lot deeper than it looks this game it's a lot of fun and we'll also have to manage those employees for now we just go and drive in yes it's a driving and we're going to grab some stuff remember the car's got eight slots on it we're gonna need some paper bags so we'll put one one lot of paper bags in the back that's so they can package the goods and we said we're going to start off with wine and cigars and then later on we'll start selling some cheap jewelry if you can luckily wine is cigars I have to know that they're over here so I'll park that now look at the cost of these we've got nine thousand dollars left a box of cigars is going to cost us 988. so we'll just go with one for now and then we'll put one box of wine two boxes of wine which is that cost and if I jump in the car it'll tell us what we owe fifteen a hundred uh let's see can we afford another one let's do we need to buy we'll get one more cigar you've got to be careful not to buy too much stock paper bags oh I forgot to get a cleaning kit we'll need a cleaning kit from The Appliance Store so place our order that'll deduct our money we're now down to six thousand dollars really need to start selling stuff now ideally we want somebody to operate the till for us but we can't hire employees until we've completed the mandatory business school course which takes eight hours of study not real time for eight hours of study in the game to do that we go to the Manhattan business school I think it's called we'll have to do that while we're trying to make money because as a CEO at the beginning you can't do everything that's pretty much the way it is in business there's the place that don't get myself a trolley that's why I said put it there because it's a lot handier when you do we'll grab paper bags a bunch of stuff right now if we put stuff into the Shelf here it'll automatically manage the storage there we drop these in here things will Auto magically appear on the shelves over here once we've set what they are but now we'll just get all the stuff they go say that so they started to load the shelves and the paper bags have gone into the register okay so that's the wine in there as well so the wine should appear on that shelf cigars are already there paper bags are already in here if we walk out of the walk back in there you go see lovely so the only thing we've got left to do is well we can get a wicked open for business probably tomorrow if we want to probably should so what we do we click on the business manager and then this is booze and smokes right so in here this is where we can monitor what our customer capacity is we know our current capacity is limited to 10 per hour don't worry about that yet the building limit is 15. so we cannot ever get more than 15 customers per hour if you want to raise that limit you need a bigger building basically so this is our capacity it's what it's saying is you're throttled you don't have enough cigar or wine shelves to get it up to 15. don't worry about it we can definitely deal with the point of sales so 20 out of 15 means we can hit that 15 limit these two we need another shelf of each basically too but you know it's all money schedule this is where we say how long we want to open and who's going to operate the cash register who's going to clean Etc that's us we're doing everything now what I'd like to do is I'll do it on Tuesday we need to schedule a day for study that day is going to be Saturday um which we'll get so we can do we can crack a whole eight hours of business study on Saturday that will smash us through that course so we also need to restock things now to restock things we need a couple of hours in the morning to go and grab some stuff so I'm thinking we can possibly optimistic to open at 10. maybe we open at 11 and we finish at seven that's going to be enough for our guy you'll be very tired so in the morning bit we'll go to the wholesaler re replenish any stock grab anything we need to eat Etc work go home watch TV get up rinse repeat when it's Saturday we go and study deliveries marketing Etc don't worry about any of that what we do need to do is set our logo booze and smokes what color should we go for let's go with our same color as our CEO you can you can define a custom color there if you want by the way you just add a oh when you do it there it's Plus go for something like that it'll add it in all three and then you just click on it you know whatever you want to do I quite prefer that read the click on Save and we're contemporarily close so what we'll do we're not open for business just yet if I open it now it'll respect us to be open um what we'll do is we'll call it a day for the shop and we'll head back as we live down the road though don't we get the car let's scumbag Porsche driver right we've got a bit of time to uh we don't need to go to restock things tomorrow we only have to start work at 11 so I'll go for the 24 hour buff so we'll do is Skip time or go to sleep or say we'll wake up at like 9 30 to get over to the shop or grab a snack make sure your food bar is full up before you go to work it's my advice pretty hard to get a lunch break right you can see booze and smokes is closed opening in one hour so that's our time that we set however we haven't actually said we're open for business now we're going to click that we're now open if you've got anything that you're missing or you're low on stock it will tell you here in the business manager the Insight page inventory and pricing right so this is where we set prices market price dictates 21 as the current market value you can usually get away with jacking this up a little bit um probably work on 10 15 margin you can usually get away with so let's see if we can go for 14 and put that at say 23. we'll watch people come in if they basically say I'm not paying that for wine then we know we're too expensive we can see our stock level here and we can see what we've sold in the last seven days here so we'll see what happens we'll go on man the till shop opens at 11 start working and what we'll do is we'll click that and it'll just fast forward time for us as soon as it hits 11 hopefully people start walking in and buying stuff okay now what you'll see them say they'll comment on the floor on the walls they'll say things like oh it's not very not very uh not very well decorated in here yeah it's not it's so ugly oh I'd like to hear some music you know we can sort that out with speakers the walls and the floors are expensive so we're not going to do that just yet I'm more concerned with the price if they complained about the price being too much that's when we need to do something about it so that's it we're basically running now we're making money it doesn't come in straight away it calculates everything at the end of the day it'll do a sales report tell you what you sold and how much you've got what your profit is so what we'll do is Click skip time we've got three hours left in the Working Day and that's that we're finished so quickly having a look at the stock levels if we go to the business manager we can see that uh We've sold about 20 all of those we sold quite a bit of those we've got enough stock for the next day nobody complained about the price we'll see what our sales are right now we need to go to bed and we need to eat okay so maybe a quick bit of TV just to cheer him up before bed snack before bed and then bed I'll wake up about 8 A.M there we go actually made some money 600 total profit and if you click on business manager and click on that it should say what you actually sold they go so we sold 23 and then we made a two dollar profit on each we sold 33 of them and we made a two dollar profit on each of those uh gross profit was 991. um this is where it shows you what people are thinking the customer service is yeah once you've got staff that are really skilled in customer service that will go up they don't like the interior but it is reasonably clean however we will need to buy a uh cleaning utensil so that we can actually go around cleaning ourselves but that is it for day one tomorrow we'll start to take things up a little bit we'll start to attend the business school try to ramp up our profits a bit well that's it for the video let me know what you think leave your comments in the comments below take care guys happy swimming
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 30,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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